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WILLCOX UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 13480 NORTH BISBEE AVENUEWILLCOX, ARIZONA 85643REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTESSEPTEMBER 4, 2018 6:00 P.M. DISTRICT OFFICEBoard Members Present:Dwayne OwenMark HopkinsGary Clement Doris JonesGuy NolanOthers Present: Kevin Davis, Tom Currin, Steve Reno, Steve Campagna, Kris Duncan, Penny Long, Nicholas Daniels, Ty White, Valerine Simon, Mike Patterson, Jeff Thompson, Carol Crockett, Ali, Ashley Riggs, Haley Clifton, Gabby Acosta, Coby Hall, Kris Duncan, Sue Lynch, Tanner Debaun, Cammy Allred, Braxton Hammonds, Kambrah Allsulp, Eddie Browning and Wife, Cori HammondsMINUTESSeptember 4, 20186:00 PM I.Opening of Meeting Call to Order and Roll Call – 6:00 p.m. by Dwayne OwensPledge of Allegiance Invocation for the Governing Board Adoption of Agenda – A motion was made by Gary Clement, seconded by Guy Nolan to approve the Agenda. Motion carries all.NameAyeNayAbstainDwayneX??GaryX??DorisX??MarkX??Guy?X??II.Call To The Public The public is invited to address the Board on any issue within its jurisdiction, subject to reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. Governing Board members are not permitted to discuss or take legal action on matters raised during open call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. However, Arizona law permits Governing Board members to do the following at the conclusion of the open call to the public: (a) Respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the Board; (b) Ask staff to review a matter; or (c) Ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda. Persons desiring to address the Board must first be recognized by the Board President. Before speaking, the individual must state his/her name. Duration of comments may be limited by the Board President. Persons with specific problems or concerns regarding personnel are encouraged to utilize Governing Board Policy KEB, “Public Concerns and Complaints Against Personnel”. III.Presentations Student Presentations:A. High School Student Council – Tanner Debaun of the High School council said they are buying two more refrigerators for the concession stand. On October 29, 2018 they will be having a blood drive at the high school. Senior class also donated $1000.00 to the freshman class.B.FFA – New officers for 2018-2019 are Coby Hall, Morgan Owens, Gabby Acosta, Haley Clifton, Derek and Rebecca Collins. The new officers went to Sedona for officer training. They also had some bonding time in flagstaff on the extreme zip line. The ice breaker at the beginning of school turned out good. They also had a corn hole tournament. FFA has a upcoming leadership conference, Oct is national convention where they will listen to keynote speakers. C.High School Science Dept. – A team of 6 kids combine with 6 of Duncan kids went to Florida for a space competition. One of the days they went to the beach, also attended the Boeing program at NASA. D. Middle School Student Council – Will be having a fundraiser at McDonalds and 15 percent will go to student council, the girls won there volleyball tournament. Spirit week will be the 1st week of October.E.Middle School Student of the Month – Ali Motes, dean of students 5th grade student of the month is Nicholas Daniels, 6th grade is Annie Allred, 7th grade is Mireily Sanchez and 8th grade is Janarah Rhodes.IV.Administrative Reports / Summary of Current Events Superintendent’s Report – The Superintendent will report on the following items:A. Enrollment – Enrollment is down 7 students comparted to this same time last year.B.Annual Audit – Auditors will be back in November 2018. The Superintendent and/or the Governing Board members may present a brief summary of current events. The Board will not propose, discuss, deliberate or take legal action on any matter on the summary, unless the specific matter is properly noticed for legal action. Arizona has a shortage of 1500 teachers in the state. V.Consent Agenda A.Approval of Minutes – Consideration of approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting Dated August 7, 2018, and the as noted in the board backup. B.Ratification of Expense and Payroll Vouchers – Consideration of approving the following expense and payroll vouchers as noted in the Board backup: Expense - #1902 for $131,339.30; #1903 for $30,540.54Payroll – #3 for $62,127.19; #302 for $2,449.85; #4 for $265,969.39C.Approval of Activity Accounts – Consideration of approving the activity accounts for the month of July as noted in the Board backup. D.Personnel – 1.Hiring – FY 2018-2019- Consideration of approving the following hiring for FY 2018-2019,Contingent upon approval of fingerprint background check/clearance card when required:a. Cassandra Archuleta, 21st CCLC/Migrant After School, Elementary School Paraprofessionalb.Emma Lakshana, 21stCCLC After School/Friday School, Elementary School Paraprofessionalc.Marisol Camacho, 21stCCLC/Migrant After School/Friday School, Elementary School Paraprofessionald.Katie Hill, 21stCCLC/Migrant After School/Friday School, Elementary School Substitute Paraprofessionale.Annette Richards, 21stCCLC After School/Friday School, Elementary School Teacherf.Eliana Garcia, 21stCCLC After School, Elementary School Teacherg.Lynnette Vesley, 21stCCLC After School/Friday School, Elementary School Teacherh.Tina Neubauer, 21stCCLC After School/Friday School, Elementary School Teacheri.Tracy Wilson, 21stCCLC After School, Elementary School Teacherj.Shelley Lamb, 21stCCLC/Migrant After School/Friday School, Elementary School Substitute Teacherk.Ruth Foy, Migrant After School, Elementary School Teacherl.Karla English, Migrant After School, Elementary School Paraprofessional m. Ann Mooney, Middle School, 8th grade Language Arts Teacher, replacing Rosalie Perolinon.Chris Stalder, High School, Teaching Carpentry on his prep timeo.Doug Miller, High School, Teaching Animation on his prep timep.Lee Miller, High School, Teaching Algebra 2 on her prep timeq.Mike Rand, High School, Teaching AG on his prep time r.Raymond Rodriguez, Middle School, Assistant Football Coachs.Thanuja Poothaluri, Kim McRae, Rebecca Bhasme, Middle School, Afterschool Detention Monitors, additional hours t.Calvin King, Kambrah Allsup, Mike Patterson, Tonya Downs, Neil Osterman, Ally Ellis, Sunny DeBaun, Non AIA referees u.Harry Guildsl, Bus Driver v.EXTRA DUTY LIST2.FY 18-19 Resignations – Consideration on approving the following FY 18-19 resignationa.Rick Smith, District Grounds Keeper, Custodian E.Donations – Consideration of approving the donations to the District listed in the Board backup. F. Out of State Travel - Consideration of approving out of state travel for FFA to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23-26, 2018. Gary Clement made a motion, seconded by Doris Jones to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carries all. Motion: Gary ClementSeconded: Doris JonesCarried: AllNameAyeNayAbstainDwayneX??GaryX??DorisX??MarkX??Guy?X??VI. New Business A.Future Meeting Dates – The Board may set additional meeting dates as needed and discuss agenda items to be included in future agenda. The next regular meeting is scheduled for October 4, 2018. Theremay also be a quorum at an ASBA meeting in Phoenix on September 6th and 7th 2018. No District business will be discussed or voted on. NameAyeNayAbstainDwayneX??GaryX??DorisX??MarkX??Guy?X?? B. Policy Advisory 616-624 – Consideration of approving and adopting the 2nd reading of the following Policies (regulations and exhibits if listed are for informational purposes only):DICA – Budget FormatDIE – Audits/Financial MonitoringDJ – PurchasingDJE – Bidding/Purchasing ProceduresFEA – Educational Specifications for ConstructionGBEAA – Staff Conflict of InterestIHBA-RB – Special Instruction Programs and Accommodations for Disabled StudentsJFABB – Admission of Exchange and Foreign StudentsJL – Student WellnessGary made a motion for the consideration of approving and adopting the 2nd reading of Policy Advisory 616-624, seconded by Doris Jones.Motion carries all.NameAyeNayAbstainDwayneX??GaryX??DorisX??MarkX??Guy?X?? C. Policy Advisory 625-643 – Consideration of approving the 1st reading of the following Policies (regulations and exhibits if listed are for informational purposes only):BCB — Board Member Conflict of Interest Exhibit BCB-E BE — School Board Meetings BEDF — Voting Method BEDG-R — Minutes DICA — Budget Forms DIE — Audits/Financial Monitoring DJ — Purchasing DN — School Properties Disposition FCB — Retirement of Facilities GCO — Evaluation of Professional Staff Members IKE-RB — Promotion and Retention of Students IL — Evaluation of Instructional Programs IMD — School Ceremonies and Observances JEB — Entrance Age Requirements JICK — Student Bullying/Harassment/ Intimidation Violence/Harassment/ Intimidation/Bullying, Regulation JICK-R, Exhibit JICK-EB JJIB — Interscholastic Sports JL — Student Wellness, Regulation JL-RB, Exhibit JLCB- E — Immunization of Students JLCD — Medicines/Administering Medicines to Students Mark Hopkins made a motion to approve the 1st reading of Policy 625-643, seconded by Doris Jones. Motion carries all.NameAyeNayAbstainDwayneX??GaryX??DorisX??MarkX??Guy?X??lefttopVII. ADJOURNMENT Action to adjourn meeting - adjournment by Guy Nolan and 2nd by Mark Hopkins at 6:46p.m.I certify that this Notice and Agenda was posted on line on the District website and at the following location(s): District Office Building – Front Display Box on Thursday August 30, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.By: _____________________________Doris Jones ................

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