Printing Report Cards

Printing Report Cards

NOTE: Before you can create and print report cards, you must permanently store grades for the marking period. If you do not store the current grades, your report cards will not show any grades for the current marking period. These directions presume that you have already permanently stored the grades for the marking period. In order to print report cards, you must also have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on the computer you are using, since PowerSchool creates the report cards as a PDF file. 1. Log in to PowerSchool as an administrator. 2. On the start page, select the grade level for whom you

want to print report cards. You can select students by grade level- just click on the grade level (third line down under Browse Students). For our example, we will select all students in Grade 6 by clicking on the 6.

3. The Student Selection screen will appear, showing a list of all the students you have selected.

Underneath the student list is a drop-down menu labeled Select a function for this group of students. Click the drop-down button, and then select Print Report from the list of options.


4. On the Print Reports screen, click the drop-down button next to Which report would you like to print? From the list, select the report card for the appropriate grade level. Note that there is a specific report card for each grade level - selecting the wrong one will print incorrect grades and classes for the students.

There are a several different report card versions. Use the chart below to help you select the correct one to use.

If your school has a customized report card for one or more grades, be sure you select the correct report card - it will have your school code number as a prefix, e.g. "999 Grade 4 Report Card 1".

Grade Level(s) Grades 4 to 8 Grades 4 to 8 Grades 4 to 8 Grades 4 to 8 Grades 1 to 3 Grades 1 to 3 Grades 1 to 3 Grades 1 to 3

Report Card A B C D A B C D

Conduct Grade?

No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Conduct Checklists? Overall Homeroom Teacher Comment taken from:

No No overall comment shows on Report Card No No overall comment shows on Report Card No Comes from Homeroom class quarter grade in Gradebook No Comes from General Conduct class quarter grade in Gradebook Yes No overall comment shows on Report Card Yes Comes from General Conduct class Standards Comment in Gradebook Yes Comes from Homeroom class quarter grade in Gradebook Yes Comes from General Conduct class quarter grade in Gradebook

Note that the preferred report card for grades 4 to 8 is either C or D; for grades 1 to 3, B is preferred.

5. There is no need to change any of the other settings on this screen, however you chose to print a watermark on the report cards. You can select from the predefined watermark options, or you can enter your own text.

6. To begin creating the Report Cards, click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen.


7. You will now see the Report Queue - My Jobs screen. The Report Cards are now being created. The Status column will say Running. From time to time, click the Refresh link to update the status. (It typically takes about 2 minutes to create report cards for a class of 25 students.) If you decide to cancel the report cards you are creating, click the red cancel icon at the right side of the screen next to the Status column.

8. When the Status changes to Completed View, your report cards are ready to print. Click right on the View link.

9. Adobe Acrobat will automatically start, and your report cards will be displayed on the screen. You can print the completed Report Cards from here. Note that you can also save a copy of this report card file for your own use. The file will contain a report card for each student included in the original selection.

10. To print report cards for another class, return to the Start Page, and start again with Step 1.



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