Chapter 3 - Program Mode

Chapter 3 - Program Mode

This chapter describes the AMM menus and commands used in the PROGRAM mode. Commands are described in the order in which they appear on the Main Menu. Each section describes a specific command in detail.

The AMM Main Menu lists seven selections, each of which can call up additional menus or perform a function. The selections are:

|Main Menu Selections |Submenus |

|Alarm Menu |Load Alarms |

| |Save Alarms |

| |New Alarms |

| |Print Alarms |

|Edit Alarms |Priority Setup |

| |Group Setup |

| |Alarm Entry |

| |Alarm Summary Field Setup |

|Alarm Display |Alarm Display Setup |

| |Alarm Summary Display |

| |Alarm Control Display |

| |Alarm History Display |

| |Runtime Popup Display |

|System Menu |Alarm History Setup |

| |Alarm Printing Setup |

| |Alarm Control Setup |

| |Alarm Backup Setup |

|Test Mode | |

|Help On AMM | |

|Go To AM | |

As you can see the AMM menu structure is simple and easy to follow. Menu names provide a description of the feature selected.

To enter the PROGRAM mode, go to the Application Manager Main Menu, then:

1. Select an application that has the AMM configured.

2. Go to PROGRAM mode.

3. Click on GO TO MODULE.

4. Click on AMM. The AMM Main Menu displays.

3.1 Alarm Menu

This menu is the starting point for a series of menus and screens used to create and manage alarms, and to configure the alarm displays.

The Alarm Menu enables you to load, save, or print alarms.


Figure 3-1 Alarm Menu

After selecting one of these menu options, click on ACCEPT to continue the operation or on CANCEL to quit the operation.

3.1.1 Load Alarms

Use this command to load a previously saved alarm configuration. You may only load alarms within the current INTERACT application.

Clicking on Load Alarms pops up a message warning you that the current alarm configuration being edited will be overwritten.

If an alarm configuration already exists, it will automatically be loaded upon entering AMM while in PROGRAM mode.

3.1.2 Save Alarms

The Save Alarms command saves the alarm configuration within the current application.

Clicking on Save Alarms pops up a message warning you that the current alarm configuration will be saved, thus overwriting the previous configuration.

3.1.3 New Alarms

Use this command to create a new alarm configuration. Once selected, a warning is displayed informing you that the current alarm configuration will be destroyed. The previous alarm configuration will only be removed from memory. It will not be deleted from disk.

Selecting New Alarms does not change your current RUN mode display or any system setup configuration.

3.1.4 Print Alarms


Make sure the printer is turned on and is on-line before using these functions.


Use this command to print a report of the currently loaded alarm configuration. The report is sent to the standard printer (LPT1). Click on this parameter to display the Print Alarms menu.

Figure 3-2 Print Alarms Menu

Use this command to print a report of the currently loaded alarm configuration. The report is sent to the standard printer (LPT1). There are three selections available on this menu.

Print Alarm Configuration will print the priority, group, and alarm configurations only.

Print Entire Configuration will print all configuration parameters such as each display component's configuration parameters, all system menu selections, plus all priority, group, and alarm configurations.

Print Address References will print all configuration parameter address references for the currently loaded alarms.

3.2 Edit Alarms


The Edit Alarms command enables you to edit priority settings, group setup, and your alarm configuration. The Edit Alarms menu is shown below.

Figure 3-3 Edit Alarms Menu

3.2.1 Priority Setup

All alarms must be assigned one of five priority numbers. Alarms assigned priority one (NOTICE) represent low priority alarms. Alarms assigned priority five (CRITICAL) represent high priority alarms. Priority numbers are used in RUN mode to selectively view or acknowledge alarms.


The Priority Setup command is used to modify priority parameters. Click on Priority Setup to display the table shown below.

Figure 3-4 Edit Priority Table


To change a priority configuration, click on the priority row you want to configure. The Priority Setup menu displays.

Figure 3-5 Priority Setup Menu

This menu displays the selected priority number configuration. There are five selections on this menu. All selections are reflected in the columns of the Edit Priority table, and are described below.

Priority Number

The priority number is used in RUN mode to selectively view or acknowledge alarms. The number cannot be modified in PROGRAM mode, it is for reference only. There are five priority numbers available, numbered from one to five.

Priority Name

You can assign each priority number a name that is meaningful to the operator. The name can be up to 8 characters long and use any printable ASCII character. Default names are:

|Priority Number |Priority Name |

|1 |Notice (Lowest) |

|2 |Warning |

|3 |Alert |

|4 |Urgent |

|5 |Critical (Highest) |


In RUN mode, alarms within a priority can be annunciated to bring attention to the alarm condition. This parameter enables you to select whether a particular alarm priority setting should be annunciated. Click on this parameter to toggle the selection between YES or NO. If set to NO, the selected priority will not be annunciated, nor will they require acknowledgment by the operator.

Annunciation involves changing the color of or "blinking" the alarm when it appears on the run-time Alarm Summary Display. This indicates that the alarm is active and/or has not yet been acknowledged.

Acknowledge User Level

This parameter is only available if the Annunciate parameter is set to YES. It specifies the lowest user level required to acknowledge alarms of the selected priority. This is useful in allowing only certain operators to acknowledge a priority class of alarms.

For example, you could enable an operator assigned a high user level (level 0) the ability to acknowledge the most critical alarms. Likewise you can prohibit an operator of a lower user level from acknowledging these alarms.


Click on this parameter to pop up the Acknowledge User Level menu shown below.

Figure 3-6 Acknowledge User Level

ALL users can acknowledge alarms of the selected priority, if 5 is selected for this parameter. If 1 is selected for this parameter, only users of user level 1 and 0 may acknowledge alarms of the selected priority. This parameter defaults to user level 5.

Acknowledge Method

This parameter selects whether individual or all alarms of the selected priority level will be acknowledged when the ACKNOWLEDGE button is pressed.

Click on this parameter to pop up the Acknowledge Method menu. Select All Alarms or Individual Alarms from this menu.

With individual selected, the user must place each alarm to be acknowledged in the selection box of the Alarm Summary Display. The ACKNOWLEDGE button must then be pressed.

With all selected, all alarms of the selected priority can be acknowledged by a single press of the ACKNOWLEDGE button.

Regardless of whether individual or all is selected, you must be of the proper user level to acknowledge an alarm. This parameter defaults to ALL.

3.2.2 Group Setup

Each alarm must be assigned to a group. A group is a set of alarms that may be associated with a particular machine or process.

The Group Setup command allows you to add, remove, or edit group names. Click on Group Setup to display the Edit Group menu.


Figure 3-7 Edit Group Menu

This menu lists all group names configured for the alarm configuration. If this is a new alarm configuration then only the GLOBAL group name is listed. All alarms will be assigned to the GLOBAL group unless you change the Group parameter assigned to each alarm on the Alarm Entry menu.

There are three buttons located on the bottom of the menu. These are used to insert or remove group names, and to accept any changes made to the list.

Click on the Group Name field to display the Group Setup Menu.

Group Name

This is the name given to the group. Enter an ASCII string that describes the group. The description can be up to 9 characters long. The default group name is GLOBAL which cannot be deleted, but can be changed if needed.


This parameter indicates whether the alarm group is to be enabled or inhibited upon entering RUN mode. Clicking on this parameter pops up the Enable/Inhibit menu.

If Enabled is selected, each time RUN mode is entered, alarms assigned to the selected group will either be enabled or inhibited depending upon each individual alarm's Enable parameter setting. See Section 3.2.4 for more information.

If Inhibited is selected, each time RUN mode is entered, alarms assigned to the selected group will be inhibited regardless of the setting of the individual alarm's Enable parameter.

Once in RUN mode, you can manually enable or inhibit groups using the Control Group Button on the Alarm Control Display.

This parameter defaults to Enabled.

Inserting Groups...

Follow the steps below to add a group name between two existing names or between the last name and the END OF LIST marker. You can NOT insert groups above the GLOBAL group.

1. With the Edit Group screen displayed, move the cursor over the group number where a new group is desired, or over the dashed lines of the END OF LIST marker.

2. Click on the group number or the dashed lines of the END OF LIST marker.

3. Click on INSERT.

4. Edit the new group, by clicking on “NONE” and entering the name of the Group and its Enable/Inhibit parameter.

You can click on INSERT to continue inserting as many groups as desired.

Removing Groups...


Removing a group name will cause all alarms assigned to the name to be reassigned to the GLOBAL group.

Follow the steps below to remove groups from the Edit Group screen. You can NOT remove the GLOBAL group.

1. Click on the group number.

2. Click on REMOVE . A warning message appears if there are any alarms configured that use this group. Click on ACCEPT to delete the group from the list.

3.2.3 Alarm Entry Command


The Alarm Entry command enables you to enter new alarms or edit existing alarms. Click on Alarm Entry to display the Edit Alarm menu.

Figure 3-8 Edit Alarm Menu

This menu lists all alarms. If this is a new alarm configuration, then the word NONE is displayed for alarm number one. The total number of alarms is listed in the upper right corner.

Column headings list several configurable alarm attributes. The alarm number is used for reference purposes only and does not reflect alarm priority.

There are four buttons located on the bottom of the menu used to insert, remove, copy or paste alarms. Also a memory selection button is available on the menu.

Memory/Disk-Based Messages Button

Each alarm may have a message assigned to it. The MEMORY/DISK-BASED MESSAGES button toggles between either system Memory-Based or Disk-Based storage for messages during RUN mode.

| |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|Memory-Based |Faster message access |Less system memory available |

|Disk-Based |More system memory available |Slower message access |

3.2.4 Alarm Entry Menu


If you are defining a new alarm just click on the word NONE to display the Alarm Entry menu shown below. Otherwise, click on the description field of an existing alarm to display the Alarm Entry menu.

Figure 3-9 Alarm Entry Menu

The Alarm Entry menu is used to define alarm points. Each alarm has eight parameters that can be configured, which are described below.


This parameter is used to enter an ASCII string describing the alarm. This description appears for the operator on the Alarm Summary Display when the alarm condition is detected. It will also be included in the alarm record logged to disk or printer, if these features are enabled, and can appear in a Remote Message Tool on a PTM panel. Up to 80 characters may be entered for the description; however it may be trimmed to fit on the Alarm Summary Display, depending on which columns have been configured under the Alarm Summary Field Setup menu.

Alarm Trigger Output

This parameter is the address reference assignment for the word or bit in the controller that is monitored for triggering the alarm. Click on Alarm Trigger to display the Address Reference menu.

Any INTERACT address reference functions and operators may be used in the trigger expression. The expression will be evaluated as either TRUE or FALSE.

An expression evaluated as TRUE will trigger the alarm, causing the alarm to be "active". An expression evaluated as FALSE will not trigger the alarm. Also, the alarms which are "active" become "inactive" when the expression evaluates as FALSE.

For example, the expression DVR\1:200 > 350 will be TRUE when the data at 1:200 is greater than 350. During RUN mode, the alarm will be triggered when the data value surpasses 350.

If the alarm trigger is a bit address in the controller then the expression will evaluate as TRUE when the bit is 1 (ON), and FALSE when the bit is 0 (OFF).


Each alarm must be assigned a priority. Click on this parameter to pop up a list of all priority numbers along with the associated priority name. This parameter defaults to 3 (ALERT).


Select the group to which the alarm belongs. Assigning alarms to groups enables them to be controlled together.


This parameter enables you to select whether the alarm is to be enabled or inhibited upon going into RUN mode. This is useful for disabling alarms during normal machine start-up sequences and re-enabling them on-line from the Alarm Control Display. Click on the parameter to pop up the Enable/Inhibit menu.

Alarm Value

This parameter is a value that represents the status of an alarm at the instant it was triggered. It may either be text or a numeric value.

For example, suppose the alarm trigger address was assigned to DVR\3:25 > 50. If the data at address 3:25 was 45 units, then jumped to 55 units, an alarm would be triggered. If the Alarm Value parameter was assigned this address, the alarm value would be 55. This is the value at the time the alarm condition was detected by INTERACT.

Current Value

The AMM can display monitored alarm values on the run time screen. This value can be continuously updated providing you with real time alarm information.

For example, suppose address DVR\4:50 > 1978 was the alarm address assigned to the Alarm Trigger parameter. You could also use this address to monitor the current value of the alarm. This enables real-time viewing of the data at the alarm address. Whenever data changes at the assigned Current Value, this data is displayed on the screen.

Alarm and Current Value Configuration Menus

Both the Alarm Value and Current Value options have the same type of configuration menus. Each enables you to set and configure the Display Type. An example Value menu is shown below.


Figure 3-10 Example Value Configuration Menu

Set Display Type

This option sets the type of information you want to display Value field. You can set the display to present text or a number. The default for this parameter is Display Text.

Configure Display Type

This parameter is used to configure the value depending upon the selection made for the Set Display Type parameter.

With Display Text selected, clicking on this parameter will pop up a menu enabling you to enter two text strings that will appear on the display. These text strings describe the current on/off state of the value. For example, you may change this to:

"OPEN/CLOSED", or "RUNNING/STOPPED". The default is ON/OFF for the Current value.

"OVERLOAD", "JAMMED", or "STOPPED". The default is "ACTIVE" for the Active value.

With Display Number selected, clicking on this parameter will pop up a menu enabling you to enter the address from which the Value is read. This address is typically the same address used for the Alarm Trigger Output or the Alarm Value, but does not have to be the same. As long as this alarm is shown on the RUN mode display, any changes in the current value will be continually updated.


An example of both Value menus are shown in the figure below. The top menu is displayed when the Set Display parameter is set to Display Text. The bottom menu is displayed when the Set Display parameter is set to Display Number.


Figure 3-11 Value Menu Example: Top = Display Text Bottom = Display Number Selected

As shown above, two additional parameters appear on the Value Menu if Display Text was selected for the display type. These are State 0 and State 1 Text.

• State 0 Text is the text displayed when the state of the address reference is FALSE.

• State 1 Text is the text displayed when the state of the address reference is TRUE.

Alarm Message

Each alarm may have a message associated with it. This message would be displayed in the Alarm Message Window during RUN mode when the alarm is in the selection box.


Click on this parameter to pop up the Alarm Message menu shown below. From this menu you can edit or copy messages.

Figure 3-12 Alarm Message Menu

Edit Message


This parameter enables you to create or edit an alarm message. Click on this option to display the Alarm Message Window shown below.

Figure 3-13 Alarm Message Window

If a message already exists for this alarm, the message is displayed in the window allowing you the opportunity to edit the message. If you are creating a new message for this alarm, the window will be blank.

The cursor is placed in the upper left corner of the window. Just type the desired message into the window as you would using any type of text editor. A message can be up to 369 characters long. When you are finished entering the message text, click either mouse button or press ESC.

Copy Message

This option enables you to copy an existing message from another alarm. A menu will display listing all available alarms. Click on the alarm and select ACCEPT to perform the copy.

The following paragraphs describe the steps on how to Enter, Edit, Insert, Copy and Remove Alarms.

Entering Alarms...

1. Select Edit Alarms from the AMM Main Menu.

2. Click on Alarm Entry.

3. Click on the word NONE or the END OF LIST marker.

4. Change alarm parameters as desired. The minimal parameters you need to configure are:

• Description

• Alarm Trigger Output

All other alarm parameters have default settings, which may be changed if desired. When finished, click on ACCEPT.

Editing Alarms...

1. Select Alarm Menu from the AMM Main Menu.

2. Select Load Alarms from the Alarm Menu.

3. Select Previous Menu from the Alarm Menu.

4. Select Edit Alarms from the AMM Main Menu.

5. Click on Alarm Entry.

6. Click on the description field of the alarm to be edited.

The Alarm Entry menu is displayed. The selected alarm can now be edited. When finished editing, click on ACCEPT.

Inserting Alarms...

Follow the steps below to add an alarm between two existing alarms or between the last alarm and the END OF LIST marker.

1. With an alarm configuration displayed, move the cursor over the alarm item number where a new alarm item is desired, or over the dashed lines of the END OF LIST marker.

2. Click on the item number or the dashed lines of the END OF LIST marker.

3. Click on INSERT .

4. Edit the new alarm item.

Copying Alarms...

This procedure uses both COPY and PASTE to copy a current alarm item. Use this procedure if you wish to create an alarm similar to an existing one.

1. Place the cursor on the alarm item number to be copied.

2. Click on the item number.

3. Click on COPY .

4. Place the cursor on the alarm item number to be replaced.

5. Click on the item number.

6. Click on PASTE.

Removing Alarms...

Follow the steps below to remove alarms from the alarm configuration. Use caution when removing an alarm because once it is deleted it cannot be restored without reloading the alarm configuration.

1. Move the cursor over the alarm item number to be deleted and click to highlight the row.

2. Click on REMOVE. The alarm is deleted.

3.2.5 Alarm Summary Field Setup


This option enables you to configure which fields will be shown on the Alarm Summary Display. The Field Setup menu is shown below.

Figure 3-14 Field Setup Menu

This menu lists all the alarm fields you have selected for display. The field number column is used for reference purposes only and does not reflect field priority. The following seven field names are the default settings:

|Time On |Time Ack |

|Description |Priority |

|Alarm Value |Current Value |

|Group | |

Alarm Fields

Select which fields to include on the Alarm Summary Display by clicking in the oval next to the field. Each field may appear only once. When a field has been selected, its entry in the ALARM FIELDS menu will be greyed-out to indicate that it cannot be selected again.

• TIME ON - The time the alarm was triggered.

• TIME OFF - The time the alarm went inactive.

• TIME ACK - The time the alarm was acknowledged.

• DATE ON - The date the alarm was triggered.

• DATE ACK - The date the alarm was acknowledged.

• DATE OFF - The date the alarm went inactive.

• DESCRIPTION - A brief description of the alarm. You may configure the description length at the bottom of the Field Setup menu.

• PRIORITY - The alarm priority level.

• ALARM VALUE - The numeric value of the alarm when it was triggered, or text describing the alarm state.

• CURRENT VALUE - The continuously updating value of the alarm.

• GROUP - The name of the group to which the alarm belongs.

• USER - The name of the operator who acknowledged the alarm.

Description length

Use this option to select a length for the alarm description field (1 - 80 characters). Separate lengths can be set for the Alarm Summary, Remote Alarms and Remote Alarms History displays.

Be aware that the DESCRIPTION LENGTH option on the Alarm Summary Field Setup menu is used when logging alarms to printer and disk. On the Alarm Summary, the description field may be truncated to fit the display, depending on what other fields are displayed. When possible information will be displayed on two lines.

There are three buttons located on the bottom of the menu used to insert, remove, and accept the alarm field.

Inserting fields ...

1. Click on the item number or the dashed lines of the END OF LIST marker where you want the field to be inserted.

2. Click on INSERT.

Removing fields ...

1. Move the cursor over the field item number to be deleted and click to highlight the row.

2. Click on REMOVE .

3.3 Alarm Display

This feature of the AMM provides you the ability to configure each AMM run time display.

There are four run time displays:

|Alarm Summary |Alarm Control |

|Alarm History |Runtime Popup |

Attributes such as tool colors, key assignments, user levels, background colors, are configurable. With the Alarm Display option you are given maximum flexibility in configuring run time displays to fit your particular needs.


Click on Alarm Display to display the menu shown below.

Figure 3-15 Alarm Display Menu

3.3.1 Alarm Display Setup


The Alarm Display Setup option enables you to configure parameters that are common among all run time displays. Click on this feature to display the menu shown below.

Figure 3-16 Alarm Display Setup Menu

Each parameter is described below.

Color Palette

This option provides two choices, either Normal-16 color or Blink-8 color palettes.


If you use the blink feature, be sure to enable it here before configuring your displays. Switching between blink/no blink mode can result in changes to the colors configured for the displays.


In Blink mode, if you are using the Box Cursor, the cursor will always be YELLOW on the AMM display, regardless of the Box Cursor Color setting configured under INTERACT settings.

In addition, if you are using the popup ASCII Keyboard, its color will always be WHITE when AMM is in the foreground.

Alarm Annunciation

Alarm annunciation involves the use of color and/or blink changes to alert the operator to various alarm conditions - active, inactive, acknowledged, unacknowledged.

With this parameter you can configure whether you want the entire alarm line annunciated or only the priority field annunciated when the alarm is activated.

This parameter defaults to Priority Field Only.

Annunciation Duration

This parameter enables you to configure how long an alarm will remain annunciated. Alarms can remain annunciated until acknowledged or until the alarm has been acknowledged AND goes inactive.

Priority Colors

This parameter enables you to configure each priority level with specific colors for three types of priority conditions:

• active

• active and acknowledged

• inactive and not acknowledged

With this feature, you could specify that when a critical alarm triggers, it will be displayed in LTRED, and will blink. When the alarm is acknowledged, it will be redisplayed in GREEN and will no longer blink.

Click on this parameter to display the Priority Color Setup menu.


Figure 3-17 Priority Color Setup Menu

The default selections for each priority level are those shown in the figure above.


Click on the priority level you wish to change. The Priority Color Setup menu is displayed.

Figure 3-18 Priority Color Setup

Notice there are three parameters you can configure. Each is described below.

Normal Alarm Color

Each alarm priority may be displayed in a unique color. Use this selection to specify the color of the alarm status line while the alarm condition is active, and acknowledged. The alarm status line will be shown in this color until the alarm condition goes inactive.

Annunciate Color

This parameter is used to specify the color of the alarm status line while the alarm condition is active, but has not been acknowledged. If you have blink enabled, you would typically select the same setting as that used in the Normal Alarm Color selection, as blink provides the annunciation. If blink is not being used, you would typically use a different color, in order to draw the operator's attention to unacknowledged alarms.

Annunciate Blink

If the blink option is enabled, alarm conditions may be annunciated by blinking the alarm status line, or just the priority field. The alarm will blink until it is acknowledged, or until the alarm goes inactive, whichever is desired.

Inactive Alarm Color

When alarms go inactive, they are redisplayed in this color, regardless of their priority. However, if the priority for the inactive alarm has been configured to blink, and annunciation is set for Blink Until Acknowledged, the inactive color will blink if the alarm has not been acknowledged.

Time Format

This option enables you to select how the time will be formatted on an alarm display or print-out.

It can be displayed as either:

• 24-hour (01:00:00 - 23:59:00)

• 12-hour (01:00:00 - 12:59:00 A or P)

3.3.2 Common Display Parameters

Several components of the Alarm Summary, Control and History Display screens have the same type of configuration parameters, spread throughout their menus. Click on a component to pop up its configuration menu. The common parameters are described in this section. Unique parameters are described under their specific sections.

Object Color: One of the six standard component colors.

Key Assignment: Keyboard key assignment (while in RUN mode). When the assigned key (or sequence of keys) is pressed, the cursor is positioned directly over the center of the tool, and the button is actuated.

Since this device may be composed of three buttons - left arrow, right arrow, and ACKNOWLEDGE button - you can assign any key to each portion. Clicking on this parameter displays a Key Assignment menu.

This parameter is optional but defaults to no key assigned to the arrow keys and F1 assigned to the ACKNOWLEDGE button.

User Level: Assign one of the six user levels (0-5) to this parameter. To use this button to acknowledge alarms or change the priority level, an operator must be of the assigned user level.

Label: This option enables you to change the label text of this item.

3.3.3 Alarm Summary Display


The Alarm Summary Display is a run-time display which lists the addresses in alarm. The operator can acknowledge, supply comments, and view detailed information on each alarm.

Figure 3-19 Alarm Summary Display

Unique configuration parameters are described below. Those parameters not shown here are described under the 3.3.2 Common Display Parameters section.

Acknowledge Alarms Button

Configuration parameters are described below.

Acknowledge By Priority: This option is used to configure the button to acknowledge alarms by priority level. Click on this parameter to toggle the selection between YES and NO.

Selecting YES enables the operator to acknowledge alarms by priority. The device looks like it does on the Alarm Summary Display shown during configuration.

Selecting NO turns the entire device into an ACKNOWLEDGE button. The operator will not be able to acknowledge alarms by priority level. All alarms displayed will be acknowledged when the button is pressed, regardless of their priority.

Those alarms assigned a priority level set to individual acknowledgment will not be acknowledged. These alarms must be placed in the selection box and then acknowledged.

Annunciate Unacknowledged Alarms: Use this option to configure whether to:

• Enable annunciation

• Change the color of the button label text

• Have the acknowledge button text blink

Priority Range Color: Sets the color of the priority range portion on the device. Clicking on this parameter pops up a Priority Range Color configuration menu. You can assign a specific background color and text color for the priority range display.

Startup Priority Range: This option enables you to configure the startup priority range of the ACK ALARMS tool. This setting will be in effect when the alarm module enters RUN mode. Once in RUN mode the operator can change the range.

View Priority Button

Configuration parameters are described below.

View By Priority: This option selects if the operator will be able to view alarms by priority level.

Click on this parameter to toggle the selection between YES and NO.

Selecting YES enables the operator to view alarms by priority. The device looks like it does on the Alarm Summary Display during configuration.

Selecting NO turns the device into a large NEXT ALARM button. The user will not be able to view alarms by priority level. Pressing this button will place the next unacknowledged alarm of a priority configured for individual acknowledgment in the selection box.

This parameter defaults to NO (view by priority not allowed).

Priority Range Color: Sets the color of the priority range portion on the device. Clicking on this parameter pops up a Priority Range Color configuration menu. You can assign a specific background color and text color for the priority range display.

Startup Priority Range: This option enables you to configure the startup range of the priority tool. This setting will be in effect when the alarm module enters RUN mode. Once in RUN mode the operator can change the range.

Alarm Message Window



Click on the Alarm Message Window to pop up the configuration menu shown below.

Figure 3-20 Alarm Message Window Menu

Configuration parameters are described below.

Message Window Color: Sets the color of the message window. Clicking on this parameter pops up a Message Window Color menu. You can assign the background color, text color, and error text color. Text color is the color of normal alarm message text while error text color is the color used for error messages.

View Only if Expanded: The selection for this parameter specifies whether or not alarm messages can be viewed if the Alarm Message Window is not expanded. Click on this parameter to toggle the selection between YES and NO.

Selecting YES means that an alarm message can only be viewed if the message window is expanded. This would speed up scrolling through a list of alarms since each alarm message would not be displayed in the alarm message window.

Selecting NO means that an alarm message will be displayed regardless of whether the window is expanded or not. Scrolling through a list of alarms might be slower because as each alarm enters the selection box, its associated message will be displayed in the alarm message window.

Allow Comment Entry: The selection for this parameter specifies whether or not an operator can enter comments for an alarm during RUN mode. Click on this parameter to toggle the selection between YES and NO. Selecting YES means that the operator can enter alarm comments in the message window during RUN mode. Selecting NO disables alarm comment entry.

Comments are saved in the historical log file and sent to the printer when printing alarm activity.

Comment Label: This option enables you to change the label text of this item.

Alarm Message Word Wrap: This option enables you to configure how your alarm messages will be displayed in the message window.

When set to YES, your alarm messages will reformat themselves to fit the current size of the message window, by words automatically wrapping to the next line when reaching the line's end.

When set to NO, your alarm messages will not automatically wrap to the next line. Enter a carriage return to start at the next line or the message will be truncated, regardless of the window's size.

Alarm Control and Alarm History Buttons

Configuration parameters are described below. These parameters are found on both of these buttons.

State 0 Label: This option enables you to change the label text of this item. When the item is not pressed.

State 1 Label: This option enables you to change the label text of this item. When the item is pressed.

Background Color

This parameter sets the color for the background of the Alarm Summary Display.

Main Heading, Sub-Heading

Click on the Main Heading or Sub-Heading to pop up the configuration for its own configuration menu. Selections made for one heading do not affect another heading.

Configuration parameters are described below.

Background Color: Sets the background color to 1 of 8 or 1 of 16 colors. This depends upon whether Blink 8-Color or Normal 16-Color mode was selected for the Color Palette parameter located on the Alarm Display Setup menu.

Text Color: Sets the text color to 1 of 8 or 1 of 16 colors. This depends upon whether Blink 8-Color or Normal 16-Color mode was selected for the Color Palette parameter located on the Alarm Display Setup menu.

Alarm Display

Click in the Alarm Display area to pop up its configuration menu so you can select from 1 of 8 or 1 of 16 colors. This depends upon whether Blink 8-Color or Normal 16-Color mode was selected for the Color Palette parameter located on the Alarm Display Setup menu.

Cursor Box Color: This option enables you to configure the color of the dotted line that constitutes the alarm cursor box.

Scroll and Previous/Next Buttons

The configuration menus for these buttons enable you to choose the Object Color, Key Assignment, and text for the button label. The Previous/Next buttons have an additional option to enable whether they should be displayed.


The settings for the Scroll and Previous/Next buttons on the Alarm Summary Display, will also be the settings for these buttons on the Alarm Control and Alarm History displays.

Action Button

Configuration parameters are described below.

Action: Sets the type of action this button will perform when pressed during the RUN mode. You have three types of action to choose from:

|No action |Go To AM |Go To Module |

Click on the oval to select the type of action you desire. The default is Go To AM.

Selecting No Action will make this button inoperative, and it will appear without a text label.

Selecting Go To AM goes to the Application Manager whenever this button is pressed in the RUN mode. Button text will change to "Go To AM".

Selecting Go To Module pops up a menu that gives you the opportunity to assign any other module from your application to this button.

Enter the name of the module you wish to assign to this button (i.e. PTM, RCM, etc.). When a module is assigned, pressing the button in RUN mode will go to the assigned module. Button text reflects the module name.

Clear Alarms Button

Automatic Clear: Select whether you want alarms to clear (remove from the display) automatically or only after this button is pressed. Click on this parameter to toggle the selection between YES and NO. Only inactive alarms can be cleared. In addition, if the “Ack Req’d for Clear” option is set to YES, the alarm must also be acknowledged in order to be cleared.

If YES is selected for “Auto. Clear” and “Ack Req’d for Clear”, alarms will clear automatically once the alarm is inactive, acknowledged, and viewed. An alarm will not clear until the user has viewed it at least once.

If alarms are inactive and have been acknowledged but are on a page other than the displayed page, scrolling to the page will still display the alarm. If you leave the page and return, only then will the alarm be automatically removed from the screen. (If Ack Req’d for Clear is NO, alarms will clear as soon as the become inactive.)

If NO is selected, alarms can be cleared only by pressing the CLEAR ALARM button. The default for this parameter is NO.

Ack Required for Clear: If this option is set to YES, only inactive alarms that have received acknowledgment can be cleared from the display using this button or the automatic clear option.

If set to NO, inactive alarms can be cleared whether they are acknowledged or not.


The parameter descriptions for this button are found under the Common Display Parameters section.

Expand Message Window Button

This button expands the Alarm Message Window so the alarm in the selection box can be easily viewed.

List by Time/Priority Button

This button toggles between List by Time or Priority for displaying alarms.

3.3.4 Alarm Control Display


The Alarm Control Display is a run-time display which enables the operator to enable or inhibit alarms, either individually or as a group. You can also control whether an alarm is turned on or off for; sound (audible), printing, or logging.

Figure 3-21 Alarm Control Display

Configuration parameters are described below.

Control Group Button

Configuration parameters are described below.

Group Name Color: Sets the color of the group name area on the device. Clicking on this parameter pops up a Group Name Color menu. You can assign a background color and text color to the group name.

Startup Group: This option enables you to configure which group will be active on this alarm display upon entering RUN mode.

Previous/Next Buttons: The Previous/Next Buttons on the Control Group Button have configuration menus like the Control Group Button.

Inhibited Button: The Inhibited Button on the Control Group Button has a configuration menu similar to the Control Group Button, except it has two State Label options. These options enable you to change the label text for those items.

The parameter descriptions for the following four buttons are found under section 3.3.2 Common Display Parameters.

Control Selected Alarm

This button enables or inhibits an individual alarm and only affects the selected alarm.

Alarm Display

Click in the Alarm Display area to pop up its configuration menu so you can set:

Enabled Text Color: Assigns this text its own color.Select a color to highlight the text for Enabled alarms.

Inhibited Text Color: Select a color to highlight the text for Inhibited alarms.Assigns this text its own color.

Print Reset

Pressing this button sends a print initialization string to the printer.

Logging ON/OFF

Use this button to turn logging on or off.

Printing ON/OFF

Use this button to turn printing on or off.

Audible Alarm Button

Configuration parameters are described below.

Startup State: This parameter is for systems that are equipped with a speaker. Selects whether audible annunciation is active upon entering RUN mode. Click on this parameter to pop up the Enable/Inhibit menu.

Selecting Enabled sets the button to the ON state. Upon entering RUN mode audible annunciation will be active.

Selecting Inhibited sets the button to the OFF state. Upon entering RUN mode audible annunciation will be turned off. The user has to press the button to start audible annunciation.

This parameter defaults to ENABLED.

3.3.5 Alarm History Display

The Alarm History is a run-time display which enables the operator to view alarm status which was previously logged to disk storage.


Figure 3-22 Alarm History Display

View Group Button

Group Name Color: Sets the color of the group name area. Clicking on this parameter pops up a menu that enables you to assign a background color and text color to the group name area.

Startup Group: This option enables you to configure which group will be active on this alarm display upon entering RUN mode.

View Priority Button

Priority Range Color: Sets the color of the priority range portion on the device. Clicking on this parameter pops up a Priority Range Color configuration menu. You can assign a specific background color and text color for the priority range display.

Startup Priority Range: This option enables you to configure the startup range of the priority tool. This setting will be in effect when the alarm module enters RUN mode. Once in RUN mode the operator can change the range.

The parameter descriptions for the following four buttons are under section 3.3.2 Common Display Parameters.

Alarm Display

Click in the Alarm Display area to pop up its configuration menu so you can set:

Alarm Record Text Color: Sets the color for each alarm record displayed on the screen.

Other Record Text Color: Sets the color for any other record displayed on the screen. This would be printer activity (logging off/on), comment logging, control group enabling, etc.

Select File

This button enables the operator to select a file when the Directory button is ON.

Directory ON/OFF

This button enables history files to be viewed.

Backup Alarms

Use this button to select one of four backup paths that you configured on the System Menu for backing up alarms.

Print History

This button enables you to print a copy of the history files.

3.3.6 Runtime Popup Display

The Runtime Popup Display Menu enables you to configure button selection keys, and edit button labels pertaining to Alarm Management Module’s run-time popup displays.

The parameter descriptions for the following four menu options are under section 3.3.2 Common Display Parameters.


Figure 3-23 Runtime Popup Display Menu

3.4 System Menu

The System Menu is used to configure features that affect the entire AMM. Click on this option to display the System Menu shown below.


Figure 3-24 System Menu

The Alarm History Setup and Alarm Printing Setup menus have several similar features. The following sections describe common configuration parameters found on either setup menu. Refer to section 3.5 for unique Alarm History Setup parameters and section 3.6 for unique Alarm Printing parameters.

3.4.1 Common Alarm History/Printing Setup Menu Parameters

The following common parameters are found throughout the Alarm History and Alarm Printing Setup menus.

Printer Port

This parameter allows selecting the printer port used for alarm history file printing. Click on this parameter to pop up the printer port selection menu.

Valid printer ports are LPT1 through LPT3 and COM1 through COM4. If you have enabled both Alarm History Printing and Alarm Printing, you may wish to specify different printer ports for each. Otherwise alarm status records could be interspersed with historical log printouts. The default is LPT1.

Number of Lines

This parameter indicates the number of lines that make up a printed page. The default is 55.


This parameter is used to enter a string of characters that can be sent to the printer at startup and when reset. This allows performing form feeds and placing the printer in different operating modes. You may enter escape sequences and any printable ASCII codes.

The initialization string must be entered as decimal numbers separated by commas. For example, 12,27,65,66 would cause form feed ESC A B to be sent to the printer.

If using the same printer port for both alarm status and historical record printing, the initialization string will be sent whenever switching between the two types of records.

Alarm Logging/Printing Enabled

Use these parameters to enable or disable alarm logging/printing. Click on the parameter to toggle the selection between YES and NO.

|Selecting YES: |Alarm Logging: Enables alarms to be logged to the file listed for the Filename parameter |

| | |

| |Alarm Printing: Enables alarms to be timestamped and sent to the printer. |

|Selecting NO: |Alarm Logging: Disables alarm logging. All other parameters on the Historical File Setup menu are not selectable and the ALARM |

| |HISTORY button will be inhibited. Also, the LOGGING ON/OFF button on the Alarm Control Display is inhibited. |

| | |

| |Alarm Printing: Disables alarm printing. All other parameters on the Alarm Printing Setup menu are not selectable and the PRINTING|

| |ON\OFF button on the Alarm Control Display is inhibited. This parameter defaults to YES (enabled). |

Logging/Printing On at Startup

These parameters determine if logging/printing is active upon entering RUN mode. Click on this option to toggle the selection between YES and NO.

Alarm History/Printing Filter Setup

These options enable you to indicate whether alarms of a particular group, priority or state should be logged/printed. Click on this option to display the Filter Setup menu. There are three filter options to choose:

• Group - Click this option to display a list of available groups.

• Priority - Click this option to display a list of available priorities.

• State - Click this option to display a list of available states.

Each item in the above list can be toggled between YES and NO to indicate whether alarms of that group, priority, or state should be included in the log or sent to the printer.

Alarm History Logging/Print Format

Alarms will be logged/printed in the following format:

[timestmp] [datestmp] [description] [priority] [status] [value]

timestmp - the time the alarm occurred in hh:mm:ss (hours/minutes/seconds) format using 12 or 24 hour time -- depending on the time format setting on the Alarm Display.

datestmp - the date the alarm occurred in mm/dd/yy (month/day/year) format. The datestmp will appear in dd/mm/yy format if using international time.

description - a copy of the assigned alarm description field. The length of this field is controlled by the Description Length setting on the Alarm Summary Field Setup menu.

priority - listed as:

CRITICAL (level 5) URGENT (level 4) ALERT (level 3)

WARNING (level 2) NOTICE (level 1)

If you changed the name for a priority level in the Edit Priority menu, the new name will appear instead.

status - listed as: Active Acknowledged Inactive In Error Out Of Error

value - listed as the Alarm Value if the status is ACTIVE, otherwise the Current Value is listed.

A sample Alarm History print-out is shown below.

0,3 ,1 ,09:42:07 ,01/27/92 ,Tank #4 Level ,*URGENT ,ACTIVE ,1.111

0,2 ,3 ,09:43:13 ,01/27/92 ,Feed Valve #17 ,*ALERT ,ACTIVE ,CLOSED

0,3 ,1 ,09:45:15 ,01/27/92 ,Tank #4 Level ,*URGENT ,ACKNOWLEDGED, Operator 1

Notice that each field is comma (,) delimited. The first three fields are used internally by the AMM.

A sample alarm record print-out is shown below.

09:42:07 01/27/92 Tank #4 Level *URGENT ACTIVE 1.111

09:43:13 01/27/92 Feed Valve #17 *ALERT ACTIVE CLOSED

09:45:15 01/27/92 Tank #4 Level *URGENT ACKNOWLEDGED Operator 1

09:46:11 01/27/92 OPERATOR COMMENT Operator 1

< This is a comment without an alarm in the selection box.

3.4.2 Alarm History Setup


The Alarm History Setup option is used to configure parameters that control the alarm logging process. Click on Alarm History Setup to display the Historical File Setup menu shown below.

Figure 3-25 Historical File Setup Menu


To understand how the history file configuration parameters affect various aspects of alarm logging, the strategy behind the history file is illustrated in the figure below. Refer to this diagram while reading about each history file parameter.

Figure 3-26 History File Strategy

Single File Lifetime

The AMM has the capability to log alarm records to an alarm log file for a specified time interval. For this parameter, enter the time interval that alarm records will be logged to a single log file. Time intervals (file lifetime) are specified in hours.

The valid range for this parameter is 1 to 999 hours. The default is 8 hours.

Alarm log files have a file extension of .A##. The pound sign (#) is the file number. Upon first logging an alarm record to a file, the file extension is .A1. After the single file lifetime interval has expired, the extension is incremented by 1 to .A2 or to the next number in sequence. File number extensions range from 1 to 99.

For example, suppose you began logging alarm records to file MACHINE.A1 at 8:00 am. If the single file lifetime was set to 8 hours, then at 4:00 PM a file of the name MACHINE.A2 would automatically be created and alarm records would now be written to the new file.

Maximum File Number

This parameter specifies the highest log file number that can be created before file recycling occurs. Click on this parameter to enter the number desired. The maximum number is 99.

For instance, suppose the default of 21 was listed for the maximum file number. After file FILENAME.A21 was logged to completion, new alarm records would be written into file FILENAME.A1. All old records in this file would be lost once recycling occurred.

With the defaults used for the Single File Lifetime (8 hours) and Maximum File Number (21 files) parameters, one weeks worth (8hrs. x 21 files = 168hrs.) of alarm history may be recorded and kept on your system.

Maximum File Size

This parameter allows the logging of alarm records to a file to stop after the file reaches a specified size. Click on this parameter to pop up the Maximum File Size menu.

Enter the file size expressed in Kbytes. The default is NONE, meaning there is no limit on the size of the file.

Suppose 6 was entered for this parameter. If alarms were being logged to file FILENAME.A1, when this file reached 6K bytes in size logging to file FILENAME.A1 would stop, and would continue with file FILENAME.A2.

File Start Time

This parameter allows you to synchronize file breaks with a specific start time. Click on this parameter to display the File Start Time menu.

Click on the hours and minutes parameters to enter the start time desired. Enter the time in 24 hour format where 8:00 (hours = 8, minutes = 00) equals 8:00am and 20:00 (hours = 20, minutes = 00) equals 8:00pm. The default is hours = 8 and minutes = 00 (8:00am).

For example, if you specify a start time of 08:30 and a file lifetime of 8 hours, file breaks will occur at 8:30 AM, 4:30 PM, and 12:30 AM.

File Write Interval

Alarm status records are buffered in memory to avoid time- consuming writes to disk. When the buffer fills up, the records are written. If not much alarm activity is occurring, it could take some time for the buffer to fill up. If power were lost before these buffered alarms were written, they would be lost.

Click on this parameter to display the Close Interval menu.

The File Write Interval allows you to specify how often to write the buffer to disk, regardless of whether the buffer is actually full. This would decrease the chance of lost records.

Enter the time in minutes. The allowable range is from 1 to 999 minutes. The default is set to 3 minutes.


This parameter allows entering the path where the alarm log files will be written. The default filename is the same name as the current application.


Alarm log files are written to files in the LOG directory of your application.


If you are using the Alarm Logging feature on a PowerStation, you should set the logging path to the PCMCIA Drives (if installed). The Drives are assigned to C:\ or D:\. Refer to your PowerStation Documentation for more information.

Example: C:\pathname or D:\pathname

The AMM should not be configured to log to FLASH.

On a ToolBox 71XX model logging should be set to an external floppy. Set the FILENAME parameter as follows: A:\"FILENAME"

File Printing Enabled

Printing the alarm history file may be enabled or disabled for the application. Click on this parameter to toggle between YES and NO. This option does not affect the print configuration setup for alarm printing. Alarm history file printing and alarm printing are two separate operations.

If YES is selected, the alarm history file will be sent to the printer when the PRINT ALL or PRINT PAGE button on the Alarm History Display is pressed.

If NO is selected, alarms will not be printed and the History Printing Setup parameter will not be selectable. Also, with NO selected, the PRINT ALL and PRINT PAGE buttons are inhibited. The default for this parameter is YES (enabled).

File Printing Setup

This parameter sets up features used for printing the alarm history file.


This must not be confused with the parameters used to print alarm activity to a printer.

3.4.3 Alarm Printing Setup

The Alarm Printing Setup option is used to set up parameters that control sending alarm status to a printer.


This option does not affect the configuration for Alarm History file printing. Alarm printing and Alarm History file printing are two separate operations. Click on Alarm Printing Setup to display the menu shown below.

Figure 3-27 Alarm Printing Setup Menu

Print Comments Enabled

The operator can enter a comment in response to an alarm. This parameter selects whether or not the comment is to be sent to the printer. Click on this parameter to toggle between YES and NO.

Filter Setup

This option enables you to indicate whether alarms of a particular Group, Priority or State should be printed, logged, or sent to a remote display.

3.4.4 Alarm Controls Setup


The Alarm Controls option allows you to assign address references for use in controlling or monitoring your alarm activity from a controller or from another INTERACT module. Click on Alarm Controls Setup to display the menu shown below.

Figure 3-28 Alarm Controls Setup Menu

There are eight features on this menu, which are described below.

Ack All Alarms Output

This address reference is an output from the controller that, when TRUE, will acknowledge ALL currently unacknowledged alarms, including those set for individual acknowledgment. A reserved link address, LINK\ACK_ALL, performs the same function.

Ack Most Alarms Output

This address reference is an output from the controller that, when TRUE, will acknowledge all currently unacknowledged alarms EXCEPT those set for "individual" acknowledgment. A reserved link address, LINK\ACK_MOST, performs the same function.

Active Alarms Total

This address reference is an input to the controller for indicating the current number of active alarms. Whenever an alarm triggers, or goes inactive, the value is updated. A reserved link address, LINK\ACTIVE_TOTAL, performs the same function.

Unacknowledged Alarms Total

This address reference is an input to the controller for indicating the current number of unacknowledged alarms. Whenever an alarm triggers or is acknowledged, the value is updated. A reserved link address, LINK\UNACK_TOTAL, performs the same function.

Highest Active Priority

This address reference is an input to the controller that contains a value indicating the highest priority alarm that is active. This value could range from 1 to 5. Whenever the highest priority alarm changes, the value is updated. A reserved link address, LINK\PRIORITY, performs the same function.

Clear Alarm Output

This option enables the controller to clear all inactive, acknowledged alarms from the Summary and the text generated for LINK\ALARMS (See Remote Alarm Display). If the “Ack Req’d for Clear” option is YES, alarms must be acknowledged as well as inactive in order to clear.

A LINK\ CLEAR _ALARM link variable is also available to perform the same function directly from another module.

Remote Alarm Display


This option can be used in conjunction with the Panel ToolKit Module’s Remote Message Display tool to show alarm information, by specifying LINK\ALARMS:A as the output reference. Click on this option to display the Remote Alarm Display Setup menu as shown below.

Figure 3-29 Remote Alarm Display Setup Menu

The setup menu enables you to configure the Remote Alarms features. Be sure to configure the

# Alarms Displayed option to indicate how many alarms can be viewed on the Remote Message tool. Set this number to zero if you do not wish to use the Remote Alarms feature.

In RUN mode, text fields for the number of alarms you specified are connected together into one string, with each alarm terminated by a carriage return.

The alarms appear in order of the time they became active. Use the Alarm Field Setup option to specify which information to include for each alarm, such as TIME ON, DESCRIPTION, PRIORITY, etc. As changes in status occur for an alarm, its entry in the Remote Alarms string will update to show the new status (acknowledged, inactive).

Each alarm will appear no more than once in the Remote Alarms display. When an alarm activates, any previous entry for that alarm is removed from the display, and the new event appears at the top.

Display options enable you to scroll or page through the alarms and control an alarm cursor for performing single or global clears and acknowledgments.

# Alarms Displayed

This option specifies the number of alarms that the Remote display can accommodate. The valid range is from 0 to 99.

Ack One Output

This option enables the operator to acknowledge an individual alarm from the PTM Remote Message tool. The alarm cursor must be ON (the alarm at the cursor is the one acknowledged).

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This may be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for acknowledging from the Remote Alarms and Remote History displays.

For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\ACK_ONE for use with Remote Alarms and LINK\HIST_ACK_ONE for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

Whenever AMM detects a false-to-true transition in the address value, the alarm at the cursor will be acknowledged.


The alarm’s priority need not be set to “individual” acknowledgment in order to use this option.

Clear One Output

This option enables you to clear an alarm from the PTM Remote Message tool. The alarm cursor must be ON (the alarm at the cursor is the one cleared).

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This may be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for clearing from the Remote Alarms and Remote History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\CLEAR_ONE for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_CLEAR_ONE for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

Whenever AMM detects a false-to-true transition in the address value, the alarm at the cursor will be cleared from the display. Clearing an alarm from the Remote Alarms display does not affect Remote History; clearing from the Remote History display does not affect Remote Alarms.

Clear ALL Output

This option enables you to clear all alarms from the PTM Remote Message tool.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This may be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for clearing from the Remote Alarms and Remote History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\CLEAR_ALL for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_CLEAR_ALL for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

Whenever AMM detects a false-to-true transition in the address value, all alarms will be cleared from the display. Clearing alarms from the Remote Alarms display does not affect Remote History; clearing from the Remote History display does not affect Remote Alarms.

Display Control

When another module is displaying alarm status by using the LINK\ALARMS:A or LINK\HIST_ALARMS:A link variable, status for the most recent alarm appears at the top of the display. If the viewing area on that module is limited, the ability to scroll or page through the alarms is necessary.

Display Control Configuration Options

Cursor ON Output - This option enables you to turn on an alarm cursor in the PTM Remote Message tool in order to acknowledge or clear an alarm.

The Use Alarm Color option must be set to YES in order to use the alarm cursor. The cursor position is indicated by displaying the alarm at the cursor in the colors specified by the Cursor Color option.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for controlling the cursor on the Remote Alarms and Remote History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\CURSOR_ON for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_CURSOR_ON for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

If the cursor is off, when AMM detects a false-to-true transition in the address value, the cursor will appear at the top of the display. While the cursor in on, the operator may use the scrolling and paging outputs to move the cursor.

As long as the cursor is on, new alarms are inhibited from scrolling in at the top of the display when they become active, so the operator should turn off the cursor when all desired clear or acknowledge operations have been performed. The ‘Cursor Off Upon Ack/Clear’ option can be used to automatically turn the cursor off after each operation.

When the operator switches to another panel or views another module’s screen, the cursor is automatically turned off.

Cursor OFF Output - This option enables you to turn off the alarm cursor in the PTM Remote Message tool.

The Use Alarm Color option must be set to YES in order to use the alarm cursor. The cursor position is indicated by displaying the alarm at the cursor in the colors specified by the Cursor Color option.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for controlling the cursor on the Remote Alarms and Remote History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\CURSOR_OFF for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_CURSOR_OFF for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

If the cursor is on, when AMM detects a false-to-true transition in the address value, the cursor will disappear from the display.

As long as the cursor is on, new alarms are inhibited from scrolling in at the top of the display when they become active, so the operator should turn off the cursor when all desired clear or acknowledge operations have been performed. The ‘Cursor Off Upon Ack/Clear’ option can be used to automatically turn the cursor off after each operation.

When the operator switches to another panel or views another module’s screen, the cursor is automatically turned off.

Alarm Scroll Up Output - This option enables you to control which alarm appears at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. Whenever the output value changes from false to true, the previous (more recent) alarm will scroll to the top.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\ALARM_UP for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_ALARM_UP for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

If the alarm cursor is on, this option will move the cursor to the previous alarm instead of scrolling up.

Alarm Scroll Down Output - This option enables you to control which alarm appears at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. Whenever the output value changes from false to true, the next (less recent) alarm will scroll to the top.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\ALARM_DOWN for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_ALARM_DOWN for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

If the alarm cursor is on, this option will move the cursor to the next alarm instead of scrolling down.

Alarm Page Up Output - This option enables you to control which alarm appears at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. Whenever the output value changes from false to true, the previous page (more recent) of alarms will be displayed.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\PAGE_UP for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_PAGE_UP for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

This option will page up by the number of alarms specified for the ‘# Alarms Displayed’ option.

Alarm Page Down Output - This option enables you to control which alarm appears at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. Whenever the output value changes from false to true, the next page (less recent) of alarms will be displayed.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\PAGE_DOWN for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_PAGE_DOWN for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

This option will page down by the number of alarms specified for the ‘# Alarms Displayed’ option.

Home Alarm Output - This option enables you to control which alarm appears at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. Whenever the output value changes from false to true, the most recent alarm will appear at the top of the display.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\HOME_ALARMS for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_HOME_ALARMS for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

End Alarm Output

This option enables you to control which alarm appears at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. Whenever the output value changes from false to true, the oldest alarm will appear at the top of the display.

Specify an address reference to be monitored. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\END_ALARMS for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_END_ALARMS for Remote History.

A PTM momentary pushbutton tool specifying the LINK address as its input reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

Cursor Color - This option enables you to specify the text and background color used to display the alarm cursor on the PTM Remote Message tool. It is recommended that you choose a background color different from that of the Remote Message tool background in order to make the cursor more visible.

Home Upon Cursor OFF - If the most recent alarm is not at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool, new alarms are inhibited from scrolling in at the top. If you scroll through the alarms with the cursor on in order to acknowledge or clear alarms, it may be desirable to automatically “home” the alarms when you turn off the cursor so that new alarms are no longer inhibited.

If set to YES, the most recent alarm will be placed at the top of the display when the cursor is turned off.

Cursor OFF Upon Ack/Clear - While the alarm cursor is on, new alarms are inhibited from scrolling in at the top of the display when they become active. This option is provided to automatically turn off the cursor when you complete an individual clear or acknowledgment operation so that new alarms are no longer inhibited. This is an alternative to requiring you to turn off the cursor manually.

Alarm Field Setup

This option enables you to configure which fields will be included for each alarm on the Remote Alarms or Remote History Display. These fields include TIME ON, TIME ACK, DESCRIPTION, and so on.

This option gives you the flexibility to configure the Remote displays to fit your particular needs.

Click on this option to display the Field Setup menu.


Make sure the PTM Remote Message Tool is wide enough, so if the number of fields configured and the description length set for a remote display cause the text to wrap to two or more lines, that a line break does not occur in the midst of a field.

To prevent update and paging problems, pad the description field with characters (dashes, periods, etc.) other than spaces when it is the last field on a line. This will keep the PTM tool’s line breaking algorithm from trimming the spaces and causing the alarms to have a different number of display lines.

It is recommended that you use the left alignment option when configuring the PTM Remote Message Tool if alarms will consist of multiple lines.

Filter Setup

This option enables you to indicates whether alarms of a particular group or priority should be printed, logged, or sent to a remote display.

Use Alarm Color

If set to YES, each alarm on the Remote Message tool will appear in the color configured for the alarm’s priority. The annunciate color and inactive color will also be used.

If set to NO, all alarms will appear in the text color configured for the Remote Message tool.


This option must be set to YES in order to utilize the alarm cursor, since the cursor position is shown by displaying the alarm at the cursor in the colors configured with the Cursor Color option. If you have defined references for the Cursor On or Cursor Off options, in RUN mode the Alarm Color will be automatically set to YES.

Top Alarm Input

This option enables you to show the index of the alarm displayed at the top of the PTM Remote Message tool. A value of ‘1’ indicates the most recent alarm.

Specify an address reference to which AMM will write when the top alarm number changes. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\TOP_ALARM for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HIST_TOP_ALARM for Remote History.

A PTM numeric output tool specifying the LINK address as its output reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

If an alarm other than the most recent is at the top of the display, new alarms are inhibited from scrolling in at the top when they become active. Displaying the top alarm number lets the operator know whether this is the case, as well as providing an indication of the top alarm’s position in the list of alarms during scrolling or paging.

Total Alarm Input

This option enables you to show the total number of alarms in the chronological list of alarm events for the Remote Alarms or Remote History display. For Remote Alarms, this value will range from 0 to the number of alarms defined for the application. For Remote History, the value will range from 0 to the number specified for the ‘# Alarms To Store’ option.

Specify an address reference to which AMM will write when the total alarm number changes. This can be either a controller or LINK address. Unique addresses should be specified for the Remote Alarms and History displays. For example, if you use a LINK address, you might specify LINK\ALARM_TOTAL for use with Remote Alarms or LINK\HISTORY_TOTAL for Remote History.

A PTM numeric output tool specifying the LINK address as its output reference could then be placed on the panel containing the Remote Message tool.

Remote History Display


This option can be used in conjunction with the Panel ToolKit Module’s Remote Message Display tool to show historical alarm information, by specifying LINK\HIST_ALARMS:A as the output reference. Click on this option to display the Remote History Display Setup menu as shown below.

Figure 3-30 Remote History Display Setup Menu


The Remote History differs from the Remote Alarm display in that Remote History enables you to view multiple occurrences of the same alarm. You specify the number of alarm events to store. Each time an alarm activates, it will create a new entry in the stored alarm events list.


The Setup menu enables you to configure the Remote History features. With the exception of the # of Alarms To Store option, the configuration parameters for the Remote History Display are the same as the Remote Alarm Display. See the descriptions for these parameters found previously in this section.

Be sure to configure the # Alarms Displayed option to indicate how many alarms can be viewed on the Remote Message tool.

In RUN mode, text fields for the number of alarms you specified are connected together into one string, with each alarm terminated by a carriage return.

The alarms appear in order of the time they became active. Use the Alarm Field Setup option to specify which information to include for each alarm, such as TIME ON, DESCRIPTION, PRIORITY, etc. As changes in status occur for an alarm, its entry in the Remote History string will update to show the new status (acknowledged, inactive).

Display options enable you to scroll or page through the alarms and control an alarm cursor for performing single or global clears and acknowledgments.

# Alarms To Store

This option specifies the number of alarm events to store for use with the Remote History LINK\HIST_ALARMS:A link variable. The valid range is from 0 to 30,000. If 0 is selected, alarm events are not stored.

3.4.5 Alarm Backup Setup

This menu enables the entry of four DOS paths. When a Backup Alarms operation is requested on the Alarm History screen, the operator will choose one of these paths as the destination for the backup files. The path may be set to any valid drive and path destination.

3.5 Remaining AMM Commands

3.5.1 Test Mode

This selection allows you to test alarms for proper configuration while in PROGRAM mode. With this feature you do not have to exit the AMM and select RUN mode from the AM Main Menu.

Once in the Test Mode, the device driver used with the application will load and begin running. All alarm features will be active; enabling you to monitor alarm points. No other INTERACT modules will be loaded with your application. This allows you to test the alarm configuration without going into RUN mode. To return to the AMM Main Menu:

- click both mouse buttons simultaneously OR -press ESC

3.5.2 Help On AMM

This selection displays help text for AMM features. Function key F1 is automatically assigned as the help function key. Highlighting any menu item then pressing F1 will pop up a help screen pertaining to the particular item. Press ESC to return to the previous menu.

3.5.3 Go To AM

Clicking on the Go To AM selection exits the AMM and returns you to the Application Manager.

End of Chapter


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