Ch6r - Welcome to Biology! - Mt. SAC- ANAT 36

Study guide for exam III.

This guide is for reference only, and items may or may not appear on exam. You need to know the materials from lecture and the test is not limited to the guides.


List the components and functions of blood.

List the major plasma components and their generalized functions.

Discuss the normal appearance, size, shape and function of erythrocytes in circulating blood.

Describe the function of hemoglobin.

Describe the process of blood cell formation and its requirements.

Discuss the generalized function, classification, normal appearance and shape of leukocytes in circulating blood.

Compare and contrast granulocytes and agranulocytes.

Describe ABO and Rh blood grouping systems, and their relationships to transfusions.

Explain the mechanisms of hemostasis.

Compare and contrast different types of anemias.

Immune System

List the 3 types of immune responses.

Differentiate between the two major categories of immune defenses mechanisms.

Explain the sequences of the inflammatory response and phagocytosis as it relates to inflammation.

Discuss the the two major classes of lymphocytes.

Discuss the role of complement and interferon in the immune system.

Describe the activation, and functions of B & T cells.

Discuss the MHC and its relations to B & T cells.

What is an antigen-presenting cell? What is its role in immunity?

What is immune tolerance?

What happens if an individual is exposed to the same pathogen the second time?

Describe the 2 classifications of acquired immunity.

Describe the harmful immune responses.

Discuss any disorders or diseases associated with the immune system.

Cardiovascular System

Trace a cardiac impulse through the conduction system of the heart.

What is a pacemaker ?

Explain the action potential in the heart with the appropriate ions involved.

Discuss normal EKG waves and intervals and their relationship to mechanical contraction.

Discuss the major events of the cardiac cycle.

Discuss how arterial blood pressure is influenced by cardiac output, stroke volume and heart rate.

Compare the results of parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation on the heart. What are the mechanism involved in

both types of autonomic control?

What are heart mumurs?

Describe the vascular system as a whole.

Explain blood pressures, pulse pressure, and sound of korotkoff. How is arterial blood pressure measured?

List several factors that influence blood flow.

Identify types of capillaries.

Describe the relationship between arterial pressure and blood volume

Identify types of hypotension, circulatory shock, hypertension and coronary diseases.

Describe the generalized functions of the lymphatic system and list the primary lymphatic structures.

Compare the structure of lymphatic vessels and veins.

Discuss the "lymphatic pump" that result in movement of lymph.

Discuss any disorders or diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Respiratory System

List and briefly discuss the regulated and integrated processes that ensure tissues of an adequate oxygen supply and

prompt removal of carbon dioxide.

Define pulmonary ventilation and the lung’s mechanics.

Define the following terms: tidal volume, expiratory reserve volume, inspiratory reserve volume, residual volume,

minimal volume, inspiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, total lung capacity.

Discuss partial pressures in explaining movement of respiratory gases between alveolar air and blood moving through pulmonary capillaries.

Explain how blood transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Discuss gas exchange in tissue capillaries between arterial blood and cells.

Explain the reciprocal interaction of oxygen and carbon dioxide on blood gas transport.

Discuss hydrogen ions exchange in tissues and lungs.

Discuss any disorders or diseases associated with the respiratory system.

Renal System

Discuss the structures and functions of the renal system

What are the components of a nephron? Compare and contrast the 2 types of nephrons- similarities vs. differences

Discuss the renal processes

What does it mean by “division of labor” in the tubules?

Define micturition & incontinence

Discuss renal processes and control of sodium , postassium, and water excretion

Discuss control of vasopressin secretion

What are diuretics?

Discuss the buffering system of hydrogen ions in the body

What is respiratory acidosis/alkalosis? How does your body compensate for such?

Discuss any disorders or diseases associated with the renal system.


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