Ms - Dearborn Public Schools

Ms. Memminger




1) No cell phones, or other electronics visible or used in the classroom without expressed permission.

2) We will all respect each other, use appropriate language at all times.

3) You are responsible for all missed work. The lesson plans will be posted on the wall and you will have to write down and make-up your work if you are absent or tardy.


5) Be yourself and be honest; these are two qualities I find extremely important in my students.

6) Due Dates: When something is due, it is due. You receive due dates weeks ahead of time. Even if you are absent, you still must email me the work by the time you would have turned it in. There are only slight exceptions to this rule and that is with extended sickness. My email is on the top of this page. This also goes for printing out any assignment. I will not print it unless it is sent to me the night before.

What you need:

1) A thick notebook

2) Your brain

If you do not have any of these materials, you will be responsible for all missed work that you cannot complete because of this. I will have pencils available for a dollar, otherwise, find a nice student who will loan you one.

Grading Policy:

I grade on a point system. Your total amount of points will be divided by the total number of points available at the end of the school year. The percentage that you earn will determine your grade.

A 92-100

A- 90-91

B+ 88-89

B 82-87

B- 80-81

C+ 78-79

C 72-77

C- 70-71

D+ 68-69

D 62-67

D- 60-61

E 59-

Tardy Policy. Absence Policy, Audit Policy, Cell Phone Policy

I follow the School policy.

Absent Work:

If you are absent you are responsible for writing down and obtaining your own work. I will have lesson plans posted on the wall. Any handouts can be obtained from the absent work trays or on the blog. Please do not ask for directions until after class or during break.


I do accept late work, but there are conditions.

Late work will be accepted at 75% of the grade you have earned. For example, if you earn a 100% on a late assignment, you will receive a 75%.

Late work can only be made up after school in front of me. I have to see you complete it.

Bell Work:

Bellwork is worth one point per day. I collect it daily. You cannot make it up for any reason.

Academic Detention: T, W, TH 2:20-3:30pm

Every two weeks, you will receive an update of your grade. If you have earned a D or below, you will receive an academic detention. Academic detention is an hour and a half after school with me. During this time you will be required to make up work or redo work for a better grade. If you cannot an academic detention for any reason and do not make other arrangements, you will be written up.


If you miss an exam or quiz, you will have to come after school to make it up the following day. If you skip an exam or quiz, you will receive a zero. The exam or quiz will be different than the one given in the class prior. If you fail an exam or quiz, you are able to retake them after school with me after significant review work. I will average the two grades. The Social Studies Department does not accommodate students leaving early for finals.


I do not tolerate cheating of any kind in this classroom.

Types of cheating are:

1) Copying a friends homework

2) Copying answers on tests, quizzes, etc.

3) Using any types of cheat sheet paper, skin, shoe, cell phone etc.

4) Claiming Wikipedia as your own words without citing (Plagiarism)

Consequences for cheating are:

If you cheat alone you will receive a zero.

If your copy off someone with their knowledge, you will both receive a zero.


Be on your best behavior at all times. I like to keep in contact with parents and will call them.

I have read the above rules and regulations and plan to follow them to the best of my ability throughout my time in this classroom.

Your Signature______________________________________________________

I have read the above rules and regulations and know what is expected of my child within the classroom.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email: _______________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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