How to display the BLM’s Public Land Survey System (PLSS) data …

[Pages:3]How to display the BLM's Public Land Survey System (PLSS) data in Google Earth

Point your web browser to:

For PLSS data, Click on "Cadastral", and in the resulting window, click on "Cadastral/BLM_Natl_PLSS_CadNSDI"

From the resulting window, choose "Google Earth" from the "View In" choices: When the KMZ file finishes downloading, double-click on it to open in Google Earth.

Zoom into an area of interest to have the PLSS grid displayed. Sections and quarter-quarters will display as you zoom in further. The PLSS data will not display if zoomed out beyond an altitude of 450 miles.

The symbology of streaming KMZ data cannot be modified.


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