Single Patient IND - Harvard University

Bevacizumb (Avastin)

FDA Approved

Risks Associated with Bevacizumab

Frequent (Between a 10-50% chance that this will happen)

• High blood pressure

• Stomach cramps, pain in the abdomen due to cramping

• Inflammation of the nasal passageway due to allergies. This generally causes a stuffy or runny nose and sneezing.

• Loss of appetite and weight loss

• Feeling weak and having no energy

• Shortness of breath

• Tearing

• Headache

• Feeling sick to the stomach, vomiting

• Infection of the lung

• Excess protein in the urine. This may cause fluid retention.

• Chills and shivering

• Sores in the mouth and esophagus, which may be painful and cause difficulty swallowing.

• Low number of platelets, which may cause bleeding and bruising. Bleeding may be serious or life threatening and may required a blood transfusion.

• Loss of function of the ovaries that can lead to menopause

Occasional (Between a 1-10% chance that this will happen)

• Allergic reaction that may include a rash, hives, fever, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. Although usually reversible with treatment, it can be severe or life threatening.

• Hairloss

• Build up of fluid in the abdomen, which causes bloating and discomfort. This could require that the fluid be removed by a procedure called paracentesis

• Blood clots can form leading to swelling in the arms and legs. These clots can travel to the lungs causing shortness of breath or to the brain causing a stroke. This may be serious or life threatening.

• Bowel perforation (a hole in the intestines) that could result in a serious, life-threatening infection and may require surgery

• Heart problems (including shortness of breath, congestive heart failure, lower leg swelling, decreased heart function) often reversible, but may be permanent.

• Confusion

• Dehydration. If severe it may require medication, IV fluids and possibly hospitalization.

• Bloody nose

• An abnormal connection between two different organs. This side effect may lead to life-threatening complications including serious infections, bleeding or dysfunction of the organs.

• Low levels of potassium in the blood, which can cause an abnormal heart rate. This could cause an irregular heartbeat, which can be serious and life threatening

• Bleeding internally which may require hospitalization and surgery

• Rash flaking or sloughing of skin

• Stunted growth

• A rare reversible risk of confusion, visual loss, seizures and coma that can happen in association with very high blood pressure.

• Slow or poor healing of surgical wounds




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