Bureau of Land Management

Documents In Permit Reference Guide as of March 5, 2008

| |Name / Title |Document Type |Subject |Modified |

| |100 IBLA 151-156, Robert L. Snook, dba |IBLA Decisions |Use, forfeit |08/06/2004 02:57:38 PM |

| |Beaver State Adventures | | | |

| |104 IBLA 122-128, Four Corners |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/17/2003 02:37:42 PM |

| |Expeditions, et. al. | | | |

| |104 IBLA 141-144, Souther California |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 07:29:21 AM |

| |Trails Association | | | |

| |104 IBLA 322-326, Rogue Excursions |IBLA Decisions |Violation |01/14/2003 07:46:32 AM |

| |Unlimited, Inc. | | | |

| |105 IBLA 156-159, Duranglers |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/17/2003 02:43:14 PM |

| |108 IBLA 271-276, Gunnison River |IBLA Decisions |Use, lottery system |08/06/2004 02:59:03 PM |

| |Expeditions | | | |

| |114 IBLA 198-204, Galand Haas |IBLA Decisions |Operating Plan |01/14/2003 09:34:09 AM |

| |116 IBLA 321-340, Patrick G. Blumm, dba |IBLA Decisions |Sanctions |01/14/2003 08:54:35 AM |

| |Rio Grande Rapid Transit | | | |

| |117 IBLA 309-315, Pacific Crest Outward |IBLA Decisions |Fee Waiver |01/14/2003 09:03:59 AM |

| |Bound School | | | |

| |118 IBLA 381-395, Owen Severance et. al. |IBLA Decisions |Environmental |01/14/2003 10:31:12 AM |

| | | |Documentation | |

| |119 IBLA 196-201, American Motorcycle |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:52:03 PM |

| |Association, District 37 | | | |

| |120 IBLA 374-379, Summit Quest, Inc. |IBLA Decisions |Trespass |01/14/2003 09:32:39 AM |

| |121 IBLA 169-173, Patrick G. Blumm, dba |IBLA Decisions |Appeal (intermediate n/a) |01/17/2003 02:52:47 PM |

| |Rio Grande Rapid Transit | | | |

| |123 IBLA 314-320, Red Rock Hounds, Inc |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 07:23:27 AM |

| |123 IBLA 374-376, Colorado River & Trail |IBLA Decisions |Use, reduction |08/06/2004 03:00:10 PM |

| |Expeditions, Inc. | | | |

| |124 IBLA 38-43, National Organization for|IBLA Decisions |Use, transfer |08/06/2004 03:01:07 PM |

| |River Sports | | | |

| |124 IBLA 67-71, Stan Rachesky |IBLA Decisions |Use, limited |08/06/2004 02:58:16 PM |

| |125 IBLA 346-352, Keith Rush, dba Rush's |IBLA Decisions |Administrative finality |01/17/2003 02:59:24 PM |

| |Lakeview Ranch | | | |

| |126 IBLA 1-7, The Exodus Corp |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:52:17 PM |

| |126 IBLA 222-228, Eastern Sierra Audubon |IBLA Decisions |Stipulations |01/14/2003 10:45:31 AM |

| |Society | | | |

| |126 IBLA 251-255, Checker Motorcycle Club|IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 07:22:30 AM |

| |127 IBLA 145-155, Dvorak Expeditions et |IBLA Decisions |Statement of Reasons |01/16/2003 07:30:30 AM |

| |al. | |(appeal) | |

| |132 IBLA 141-151, Carrol White |IBLA Decisions |Violation |01/15/2003 04:39:59 PM |

| |132 IBLA 42-45, Curt Farmer Pack Llamas |IBLA Decisions |Conditions |01/14/2003 04:39:15 PM |

| |133 IBLA 104-113, Lassen Motorcycle Club |IBLA Decisions |Impairment (WSA) |03/04/2003 02:59:14 PM |

| |133 IBLA 278-280. Curt Farmer Pack Llamas|IBLA Decisions |Renewal |01/15/2003 08:54:10 AM |

| |135 IBLA 233-245, Deschutes River Public |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:52:27 PM |

| |Outfitters, et al. | | | |

| |136 IBLA 148-152, Terry Kayser |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 07:22:42 AM |

| |136 IBLA 214-219, Pete Carlson |IBLA Decisions |Sanctions |01/15/2003 08:53:20 AM |

| |141 IBLA 288-294, Noah's World of Water |IBLA Decisions |Administration |01/15/2003 12:23:37 PM |

| |142 IBLA 293-301, Desert Vipers |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:52:39 PM |

| |Motorcycle Club et al. | | | |

| |143 IBLA 328-337, Robert P. Muckle |IBLA Decisions |Environmental |01/15/2003 12:32:24 PM |

| | | |Documentation | |

| |143 IBLA 73-79, Patrick Blumm, et. al. |IBLA Decisions |Statement of Reasons |01/17/2003 03:20:43 PM |

| |145 IBLA 14-29, Haines Borough Assembly, |IBLA Decisions |Environmental |08/11/2005 09:12:29 AM |

| |et. al. | |Documentation | |

| |146 IBLA 230-232, Headwaters |IBLA Decisions |Environmental |01/17/2003 03:25:46 PM |

| | | |Documentation | |

| |147 IBLA 19-24, Hood River Trails, Inc. |IBLA Decisions |Use, transfer |08/06/2004 03:01:22 PM |

| |147 IBLA 92-100, Coalition for the High |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 12:49:02 PM |

| |Rock/Black Rock Emigrant Trail Nat'l | | | |

| |Cons. Area, et. al. | | | |

| |150 IBLA 286-293, Daniel T. Cooper |IBLA Decisions |Off-Road Vehicle |01/15/2003 01:04:06 PM |

| |150 IBLA 29-43, Michael T. Duley, d.b.a |IBLA Decisions |Standing |01/15/2003 12:55:01 PM |

| |Action Anglers, et. al. | | | |

| |153 IBLA 110-125, Klamath-Siskiyou |IBLA Decisions |Management Objectives |01/16/2003 07:24:29 AM |

| |Wildlands Center | | | |

| |153 IBLA 245-252, Judy K. Stewart d.b.a. |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:52:50 PM |

| |Western Wilderness Outdoor Adventure | | | |

| |153 IBLA 72-76, William D. Danielson |IBLA Decisions |Management Objectives |01/15/2003 01:36:26 PM |

| |154 IBLA 93-99, Frank Robbins, d.b.a. |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 04:41:09 PM |

| |High Island Ranch | | | |

| |155 IBLA 239-251, Obsidian Services, Inc.|IBLA Decisions |Hearing |01/15/2003 02:46:41 PM |

| |156 IBLA 201-205, Triumph Expeditions |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:51:40 PM |

| |160 IBLA 185-191, El Bosque Preservation |IBLA Decisions |Criteria, boating use |08/06/2004 02:55:48 PM |

| |Action Committee | | | |

| |160 IBLA 9-14, Lee and Jody Sprout, Dick |IBLA Decisions |Environmental Consequences|08/06/2004 02:47:19 PM |

| |and Shauna Sprout | | | |

| |161 IBLA 225-234, Rio Grande Rapid |IBLA Decisions |Discretion, Stipulations |08/06/2004 02:40:12 PM |

| |Transit | | | |

| |162 IBLA 55-61 Dirt, Inc., et al. |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |08/06/2004 02:39:39 PM |

| |162 IBLA 84-96, Camp Redcloud, Inc |IBLA Decisions |Permits, When Required |08/06/2004 02:26:59 PM |

| |163 IBLA 072 - 076, Cristian Miclea d/b/a|IBLA Decisions |Insurance Requirements |08/11/2005 11:36:44 AM |

| |Albedo | | | |

| |163 IBLA 181-191, Larry Amos d/b/a |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |08/11/2005 11:35:55 AM |

| |Winterhawk Outfitters, Inc. | | | |

| |165 IBLA 153, Arizona State Association |IBLA Decisions |Decision supported by |02/13/2006 03:29:54 PM |

| |of 4-Wheel Drive Clbus, Inc. | |record, closed areas | |

| |165 IBLA 193 Thomas S. Budlong, Jerry D. |IBLA Decisions |Discretionary authority, |02/13/2006 12:58:01 PM |

| |Boggs, Brian Webb | |wilderness areas | |

| |167 IBLA 136 Lynn Canal Conservation, |IBLA Decisions |Environmental Assessment |02/13/2006 01:16:48 PM |

| |Inc. | | | |

| |167 IBLA 232 Rock Crawlers Association of|IBLA Decisions |Discretion, hypothetical |02/13/2006 01:30:08 PM |

| |America | |applictions | |

| |167 IBLA 239, Frank Robbins, d.b.a. High |IBLA Decisions |Facts supporting decision,|02/13/2006 01:52:54 PM |

| |Island Ranch | |trespass regulations | |

| |169 IBLA 1-12, Lynn Canal Conservation |IBLA Decisions |NEPA and Public |08/16/2006 01:40:05 PM |

| | | |Involvement | |

| |171 IBLA 6, Bookcliff Rattlers Motorcycle|IBLA Decisions |Cost Recovery |01/24/2007 02:57:07 PM |

| |Club | | | |

| |18 IBLA 359-367, Walt's Racing |IBLA Decisions |Fee, Special Assessment |08/06/2004 02:48:20 PM |

| |Association | | | |

| |20 IBLA 216-220, Canon Tours, Inc. |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 12:13:02 PM |

| |30 IBLA 145-152, Wilderness River |IBLA Decisions |Use, non-use or reduced |08/06/2004 02:59:20 PM |

| |Outfitters & Trail Expeditions, Inc. | | | |

| |30 IBLA 354-356, Canyoneers, Inc. |IBLA Decisions |Use, non-use |08/06/2004 02:59:38 PM |

| |32 IBLA 142-144, Baja Motor Sports |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 12:30:39 PM |

| |42 IBLA 164-175, Southern California |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 12:35:34 PM |

| |Motorcycle Club, Inc. | | | |

| |50 IBLA 90-94, Outdoor Adventures, S.W. |IBLA Decisions |Use, drawing |08/06/2004 02:56:41 PM |

| |52 IBLA 80-82, Whitewater Expeditions & |IBLA Decisions |Carrying Capacity |01/15/2003 02:53:14 PM |

| |Tours | | | |

| |56 IBLA 134-138, Cascade Motorcycle Club |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:53:24 PM |

| |57 IBLA 79-84, Sierra Club, et. al. |IBLA Decisions |Environmental |01/13/2003 04:56:17 PM |

| | | |Documentation | |

| |63 IBLA 373-387, Rogue River Outfitters |IBLA Decisions |Fees |01/16/2003 07:18:28 AM |

| |Association, Dave Helfrich River | | | |

| |Outfitters, Inc. | | | |

| |63 IBLA 91-99, Wilderness Public Rights |IBLA Decisions |Use, transfer |08/06/2004 03:02:12 PM |

| |Fund, National Organization for River | | | |

| |Sports | | | |

| |64 IBLA 44-49, Wilderness/Challenge, Inc.|IBLA Decisions |Commercial Use |01/14/2003 10:24:28 AM |

| |70 IBLA 214-218, National Public Lands |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/15/2003 02:53:35 PM |

| |Task Force, et. al. | | | |

| |78 IBLA 142-149, Score International |IBLA Decisions |Appeal Process |01/14/2003 10:23:11 AM |

| |83 IBLA 151-154, Rogue River Outfitters |IBLA Decisions |Fees (Special Areas) |01/22/2003 08:49:12 AM |

| |Associations | | | |

| |83 IBLA 304-317, Sharon Long et. al. |IBLA Decisions |Rules of Practice |01/16/2003 12:43:54 PM |

| |83 IBLA 98-103, Osprey River Trips, Inc. |IBLA Decisions |Suspending SRP |01/14/2003 10:18:49 AM |

| |85 IBLA 354-256, Ken Warren Outdoors, |IBLA Decisions |Filing Deadlines |01/13/2003 03:11:09 PM |

| |Inc. | | | |

| |86 IBLA 319-321, Mendocino County |IBLA Decisions |Discretion |01/16/2003 07:22:21 AM |

| |Tax-Payers Land Use Committee | | | |

| |90 IBLA 112-129, David Farley, Inc. |IBLA Decisions |Use, transfer |08/06/2004 03:01:44 PM |

| |91 IBLA 291-295, Don Hatch River |IBLA Decisions |Stipulations |01/14/2003 10:22:07 AM |

| |Expeditions | | | |

| |91 IBLA 296-304, Hondoo River & Trails |IBLA Decisions |Use, transfer |08/06/2004 03:00:37 PM |

| |91 IBLA 309-316, Yuma Audubon Society, |IBLA Decisions |Environmental |01/14/2003 10:31:34 AM |

| |et. al. | |Documentation | |

| |93 IBLA 103-108, Upper Rogue River |IBLA Decisions |Commercial Use |01/13/2003 03:41:02 PM |

| |Outfitters Association | | | |

| |94 IBLA 98-106, Peak River Expeditions |IBLA Decisions |Stipulations |01/13/2003 03:46:16 PM |

| |95 IBLA 90-97, Timber River Rafting, Inc.|IBLA Decisions |Fees |01/13/2003 03:52:33 PM |

| |98 IBLA 303-305, Greg Williams |IBLA Decisions |Standing |01/14/2003 07:45:54 AM |

| |Briefing Paper for BLM Director, March |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Permit Program Status |03/11/2004 10:39:59 AM |

| |10, 2004 |Training | | |

| |Decision Tree for Special Recreation |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Decision Tree, SRP |03/28/2006 07:09:13 PM |

| |Permitting |Training |Processing | |

| |Final Rules - Amendment - Permits for |Regulations |10-year Permits, |03/24/2006 01:16:05 PM |

| |Recreation, Vol 69, No. 25, 5702-5707, | |Prohibited Acts | |

| |Feb 6, 2004 | | | |

| |Final Rules - Permits for Recreation 43 |Regulations |Rules (Final CFR) |02/06/2004 10:58:02 AM |

| |CFR 2930, General | | | |

| |FLREA - Summary of Implementation Actions|Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |FLREA |08/10/2005 03:11:39 PM |

| |- PowerPoint Slides |Training | | |

| |FLREA - Summary of Implementation |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |FLREA |06/14/2005 11:53:39 AM |

| |Actions, June 10, 2005 |Training | | |

| |Form 2930-1, Special Recreation |Forms |Form 2930-1, Application |08/27/2007 10:40:45 AM |

| |Application and Permit (August 2007) | |and Permit Form | |

| |Internal and External Sources | | | |

| |H-2930-1 Recreation Permit |Manuals & Handbooks |Procedures |01/30/2007 11:07:54 AM |

| |Administration, Rel 2-295, 8/7/2006 | | | |

| |IB No. 2003-015, Recent Issuance of |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Final Rule, Implementing |03/09/2005 02:57:32 PM |

| |Federal Register (FR)/ Volume 67, No. | |FR Notice | |

| |190/ Tuesday, October 1, 2002,/61732 - | | | |

| |61749. 43 CFR Parts 2930, et al., Permits| | | |

| |for Recreation on Public Lands: Final | | | |

| |Rule and Proposed Rule | | | |

| |IB No. 99-033, Recreation Fee Collection |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Recreation Fee Collection |01/07/2005 08:43:08 AM |

| |Guidance | |Guidance | |

| |IM 2005-063, FLREA Implementaiton, |Washington Office IM's and IB's|FLREA |08/10/2005 03:10:34 PM |

| |Attachment 1 | | | |

| |IM No. 2000-107, Deviations from |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Policy Deviations |01/07/2005 08:42:35 AM |

| |Established Commercial Special Recreation| | | |

| |Permit Policy | | | |

| |IM No. 2001-020, Implementation of the |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Recreation Use Permits, |02/17/2005 07:57:11 AM |

| |Golden Eagle, Age, and Access Passport | |Golden Passports | |

| |Program | | | |

| |IM No. 2002-014, Purpose and Use of |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fee Collection Use |02/17/2005 07:59:01 AM |

| |Recreation Fee Revenues and Related | | | |

| |Appropriated Recreation Funds | | | |

| |IM No. 2002-017, Geocaching Activities on|Washington Office IM's and IB's|Geocaching, Special |01/16/2003 02:17:33 PM |

| |BLM Public Lands | |Recreation Permits | |

| |IM No. 2002-028, Recreation Fee Waivers, |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fees (entrance-Veteran's |02/17/2005 07:58:53 AM |

| |Veteran's Day Holiday Weekend | |Day) | |

| |IM No. 2002-103, Converting LWCF sites to|Washington Office IM's and IB's|LWCF to Fee Demo |01/16/2003 03:04:11 PM |

| |Recreational Fee Demonstration Program | | | |

| |Projects | | | |

| |IM No. 2002-119, Automatic Fee Adjustment|Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fee, Automatic Adjustment |08/06/2004 02:39:58 PM |

| |for Special Recreation Permits (SRP) | | | |

| |IM No. 2003-182, Geocaching Activities on|Washington Office IM's and IB's|Geocaching |06/16/2005 01:12:19 PM |

| |BLM Public Lands, | | | |

| |IM No. 2003-183, Implementation of the |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Golden Eagle, Golden Age, |02/08/2005 11:15:09 AM |

| |Golden Eagle, Age, and Access Passport | |Golden Access Passports | |

| |Program | | | |

| |IM No. 2003-212, Assignment of Subject |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Records Management, |01/07/2005 08:42:51 AM |

| |Code 2930 - Recreation Permits | | | |

| |IM No. 2004-150, Interim Policy, |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Term Length |06/16/2005 01:13:03 PM |

| |Implementing the Revised Rule for Special| | | |

| |Recreation Permits Term Length | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-017, Automatic Fee Adjustment|Washington Office IM's and IB's|Automatic Fee Adjustment |03/24/2006 01:18:45 PM |

| |for Special Recreation Permits (SRP) | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-063, Attachment 1, FLREA |Washington Office IM's and IB's|FLREA, Policy |03/31/2005 11:53:19 AM |

| |Implementation | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-063, Federal Lands Recreation|Washington Office IM's and IB's|FLREA, Policy |02/09/2006 10:57:51 AM |

| |Enhancement Act, H.R. 4818, Interim | | | |

| |Recreation Fee Guidelines for the Bureau | | | |

| |of Land Management | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-066, Policy Guidance |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Permit Policy, Updated |02/17/2005 07:57:27 AM |

| |Implementing and Clarifying Final and | | | |

| |Supplementary Rules for Permits for | | | |

| |Recreation on Public Lands (plus | | | |

| |attachment) | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-081, Cancellation of Bureau |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Permit Form, New |02/17/2005 07:58:33 AM |

| |Form 8370-1 and Replacing With Form | | | |

| |2930-1 | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-092, Geocaching Activities on|Washington Office IM's and IB's|Geocaching |03/09/2005 02:57:04 PM |

| |Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Public | | | |

| |Lands | | | |

| |IM No. 2005-166, Interim Approval - |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fee Increase, Proposed |06/16/2005 01:29:16 PM |

| |Recreation Fee Increases, Attachment 1 | |Changes | |

| |IM No. 2005-166, Interim Approval |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fee Increase, Approval and|06/16/2005 01:29:49 PM |

| |Guidelines for Recreation Fee Increases | |Conditionas | |

| |IM No. 2006-102, Interim Approval |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fee Increases - New Fee |03/10/2006 03:20:13 PM |

| |Guidelines for Certain Recreation Fee | |Sites | |

| |Increases and Proposed New Fee | | | |

| |Sites/Areas | | | |

| |IM No. 2006-171, Public Notification of |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fee Expenditure, Fee Logo |06/21/2006 03:06:33 PM |

| |Fee Expenditures and Displaying the New | | | |

| |Fee Logo | | | |

| |IM No. 2007-136 Attachment 1 - BLM |Washington Office IM's and IB's|America the Beautiful |06/18/2007 01:33:09 PM |

| |General Program Description and | |Pass, Att 1 General | |

| |Requirements | |Program Description | |

| |IM No. 2007-136, Implementation of the |Washington Office IM's and IB's|America the Beautiful Pass|06/18/2007 01:20:38 PM |

| |“America the Beautiful – the National | | | |

| |Parks and Federal Recreational Lands | | | |

| |Pass” Program | | | |

| |IM No. 97-139, Implementation of the |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Golden Eagle, Age, Access |01/07/2005 08:43:21 AM |

| |Golden Eagle, Age, and Access Passport | | | |

| |Program | | | |

| |Internal Memo,Voluntary Use Fees at BLM |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fees (Voluntary Use Fees) |07/24/2003 09:53:50 AM |

| |Recreation Sites | | | |

| |Internal Paper - Recreation Fees Under |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Fees |01/16/2003 03:18:34 PM |

| |the Land and Wather Conservation Fund Act| | | |

| |Internet Sites: Legislation and |Regulations |Legislation, Regulations |08/05/2003 02:00:31 PM |

| |Regulations | | | |

| |Manual - 2930 - Recreation Permits and |Manuals & Handbooks |Policy |01/09/2008 09:32:20 AM |

| |Fees, Rel. 2-296 10/22/07 | | | |

| |Notice of Fee Adjustment FR Vol 64, No. |Regulations |Fee Structure |03/24/2006 01:15:29 PM |

| |145, July 29, 1999 | | | |

| |Notice of Guidelines for Public |Regulations |Public Involvement, |03/24/2006 01:15:15 PM |

| |Involvement, FR Vol. 70, No. | |Recreation Fee Areas | |

| |187,56622-56623 | | | |

| |NTC Training Available for FY 05 |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Training, NTC classes |02/09/2005 04:09:39 PM |

| | |Training | | |

| |Operating Plan Examples - Wyoming |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Operating Plan |11/19/2003 03:43:55 PM |

| | |Training | | |

| |Operating Plan Outline - Commercial |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Operating Plan |11/19/2003 03:44:12 PM |

| |Permit - Utah |Training | | |

| |Permits Training Schedule - All States |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Training Schedule, Permits|11/19/2003 03:44:28 PM |

| | |Training | | |

| |Programmatic EA Example |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Programmatic EA |11/19/2003 03:44:42 PM |

| | |Training | | |

| |Proposed Rules - Permits for Recreation |Regulations |Rules (Proposed) |03/24/2006 01:16:58 PM |

| |FR Vol 65, No. 95, 31233-31244 | | | |

| |Proposed Rules, Permits for Public Lands,|Regulations |Fee Authority, Prohibited |03/24/2006 01:16:33 PM |

| |FR Vol 70, No. 224, 70570-70574, Nov 22, | |Acts | |

| |2005 | | | |

| |Recreation Training and Reference |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Other NTC Training, Web |11/19/2003 03:45:29 PM |

| |Material |Training |Sites, Reference Materials| |

| |Summary Issue for IM 99-033 - |Washington Office IM's and IB's|Recreation Fee Collection |03/31/2005 07:48:23 AM |

| |Implementation of Improved Recreation Fee| |Guidance | |

| |Collection Procedures | | | |

| |The Benefits of the Bureau of Land |Job Aids, Strategy Papers & |Fee Brochure |02/24/2005 07:27:07 AM |

| |Managment's Fee Program |Training | | |

| |WO IM No. 2007-136, Att 2, Statement of |Washington Office IM's and IB's|American the Beautiful, |06/18/2007 01:33:33 PM |

| |Permanent Disability | |Att 2 Permanent | |


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