Technical - Kentucky

Quality Assurance Project Plan

Water Quality Monitoring in Support of a Watershed-based Plan

Prepared By: Kentucky Division of Water

200 Fair Oaks Lane

Frankfort, KY 40601

Prepared For: Kentucky Division of Water

200 Fair Oaks Lane

Frankfort, KY 40601

Effective Date: date QAPP is final and can be used

Revision No.: 0.0 = first date of development

Future revisions will follow the format 1.0, 2.0, etc.

KY Department for Environmental Protection

R. Bruce Scott, Commissioner

Division of Water

Peter Goodmann, Director

The Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability. The EEC will provide, on request, reasonable accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs and activities. To request materials in an alternative format, contact the Kentucky Division of Water, 200 Fair Oaks Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601 or call 502-564-3410. Hearing- and speech-impaired persons can contact the agency by using the Kentucky Relay Service, a toll-free telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD). For voice to TDD, call 800-648-6057. For TDD to voice, call 800-648-6056.

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This template may be used by persons involved in QAPP development for watershed-based plans. The template covers all EPA and KDOW required sections, including the appropriate formatting.

To Use:

Note the XX throughout the document: these are to be replaced by your project information. Additional information is encouraged beyond that which is covered in this template.

Note the yellow highlighted ‘EXAMPLE’ designations. These are to be replaced by your project information, but these section’s content may be used as common language where appropriate.


A1. Title and Approval Sheet

| | | |

|Action By |Signature |Date |

|QAPP Co-Author | | |

|Reviewed, Supervisor | | |

|Reviewed, | | |

|John Webb | | |

|Approved, Branch Manager | | |

|Caroline Chan | | |

|Approved, Branch Quality Assurance Coordinator | | |

|Lisa Hicks | | |

|Approved, Division Quality Assurance Officer | | |

|Peter Goodmann | | |

|Approved, Division Director | | |

Revision History

|Date of Revision |Page(s)/Section(s) Revised |Revision Explanation |

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A2. Table Of Contents


A1. Title and Approval Sheet 4

A2. Table Of Contents 6

List Of Appendices 7

List of Tables 7

List of Figures 7

A3. Distribution List 8

A4. Project / Task Organization 9

A5. Project Definition / Background 10

A6. Project/Task Description 11

A7. Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) and Criteria for Measurement Data 12

A8. Special Training Requirements / Certification 14

A9. Documentation and Records 15

QA Reports 16


B1. Sampling Process Design 16

B2. Sampling Methods 17

B3. Sample Handling and Custody Requirements 17

B4. Analytical Methods Requirements 17

B5. Quality Control Requirements 18

B6. Instrument / Equipment Testing, Inspecting and Maintenance Requirements 19

B7. Instrument Calibration and Frequency 20

B8. Inspection / Acceptance Requirements for Supplies and Consumables 20

B9. Data Acquisition Requirements for Non-direct Measurements 20

B10. Data Management 20


C1. Assessments and Response Actions 21

C2. Reports to Management 21


D1. Data Review, Validation and Verification 22

D2. Validation and Verification Methods 22

D3. Reconciliation with User Requirements and Data Quality Objectives 22


List Of Appendices

Appendix A Division of Environmental Services Sampling Guidelines

Appendix B TITLE

Appendix C TITLE

Appendix D TITLE

List of Tables


List of Figures


A3. Distribution List

|Kentucky Division of Water |

|Name |Role |Division/Branch/Section |

| |QAPP Author | |

| |QAPP Author | |

| |DOW QAO | |

| |Field Sampler | |

| |Field Sampler | |

| |Field Sampler | |

| |Field Sampler | |

These organization members can be reached at:

Division of Water

200 Fair Oaks Lane

Frankfort, KY 40601


A4. Project / Task Organization


, Branch Manager is responsible for reviewing – or being briefed – and approving the QAPP. S/he may receive reports throughout the project, and may provide comments to reports.

, Project Manager is the responsible official for this project overseeing overall project operations, as well as tasking field staff with work required to complete this project. S/he will assign personnel or complete all data entry into appropriate databases. S/he will prepare all project reports and submit to the QA staff and management as outlined in the QAPP.

, QAPP Author is the author of the QAPP. S/he is responsible for distributing the most current QAPP to all project personnel.

Lisa Hicks, Kentucky Division of Water QA Manager She will review and approve the QAPP. She may provide technical input on proposed sampling design, analytical methodologies, and data review.

Caroline Chan, KDOW Quality Assurance Coordinator, Watershed Management Branch will be responsible for reviewing and approving the QAPP. She may be involved in data review for this project.

, Field Sampling Team Member will be responsible for completing field and sample analysis procedures. S/he will report to the Project Manager.

and sample analysis procedures. She will report to the Project Manager.

Michael Goss, Branch Manager, Environmental Services Branch (Laboratory) – is responsible for all laboratory reports generated for

Laboratory Analysis Sections – includes Mass Spectrometry, Sample Prep, Metal Analysis, Standard Testing Sections

A5. Project Definition / Background

XX River is located in XX Kentucky and drains a XX square mile watershed throughout XX counties. It includes XX linear miles of stream within the 12-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)XX. Other descriptions of the waterbody and encompassing watershed.

Assessment information.

Maps of watershed, project location, assessment status. See example below.


Figure A5.1 Assessed Areas of Red Bird River Watershed

A6. Project/Task Description

All monitoring will be conducted within the XX watershed (Figure A5.1) and involve the monitoring activities identified below:

List all parameters Examples:

• E.coli grab samples

• YSI readings

• Flow measurements

• Bulk water chemistry grab samples

• Nutrient water chemistry grab samples

The types of samples, field activities, measurements/analyses obtained, the frequency and

number of sites are summarized in Table A6.1.

EXAMPLE: Table A6.1 – Monitoring Activities Overview

|Monitoring Activity|Sample Type |Field Activities |Measurements/ Analyses Obtained |Frequency |# of Sites |

|E.coli |Grab |Collect sample |E.coli in cfu/100mL |5 |14 |

|YSI |Probe |Record readings |pH, SpC, Temp, DO, DO% |5 |14 |

|Flow |FlowTracker |Establish cross section/|Stream flow in cfs |5 |14 |

| | |Read FlowTracker | | | |

|Bulk |Grab |Collect sample |Inorganic ions, Chloride, |1 |14 |

| | | |Sulfate, Total Dissolved Solids | | |

| | | |and Total Suspended Solids | | |

|Nutrients |Grab |Collect sample |Nitrate/Nitrite, Ammonia, Total |1 |14 |

| | | |Kjeldahl Nitrogen, and Total | | |

| | | |Phosphorus | | |

|Site Description |Observation |Record lat/long from GPS|Lat and long in decimal degrees, |5 |14 |

| | |unit, take photos |Upstream and downstream photos | | |

After each sampling event, the results will be compiled and organized in an Excel spreadsheet. Results will also be entered into the KWADE database. QAPP.

Once the data collection is finished, XX assessments will be completed for all segments for use in the Integrated Report. E coli example: The geometric mean of the results of the five E.coli samples will be calculated for each site and compared to the state PCR standard of 130 cfu/100mL (401 KAR 10:031). E.coli loads and load reductions will be calculated for each site using the results of the grab samples and flow measurements. This information will be incorporated into the watershed plan and used to determine implementation needs for the watershed.

The project schedule for the monitoring activities and report development are outlined in Table A6.2. EXAMPLE

Table A6.2 – Project Schedule


A7. Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) and Criteria for Measurement Data

The data quality objectives for this project are the following:

End data from this project must include E coli, chemical and stream discharge data for all monitoring sites. All parameters will be analyzed using EPA approved methods, as identified in this QAPP. Detection limits for all parameters will be met, and are identified in this QAPP.

Data Quality Objectives are qualitative and quantitative statements that: EXAMPLE

• Clarify the intended use of the data – Project data is to be used for making water quality assessments for E coli, and to support water quality assessments and provide a baseline for other water quality parameters.

• Define the type of data needed to support the decision – Project analytical data for all parameters, plus discharge measurements

• Identify the conditions under which the data should be collected – Project data should be collected 5 times within 30 days, under any environmental condition. If environmental conditions become unsafe, methods of collection will be evaluated and adjusted on-site.

• Specify tolerable limits on the probability of making a decision error due to uncertainty in the data – If all raw data and analysis is completed following SOPs and according to the Assessment Data SOP (in draft), there should be a small probability of making an error in an assessment.

Data quality indicators are used to establish criteria for determining the precision, accuracy, representativeness, comparability, sensitivity and bias of the data. Table A7.1 is a table from EPA guidance that explains DQIs and the types of samples used to obtain results.

Table A7.1. Data Quality Indicators (EPA 2002)

|DQI |Definition |Example Determination Methodologies |QC Samples |

|Precision |Reproducibility | |Field duplicates |

| | |Use the same method to make repeated measurements of the | |

| |Measure of agreement among repeated |same sample within a single laboratory. | |

| |measurements of the same property under | | |

| |identical or near identical conditions. | | |

| |Usually calculated as a range or as the | | |

| |standard deviation. | | |

|Accuracy |Correctness |Use a different method under the same conditions. |laboratory control samples – |

| | |Analyze a reference material to which a material of known |sterile water blank |

| |Measure of overall agreement between |concentration has been added. Usually expressed as percent | |

| |measurements to a known value. |recovery or percent bias. | |

|Bias |Systematic or persistent distortion of a|Use reference materials or analyze spiked samples. |None for this project |

| |measurement process that causes errors | | |

| |in direction | | |

|Representa-tiveness|‘the degree to which data accurately and|Evaluate whether measurements are made and physical samples|Follow all SOPs |

| |precisely represent an environmental |collected in a way that the resulting data reflect the | |

| |condition’ (ANSI/ASQC 1995). |environment or condition being studied. | |

|Compara-bility |Expresses the measure of confidence that|Compare the following: sample collection, sample handling, |Check for sample processes |

| |one data set can be compared to another |sample preparation, sample analytical procedures, holding |throughout the project |

| |and can be combined for the decision. |times, stability issues, and QA protocols. Describes | |

| | |confidence (expressed qualitatively or quantitatively). | |

|Complete-ness |A measure of the amount of valid data |Compare number of valid samples completed with those |All |

| |needed to be obtained from a measurement|established by the project’s DQOs or performance criteria. | |

| |system. | | |

|Sensitivity |Capability of a method to discriminate |Determine the minimum concentration or attribute that can |Instrument capabilities |

| |between measurement responses |be measured by a method (method detection limit) by an | |

| |representing diff. levels of the |instrument (instrument detection limit) or by a laboratory | |

| |variable of interest. |(quantitation limit.). | |

The specific data quality indicators and objectives are outlined in the following table: EXAMPLE

Table A7.2 Data Quality Indicators and QC Requirements

|In situ Measurements |

|Parameter |Method |Units |Expected Range |Sensitivity |Precision |Accuracy |

|Temperature |Multi-parameter probe |o C |0 – 40 o C |0.01o C |10% |±0.10 o C |

|Specific Conductance |Multi-parameter probe |µS/cm |50 – 9000 µS/cm |1 µS/cm |10% |± 1% of reading + 1|

| | | | | | |µS/cm |

| pH |Multi-parameter probe |pH units |2 -14 units |0.01 units |10% |± 0.2 units |

|Dissolved Oxygen |Multi-parameter probe |mg/L |0 -20 mg/L |0.01 mg/l |10% |± 0.2 mg/L @ ≤ 20 |

| | | | | | |mg/L |

| | | | | | |±0.6 mg/L @ > 20 |

| | | | | | |mg/L |

|% Dissolved Oxygen |Multi-parameter probe |% |0 -200% |1 |10% |±0.6 mg/L @ > 20 |

|Saturation | | | | | |mg/L |

|Discharge |Flow-Tracker |cfs |variable |0.001 ft/s |passes beam check |±1% of measured |

| | | | | | |velocity |

|GPS |GPS unit |decimal |n/a |5 decimal places |NAD 1983 datum |± 10 meters |

| | |degrees | | | | |

|Laboratory Analysis |

|ESB Analytes |ESP SOPs |analyte specific |analyte specific |ESB SOPs |See table |See ESB SOPs |

|E coli |SM 9223B |CFU/100 mL | ................

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