Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Name: Rwandan Genocide Day One

Class/Subject: World Studies - Social Studies

Date: 1 December 2011

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:

1. Students will recognize the histories and differences between the ethnic groups of Rwanda: the Hutus and the Tutsis.

2. Students will develop an understanding about the impact that European colonization had on the relations between Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda.

3. Students will analyze the “Hutu Ten Commandments” in order to recognize the hostilities between the Hutus and the Tutsis, and they will formulate this analysis through a class discussion on the document.

Content Standards:

ILS 16.D.4 (W): Identify significant events and developments since 1500 that altered world social history in ways that persist today including colonization, Protestant Reformation, industrialization, the rise of technology, and human rights movements.

16.D.5 (W): Analyze the relationship between an issue in world social history and the related aspects of political, economic, and environmental history.


- Laptop

- Projector

- PowerPoint, including maps of Africa and content slides

- Hutu Ten Commandments (handout)

Teacher’s Goals:

- For students to comprehend the long term effects of colonization in the course of African history

- Help students to recognize the use of propaganda in fueling human conflicts


|9:48 |Start of Class: |

| |Teacher, Mr. Baker, will instruct students to get out their binders because they will be taking notes, and then draw their |

| |attention to the PowerPoint on the screen to a blank map of Africa on projection screen. |

| |Matt will lead a warm-up activity by asking students to recall their knowledge of African geography, taught previous in the class, |

| |by describing the location of Rwanda. A closer, regional map will then be shown to give a detailed view of the region. (See |

| |attached PowerPoint slides) |

|9:53 |Introduction of Lesson: |

| |Teacher, Mr. Baker, will explain that the students will be introduced to the Rwandan genocide and that they will have an |

| |opportunity to base their term paper on this subject. |

|9:54 |Lesson Instruction: |

| |Teacher, Ms. Hancock, will begin with a picture of a Hutu and Tutsi man and ask students to point out the differences they see |

| |between the two men. Teacher will have leading questions prepared to engage the students. |

| |Teacher will change PowerPoint slide to the slide describing the perceived differences between the Hutu’s and the Tutsi’s |

| |Teacher will change slide again to slide describing the relations between Hutus and Tutsis |

| |(See attached slides and Teacher, Ms. Hancock’s, notes) |

| | |

| |Then teacher, Mr. Heist, will use the PowerPoint to address the colonization of Rwanda and its history ranging from the Tutsi |

| |Monarchy to the assassination of the Hutu president that led to the infamous genocide. |

| |(See attached PowerPoint slides) |

|10:20 |Assessments/Checks for Understanding: |

| |Teacher, Mr. Baker, will hand out copies of the Hutu Ten Commandments (see attached document), and he will instruct the students |

| |that they are going to read it aloud in class to fuel discussion and engage them in the text. While reading them students will be |

| |required to make note of the most interesting/ shocking elements (2) of the piece. |

| |He will then lead a discussion about their thoughts, particularly how this document may have influenced tensions between the |

| |groups. |

|10:36 |Closure/Wrap-Up/Review: |

| |Teacher, Mr. Baker, will ask for questions that can be directed to any of us. |

| |Remind students that they will be continuing to learn about (this) genocide and that this |

| |material will be useful for their paper. |

| | |

| | |


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