FATE001 - Blood

-723331-921224005861051587500Discard Blood ComponentsFATE001Report SpecificationContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc405467491 \h 31.1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc405467492 \h 32Report Details PAGEREF _Toc405467493 \h 42.1Description PAGEREF _Toc405467494 \h 42.2Business Rules PAGEREF _Toc405467495 \h 42.3Audience PAGEREF _Toc405467496 \h 43Report Content PAGEREF _Toc405467497 \h 53.1Parameters PAGEREF _Toc405467498 \h 54Report Field Description PAGEREF _Toc405467499 \h 6IntroductionPurposeThe purpose of this document is to specify the FATE001 – Discard Blood Component Report.Below is a matrix which identifies which reporting system and by which audiences, the report can be generated.Reports Generated ByBloodNet ReportsJurisdictional ReportingNBA Internal ReportsReport SubscriptionsFacility AdministratorsFacility UserJurisdictional Blood Committee Members and proxiesNBA StaffBlood Service StaffState/Territory Government StaffReport DetailsDescriptionThe FATE001 – Discard Blood Components report shows Component discard data in a simple tabular format from combined BloodNet, Laboratory Information System, and ERIC data.Business RulesThis report is based on the following rules:Report can be run against any state, AHP or range of AHPs.Report to be based on a date range using start date and end date parameters based on the date of discardWhen displaying discards, the dates are determined at the local time of the AHP.AudienceThis report is prepared to be viewed by 3 distinct audiences and each audience has different access and permissions. NBA Staff – can view all data for ALL Approved Health Providers (AHPs). NBA Staff Access the report through the internal network Reporting Services Interface using their NBA credentials.Jurisdictional Committee members – can view data for all AHPs that reside in their jurisdiction (State).BloodNet users – can view data for the currently logged in AHPReport ContentParametersThe following parameters will be available:NameMandatoryDescriptionControl TypeVisibilityDefault ValueStateYesList of Australian states used to filter the list of available Health Providers in the next parameterDrop DownNBA InternalJurisdictional ReportsAll StatesFacilityYesShow all facilities filtered by the state selected above. If All States is selected, All AHP’s are displayed. If this report is executed from BloodNet the Multi select drop downNBA InternalJurisdictional ReportAll Facilities. Start DateYesSets the Starting boundary of the period to report on.Date PickerAny Valid DateNoneEnd DateYesSets the ending boundary of the period to report on.Date PickerAny Valid DateNoneThis report will likely be exported to Excel. All information will be displayed on a single page that can be exported to a single tab in Excel. The results will include the display the parameters used as well as the report title and NBA logo.Report Field Description* Fields recently added Data ItemDescriptionHospital NameThe Approved Health Provider facility name AHP CodeApproved Health Provider Code for the facilityState*State (jurisdiction) of the AHPDate of DiscardThe date the discard occurred as entered into BloodNet or received from ERIC/Pathwest systemsComponent Group *Grouping the discarded product by the its type. Eg Red Cells, Platelets, Cryoprecipitate, etcComponent Sub Group *Grouping the discarded product by the its type. Eg Red Cells, Platelets, Cryoprecipitate, etc differentiating further by Paediatric or AdultComponent NameName of the component as provided by the Blood Service on the issue noteComponent CodeFresh Blood Product code(5 digit numeric) as provided by the Blood ServiceCost Group2b, 3a, 5a etc. Dictates the price grouping of the component to determine unit cost. Donation NumberIdentifier that can uniquely match any donated blood product back to its donorBlood GroupBlood Group (O+, O- , AB+, AB-, etc)BloodService ModifiersShows if any special treatment of the blood product were performed prior to issue. This column is verbatim what is supplied on the issue note by the BloodService.BloodNet ModifiersShows if any special treatment of the blood product were performed prior to issue. This column shows the modifiers supplied by the BloodService mapped back to valid modifiers in BloodNet.Is Supplier FaultIndicates whether this discard should be attributed to the supplier (the BloodService). Eg – the following reasons are deemed to be Supplier FaultsDamaged – Supplier transitRecall – By supplierTransport – Temperature failure from supplierTransport – Incorrect packing from supplierDiscard ReasonThe reason the user entered for the discardDiscard LocationWhere the discard occurred. Eg Pathology, ICU, PharmacyExpiry DateThe date which the fresh blood product was no longer safe to use for transfusionExpiry TimeThe time on the Expiry Day which the fresh blood product was no longer safe to use for transfusion (always 23:59:00)QtyAlways 1. (as each row is a specific identifiable unit)Unit Price$ Price of the unit at the time the discard took place. (nb, this is NOT the price when the product was issued)AHP Code (Initially Issued To Facility)The AHP Code of the hospital that was first issued this specific componentInitially Issued To FacilityThe Hospital Name that was first issued this specific product (identified by the donation Number)Receipted DateThe date the component was first receipted in BloodNetIssue NumberThe issue note number of the component when delivered to the first AHP who received it.Date Discard EnteredThe date the person recorded the discard in BloodNetTime Discard EnteredThe time of day the person recorded the discard in BloodNetData SourceWhere the discard information originally received by the NBA. Eg – BloodNet, ERICCommentsIf the user entered any comments during the discard Transaction, they will show hereFinancial year * The financial year the discard occurred in – based on the Discard DateFinancial Month * The financial year the discard occurred in – based on the Discard Date (eg July = 1, June =12)Type *Facility TypeEg. Pathology Lab, HospitalCategory * The category the APH belongs toEg. Public, Private, DayAIHW Peer Group *Peer group as defined by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.Eg Public Pathology, Day Hospital, Private PathologyLocal Health Network *Regional health network the AHP belongs to Eg Alfred Health, Ballena HealthPrivate Organisation *Any private organisation the AHP belongs toPrivate Head Organisation *If the private organisation has a parent organisation, present that here ................

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