Weekly Assignment Sheet

Weekly Assignment Sheet

6th Grade Social Studies

Europe and Russia/Exploration

Oct. 21 – Oct. 30

Name ___________________________ Class __________


1. Warm up/ exit _____

2. Coach Book pp. 156-163 (CW)___

3. Video: European Exploration (CW) ____

4. Teacher Notes: European Exploration (CW) ____

5. Quiz: BrainPop: British Empire (CW) ____

6. European History: Vocabulary (CW) ____

7. Graphic Organizer: Colonization (CW) ____

8. TCI: European Exploration (CW) _____

9. Weekly Assessment: _____

Project (Choose one of the two assignments: Independent)

Activity1: The student will research the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator to European exploration and colonization. Using a student created blank map, student will use different colors to denote the empires of Portugal, Spain, England and France in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Australia. After the map activity is completed, student will choose one of the European countries above and write a one paragraph analysis of the affects of empire-building on that country. The paragraph will be written in first-person as the student takes on the role of the country. They should specifically target how Prince Henry the Navigator affected the country’s empire-building process.

For example:

―I am Spain. I was a leader in empire-building during…… I established an empire in …Other questions can include:

―If it hadn’t been for me….

―I am most like _______, another empire- building country, because we both…

―Prince Henry the Navigator affected my empire-building by…

Activity 2: Assignment

Great Britain (England), Spain, Portugal, and France were major European countries that engaged in the

“Age of Exploration”. Chose one of the European countries and create a Perzi that includes the following information.

1. The flag of that country.

2. A student created map detailing the regions of the world that the country colonized.

3. List the current names of those countries colonized and a date as to when they were colonized.

4. A picture and name of an explorer that sailed for that country. (Ex. Christopher Columbus sailed for Spain)

5. A picture of the type of ships used during that time.

6. List 5 reasons for exploration and provide an illustration/ picture to represent that reason. (Ex. One reason for exploration was to obtain spices. Write spices and add a picture of some type of spice)

7. The Perzi will be titled “Age of Exploration”

8. All work will be typed (no hand written)


Late work will result in a 10% deductible from your grade every day that it is late after on Oct.30,2015.  If you must be absent on the due date, make arrangements with your teacher before then, or ask someone to bring it to school for you on the due date. 

~Students are required to utilize the computer for many assignments. Computer time is available daily


* Email: leslie_i_robertson@

Complete a RED SLIP for any incomplete/missing assignments.

Parents/Guardians verification signature of completed assignments. (10 points )

Signature:_________________ Date: _____________



CJOJYour signature verifies that you have viewed all assignments, they’re complete, and they meet your standards of quality work.]

(No signature will result in a deduction of 10 points)


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