Health problems resulting from eating disorders

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| |Leicestershire Adult Eating Disorders Service |

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| |Health problems resulting from eating disorders |

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| |Excessive Laxative Abuse |

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| |This leaflet provides information for patients about some of the physical problems that may |

| |result from the misuse of laxatives. The aim of this is to provide you with information that is |

| |important to you, not to worry you or upset you. The information in this leaflet may raise |

| |questions to discuss with your doctor or therapist. It will help explain why you may need certain|

| |blood tests or other investigations. |

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|Leicestershire Adult Eating Disorders Service | |

|Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust | |

|Bennion Centre | |

|Groby Road | |

|Leicester | |

|LE3 9DZ | |

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|Tele: 0116 225 2557 | |

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|Author: Dr Hugh Herzig | |

|Reviewed: March 2013 | |

|Review due: June 2014 | |

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|Excessive laxative use |Your doctor or therapist may check the potassium level with a blood test and the heart rhythm |

|Laxative medications include Senokot, Movicol, Lactulose, Dulco-lax, Docusol, Fybogel and many other brands. |with an ECG (electrocardiograph). You may be prescribed potassium tablets or need admission to a |

|Most are available over the counter without prescription. |medical ward, where intravenous drip potassium replacement can be given safely. |

|Laxative misuse is a method people may use to try to get rid of food and reduce body weight. Misuse of a |Of course these measures won’t help for long if the laxative misuse continues. The only lasting |

|medication means taking it when it is not clinically helpful to do so, or taking it in an excessive dose. |way to maintain normal safe potassium levels is to decrease and stop the misuse of laxatives. |

|Everyone knows that laxative medication is for constipation. It is true that some people with eating disorders|Repeated vomiting, laxative misuse, and misuse of diuretics (water tablets) each lead to |

|complain of constipation, bloating or discomfort. However, when the bowel slows down because of insufficient |significant mineral and fluid loss including potassium. In combination these behaviours are |

|food and fluid intake, or because stomach contents are being repeatedly vomited, taking laxatives won’t help. |particularly risky. |

|The bowel needs enough food and fluid within it to be able to push the contents along and keep it regular. |Laxative misuse will in time disturb the body’s fluid balance. Some people who take misuse |

|People with eating disorders take who take large quantities of laxatives may observe their weight has |laxatives develop oedema (fluid retention usually in the ankles leading to swelling and |

|decreased when they get on the scales after laxative misuse and subsequent diarrhoea. Any such weight loss is|puffiness). The excess fluid may disguise the true extent of loss of body mass. |

|due entirely to a loss of body fluid (water and minerals). There is no loss of body tissue mass, fat, protein |Many laxatives work by stimulating the muscle wall of the bowels, which contract and push the |

|or calories. |contents through quicker. This artificial stimulation eventually leads to loss of bowel tone, the|

| |muscle wall becoming thinned and flaccid. At this stage bowel function may be permanently |

|Health problems caused by excessive laxative use |weakened and slow, and even the presence of adequate food and fluid cannot restore it to normal. |

|Laxative misuse causes dehydration, bringing faintness, |Many people end up suffering severe and long term constipation, which will not respond to more |

|tiredness and headache. It can also cause severe depletion |laxative medication. |

|of essential minerals, which are present within the bowel | |

|permanently weakened and slow, and even the presence of |Managing laxative abuse |

|adequate food and fluid cannot restore it to normal. Many people |If laxative abuse is an issue which concerns you please discuss this with your doctor or |

|end up suffering severe and long term constipation, which will |therapist with whom you can negotiate a plan to gradually reduce your laxative intake. |

|not respond to more laxative medication. | |

|The most important mineral to be depleted by laxative misuse is potassium, there are others too, such as |It is not advisable to abruptly stop laxatives without medical supervision. |

|phosphate, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Potassium is vital to life because of its role in nerve conduction, | |

|particularly the nerves and muscles of the heart. When potassium levels in the body fall, the heart may lose |If you have any questions or concerns about the information in this leaflet you can raise these |

|its regular beating rhythm. This may cause faintness or even loss of consciousness. Occasionally the heart may|with your doctor or therapist or leave a message with our secretaries on 0116 225 2557. |

|stop beating altogether. | |


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