Greek and Latin Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words
Greek and Latin Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words
|Prefix, Suffix, or Root Word |Meaning |Example |
|A |
|a-, an- |no, not, without |atrophy, abiogenesis |
|ab- |away from, negative, absent |abnormal, abduct |
|abdomin/o |abdomen |abdominoplasty |
|ad- |toward, to, in direction of |adduct, adhesion, adrenal |
|aden/o |gland, glandular tissue |adenoids |
|adip/o |fat |adipose, adipocyte |
|af- |to, toward |afferent |
|aero- |air |aerobic, anaerobic |
|agglutin/o |clumping, stick together |agglutinate |
|algesi-, algesio-, -algesia, -algesic, -algia, -algic, |pain, suffering |analgesic, fibromyalgia |
|-algy | | |
|allo- |other, different |allograft |
|alveol/o |air sac, small sac |alveolus |
|amyl/o |starch |amylase |
|andr/o |relationship to the male |androgen |
|angio- |blood vessel |angiogram, angioplasty |
|ante-, anter/o |before, in front of |anterior |
|anti |against |anti-inflammatory, antihistamine |
|aqua, aqu/i, aqu/o, aque/o |water |aqueous |
|areol/o |little open space, small area |areola |
|arrect/o |upright, lifted up, raised |arrector pili |
|arter/o, arteri/o |of or pertaining to artery | arterial, arteriosclerosis |
|arthro |joint |arthritis |
|articulo |joint |articulate, articulation |
|-ase |enzyme |sucrase, lactase, amylase |
|aspir/o, aspirat/o |to breathe in |aspirate |
|asthmat/o |gasping, choking |asthma |
|astr/o |star, star-shaped |astrocytes |
|athero |plaque, fatty substance |atherosclerosis |
|aud-, audi/o, audit/o, aur/i,aur/o |ear, hearing |auricle, auditory |
|aut/o |self |autoimmune, autograft |
|axill/o |armpit |axilla |
|B |
|bi-, bis- |twice, double, two |bilateral, bicuspid |
|bio- |life, living |biology, biogenesis |
|blast/o, -blast |bud, germ, embryonic, immature |osteoblast, blastula |
|brachi/o, -brachial |arm |brachial artery, antebrachium |
|brady- |slow |bradycardia |
|bronch/i, bronchi/o, bronch/o |windpipe |bronchitis, bronchi |
|bucc/o |of or pertaining to the cheek |buccal, buccinator |
|burs/o |sac of fluid near joint |bursitis, bursa |
|C |
|-calyx |covering |glycocalyx |
|canalicul/o |little canal or duct |canaliculus |
|capill-, capilla- |hair, hairlike |capillary |
|capit/o |head |capitulum |
|carcin/o |cancer |carcinogenic, carcinoma |
|cardia, cardi/o, card/o |heart |cardiac, cardiovascular, cardiology |
|carp/o |wrist bones |carpus, carpals |
|caud/o |tail, lower part of body |caudal |
|cec/o |blind |cecum |
|-cele |tumor, swelling, pouch |hydrocele |
|-centesis |puncture, aspiration of |amniocentesis |
|cephal/o, -ceps |head |cephalad, hydrocephalic, bicep |
|cerebr/o |brain |cerebrum, cerebral |
|cervic/o |neck |cervix, cervical |
|chondr/o |cartilage |chondrocyte |
|chrom/o |color |chromatin, chromosomes |
|-cide |kill, killing |bactericide, spermicide |
|circa, circum |around, about |circumcise, circumflex artery |
|cirrh/o |orange-yellow, tawny |cirrhosis |
|-clasis, -clast |break down |osteoclast |
|co-, con- |with, together |coenzyme, cofactor, congenital |
|corn-, corne-, corni- |horn, horny, beak, claw |stratum corneum |
|coron/o |crown, garland |coronal suture |
|corp/u, corpor/o |body |corpus luteum, corpuscles |
|cost/o |rib |costal, intercostal |
|cox/o |hip, hip joint |coxa |
|crani/o |skull |cranium |
|crin/o, -crine |secrete |endocrine |
|-cutane, cutaneo |skin |cutaneous |
|cubit/o, -cubital |elbow, forearm, ulna |cubital, antecubital |
|cyan/o |blue |cyanotic |
|cyst-, -cyst |bladder, bag |cyst, blastocyst |
|cyt/o, -cyte |cell |cytology, leukocyte |
|D |
|-dactyl |finger |polydactyly |
|de- |away from, remove, off, without |dehydrate |
|derma-, dermis, dermat/o, derm/o |skin |dermal, ectoderm, dermatologist |
|desm, desmo |tie, a bond |desmosome |
|di- |twice, double, twofold |disaccharide |
|di- |take apart, separate |dissect |
|dia- |through, between, apart |diaphragm |
|-dont |tooth |odontoid process |
|dors/o, dors/i |back |dorsal |
|-duct |opening, vessel, tube, to lead/draws |oviduct, abduct, adduct |
|dys- |bad, difficult, painful |dysfunctional, dystrophy |
|E |
|e-, ex-, exo- |out, outer, out of, from, external |excise, excrete, exocrine, exotoxin |
|ecto- |out, outside | ectoderm, ectopic |
|-ectomy |surgcial removal, cutting out, excision |appendectomy, hysterectomy |
|ef- |out, away from |efferent |
|-emia |blood, blood condition |anemia, leukemia |
|en-, end-, endo- |in, within, inside, internal |endoderm, encephalitis |
|entero- |intestine |dysentery, gastroenterologist |
|epi- |over, above, on, upon |epithelium, epidermis |
|episi/o |loins, pubic area, vulva |episiotomy |
|erythr/o |red |erythema, erythrocyte |
|-esthetic |sensation, feeling |anesthetic |
|eu- |true, good, well, new |eukaryote |
|extra- |on the outside, beyond, outside |extracellular |
|F |
|femor/o |thigh bone |femur |
|-ferent |carrying |efferent, afferent |
|fibr/o |fiber |fibroblast |
|fore- |before, in front of |forearm, foreskin, forehead |
|fossa |hollow, depressed area |olecranon fossa |
|G |
|galact/o |milk |galactose |
|gam, gamo, gamet/o |marriage, sexual, joined |gamete |
|gaster-, gastr-, gastr/o |stomach, belly |gastric, gastrointestinal, gastritis |
|-genic, -genesis |origin, birth, creation |carcinogenic, biogenesis |
|gingiv- |gum |gingivitis |
|gluco- |sweet |glucose |
|glute/o |buttocks |gluteal, gluteus maximus |
|glyc/o, glycos/o |sugar, sweet |glycogen, hyperglycemia, glycocalyx |
|gracil/o |slender |gracilis |
|-gram |record, picture |angiogram |
|gyn-, gyno-, gynec-, gyneco- |woman |gynecology |
|H |
|hem/o, hema, hemat/o |blood, relating to the blood |hemorrhage, hemoglobin |
|hemi- |half |hemisphere |
|hepat/o |liver |hepatic vein, hepatitis |
|hist/o, histi/o |tissue |histology |
|holo- |all |holocrine |
|hom/o, homos |same, alike |homogenous |
|home/o |same, unchanging, constant |homeostasis |
|hydr/o, hydra- |water |hydrolysis, dehydration |
|hyper- |excessive, above, beyond |hyperglycemia, hypertonic |
|hypo- |below, under, decreased |hypoglycemia, hypotonic |
|hyster/o |uterus |hysterectomy |
|I |
|im- |not, in, into, inward, to cause |impermeable, impregnate |
|infra- |below, beneath |infraorbital |
|inguin/o |groin |inguinal canal |
|inter- |between, among |intercellular, interstitial |
|intra- |inside, within |intracellular, intravenous, intramuscular |
|iso- |equal, same |isotonic, isometric, isograft |
|-itis |disease, inflammation |bronchitis, arthritis |
|J |
|K |
|kary/o |nucleus, nut, kernel |karyotype, eukaryote |
|kines/o, kinesi/o, -kinesia |movement |cytokinesis, kinesiology |
|kypho- |bent, humped |kyphosis |
|L |
|labio- |lip |labium |
|lacrim/o |of or relating to tear |lacrimal bone, lacrimal duct |
|lact/i, lact/o |milk |lactose, lactate, lactase |
|-lemma |sheath, covering, envelope |sarcolemma |
|leuk/o |white |leukocyte, leukemia |
|lip/o |fat |lipid, liposuction, lipoma |
|-logy |study |cytology, histology, hematology |
|lys, lyse, -lysis |breakdown, rupture, destruction, separation |cytolysis, hydrolysis, lysosome |
|M |
|macro- |large, abnormal size or length, long |macromolecule, macrophage |
|mal- |abnormal, bad, inadequate |malnutrition |
|-malacia |soft, softening |osteomalacia |
|mamm/o |of or pertaining to breast |mammary, mammogram |
|mast- |of or pertaining to breast |mastectomy |
|melan/o |dark, black color |melanin, melanoma |
|mening/o, meningi/o |membrane |meningitis |
|-mer |part |polymer, monomer |
|mes-, meso- |middle |mesoderm |
|micr/o, micro- |small |microscope |
|mono- |one, single |monomer, monosaccharide |
|morph/o |shape, form, structure |morphology |
|muc/o, mucos/o |mucus |mucosa, mucous membrane, mucus |
|multi- |many, much |multinucleate |
|my/o, myos/o |muscle |myocardium |
|myel/o |bone marrow |myeloblast |
|N |
|narc/o |numb, sleep |narcotic |
|necr/o, -necrosis |of or pertaining to death/dead things |necrosis, necrotizing fasciitis |
|nephr-, nephra-, nephro- |kidney |nephritis, nephrology |
|nerv/o, neur/i, neur/o |nerve, nerve tissue |neuron, neurology |
|nuc-, nucle-, nucleo- |nut, kernel |nucleus, nucleoplasm |
|O |
|obliqu/o |slanted |oblique |
|occipit/o |back of the skull |occipital bone |
|ocul/o |eye |ocular, binocular |
|odont/o |tooth |odontoid process |
|olecran/o |elbow |olecranon process |
|-ology |science or study of |physiology, cardiology |
|-oma |tumor |carcinoma, sarcoma |
|onc/o |tumor |oncogene, oncology |
|o/o,oo/o |beginning, egg |oocyte, oogenesis |
|ophthalm/o |eye, vision |ophthalmology |
|opt-, opto-, optic-, optico- |eye, vision |optic nerve |
|or/o |mouth, oral cavity |oral, oropharynx |
|ortho- |direct, straight |orthopedic |
|osmo- |push |osmosis, osmotic pressure |
|oss/e, oss/i, oste/o, osst/o |bone |osteon, osteocyte, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis |
|ot/o |ear, hearing |otitis, otic |
|ov/i, ov/o |egg |ovary, ovum, oviduct |
|P |
|pall/o, pallid/o |pale, lacking color |pallor |
|para- |beside, near |parasagittal |
|path-, -pathy |disease |pathogen, osteopathy |
|pector/o |chest | pectoralis major |
|-ped, -pede, ped/o, pedia, pedis, pes, pod |foot |bipedal, podiatrist |
|pedi/a |child |pediatrician |
|-penia |deficient |osteopenia |
|peri- |surrounding, around |pericardium |
|-phaga, -phage, -phagia, phago- | to eat, devour |macrophage, phagocyte |
|phil, -phile, -philia, -philic, philo- |love, attract |hydrophilic |
|phleb/o |vein |phlebitis, phlebotomist |
|phob/o, -phobia, -phobic |abnormal fear |hydrophobic |
|physi/o |body function |physiology |
|-plasia, plasm-, plasmo-, plast/o |anything formed or molded |plasma, cytoplasm |
|-plasty |reconstruction |rhinoplasty |
|-plegia |paralysis |quadriplegic, paraplegic |
|pleura- |rib, side |pleural cavity |
|pneum/o |lungs |pneumonia |
|pod-, podo- |foot |podiatrist |
|-poiesis |production, formation, to make |hematopoiesis |
|poly- |many |polymer, polysaccharide |
|post- |after, behind |posterior, postoperative |
|pro- |before, foreward |prothrombin |
|pre- |before, in front of |precancerous, prenatal |
|proct/o |anus, rectum |proctology |
|proxim/o |near |proximal |
|pterygo- |wing |pterygoid process |
|pulmon-, pulmo- |lung |pulmonary |
|pylor-, pyloro |gatekeeper |pyloric valve |
|Q |
|quadr/i, quadr/o |four |quadriceps, quadriplegic |
|R |
|ren/i, ren/o |kidney |renal |
|reti-, reticul- , reticul/o |network |endoplasmic reticulum, reticular, |
|-rrhage, -rrhagia |bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge |hemorrhage, hemorrhagic |
|-rrhea |abnormal flow, discharge |diarrhea |
|rug/o |wrinkle, fold |rugae |
|S |
|sacchar/o |sugar |polysaccharide |
|sarc/o |flesh, muscular, connective tissue |sarcoma, sarcomere |
|scler/o, -sclerosis |hard, hardening |atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis |
|scoli/o |curved, bent |scoliosis |
|-scope |instrument for viewing |stethoscope, microscope |
|scrot/o |bag, pouch |scrotum |
|sell/o |saddle |sella turcica |
|semi- |half |semilunar valve |
|semin/i |seed, sperm |seminal vesicle |
|seps/o, sept/i, sept/o |infection, separate |sepsis, septic, septum |
|som-, soma-, somat/o, -some |body |chromosome, lysosome |
|sperm-, sperma, spermi, spermo, spermato |seed |spermatid, spermatogenesis |
|-stasia, -stasis, -static |control, maintenance of constant level |homeostasis |
|sten/o |narrowing, contracted |stenosis |
|steth- |chest |stethoscope |
|stomat/o |mouth |stoma |
|-stomosis, -stomy |surgical opening, new opening |colostomy |
|styl/o |pillar, point, pen |styloid process |
|sub- |under, below, less, smaller than |subcutaneous |
|sulc/o |furrow, groove |lacrimal sulcus |
|super-, super/o, supra |above, excessive, higher than |superior, suprarenal, supraorbital |
|sym-, syn- |with, together, united |bilateral symmetry, synapse |
|T |
|tach-, tacho-, tachy- |fast, rapid |tachycardia |
|tars-, tarso-, -tarsal |foot |tarsus, metatarsal |
|tel-, tele-, telo- |end, completion |telomere, telophase |
|tetan/o |rigid, tense |tetanus |
|therm/o, -thermia |heat |hypothermia, endothermic |
|thorac/o, -thorax |chest |pneumothorax, thoracic cavity |
|thromb/o |blood clot |thrombus, thrombosis |
|-tibial |shinbone |tibia |
|-tomy |cutting, sharp |lobotomy, episiotomy |
|-ton |tension, to stretch |hypotonic, hypertonic, isotonic |
|tox/o, toxic/o, -toxin |poison, poisonous |toxic, toxemia |
|trabecul/o |little beam |trabeculae |
|trache-, trachea- |throat, neck, windpipe |trachea |
|trans- |across, through |transverse, transfusion |
|tri- |three |tricuspid |
|troph/o, -trophic, -trophy |development, nourishment, to feed or eat, food |hypertrophy, hypotrophy, dystrophy |
|U |
|uln-, ulno- |forearm |ulna |
|umbilic/o |navel |umbilical cord |
|uni- |one |uninucleate |
|uter/o |womb |uterus |
|V |
|vagin- |sheath, scabbard |vagina |
|vaso- |duct, blood vessel |vasoconstriction |
|ven/o, veni- |vein |venous, intravenous |
|ventr/o, ventri- |in front, belly side |ventral |
|vesicul- |small bladder, blister |vesicle |
|vill- |shaggy hair |microvilli, villi |
|viscer/o |internal organ |viscera, visceral |
|viscos/o |sticky |viscous |
|vitre-, vitreo- |glassy, clear |vitreous humor |
|vulv/o |covering |vulva |
|W |
|X |
|xeno- |foreign, different |xenograft |
|xiphi-, xipho- |sword |xiphoid process |
|Y |
|Z |
|zygot/o |joined together |zygote |
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