NHANES Variable List: Description

NHANES Variable List: Description

1.) The variables BPXSAR and BPXDAR represent blood pressure results that were reported to the examinee. They do not represent traditional averages. These variables were calculated using the following protocol:

If only one blood pressure reading was obtained, that reading is the average. If there is more than one blood pressure reading, the first reading is always excluded from the average.

If only two blood pressure readings were obtained, the second blood pressure reading is the average.

If all diastolic readings were zero, then the average would be zero.

Exception: If there is one diastolic reading of zero and one (or more) with a number above zero, the diastolic reading with zero is not used to calculate the diastolic average. If two out of three diastolic readings are zero, the one diastolic reading that is not zero is used to calculate the diastolic average.

Note: In 2003 – 2004, BPXDAR (Diastolic blood pressure average) and BPXSAR (Systolic blood pressure average) were not given. Instead in place of both averages were four separate readings for Diastolic blood pressure and Systolic blood pressure.

2.) DMDBORN: Country of birth was recoded into four categories: 1) born in 50 U.S. states or Washington, D.C.; 2) born in Mexico; 3) born in any other location or foreign country; and 7) Refused.

3.) DMDEDUC3: This variable provides information on the highest grade or level of education completed by respondents 6-19 years of age. The responses were recoded by NCHS as follows: single years of education (grades 1-12), high school graduate/GED, and post-high school.

|Code or Value |Description |

|0 |Never Attended / Kindergarten Only |

|1 |1st Grade |

|2 |2nd Grade |

|3 |3rd Grade |

|4 |4th Grade |

|5 |5th Grade |

|6 |6th Grade |

|7 |7th Grade |

|8 |8th Grade |

|9 |9th Grade |

|10 |10th Grade |

|11 |11th Grade |

|12 |12th Grade, No Diploma |

|13 |High School Graduate |

|14 |GED or Equivalent |

|15 |Some College, No Degree |

|16 |Associate degree: non-academic program |

|17 |Associate degree: academic program |

|66 |Less Than 9th Grade |

|77 |Refused |

|99 |Don’t know |

DMDEDUC2: This variable is the highest grade or level of education completed by adults 20 years of age and older. The response categories are: less than 9th grade education, 9-11th grade education (includes 12th grade and no diploma), High school graduate/GED, some college or associates (AA) degree, and college graduate or higher. DMDEDUC2 provides more detailed information on education levels of adults compared to the categories that were previously released in the NHANES 1999-2000 Demographic file.

|Code or Value |Description |

|1 |Less Than 9th Grade |

|2 |9-11th Grade (Includes 12th grade with no diploma) |

|3 |High School Grad/GED or Equivalent |

|4 |Some College or AA degree |

|5 |College Graduate or above |

|7 |Refused |

|9 |Don’t know |

Note: In 1999 – 2000, DMDEDUC (Education – Recode), was not given. Instead it was split into two variables DMDEDUC3 and DMDEDUC2 whose descriptions are above. Then in 2005 – 2006, DMDEDUC3 became DMDEDUC1 and DMDEDUC2 remained the same.


|Code or Value |Description |

|1 |Married |

|2 |Widowed |

|3 |Divorced |

|4 |Separated |

|5 |Never married |

|6 |Living with partner |

|77 |Refused |

|99 |Don’t know |


|Code or Value |Description |

|0 to 84 |Range of Values |

|85 |>= 85 years of age |


|Code or Value |Description |

|1 |Mexican American |

|2 |Other Hispanic |

|3 |Non-Hispanic White |

|4 |Non-Hispanic Black |

|5 |Other Race - Including Multi-Racial |


Masked Variance Unit Pseudo-Stratum variable for variance estimation


Masked Variance Unit Pseudo-PSU variable for variance estimation

9.) wtmec6yr

Note: wtmec6yr = wtmec2yr/3

Sample Weights: The 2-year sample weights (WTINT2YR, WTMEC2YR) should be used for all NHANES 2005–2006 analyses. There are no 4-year weights in this file. The 4-year weights were only provided with the NHANES 2001–2002 release file. Detailed instructions for linking earlier datasets (1999–2000, 2001–2002, and 2003-2004) are provided in the NHANES 2005-2006 Analytic Guidelines.

Please refer to the Analytic Guidelines for further details on the use of sample weights and other analytic issues. The Analytic Guidelines are available on the NHANES website.


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTCALC (Dietary Interview - total nutrient intakes, Calcium (mg)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TCALC and DR2TCALC substituting DRXTCALC.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TCALC: First day – in person interview

DR2TCALC: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTCARB (Dietary Interview - total nutrient intakes, Carbohydrate (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TCARB and DR2TCARB substituting DRXTCARB.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TCARB: First day – in person interview

DR2TCARB: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTFIBE (Dietary Interview - total nutrient intakes, Dietary Fiber (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TFIBE and DR2TFIBE substituting DRXTFIBE.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TFIBE: First day – in person interview

DR2TFIBE: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTIRON (Dietary Interview - total nutrient intakes, Iron (mg)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TIRON and DR2TIRON substituting DRXTIRON.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TIRON: First day – in person interview

DR2TIRON: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTKCAL (Dietary Interview - total nutrient intakes, Energy (kcal)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TKCAL and DR2TKCAL substituting DRXTKCAL.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TKCALC: First day – in person interview

DR2TKCALC: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTMFAT (Total monounsaturated fatty acids (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TMFAT and DR2TMFAT substituting DRXTMFAT.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TMFAT: First day – in person interview

DR2TMFAT: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTPFAT (Total polyunsaturated fatty acids (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TPFAT and DR2TPFAT substituting DRXTPFAT.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TPFAT: First day – in person interview

DR2TPFAT: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTPROT (Dietary Interview - total nutrient intakes, Protein (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TPROT and DR2TPROT substituting DRXTPROT.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TPROT: First day – in person interview

DR2TPROT: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTSFAT (Total saturated fatty acids (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TSFAT and DR2TSFAT substituting DRXTSFAT.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TSFAT: First day – in person interview

DR2TSFAT: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |


Note: In 2003 – 2004, DRXTTFAT (Total fat (gm)), changed from being a single data set to being separated into two data sets corresponding with two days of dietary interviews rather than just one day. So now we have DR1TTFAT and DR2TTFAT substituting DRXTTFAT.


According to the NHANES sampling procedure, each participant was randomly assigned to either a morning exam session or an afternoon/evening exam session for his/her MEC visit. During the DIMES, examinees randomly assigned to the morning session completed the dietary interview in-person in the MEC. Those persons randomly assigned to an afternoon or evening MEC examination session were asked to schedule an appointment for a telephone dietary interview; a small percentage of afternoon and evening sample examinees completed their interviews in-person due to lack of telephone or personal scheduling problems. Telephone dietary interviews were conducted 4-10 days after the MEC health examination.

DR1TTFAT: First day – in person interview

DR2TTFAT: Second day – phone follow up

|All NHANES examinees are eligible for two 24-hour dietary recall interviews. The first dietary recall interview is collected|

|in-person in the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) and the second interview is collected by telephone 3 to 10 days later. |

20.) wtsfa6yr

Note: wtsfa6yr = wtsfa2yr/3

Sampling Weights: WTSFA4YR and WTSFA2YR (4-year and 2-year fasting weights for participants 12+ years)

One-half of the participants were sampled to attend the morning session. Those participants ages 12 and older appointed to attend the morning session were instructed to fast at least 9 hours prior to their appointment time.

Subsample weights were required for analysis since the analysis of interest involves only those sampled persons ages 12 and older examined in the morning. Because fasting is a key characteristic of this subsample, this data item is called “fasting” weight. Non-zero fasting weights were generated for sample persons 12 years and older who fasted 8 to 24 hours and had plasma glucose values and diabetics who fasted but had missing plasma glucose values. Diabetics who did not fast have zero weights.

The analyst is strongly encouraged to use the 4-year fasting weights (WTSFA4YR) to analyze 1999-2002 data for participants 12 years and older. The 2-year fasting weights (WTSFA2YR) should be used when analyzing NHANES 2001-2002. The use of the full sample MEC examined weights (WTMEC4YR or WTMEC2YR) should not be used to analyze the data if the outcome of interest is only measured on the morning fasting sample.

The recommended procedure for variance estimation requires use of stratum and PSU variables (SDMVSTRA and SDMVPSU, respectively), which are included in the demographic data file for each data release.

21.) SMQ040

Codes: 1 = Every day, 2 = Some days, 3 = Not at all?, 7 = Refused, 9 = Don't know


Codes: 0 = None, 1 = Positive, 2 = Negative, 3 = Not done, 4 = Invalid


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