Livingston Public Schools

AP World History Summer Assignment 2016Welcome to pre-AP World History!If you have any questions regarding the summer assignment, please reach out to me via email at craphael@. I may not answer right away, but if you plan ahead of time, I will get to your question in time for you to adequately complete the assignment.Expectations for Summer AssignmentThis summer assignment is designed to allow you to become more familiar with the content that we will be studying throughout the first unit/term period. It will allow our class to dive right into the subject matter within the first week of school. For some of you this may be the first AP course taken in high school, so some of the assignments are to get you more familiar with the AP course standards and expectations. All assignments should be complete by the first day of school and must be typed. I will not grade every single part, but completion of all parts will allow you to be more prepared for the content of the course. Within the first week of school, you will have a quiz on the content from the videos and PIRATES charts. Additionally, we will spend some time becoming more familiar with the standards, expectations, and advice for you to be successful in this course. I will read and provide feedback on the Continuity and Change over Time Essay component of the summer assignment. Part 1: Writing RubricsPlease visit the following College Board site to familiarize yourself with the THREE different rubrics used to evaluate the THREE different styles of writing required for an AP College Board course. Task: For each rubric, create a “Reminders List” of the most important elements of each writing style. Your list should be in your own words and should reflect the key elements of each writing style according to your understanding of the rubric. Some of your responses may vary and that just means that you may be interpreting the rubric in a different way. Each list should have around 3-5 important reminders. Part 2: Crash Course World HistoryWatch the following videos and take notes. Your notes should reflect important content related to the topic and address any of the questions for each video. Agricultural Revolution Questions:What do most early civilizations have in common?Where did agriculture emerge? Which food crops are associated with which areas? (Africa, China, Americas)What other lifestyles emerged besides being a hunter-gather or farmer(agriculturalist)?Evaluate John Green’s thesis that “the greatest evolutionary advantage an animal species can have is being useful to humans.” Agree/disagree, WHY?What do historians say are drawbacks to complex civilizations and agriculture?Indus Valley Civilization Questions:HOW IS THE CONCEPT OF “CIVILIZATION” A USEFUL CONSTRUCT? WHEN IS IT NOT A USEFUL CONSTRUCT? HOW DOES JOHN GREEN DEFINE WHAT CONSTITUTES A CIVILIZATION? HOW DOES THIS COMPARE TO OTHER DEFINITIONS OF CIVILIZATION YOU HAVE LEARNED? WHERE DID THE EARLIEST CIVILIZATIONS EMERGE? WHY THERE? WHY WAS THE INDUS VALLEY A PRIME LOCATION? HOW DID THE ENVIRONMENT IMPACT THE PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE? WHAT EVIDENCE EXISTS OF LONG-DISTANCE TRADE AND WITH WHOM?WHAT APPEARS TO BE UNIQUE ABOUT THE IVC, BASED ON YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF OTHER CIVILIZATIONS? Ancient Mesopotamia JOHN GREEN BEGINS BY DISCUSSING ONE OF THE MOST OBVIOUS CONSEQUENCES OF AGRICULTURE...WHAT IS IT AND WHAT ARE THE MOST IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCES FOR THOSE SOCIETIES? HOW DOES MESOPOTAMIA COMPARE WITH THE INDUS RIVER VALLEY (IRV)? IDENTIFY BOTH SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES. THINK OF WHY A SPECIFIC SIMILARITY AND A SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE MIGHT EXIST. (THIS IS ANALYSIS; ONE OF THE MORE CHALLENGING SKILLS YOU WILL NEED TO DEVELOP). CUNIEFORM: WHAT THREE POINTS DOES JOHN GREEN MAKE ABOUT THE ADVENT OF WRITING? _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT WAS HAMMURABI’S MOST SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION? WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF EMPIRE WHAT IS THE USUAL RESULT? OR TO PUT IT IN MATH TERMS: ______________ + ________________ = ______________________ Ancient Egypt WHAT POINT IS JOHN GREEN MAKING ABOUT THE DIFFERENT “LENSES” WE USE WHEN WE STUDY HISTORY? HOW DID THE NILE RIVER SHAPE THE WORLDVIEW OF THE EGYPTIANS? HOW DID THIS COMPARE TO THE MESOPOTAMIAN WORLDVIEW? HOW WAS EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION DIFFERENT FROM MOST OTHER RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONS? WHY DO YOU THINK THIS WAS? WHAT DOES THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PYRAMIDS REPRESENT? (NOT “WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE PYRAMIDS?”) WHAT WAS THE MOTIVATION FOR BUILDING THE PYRAMIDS? (NOT “WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE PYRAMIDS?”) WHAT PROTECTED EGYPT FROM OUTSIDE PEOPLES? HOW WERE THE EGYPTIANS EVENTUALLY CONQUERED BY SEMITIC PEOPLES OF THE MIDDLE EAST? Bronze Age WHAT DO TEXTBOOKS NORMALLY DO TO THE RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIONS? WHAT DO EGYPT, MESOPOTAMIA, ANATOLIA, ETC. HAVE IN COMMON?TRADE: What did underwater archaeologists find on the shipwreck? WAR: What was one of the main drivers of economic growth? FAMILY: How did these civilizations share familial relationships? WHAT ARE WE REALLY TALKING ABOUT WHEN WE USE THE WORD ‘CIVILIZATION’? WHAT HAPPENED AROUND 1200 BCE TO MYCENAEANS, MINOANS, HITTITES, AND (PARTIALLY) EGYPT?WHAT CAUSED THIS? WHAT IS THE THEORY OF ARCHAEOSEISMOLOGISTS? HOW DOES INTERDEPENDENCE IN THE BRONZE AGE HELP LEAD TO ITS DOWNFALL? STEP THREE: THE BIRTH OF THE WRITTEN WORDPart 3: P.I.R.A.T.E.S. ChartsThroughout this course you will be asked to break down the cultures and civilizations to a basic level that will allow you to recognize the MOST important characteristics and easily compare one civilization with another. A PIRATES chart will be used throughout the course to analyze a civilization/culture in seven components. We will also have comparison charts that will be used to show similarities and differences between multiple civilizations/cultures.For this exercise, use the Crash Course videos and online resources to analyze the civilization/culture. Complete the PIRATES chart for each civilization listed. Include specific and general information (3- 5 bullet statements per topic/topic=political, intellectual, etc). Blank Template for PIRATES chartComplete a PIRATES chart for each of the following civilizationsMesopotamiaIndus River ValleyAncient EgyptHuang He River Valley (Shang and Zhou Dynasties)Mesoamerica and South America (Olmecs and Chavin)Part 4: Vocabulary Based on your viewing of the videos and the completion of the PIRATES chart. Create a list of key terms for the topics covered. Part 5: Continuity and Change over Time EssayOne of the essays styles that presents the most challenge for students on the AP exam is the Continuity and Change over time essay(CCOT). The purpose of the CCOT essay is to examine how much something changes and stays the same over a specified time period. For example, we could look at how world trade patterns changed from 1450 to 1750, or how the role of women changed in the Middle East from 1900 to present. This essay forces us to examine the beginning situation, what caused it to change, and its ending condition. However, we must also consider what stayed the same. For our first experience with a CCOT essay, you will complete an OUTLINE about yourself. You should pick an area to specialize in: education, friends, responsibility, religious life, family, athletics, music, or another topic of your choosing. More advanced essays will look at 3-4 different specialty areas(1 outline chart for each) and will be able to tie them all together to give a more thorough analysis of you. This chart should be used throughout the year when planning for a CCOT essay. For more advanced essays, you should have a chart for each category or area of specialization.Rationale: By completing this essay OUTLINE, I will have a better understanding of your writing ability and thought process and you will have a chance to practice one of the three essay structures we will focus on.Characteristics at beginning of time period:Changes/Turning Points or Developments (sudden or gradual) & Reasons for Change: Characteristics at end of time period:Change 1:Change 2:Change 3: Reasons for Changes:Continuities & Reasons for Continuity:Continuity 1:Continuity 2:Continuity 3: Reasons for Continuity: Part 6: MapsMemorize these countries and their locations in their respective world regions in bold. Feel free to label these on a blank world map if it helps your understanding of AP World Regions.North Africa: Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, MoroccoWest Africa: Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, BeninEast Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, MozambiqueEquatorial Africa: Congo, Rwanda, SudanSouthern Africa: Angola, Republic of South Africa, ZimbabweMiddle East: Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, IraqEast Asia: China, Japan, KoreaSouth Asia: India, Pakistan, AfghanistanSoutheast Asia: Thailand, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, PhilippinesLatin America: Mexico, Honduras, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Cuba"College Board."?AP Central. College Board, 2016. Web. 06 June 2016. <;. ................

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