PUBLIC LAWS - Bureau of Land Management

|Public Laws |Name of Law |NOTES |DATE SIGNED |

|101st Congress | | | |

|PL 101-539 |To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to release in a deed |George Washington & Thomas Jefferson National Forest Text |11/8/1990 |

|H.R.5433 |conveying certain lands to the Conservation Commission of West |Status: Completed 11/8/1990 | |

| |Virginia |Authorized | |

|PL 101-560 |Regarding the Early Winters Resorts, Okanagon National Forest, |Directs of the Secretary of Ag to convey federal land within the Methow Valley in exchange for private lands and|11/15/1990 |

| |state of Washington H.R.5507.ENR |minerals within the Glacier Peak Wilderness, within the requirements of FLPMA and equal in value. | |

| | |Directed | |

| | |Status: Not Completed | |

|PL 101-571 |To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to exchange certain |Authority to do Land Exchanges on the Chattahoochee National Forest |11/15/1990 |

| |property in the Chattahoochee National Forest for the |Directed | |

| |construction of facilities in the National Forest. H.R.2419.ENR|Status: Completed 11/15/1990 | |

| |To authorize an exchange of lands in South Dakota and Colorado.| S.319.ENR Homestake Exchange |11/28/1990 |

|PL 101-631 |H.R.4567.ENR |Status: Completed 1/24/1992 | |

| | |Authorized | |

|102nd Congress | | | |

|PL 102-293. |To authorize a transfer of administrative jurisdiction over |NFS Land transfer to Interior |5/27/1992 |

| |certain land to the Secretary of the Interior S.452.ENR | | |

|PL 102-415 |Alaska Land Status Technical Corrections Act of 1992 |Tongass National Forest --- “The boundary of the Chugach National Forest, Alaska, is modified to include the |10/14/1992 |

| |H.R.3157.ENR |approximately 9,300 acres as generally depicted on the map entitled `Official Map, Boundary Modification, | |

| | |Chugach National Forest' and dated September 1988. The map shall be on file and available for public inspection | |

| | |in the Office of the Chief of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture.” | |

| | |Status: Completed 4/12/1995 | |

| | |Directed | |

| | |Haida Land Exchange | |

|PL 102-453 |Cedar River Watershed Land Exchange Act of 1992 on the Mt. |Directs the Secretary of AG to exchange federal lands within the Cedar River Watershed to the city of Seattle |10/23/1992 |

| |Baker-Snoqualmie, state of Washington H.R.5605.ENR |for other lands within the state of Washington. The Act provided guidance on the valuation of old growth timber| |

| | |within the watershed, consolidated the City’s ownership within the watershed. | |

| | |Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed 10/23/1992 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 102-436 |To provide for a land exchange with the city of Tacoma, Olympic|Directs the Secretary of Ag to exchange federal lands with the City adjacent to Lake Cushman to benefit the |10/23/1992 |

| |National Forest, state of Washington. H.R.4489.ENR |City’s management of the operating level of the lake and eliminate Special Use Permits issued by the Forest | |

| | |Service. In exchange. Directs the Secretary of Interior to transfer lands within the Olympus National Monument| |

| | |to the Secretary of Ag for Olympic NF management. | |

| | |Status: Ongoing | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 102-584. |Arkansas-Idaho Land Exchange Act of 1992 S.2572.ENR |Directs the Secretary to exchange 17,625 acres of scattered tracts of Federal land in Idaho in return for |11/2/1992 |

| | |approximately 40,922 acres in Arkansas and 1,170 acres of land in Idaho owned by the Potlatch Corporation. | |

| | |Status: Ongoing | |

| | |Directed | |

| | | | |

|103rd Congress | | | |

|PL 103-63. |Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Act H.R.63.ENR |Sec. 7: Acquisition of Lands to the Toiyabe National Forest |8/4/1993 |

| |PDF |Status: Completed 8/4/1993 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 103-91. |To provide for the consolidation and protection of the Gallatin|Gallatin National Forest. Land Exchange |10/1/1993 |

| |Range. H.R.873.ENR PDF |Status: Completed 12/1/1993 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 103-17. |Idaho Land Exchange Act of 1993 S.252.ENR PDF |Adjust boundaries of Targhee NF |4/12/1993 |

| | |Clark Fork LEX | |

| | |Directs the Sec of Ag. to exchange 35.27 acres(Clark Fork Ranger District Office) to the Regents of the | |

| | |University of Idaho in exchange for 40 acres owned by the State. | |

| | |Status: Completed 4/12/1993 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 103-255. |To provide for a land exchange between the Secretary of |White River National Forest |5/19/1994 |

| |Agriculture and Eagle S.341.ENR PDF |Status: Ongoing | |

| | |Directed | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|104th Congress | | | |

|PL 104-333 Text, PDF |Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 |Related:H.R.1296, H.R.1415, H.R.1447, H.R.1449, H.R.1542, H.R.1548, H.R.1553, H.R.1961, H.R.1999, H.R.2067, H.R.|1/3/1996 |

| |H.R.4236.ENR PDF |2100, H.R.2172, H.R.2186, H.R.2188, H.R.2260, H.R.2266, H.R.2465 , | |

| | |H.R.2728, H.R.2763, H.R.3031, H.R.3099, H.R.3193, H.R.3256, H.R.3412, H.R.3707 H.R.4059, H.R.4126, S.103, S.1720| |

| | |Title II; SEC. 209. BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LAND CONVEYANCE. “Federal lands located in the Plumas National | |

| | |Forest in Butte County, California, in sections 11, 12, 13, and 14, township 21 north, range | |

| | |Title II; SEC. 210. TAOS PUEBLO LAND TRANSFER. ( Carson National Forest, Taos County, New Mexico) | |

| | |Title III; Sec. 301. Targhee National Forest land exchange. depicted on the map entitled `Targhee Exchange, | |

| | |Idaho-Wyoming--Proposed, Federal Land', | |

| | |Title III; Sec. 304. Snowbasin Land Exchange Act. | |

| | |(a) PURPOSE AND INTENT- The purpose of this section is to authorize and direct the Secretary to exchange 1,320 | |

| | |acres of federally-owned land within the Cache National Forest in the State of Utah | |

| | |Title III; Sec. 305. Arkansas and Oklahoma land exchange. | |

| | |the acquisition of the Arkansas Ouachita lands and the Oklahoma lands by the United States for administration by| |

| | |the Forest Service will provide an | |

| | |Title III; Sec. 307. Lost Creek land exchange.( Beaverhead- Deerlodge & Gallatin National Forest) | |

| | |Title III; Sec. 308. Cleveland National Forest land exchange. | |

| | |SEC. 304. SNOWBASIN LAND EXCHANGE ACT. “the Sun Valley Company shall simultaneously convey to the Secretary all | |

| | |right, title and interest of the Sun Valley Company in and to so much of the following offered lands which have | |

| | |been previously identified by the United States Forest Service as desirable by the United States, or which are | |

| | |identified | |

| | |Title III; Sec. 305 Arkansas & Oklahoma Land Exchange “Weyerhaeuser shall reserve oil and gas interests in and | |

| | |under the lands depicted for reservation upon a map entitled Arkansas-Oklahoma Land Exchange--Weyerhaeuser Oil | |

| | |and Gas Interest Reservation Lands, dated February 1996 | |

|PL 104-123 Text, PDF |Greens Creek Land Exchange Act of 1995 H.R.1266.ENR PDF |House Reports: 104-115; Senate Reports: 104-163 [Text, PDF] | |

| | |Status: Completed 8/1/1998 | |

| | |Directed | |

| | |Tongass National Forest | |

|105th Congress | | | |

|PL 105-60 Text, PDF |Hood Bay Land Exchange Act of 1997 H.R.1948.ENR PDF ? |Related: S.1015 |10/10/1997 |

| | |Status: Completed 4/28/1998 | |

| | |Directed | |

| | |Tongass National Forest | |

|PL 105-77 Text, PDF |A bill to transfer the Dillon Ranger District in the Arapaho |Status: Completed 7/15/1998 |11/12/1997 |

| |National Forest to the White River National Forest in the State|Directed | |

| |of Colorado. S.591 | | |

|PL: 105-79 Text, PDF |Hoopa Valley Reservation South Boundary Adjustment Act |House Reports: 105-110; Senate Reports: 105-117 |11/12/1997 |

| |H.R.79 |Six Rivers National Forest land transfer | |

| | |Status: Complete | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-167 Text, PDF |To consolidate certain mineral interests in the National |Related: H.R.2574 |3/13/1998 |

| |Grasslands in Billings County, North Dakota, through the |Senate Reports: 105-92 | |

| |exchange of Federal and private mineral interests to enhance | | |

| |land management... S.750.ENR PDF |Status: Completed | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-171 Text, PDF |Virginia Land Conveyance and Improvements H.R.3226 |Sec. 1, 2 & Sec 3 outline |3/24/1996 |

| | |sell or exchange all or part of certain administrative sites and other lands in the George Washington National | |

| | |Forest and the Jefferson National Forest, and to use the value derived therefrom to acquire a replacement site | |

| | |and to construct on the site suitable improvements for national forest administrative purposes…. | |

| | |Any funds received … shall be deposited into the fund provided by the Act of December 4, 1967 (16 U.S.C. 484a), | |

| | |commonly known as the Sisk Act, f | |

| | |(2) the acquisition or construction of administrative improvements in connection with the George Washington and | |

| | |Jefferson National Forests. | |

| | |Status: Completed 2/15/2001 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-208 Text, PDF |To facilitate the sale of certain land in Tahoe National |House Resources; Senate Energy and Natural Resources |4/24/1997 |

| |Forest, in the State of California to Placer County, |House Reports: 105-114; Senate Reports: 105-231 | |

| |California. |Sell 35 acres for county to build a park at Squaw Valley (no reversionary) | |

| |H.R.1439 |Status: Completed | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-238 Text, PDF |A bill to transfer administrative jurisdiction over part of the|Senate Reports: 105-228 |09/23/1998 |

| |Lake Chelan National Recreation Area from the Secretary of the |Directs the Secretary of Ag to trade federal lands with the Chelan County PUD in lieu of waste water utility | |

| |Interior to the Secretary of Agriculture for inclusion in the |hood-up fees over a prorated time. Eliminates a Special use permit issued to the PUD. Reversionary language is| |

| |Wenatchee National Forest. S.1683 |added if facility is no longer used as intended by the Act. | |

| | | | |

| | |Status: Completed 4/25/1997 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-267 Text, PDF |Gallatin Land Consolidation Act of 1998 H.R.3381.ENR PDF |Related: S.1719 |10/18/1998 |

| | |House Reports: 105-723 Part 1 | |

| | |Status: Completed 12/1/2003 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL. 105-277 |Omnibus Consolidated Emergency Supplemental Act of 1999 to |I 90 Land exchange with Plum Creek Timber Company to consolidate checkerboard ownership in the state of |10/21/1998 |

| |authorize the Secretary to exchange timber lands on the |Washington. | |

| |Wenatchee, Mt. Baker-Snoqualme, and Gifford Pinchot national |Status: Completed 4/1/2004 | |

| |Froests |Directed | |

|PL 105-282 Text, PDF |To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to convey the |Related: S.2513 House Reports: 105-561; Senate Reports: 105-293 |10/26/1998 |

| |administrative site for the Rogue River National Forest and use|Allows for the sale of an administrative site and use the proceeds combined with BLM to construct offices to be | |

| |the proceeds for the construction of offices H.R.3796.ENR |shared between the 2 agencies. | |

| |PDF |Status: Completed 7/15/2004 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-288 Text, PDF |Miles Land Exchange Act of 1998 H.R.1021.ENR Related: S.590|Directs the Sec of Ag. to exchange approximately 84 acres of Federal land in the Routt NF for the 84 acre |10/27/1988 |

| |House Reports: 105-506 |‘Miles’ parcel with no further valuation requirements. | |

| | |Status: Completed 10/15/2005 | |

| | |Directed | |

|PL 105-321 Text, PDF |Oregon Public Lands Transfer and Protection Act of 1998 |Related: H.R.4526, S.2394. Directs the Secretary of Ag to transfer revested Oregon and California Railroad |10/30/1998 |

| |H.R.4326.ENR |grant lands jurisdiction to Secretary of Interior. House Reports: 105-810 | |

| |To transfer jurisdiction over certain lands within the Rogue |Status: Completed 10/15/1998 | |

| |River National Forest. |Directed | |

|106th Congress | | | |

|PL 106-41 Text, PDF |Lake Oconee Land Exchange Act S.604.ENR PDF |Status: Completed 12/16/1999 (Directed) |08/05/1999 |

| | |Oconee NF | |

|PL 106-66 Text, PDF |A bill to direct the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior |Directs the Secretary of Ag. to convey a parcel of real property (including any improvements on the land) not to|10/6/1999 |

| |and to convey certain lands in San Juan County, New Mexico, to |exceed 20 acres known as the `Old Jicarilla Site' to San Juan College | |

| |San Juan College. Related: S.293 |San Juan NF | |

| | |Status: In Progress (Directed) | |

|PL 106-138 |Terry Peak Land Transfer Act of 1999 H.R.2079.ENR PDF on |The purpose of this Act was to direct conveyance of a parcel within the Terry Peak Ski Area to the Ski Area and |12/7/1999 |

| |the Black Hills National Forest. |to utilize the proceeds to acquire inholdings within the Black Hills NF. | |

| | |Status: Completed 10/15/2002 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-144 Text, PDF |S.416, A bill to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey |Directs the Secretary of Ag to convey Federal land within the City limits of Sister’s, in exchange for service |12/7/1999 |

| |the city of Sisters, Oregon, a certain parcel of land for use |fees to the sewage treatment plant for a Forest Service administrative site located in Sister’s. (Reversionary | |

| |in connection with a sewage treatment facility. |language is added providing that if not used as enacted, land shall revert to the USA.) | |

| | |Status: Completed 7/15/2004 (Directed) | |

| PL 106-187 Text, |H.R.1231, To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey |Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to convey, without consideration, a described cemetery to Elko County, |4/28/2000 |

|PDF |certain National Forest lands to Elko County, Nevada, for |Nevada, | |

| |continued use as a cemetery. |Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed 9/10/2001 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-239 Text, PDF |An Act to designate certain facilities of the United States |Land Transfer to US Postal Service |July 6, 2000 |

| |Postal Service in South Carolina. H.R.3018 |South Carolina National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed (Directed) | |

|PL 106-248 Text, PDF |S.1892, A bill to authorize the acquisition of the Valles |Baca Ranch Acquisition and Management: |07/25/2000 |

| |Caldera, to provide for an effective land and wildlife |The purposes of this title was | |

| |management program for this resource within the Department of |(1) to authorize Federal acquisition of the Baca ranch; | |

| |Agriculture |(2) to protect and preserve for the scientific, scenic, historic, and natural values of the Baca ranch, | |

| |Related: H.R.3288 |Status: Completed 9/30/2005(Directed) | |

|PL 106-257 Text, PDF |Oregon Land Exchange Act of 2000 S.1629.ENR PDF , involves |Related: H.R.1950, H.R.2950 Authorizes the Secretary of Ag to conduct an assembled exchange, known as the Blue |12/1/2000 |

| |the Malheur, Umitalla and Whitman National Forests |Mountain Land Exchange. Due to the complexities of valuation, the exchange as originally addressed, was | |

| | |reconfigured to small exchanges mixed with land purchase. | |

| | |Status: Completed 12/1/2001 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-272 Text, PDF |Jackson Multi-Agency Campus Act of 2000 S.1374.ENR PDF |Bridger-Teton National Forest Land Exchange |9/22/2000 |

| | |Status: Cancelled (Directed) | |

|PL 106-283 Text, PDF |S.430, Kake Tribal Corporation Land Transfer Act; |“on the map entitled `Kake Land Exchange-2000', dated May 2000, through a land exchange for the subsurface |10/6/2000 |

| | |estate to approximately 1,168 acres of Federal land in southeast Alaska that is under the administrative | |

| | |jurisdiction of the Secretary. Any exchange under this paragraph shall be subject to the mutual consent of the | |

| | |United States Forest Service and Sealaska Corporation” | |

| | |Status: Completed 1/15/2000 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-291 |H.R. 4578 Kernville Land exchange on the Sequoia National |Involving Camp Erwin Owen; Kern River Fish Hatchery; Wofford Heights Park; and French Gulch Maintenance Yard in |10/11/2000 |

| |Forest, California |exchange for a portion of county-owned Greenhorn Mt. Park | |

| | | | |

| | |Status: Completed 11/02/2009 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-329 Text, PDF |Black Hills National Forest and Rocky Mountain Research Station|Grants the Secretary of Ag. authority to sell or exchange approximately 362 acres contained in 9 defined tracts |10/14/2000 |

| |Improvement Act H.R.4226 House Reports: 106-816 |all located in South Dakota. | |

| | |Status: Completed 05/15/2003 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-330 Text, PDF |Texas National Forests Improvement Act of 2000 H.R.4285.ENR |Authority -Secretary of Agriculture may convey, by sale or exchange, any and all right, title, and interest in |10/19/2000 |

| |PDF |the following parcels of Texas National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed (Directed) | |

|PL 106-425 Text, PDF |S.2917, Santo Domingo Pueblo Claims Settlement Act of 2000 |Settle the Santo Domingo Pueblo litigation by in part: |11/6/2000 |

| | |directing the transfer of approximately 4,577 acres of public land to the Pueblo; | |

| | |directing the sale of approximately 7,355 acres of national forest lands to the Pueblo; and | |

| | |authorizing the appropriation of $15,000,000 over 3 consecutive years for settlement of the claims. | |

|PL 106-434 Text, PDF |H.R.3657, To provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of | Directs the Secretary of AG to convey 1.06 acres of Federal land to the state of California for market value |11/1/2000 |

| |public domain land in the San Bernardino National Forest in the|($16,000). | |

| |State of California. |Status: Completed (Directed) | |

| |Related: S.2111 | | |

|PL 106-458 Text, PDF |Arizona National Forest Improvement Act of 2000 S.1088.ENR |Authorizes the Secretary of Ag. to sell or exchange the following NFS land and administrative sites: |11/7/2000 |

| |PDF |The Camp Verde Administrative Site | |

| | |A portion of the Cave Creek Administrative Site, | |

| | |The Fredonia Duplex Housing Site, | |

| | |The Groom Creek Administrative Site, | |

| | |The Payson Administrative Site, | |

| | |The Sedona Administrative Site | |

| | |Bill also authorized consideration for a sale or exchange of land to include the acquisition of land. | |

| | |Status: Completed (Directed) | |

|PL 106-458 Text, PDF |S.1088, Arizona National Forest Improvement Act of 2000, |Related:H.R.1969 |11/7/2000 |

| | |“(a) IN GENERAL- The Secretary may, … sell or exchange any and all right, title, and interest of the United | |

| | |States in and to the following National Forest System land and administrative sites:(1) The Camp Verde | |

| | |Administrative Site, comprising approximately 213.60 acres, (2) A portion of the Cave Creek Administrative Site,| |

| | |comprising approximately 16 acres; (3) The Fredonia Duplex Housing Site, comprising approximately 1.40 acres, | |

| | |and the Fredonia Housing Site, comprising approximately 1.58 acres;(4) The Groom Creek Administrative Site, | |

| | |comprising approximately 7.88 acres;(5) The Payson Administrative Site, comprising approximately 296.43 | |

| | |acres;(6) The Sedona Administrative Site, comprising approximately 21.41 acres.(b) | |

| | |Status: Completed 12/30/2000 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-471 Text, PDF |H.R.4646, To designate certain National Forest System lands |Related:S.2865 |11/9/2000 |

| |within the boundaries of the State of Virginia as wilderness |Boundary adjustment certain lands in the George Washington National Forest | |

| |areas, and for other purposes. |Status: Completed (Directed) | |

|PL 106-526 Text, PDF |S.1936, Bend Pine Nursery Land Conveyance Act, |Deschutes National Forest |11/22/2000 |

| | |Status: Not Completed (Authorized) | |

|PL 106-530 Text, PDF |S.2547, Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve Act of 2000|(Note:”(2) Administrative jurisdiction of lands and interests therein administered by the Secretary of |11/22/2000 |

| | |Agriculture within the boundaries of the preserve is transferred to the Secretary of the Interior, to be | |

| | |administered as part of the preserve. The Secretary of Agriculture shall modify the boundaries of the Rio Grande| |

| |(Rio Grande National Forest) |National Forest to exclude the transferred lands from the forest boundaries.” | |

| | |Status: Completed 4/15/2000 (Directed) | |

|PL 106-548 Text, PDF |S.1972, A bill to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey|Map title “Joe Rowell Park” 7/12/2000 (San Juan National Forest) |12/19/2000 |

| |to the town of Dolores, Colorado, the current site of the Joe |Status: Completed 12/13/2000 (Directed) | |

| |Rowell Park. | | |

|PL 106-558 Text, PDF |S.439, An Act to amend the National Forest and Public Lands of |The bill adjusted the boundary of the Toiyabe National Forest, and amended chapter 55 of title 5, United States |12/21/2000 |

| |Nevada Enhancement Act of 1988 to adjust the boundary of the |Code, to authorize equal overtime pay provisions for all Federal employees engaged in wildland fire suppression | |

| |Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada |operations. | |

| | |Toiyabe National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed (Authorized) | |

| | | | |

|PL 106-574 Text, PDF |H.R.4020, Dillonwood Giant Sequoia Grove Park Expansion Act |Related:S.2279 Boundary adjustment |12/28/2000 |

| | |(Sequoia National Forest) | |

| | |Status: Completed (Directed) | |

| | | | |

|PL 106-575 Text, PDF |H.R.4656, To authorize the Forest Service to convey certain |Authorized the direct sale of NFS land to the Washoe County School District for fair market value, but required |12/28/2000 |

| |lands in the Lake Tahoe Basin to the Washoe County School |a reversion clause. Proceeds authorized to be by land subject to Santini-Burton act. | |

| |District for use as an elementary school site. Related: |(Lake Tahoe Basin National Forest) | |

| |H.RES.634, S.2728 |Status: Not Completed (Authorized) | |

|PL 106-577 Text, PDF |S.2749, California Trail Interpretive Act; |(Includes HR 150, National Forest Education & Comm. Act which allows for the conveyance of NFS lands for |12/28/2000 |

| | |educational purposes). | |

| | |Status: Not Completed (Authorized) | |

|107th Congress | | | |

|PL 107-329 Text, PDF |To provide for the acquisition of land and construction of an |The purposes of this title are-- |12/06/2002 |

| |interagency administrative and visitor facility at the entrance|to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to acquire by exchange non-Federal land located in Highland, Utah as | |

| |to American Fork Canyon, Utah, and for other purposes. |the site for an interagency administrative and visitor facility; | |

| |S.1240.ENR PDF Related: H.R.1491, H.R.3928 |to direct the Secretary of the Interior to construct an administrative and visitor facility on the non-Federal | |

| |Senate Reports: 107-178 House Reports: 107-669 |land acquired by the Secretary of Agriculture; and | |

| | |Status: In progress (Authorizes and Directs) | |

|PL 107-353 |H.R. 3401, “California Five Mile Regional Learning Center |Uinta National Forest Land Acquisition; “Salt Lake Meridian”, Pleasant Grove Ranger Station |12/17/2002 |

| |Transfer Act''. |Sierra National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed (Authorized) | |

|PL 107-362 Text, PDF |Russian River Land Act H.R.3048.ENR PDF |Related: S.1879 House Reports: 107-573; Senate Reports: 107-275 |12/19/2002 |

| | |Chugach National Forest | |

| | | | |

| | |Status: In Progress estimated completion date is August 2012 (Authorized) | |

|108th Congress | | | |

|P.L. 108-67 |(H.R. 74) To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey |Directs the Secretary of Agriculture to transfer certain land in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Nevada, |8/1/2003 |

| |certain land in the lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Nevada, |to the Secretary of the Interior, in trust for the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California. | |

| |to the Secretary of the Interior, in trust for the Washoe | | |

| |Indian Tribe of Nevada and California. | | |

|P.L. 108-95 |(S. 278) A bill to make certain adjustments to the boundaries |Mount Naomi Wilderness Boundary Adjustment Act - Adjusts the boundary of the Mount Naomi Wilderness to: (1) |10/3/2003 |

| |of the Mount Naomi Wilderness Area, and for other purposes. |exclude the approximately 31 acres of land depicted on the Map as "Land Excluded"; and (2) include the | |

| | |approximately 31 acres of land depicted on the Map as "Land Added." | |

|P.L. 108-148 |(H.R. 1904) An act to improve the capacity of the Secretary of |Authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to conduct hazardous fuels reduction |12/3/2003 |

| |Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to conduct |projects on National Forest System lands and Bureau of Land Management lands aimed at protecting communities, | |

| |hazardous fuels reduction projects on National Forest System |watersheds, and certain other at-risk lands from catastrophic wildfire, to enhance efforts to protect watersheds| |

| |lands and Bureau of Land Management lands aimed at protecting |and address threats to forest and rangeland health, including catastrophic wildfire, across the landscape, and | |

| |communities, watersheds, and certain other at-risk lands from |for other purposes. | |

| |catastrophic wildfire, to enhance efforts to protect watersheds| | |

| |and address threats to forest and rangeland health, including | | |

| |catastrophic wildfire, across the landscape, and for other | | |

| |purposes. | | |

|P.L. 108-152 |(S. 117) A bill to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to |Authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to sell or exchange certain land in the State of Florida, and for other |12/3/2003 |

| |sell or exchange certain land in the State of Florida, and for |purposes. | |

| |other purposes. | | |

|P.L. 108- 190 |(H.R. 622) A bill to provide for the exchange of certain lands |Directs the Montezuma Castle land exchange and the Q-Ranch land exchange. Directs equalization of values with |12/19/2003 |

| |in the Coconino and Tonto National Forests in Arizona, and for |any excess to the Forest Service deposited into a Sisk account. | |

| |other purposes. | | |

|P.L. 108-230 |(H.R. 708) To require the conveyance of certain National Forest|Authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain Mendocino National Forest System lands in Lake County,|5/28/2004 |

| |System lands in Mendocino National Forest, California, to |California, to the owner of Faraway Ranch property, Lake County, California. Funds go into Sisk Act | |

| |provide for the use of the proceeds from such conveyance for | | |

| |National Forest purposes, and for other purposes. | | |

|P.L. 108-269 |(S. 1848) A bill to amend the Bend Pine Nursery Land Conveyance|Amends the Bend Pine Nursery Land Conveyance Act to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to sell for recreational|7/2/2004 |

| |Act to direct the Secretary of Agriculture to sell the, Bend |use the Bend Pine Nursery Administrative Site to the Bend Metro Park and Recreation District, Deschutes County, | |

| |Pine Nursery Administration Site in the State of Oregon. |Oregon. Directs the District to convey without consideration a certain parcel of such land for educational use | |

| | |to Administrative School District No. 1, Deschutes County, Oregon. | |

|P.L. 108-279 |(S. 1167) A bill to resolve the boundary conflicts in Barry and|A bill to resolve the boundary conflicts in Barry and Stone Counties in the State of Missouri. Settlement |7/22/2004 |

| |Stone Counties in the State of Missouri. |Agreement | |

|P.L. 108-381 |H.R. 3217, To provide for the conveyance of several small |Apalachicola National Forest, Florida, |10/30/2004 |

| |parcels of National Forest System land in the Apalachicola | | |

| |National Forest, Florida, to resolve boundary discrepancies | | |

| |involving the Mt. Trial Primitive Baptist Church of Wakulla | | |

| |County, Florida, | | |

|108-447 |Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 |SEC. 347. (a) SHORT TITLE- This section may be cited as the `Chris Zajicek Memorial Land Exchange Act of 2004'. | |

| | |(b) NATIONAL FOREST SYSTEM LAND EXCHANGE IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA- Notwithstanding the effect of the wildfire | |

| | |known as the `Impassable 1 Fire' on the value of the land to be exchanged, the Secretary of Agriculture (acting | |

| | |through the Chief of the Forest Service) may carry out the exchange agreement entered into by the Forest Service| |

| | |and the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida and dated March 5, 2004| |

| | |(This language allowed Florida to close the State of Florida LEX based on “pre-fire” values) | |

| | |Status: Completed 4/15/2005 | |

|109TH CONGRESS | | | |

|PL 109-46 Text, PDF |H.R. 541, To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to convey | Directs Sec. of Ag. to convey the “Kingston Cemetery” to Lander County, NV without compensation. Bill includes|8/2/2005 |

| |certain land to Lander County, Nevada, and the Secretary of the|a reversionary clause. | |

| |Interior to convey certain land to Eureka County, Nevada. | | |

| |H.R.541.ENR PDF | | |

|PL 109-110 Text, PDF |S.161, Northern Arizona Land Exchange and Verde River Basin |Directs the Yavapai Land Exchange for specifically identified Federal and non-federal parcels. |11/22/2005 |

| |Partnership Act of 2005 |Status: In Progress | |

| |Related: H.R.410 | | |

|PL 109-286 Text, PDF |S.1773 Pueblo de San Ildefonso Claims Settlement Act of 2005 |Bill authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to convey the Water System Land, the Northern Tier Land, and the |9/27/2006 |

| | |Los Alamos Townsite Land for market value consideration, and to acquire replacement National Forest land | |

| | |elsewhere in New Mexico | |

| | |Status: In Progress (Directed) | |

| | | | |

| | |Santa Fe National Forest | |

|PL 109-372 Text, PDF |S.1131, To authorize the exchange of certain Federal land |Directs the Sec. of Ag. to exchange identified land with Boise, ID and the State of Idaho. Also transfers |11/27/2006 |

| |within the State of Idaho, and for other purposes. |administration of parcels from the BLM to FS. Related: H.R.2718 | |

| | |Idaho Panhandle National Forests and the Clearwater National Forest | |

| PL 109-375 Text, PDF |H.R.409, Sierra National Forest Land Exchange Act of 2006 |S.179 H.R. 409 directs the exchange of Federal land to the Boy Scouts of America, 160 acres, valuation set in |12/01/2006 |

| |Related: within the State of California |Act. ($50,000 paid to USA in Sisk Act w/o further appropriations). Act provides for boundary adjustment to | |

| | |include Boy Scouts parcel within the NF. | |

| | |Sierra National Forest | |

| | | | |

| | |Status: Completed 9/18/2008 (Directed) | |

|PL 109-377 Text, PDF |H.R.1129, Pitkin County Land Exchange Act of 2006 |Related: S.100 |12/1/2006 |

| | |White River National Forest | |

| | |Status: Completed 5/27/2009 (Directed) | |

| PL 109-387 Text, PDF |H.R.4559 Chequamegon-Nicolet Land Conveyance to the towns of |Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest |12/12/2006 |

| |Laona and Wabeno, Wisconsin, and for other purposes. | | |

|PL 109-389 Text, PDF |H.R.5103, To provide for the conveyance of the former Konnarock|Jefferson National Forest Land Conveyance to Evangelical Lutheran Coalition for Mission in Appalachia |12/12/2006 |

| |Lutheran Girls School in Smyth County, Virginia, currently |Status: In Progress | |

| |administered by the Forest Service | | |

| PL 109-391 Text, PDF |H.R.5690 Ouachita National Forest Boundary Adjustment Act of |Boundary Adjustment |12/12/2006 |

| |2006 |Status: Completed | |

| | | | |

| | |Ouachita National Forest | |

| PL 109-474 Text, PDF |H.R.482, Pine Springs Land Exchange Act |Lincoln National Forest, NM; 80 acre land exchange with Christian University |1/12/2007 |

| | | | |

| | |Status: Completed 7/15/2010 (Directed) | |

|110TH CONGRESS | | | |

|PL 110-229 Text, PDF |(S.2739 ) Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008 |Title I Sec. 101 Boundary adjustment |5/8/2008 |

| | |`Priority Acquisition Lands' on the map described in subsection (a)(1). The boundaries of the Mt. | |

| | |Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest and the Wild Sky Wilderness shall be adjusted to encompass any lands acquired | |

| | |Related: H.R.30, H.R.85, H.R.161, H.R.235, H.R.247, H.R.276, H.R.299, H.R.319, H.R.359, H.R.376, H.R.386, H.R.40| |

| | |7, H.R.442, H.R.467, H.R.482, H.R.495, H.R.497, H.R.512, H.R.658, H.R.713, H.R.759, H.R.761, H.R.807, H.R.815, H| |

| | |.R.830, H.R.839, H.R.886, H.R.902, H.R.986, H.R.1021, H.R.1025, H.R.1047, H.R.1083, H.R.1100, H.R.1114, H.R.1126| |

| | |, H.R.1191, H.R.1239, H.R.1337, H.R.1388, H.R.1462, H.R.1483, H.R.1520, H.R.1526, H.R.1625, H.R.1662, H.R.1736, | |

| | |H.R.1815, H.R.1835, H.R.1904, H.R.1922, H.R.2094, H.R.2251, H.R.2705, H.R.3079, H.R.3616, S.CON.RES.6, S.175, S.| |

| | |200, S.220, S.235, S.241, S.255, S.257, S.263, S.264, S.265, S.266, S.289, S.312, S.327, S.471, S.488, S.500, S.| |

| | |512, S.520, S.553, S.752, S.797, S.800, S.817, S.867, S.890, S.916, S.955, S.1039, S.1110, S.1112, S.1116, S.114| |

| | |3, S.1148, S.1184, S.1258, S.1329, S.1475, S.1608, S.1634, S.1709, S.1808, S.1941, S.1991, S.2179, S.2180, S.248| |

| | |3, S.2616 | |

|PL 110-234 |To provide for the continuation of agricultural programs |Sec. 8303 Green Mountain National Forest Bromley Ski Resort land exchange |05/22/2008 |

|TEXT |through fiscal |Status: On Hold (Authorized) | |

| | | | |

|111TH CONGRESS | | | |

|PL 111-11 Text, PDF |H.R.146 Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 |Title I;Subtitle O; Sec. 1981. Conveyance of Dixie National Forest land |3/30/2009 |

| |Sell Federal land, Funds to Sisk Act |Title II, SubtitleA. CooperSpur-Govt Camp Land Exchange | |

| | |Subtitle B. Port of Cascade Land exchange | |

| | |Subtitle C. Hunchback Mt. Land Exchange 7 Bdry Adjustment | |

| | |Title III; Subtitle G: Land Conveyance & Exchanges | |

| | |Sec. 3301. Land conveyance to City of Coffman Cove, Alaska. | |

| | |Sec. 3302. Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest land conveyance, Montana. | |

| | |Sec. 3303. Santa Fe National Forest; Pecos National Historical Park Land Exchange. | |

| | |Sec. 3304. Santa Fe National Forest Land Conveyance, New Mexico. | |

| | |Sec. 3305. Kittitas County, Washington, land conveyance. | |

| | |Sec. 3306. Mammoth Community Water District use restrictions. | |

| | |Sec. 3307. Land exchange, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Utah. | |

| | |Sec. 3308. Boundary adjustment, Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. | |

| | |Sec. 3309. Sandia pueblo land exchange technical amendment. | |

| | | | |

| | |Related:H.RES.280,H.R.165, H.R.166, H.R.169, H.R.170, H.R.234, H.R.279, H.R.280, H.R.283,H.R.286, H.R.316, H.R.3| |

| | |28, H.R.337, H.R.338, H.R.351, H.R.369, H.R.401, H.R.404, H.R.408, H.R.410,H.R.419, H.R.438, H.R.453, H.R.454, H| |

| | |.R.455, H.R.488, H.R.545, H.R.552, H.R.602, H.R.604, H.R.608,H.R.763, H.R.921, H.R.1435, H.R.1694, S.22 | |

| | | | |

| | |Status: In Progress | |

|112TH CONGRESS | | | |

|PL 112-79 Text, PDF |S.278 : Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District Land Exchange Act | |12/23/2011 |

| |of 2011 |Arapaho-Roosevelt Land Exchange | |

| |Senate Reports: 112-51 | | |

| | |Status: In Progress | |


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