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STATEWIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS___________________________________________________________________REQUEST FOR ABSTRACTSNarrative Response FormREQUEST FOR ABSTRACTS ISSUEDMay 13, 2020PROPOSALS DUEJune 24, 2020PG&E Bid Event CoordinatorAnthony AbdullaInstructions:Bidders should respond to each question below, typing responses within the white box under each question. Where noted, some responses must be provided in the Data Response Form instead of this document.Each question contains a required word-limit, and bidders should ensure their response to each question is within the specified limit.Program Design and Theory This section of the Abstract response requires a clear description of key elements of the Bidder’s proposed State of California Program and how the program will deliver on the goal(s), objectives(s) and activities delineated. Program Design: Provide a description of the program that summarizes the fundamental purpose, key objectives, main activities, standout features, and unique capabilities of the proposed program. Provide a description of how the program will support/comply with State policy objectives, related legislative drivers, applicable executive orders, and State contracting requirements. (Word limit: 750 words)[Type response here]Targeted state agencies and/or facility types: List the specific State Agencies the program aims to work with and the types of facilities that would be targeted for EE activities. Describe the program rationale for targeting these customers. Please ensure your response is also reflected in the data response form, Tab B, “Target Customer Sectors/Sub-Sectors” section. (Word limit: 250 words)[Type response here, and refer to Tab B of Data Response Form]Market Barriers and Strategies: Identify specific market barriers to energy efficiency savings within State Agencies and the proposed program strategies that will overcome the perceived market barriers. For each program strategy, please provide a brief description of program activities that would occur as part of that strategy. Where barriers or strategies may be unique to specific state agencies, please specify. (Word limit: 500 words)[Type response here]Customer financing and/or incentive structure: Describe how the program would work with customer agencies to finance or incentivize EE projects at their facilities. Please describe approaches unique to each target agency, where applicable. Consideration should be given to the CPUC incentive guidelines presented in Section 3.L of the RFA General Instructions. (Word limit:500 words)[Type response here]Linkage to Desired Outcomes and Needs In this section of the Abstract response, Bidders will describe how their proposed program aligns with and supports the desired outcomes and program needs described in the RFA General Instructions (Section 2 – F). Primary Desired Outcomes: Describe how the program will align with the two primary outcomes and program needs listed below. Bidders’ responses should specifically link program activities to the needs described below. (Word limit: 500 words)Desired Outcome: Cost-effective Energy Savings and Demand Reductions.Program need: Deliver immediate and long-term, persistent, comprehensive energy savings – Programs should meaningfully aid eligible California State Agencies in meeting their decarbonization goals in coordination with the IOUs’ program portfolios. They should facilitate energy efficiency improvements in state agency facilities especially projects with deeper, more comprehensive EE opportunities. Projects should also integrate EE with demand response solutions, where applicable. The program should support the CPUC policy objectives including CPUC workforce standards and disadvantaged workers.Desired Outcome: Address Challenges and Opportunities Specific to State Procurement Processes and Inter-agency Relations.Program need: Serve the Diversity of State Agency Operations and Facilities – proposals should include solutions tailored to the wide array of buildings and facilities eligible for participation, from large campuses and centralized facilities to distributed local buildings, with a wide variety of uses, including offices, prisons, hospitals, courthouses, maintenance facilities, and more, which vary geographically and across climate zones. At the same time, bidders should aim to find economies of scale.[Type response here]Additional Desired Outcomes: Describe how the program will align with any of the additional desired outcomes and program needs listed below. For additional detail, see Figure 2.1 of RFA General Instructions. Bidders’ responses should specifically link program activities to the needs described below. Bidders are not expected to address all the needs listed below. You may identify other needs not included below as long as they support at least one of the listed desired outcomes. (Word limit: 500 words)Desired outcome: Support State Agencies in Meeting Decarbonization GoalsTarget high-opportunity facilities for energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions, integrating products with demand-side management solutions.Increase awareness of EE and carbon reduction opportunities among leaders and facility managers in State Agency facilities.Facilitate best practice sharing.Desired outcome: Address Challenges and Opportunities Specific to State Procurement Processes and Inter-agency RelationsNavigate the complexities of State Agency contractingDeliver innovative financing modelsBridge gaps across utility service territoriesDesired outcome: Increase EE savings for State of CA facilities in Disadvantaged CommunitiesDeliver immediate and long-term, persistent, comprehensive energy savings for State agency facilities located in Disadvantaged Communities[Type response here]Program Management and OperationsIn this section of the Abstract, Bidders will provide detail on how their proposed program design will acquire customer participants, implement energy efficiency projects to deliver savings, and coordinate with other programs and entities in the state.Program Plan: Describe the end-to-end program plan from the initial program start-up through implementation and program close-out include key implementation activities needed to deliver proposed program. (Word limit: 500 words)[Type response here]Outreach approach and project acquisition: Describe the processes, tools, channels, materials, and tactics the program will use to identify, engage, and enroll California State Agencies and facilities into the proposed program. (Word limit: 350 words)[Type response here]Coordination with other relevant programs and non-IOU served areas: Describe how the program will interact with other programs (resource or non-resource) within the Program Administrators’ EE portfolios for the proposed program in the target market? If so, what safeguards will be taken to reduce overlap and confusion with the other EE programs? In what ways can the proposed State of California program benefit from coordination with other programs?Similarly, describe how the proposed program will coordinate to better serve State Agency customers that operate in California publicly-owned utilities served areas (e.g., SMUD and LADWP territories) to deliver a more complete statewide approach for the customer. (Word limit: 350 words for both 9.a and 9.b)[Type response here]Approach to Disadvantaged Communities: The IOUs aim to ensure benefits of energy efficiency programs accrue in facilities that are located in Disadvantaged Communities. Describe any barriers and approaches the program will take to maximize energy savings in California’s most environmentally and economically impacted areas. (Word limit: 250 words)[Type response here]Innovation and Integrated Demand Side ManagementIn this section Bidder’s should highlight how the proposed program incorporates new, innovative or unique program design elements that will enhance program effectiveness. To be “innovative,” the Proposal must demonstrate that the program will ultimately increase the uptake of cost-effective energy efficiency by advancing a technology, marketing strategy, or delivery approach in a manner different from previous efforts. If the proposed program is innovative, at a minimum, Bidder’s Proposal should address the following:Innovative approaches: Describe what is novel or innovative about the proposed program and how the innovative approach will yield increased savings and/or participation beyond existing strategies (Use the Innovation definition shown in Appendix A of the General Instructions, Common Definitions). (Word limit: 250 words)[Type response here]Integrated Demand Side Management (IDSM): If applicable, describe how the proposed program approach promotes all, or some combination of, IDSM where opportunities exist to do so, and how the program will minimize missed opportunities to promote demand-side management (see IDSM definition in Section BB of General Instruction, Common Definitions). (Word limit: 250 words)[Type response here]Bidder Qualifications This section of the Abstract response details the Bidder’s program team, qualifications, and relevant experience. Team Qualifications: Describe how the Bidder and its team have the necessary EE program, operational, marketing, engineering, and other applicable qualifications and experience to successfully design, implement, and execute of the proposed program. (Word limit: 250 words)[Type response here]Prior Implementation Experience: Provide a list of three (3) relevant EE programs, especially in the California market, (or other applicable EE-related non-program experience, or non-EE customer-related experience) that the Bidder has proposed, designed and/or implemented within the last ten years. For each relevant program, please include the following details:Description of the programLocation (city, state, country)Timeframe of program implementationUtility or non-utility program administratorTarget customer sector (if State of California, list agencies or facility types)Bidder’s responsibility (program design, implementer, etc.)Description of program goals and results achieved (e.g., kWh/kW/therm goal achievement)Lessons learned (Word limit: 750 words)[Type response here]Program Team: Please list the names of all contractors and subcontractors associated with the proposed program and a brief description of their role on the program team including a high-level organizational chart of key roles and key personnel including subcontractors. (Word limit 250 words not including the organizational chart)Cost and Performance This section of the Abstract response details the Bidder’s program budget and compensation structure. Program Budget and Compensation: Please provide annual program budget estimates and budget breakouts by program function (administrative, marketing, direct implementation, incentives). Provide an estimate of Statewide On-Bill Financing funding, if applicable to proposed program. Provide the Bidder’s proposed payment structure, in Tab B, “Proposed Program Budget” section of the Data Response Form.[Response should be completed in the Data Response form. Please leave this field blank)Budget impact on program design: Please describe how the program design and/or scope previously outlined in this RFA would change if the program received additional funding. For example, if annual estimated program budgets doubled from $2.5 million to $5 million, how would you adapt or enhance the program to deliver greater benefits? (Word limit 500 words)Estimated Savings and measurement type: Please provide an estimate of annual energy savings in the “Proposed Program Savings” section of Tab B in the Data Response form. Provide an estimated breakout of savings by measurement platform (Deemed, Custom, Meter-based) in the “Energy Savings Measurement Platform” section. [Response should be completed in the Data Response form. Please leave this field blank) ................

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