Greenville Technical College

Blood Typing Worksheet – Homework

Directions: Write your answers in the blanks provided. Be specific, including (+) or (-) in the blood type if needed. Unless specified, you may assume that any person with Rh negative blood has been previously exposed to Rh factor.

1. A person with Type AB blood has which surface antigen(s)?

2. A person with Type B+ blood has which antibody/antibodies in his/her blood plasma?

3. Melaina only has anti-B antibodies in her blood plasma. She has never been exposed to another person’s blood. Which blood type(s) could she be?

4. A patient with blood type A- needs a transfusion. You have blood types B-, A+, and AB- available for transfusion. Which of the available blood types, if any, can you give her?

5. A patient with blood type B+ needs a transfusion. You have blood types B-, A+, and AB- available. Which of the available blood types, if any, can you give him?

6. Albert has type A- blood. He can donate blood to patients with which blood type(s)?

7. A mother is A+ and is carrying her second child, which, like her first child, is O-. Should she be concerned about hemolytic disease of the newborn?

8. Aaron is being tested for transfusion compatibility. A sample of his blood is exposed to the three different types of blood antibodies. His blood sample agglutinates in the presence of anti-B antibodies, but not in the presence of anti-A antibodies or anti-Rh antibodies. What blood type is Aaron?

9. Theresa has type AB- blood, Renata has type B+ blood, and Lisa has type O- blood. Who is able to donate blood to whom?

10. A teenager is brought into the hospital for emergency surgery after a car wreck. An immediate blood transfusion is needed, but you have no time to determine the teen’s blood type. What blood type should you use?


Three Major Rules for Blood Typing:

1. Blood types are determined by the presence or absence of surface antigens (A, B, Rh)

2. The body produces antibodies against whatever RBC surface antigen(s) it does not have

*Rh- blood must be exposed to Rh factor in order to produce Rh antibodies

3. The interaction between the recipient’s antibodies and the donor’s surface antigens determines compatibility.


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