Web Page - Lesson Plan

Web Page - Interactive Lesson

Your assignment is to create a lesson that may be delivered online and contains suggested links to Internet resources that students will find helpful in completing their lesson.

Step One

Identify a lesson that you could use in your classroom. It should be a lesson that causes students to consult a variety of resources, typically dictionaries, encyclopedia, other reference books, textbooks, magazines, etc. The lesson should teach a topic which normally would require up to a week or two to teach. You might wish to discuss ideas for this topic with your methods professor.

For example:

• Ann Sherman suggested that for elementary, students could choose a theme topic such as weather, plants, environment, Fall/Autumn, Forest/Trees, Outer Space and then do a writing, math, and science activity related to this topic.

• In English Jim Greenlaw suggests:

• Intercultural communications for ESL students- pen pals

• Teaching Shakespeare - a play

• Researching Canadian, British, or American writers

• Popular Culture (Magazine, Movies) writing critical reviews

• Cultural (historical, artistic, geographical, etc.) background information for literature study.

• Cooperative reader response between schools. Students compare their interpretations of texts found on the net.

• David DeCoste suggests first year students who, will meet in January, search for lessons in Geometry. The secondary class has been given a project to write activities that focus on applications of number for middle school.

A good interactive lesson requires the learner to participate actively. Some kind of evaluation such as an online quiz can be included for self evaluation.

Step Two

To create a web based lesson, you must use your creativity. It is helpful to see some examples of effective web pages which teach us something. Some of the following are sample lessons created by students and teachers:

Effective Student Web Projects


Interactive Tour of the Cell

Southern PowWows

PacBell Education activities

Searching for China

*News Lesson Plan

All about Spiders

As you have discovered by now, there are many styles which one can use to create a lesson. Almost any lesson can be done simply with Composer. Those of you who are more expert in Web page creation could create more sophisticated web lessons. Here are some hints for creating effective pages: Effective Student Web Projects

Step Three

Search the Internet for resources that would be useful for students in the completion of this project and bookmark them to a folder specifically created for this purpose. Try to locate resources that contain a considerable amount of relevant information (similar to an encyclopedia) rather than sites with single pieces of information

Step Four

In Composer create a blank page template for all your future web pages using the student template and erasing everything on it except the bottom where you substitute your own name and e-mail. to design your Page, which should be include the following somewhere in the Lesson:

1. Lesson Plan Title

2. Grade level

3. Curriculum Context



Prerequisite knowledge or skills preparation if any

4. Lesson Design

• Introduction with links to history and glossary if needed

• Body of subject which may be in the form of straight information with links, picture, sound, movie files, and ,glossary.

Tutorials if appropriate

Links to activities such as scavenger hunts, pen pals, puzzles, scavenger hunts, and other fun ideas to make learning seem effortless.

• Conclusion or instructions to produce an essay, an experiment, a poster, or suggestions for further study,

• A self evaluation tool such as an online quiz which you can construct using . The results of the exam can be e-mailed back to you.

• Include extra links, vocabulary words, etc. for further information

Make sure there is a link back to your home page at the bottom of the page as well as your e-mail address to contact you in case they have comments.

Please note:

You can get a free guestbook for your homepage at

Excellent resources for all grades and subjects integrated with technology can be found in

BC - Irp (Integrated resource Packages


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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