
Rabbinic Judaism, Kabbalah, the Holy Serpent Messiah, and the Synagogue of Satan ***Formerly titled “Regarding Modern Judaism and the Kabalah,” November 28, 2004, under the Mikvah of Present Reality. Edited and updated on April 21, 2019--now under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance Did you ever try to put together a 100-piece puzzle together without a picture to guide you? That’s the way it has been with end-time prophecy to a big extent. There are 223 puzzle-pieces of prophecy in Scripture. However, now, as we’ve entered the last days, Yahuwah is unveiling the picture for His servants, and it is shocking and overwhelming. The prophetic puzzle pieces are now falling into place that match the picture revealing what we never dreamed could ever happen! In Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s April 19th 2019 Passover message to the Jewish people, he made the statement that Israel would soon be a world power. That’s a very important statement as the goal is nearing. Today we see the fulfilling of the prophecy of Zechariah 12:2-3. We also see the Globalist plans to make Jerusalem the headquarters of world government under a world ruler we know as “antichrist,” or anti-messiah – one who sits in the place of the real messiah – a usurper, the “man of lawlessness.” April 16th, 2019: We saw President Donald Trump promoting Babylonian Talmudic Noahide Laws as International Law which are binding on all American citizens, and all citizens of all world under the guise of honoring Rabbi Schneerson’s birthday, his international education goals, Lubavitch, Chabad, and Education and Sharing Day. Make sure you’ve read: “Donald Trump and 50 Governors Affirm Noahide Laws and the Celebration of Rebbe Schneerson’s Birthday”/April 18, 2019, Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. Be sure you’ve read the following basic articles to understand the extreme danger that is before us: 1) “BEWARE of the Noahide Laws”/Mikvah of Present Reality/May 18,’08 2) “Israel’s Sanhedrin Makes Their Move Towards Internationalizing the Noahide Laws – Hanukkah Altar Dedication - 70 Nations Invited/December 9, 2018”/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance3) “The Frightening Reality of the Noahide Laws and a Third Temple Not Authorized by Yahuwah”/February 11, 2019/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance4) “The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees and the Seed of the Woman in the Natsarm”/Mikvah of Set-Apartness, March 27, 2019, also podcasted.This article contains quotes from leading rabbis about the “Holy Serpent.”5) “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”/Mikvah of Present Reality The U.S. Congress has passed Bills recently regarding anti-Semitism. One particular Bill called for a Czar, Envoy/Ambassador with the U.S. State Department who that will enforce laws against anti-Semitism. Elan Carr has been appointed by President Trump for this position in January. The anti-Semitism Bill has gone to the Senate promoting the Bills for all to obey as U.S. Law. In 1991, the U.S. Congress and Senate Approved the Noahide Laws as binding on all American citizens. Be sure to read “Beware of the Noahide Laws.” These Laws from the Babylonian Talmud of Judaism are not international laws. The anti-Semitism Bills will restrict anyone from saying anything that will be derogatory against the Noahide Laws, or anything derogatory against Jews, Israel, or what they do, in general, punishable by imprisonment, and later beheading under the Noahide Laws in general. As I wrote in the last article on April 18, 2019, America has tens of thousands of guillotines stored in military bases, under the Capital Building, in FEMA camps, waiting for the antichrist to allow the Sanhedrin to enforce the Noahide Laws. From “Beware of the Noahide Laws” information taken from: “The U.S. Congress officially recognized the Noahide Laws in legislation, which was passed by both houses. Congress and the President of the United States, George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, and that these Laws have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization. They also acknowledged that the Seven Laws of Noah are the foundation upon which civilization stands and that recent weakening of these principles threaten the fabric of civilized society, and that justified preoccupation in educating the Citizens of the United States of America and future generations is needed. For this purpose, this Public Law designated March 26, 1991 as Education Day, U.S.A.” And we thought the United States was founded on our Constitution! We have learned however that America was selected back in the 1500s to be the nation that would bring forth the world ruler of a world government, Nimrod reincarnated. Please refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Present Reality. The “trembling” talked about in Zechariah 12:2-3 is increasing greatly. The Globalist Elite are ready for the new world order to begin. Kabbalist Jewish rabbis say that according to their “spirit guides,” the “Holy Serpent,” which they call their messiah, will not come until the third temple is built. America backs the building of their “third temple.” This article, originally written in 2004 on the subject of “Kabbalah,” was inspired by information I learned from a lady who regularly prayed and walked the streets of the Ultra Orthodox community (Hassidic/Chasidim) in Jerusalem. I walked and prayed with her three times in 2004. It was a surprising eye-opener! Kabbalah came into its fullness in the Middle Ages during a time of much persecution and despair in the Jewish ghettos of Europe. The enemy always takes advantage of human grief and sorrows, to put his thoughts into our minds. This happened to the Jews. Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (1707-1760) founded the Chasidim. This is the Ultra-Orthodox sect of Judaism. Ben Eliezer claimed to be a healer, and performed miracle powers and had visions and special revelations, much like the teachers of Kabala. He taught his disciples about “spirit guides,” since his revelations and powers came from spirits. Going back to 133 CE, Rabbi Akiva came on history’s scene at a time of rebellion against Rome by Simon bar Kochba against Hadrian. Please read “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”/Mikvah of Present Reality, to understand what happened at this time. At the death of bar Kochba, Rabbi Akiva threw out the Torah as the only absolute of faith and practice, and proceeded to change it, add to it, take away from it, and teach things that twisted it. He reduced Yahuwah to just another rabbi. Akiva is called “the father of Rabbinical Judaism.” From this foundation grew the monster of satanic bondage that religious Jews live with today. The mystic occult Kabala is a lifestyle for a majority of them as is slavery to the teachings of their rabbis. Between disobedience of Jews to the written Torah before the Babylonian captivity, and the additions of Talmudic Oral Law that came after the Babylonian captivity, during the 400 years before the 1st century, the job of Akiva was not too difficult. The enemy slowly undermined the Truth, until one day Jews woke up in a whole new religion, not knowing how they got there. This is what happened to the faith of the first century believers in Messiah Yahushua – the Natsarim. They began with pure faith, adhering to Torah and believing in Yahushua as their Savior. Persecution by the Jews and Rome was horrendous. Many died. When the Hellenists (Greek) began to accept the salvation part, but rejected the Torah, many believers followed the Greeks into pagan practices of keeping Sunday worship to the sun god, and the festivals of the pagans, which included the winter and spring orgies--now known as Christmas and Easter. By the 2nd century the Greek gentiles had about turned the fire of many believers into lukewarm water. The assemblies developed a man-made system of hierarchy over the “laity.” So, by the time Constantine came along in the 4th century with his Roman Catholic Church, he did not have any problem convincing pagans, and Christians alike, to join his church. In my recent articles “The Return of the Natsarim,” Parts I and Part II, you will learn that by 50 CE there was a distinct difference between what was being called “Christianity” and the faith of the early Natsarim. No “Christians” were beheaded, or thrown to the lions, or burned as living torches by the Romans. They were a pagan group created by Greeks and Romans. It was the Natsarim who were killed in such horrible ways by the Romans. (Acts 24:5) Sha’ul/Paul was called the “ringleader of the Natsarim.” His disciples believed in Yahushua as Savior and Master, and they guarded the Torah. It is Akiva’s rabbinical tradition that has religious Jews bound to their rabbis as gods, allowing them to control their beliefs and their actions. Yet, their rabbis have become more and more opened up to demonic teaching, through channeling their “spirit guides”, via Kabbalah teaching, and have led their disciples into all sorts of horrible beliefs and sin. I recently wrote about full-term abortion in “The Depths of Depravity.” Yet, Kabbalah is Satan’s heart and soul. It is truly the beliefs of the “the synagogue of Satan.” The beliefs of Kabbalah are the depths of spiritual depravity that have ensnared those who reject Yahushua as Messiah. There is no greater evil, with its pure satanic goals, on planet earth! Revelation 2:9, Messiah said: “I know your works…and the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.” Blasphemy! Kabbalists do not worship Yahuwah. They worship the unknowable Ein Sof, and other gods and goddesses. They do not study the Tenach, but the Babylonian Talmud--a filthy abomination. They are not monotheistic. Kabbalah has infiltrated all Jewish sects in varying capacities. Its main book is the Zohar. The average religious Jew, whether Orthodox or Hassidic, believes he cannot reach God, thus he has to depend on obeying his rabbi. The rabbis also contact the spirit world for them to help their disciples. Disciples depend on a human mediator to take them to God. Astrology, reincarnation, occult mysticism, witchcraft practices, channeling of spirits, obeying “spirit guides,” Gnosticism, Theosophy (the New Age teaching of Russian Jewess Madame Helena Blavatsky), and other “new age” beliefs, are believed and practiced in Kabbalah. Also, there is the teaching of “holy sparks,” which teaches that sin redeems sin. Apostle Sha’ul asked: “Shall we sin that grace may abound?” His answer: “God forbid!” But, Kabbalah says “Oh Yes.” Most Christians also believe it is all right to sin because we’re under “grace. They have thrown off the absolutes of the eternal Torah of Yahuwah for their own beliefs that fit their individual lifestyles and fleshly desires. Religious Jews are allowed by their rabbis to do all sorts of sinful things--like go to prostitutes during the time that their wives are having their monthly periods. Rabbinic Law says that it is all right for a married man to have sexual relations with an unmarried woman--it is not adultery. They say it is all right to bow down to an idol and kiss the idol, but if anyone believes in Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua, should be killed as an Idolater. That’s under the Noahide Laws. Kabbalah, like basic Chasidim teaching, teaches all kinds of ways to get sin removed--including sinning. For an example: If a rabbi finds that some men in his congregation are looking at pornography, then he must also look into pornography in order to redeem these men. It is a vicious cycle of sin, of course. Elohim demands blood sacrifice for sin. Religious Jews have no way to sacrifice animals. That ability was removed in 70 CE when Jews were dispersed out of Israel into the nations. Yet, the Torah says in Leviticus 17:11 that without the shedding of blood of the innocent, there can be NO atonement, no forgiveness of sin for the guilty. First century Pharisee puppets of Rome, the Sanhedrin of that day, sent the Lamb of Yahuwah to the stake. He died for them, but they and their followers rejected Him. So, He Yahuwah them without blood sacrifice of animals. In the nations, some Jews were born again. But, many were forced to convert to Christianity by the Roman Catholic Church under penalty of death in the Inquisitions. Now, there are some in Israel, like the Russian Jews for example, who are hearing the true Good News and embracing it, weeping, repenting of sin, believing in Jesus. Evangelists, like David Hathaway from England, came to Tel Aviv a few years ago to preach the Gospel of salvation. There have been a few other evangelists since. Rabbis won’t allow religious Jews to read Isaiah 53, or the book of Daniel. Since the days of Akiva, rabbis have made up their own rules to suit themselves! In the 4th century Rabbi Hillel created a universal Jewish calendar that predates all Festivals throughout the year. For the most part, rabbis loathe “gentiles” with a passion, especially Christian “gentiles,” even though they know now that most Protestant Christians are from the House of Israel/Ephraim/Joseph. The Talmud calls for the death of gentiles, and refers to “gentiles” as beasts. However, NO one in Messiah is a gentile! We are part of the “commonwealth of Israel.” We are part of the olive tree of Israel. The word “gentile” means a “heathen, barbarian, and pagan, a foreigner, stranger, alien” to the real God of Israel. We’re not gentiles if we’re born again! Don’t fall for the religious Jew-Gentile deception! The average Talmudic Kabbalist Jew embraces poverty, as the Polish immigrants did, living in a ghetto in their Ultra Orthodox community in Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, like the ghettos in Poland. Persecution and control by the rabbis has taken their dignity and self-respect from them, and replaced it with a victim mentality, in which they are truly “sheep led to the slaughter.” The rabbis have told them that begging is a virtue--it is showing humility. Many beg for money, especially in East Jerusalem in the Ultra Orthodox ghettos, and along the Wall area of the Jewish Quarter. Israeli Hassidic Jews do not work at jobs. Their sons do not serve in the military. After 1948, they were a tiny sect in Israel. The government took them on as needing “welfare.” Because the lives of the boys and men were consumed with studying the Talmud, the government exempted them from the military. Now they number in the tens of thousands and are a drain on the government. They refuse to serve in the military and thus are a drain on military too. But, they protest against having to work or serve in the military because they are serving Israel, they say, by studying the Talmud. I know well how haughty and arrogant the Hasidic can be. They have many children. Many of the men beat their wives to the point where there is a special Woman’s Rescue Facility for the wives of Hasidic men in Tel Aviv. I experienced a beating scenario on a sharut (shared taxi van) in Jerusalem one day. It was quite shocking. The screaming sharut driver threw the man off the van, with his wife screaming to get off the sharut, too. They were standing right next to me in the aisle of the van. It was the famous Hasidic “rebbe,” the Lubavich leader, Rebbe Schneerson, that his followers tried raising from the dead several years after his death on June 12, 1994. They believed him to be the messiah. He was a strong supporter of the Noahide Laws, and the death of gentiles/Christians. Yet, on April 16, 2019, Donald Trump and all 40 State Governors affirmed a former law to celebrate Rabbi Schneerson’s birthday (April 18, 2019)! The Ultra Orthodox area of Mea Shearim, in Jerusalem, has different sects of Judaism--people coming from different nations, and adhering to the teachings of different rabbis. They wear different clothing and the men wear different hats to distinguish them as to what sect they belong to. The length of beards and pelots (side curls) also distinguish what group they are with. One day, I was handed a booklet by a Jewish man in downtown Tiberias. The booklet was written by the well-known, almost worshipped, Rabbi Nachman (now deceased), entitled “Be Happy.” Rabbi Nachman says that sin can be redeemed by our being happy and dancing. Nachman says that God is offended if we are not happy. He says it is a sin to be other than constantly joyful and rejoicing. Thus, when sin grieves us, we sin by acknowledging that grief. We must throw off that feeling of guilt, by rejoicing. In the booklet the writer keeps saying over and over, “…our rabbis tell us”, “…our rabbis say.” The followers of this rabbi have whole communities where his followers can live together. In this booklet, there is no reference to Elohim or His Word. Of course, religious Jews stopped using “Yahweh” after the Babylonian captivity (around 520 BCE) and substituted the term “Ha Shem” (“the Name”) instead. Conviction of sin and the need to repent is done away with in the conscious of the Jewish religious people. They are taught that good deeds save them. They are also taught that at death they go into a type of purgatory. As I wrote in “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome, there are 39 beliefs in Rabbinic Judaism that align with Roman Catholicism, as well as with Buddhism and Hinduism. Heaviness and oppression are part of the lifestyle of most seriously religious Jews, yet they are supposed to fight oppression by being “happy.” The Tzaddik, the founding sage of any particular Chasidic group, because of his supposed exalted state of holiness essentially becomes the idol-god of the group, and also the intercessor, like Catholic saints. Kabbalah, known as “mystic Judaism” is the “desire for hidden wisdom.” It comes from the ancient mystery religions who sought knowledge from the fallen angels. Kabbalah is an occult theology that developed among the Jewish people in Babylon, and later in Italy and Spain, between the 6th and 13th centuries. Without the guidance of the Spirit of Yahuwah, this occult philosophy explores the hidden wisdom in the Scriptures concerning the attributes of God, the Messiah, Creation, and the inherent powers of certain combinations of Hebrew letters and numbers, a system known as Gematria. Gamatria is used for fortune-telling, as well as channeling spirits (demons). It is basically numerology, which the Torah expressly forbids. Therefore, the Scriptures can be spiritualized by the rabbis to mean whatever the rabbis want them to mean. Followers of Rabbinic Judaism do not know the real Messiah Yahushua. The Jerusalem Talmud speaks lies about Him. They not only don’t know Him, they hate Him with a deep hatred that they inherited from rabbis’ teachings. Today, Jewish Hollywood comedians entertain in Las Vegas using routines and skits with very filthy referrals to Jesus as their audiences laugh. Followers of Christianity are not taught about Yahuwah as our loving Abba, and so most do not know Him as He really is. The “one new man” of Ephesians 2:15 has nothing to do with Jews and gentiles. It is about the uniting of the House of Judah with the House of Israel. The House of Judah was comprised of the three southern tribes of Israel (Judah, Levi, Benjamin) before the Babylonian captivity began in 586 BCE, and the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel-Ya’cob are the ten northern tribes before their expulsion from the Land in 722 BCE. These tribes are brought together by faith in Yahushua Messiah as “one new man.” Please refer to “Aliyah Scriptures,” and especially Ezekiel 37:15-28. The Word is full of the return of all the tribes. Even if a person does not have one drop of blood from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, by faith in Messiah they are grafted into the olive tree of Israel. Refer to: “Romans 11,” and “Are You a Gentile?” In 2007, the punishment passed by Yahuwah on the ten northern tribes in 722 BCE was ended after 2,730 years. Now all the tribes can come home. The final settling place of each of the ten tribes dispersed to Assyria has been found throughout Europe and the UK. Orthodox Jew Ya’ir Davidy and his team located the tribes by astute research. Some of his team were Messianic Jews. You can read his classic book, accepted by Jewish scholars, The Tribes. Yet, Kabbalah says that the House of Ephraim/Joseph/Israel are “gentiles,” “beasts,” punishable by death under the Noahide Laws for idolatry and blasphemy, since most all of them believe in Jesus/Yeshua as Messiah. A few years ago, Orthodox rabbis from Jerusalem sent a spy into Kenneth Hagan’s Bible College in America to find out if evangelical Christians were really the House of Ephraim. He attended for a year. He came back and reported: “yes, they are the Joes,” the House of Joseph. From Yom Teruah, 2007, the Orthodox Jews have known that Ephraim’s punishment has ended, yet Orthodox and Hasidic/Chasidic Jews work strongly through the government of Israel to forbid anyone from the ten now-found tribes to come home to the Land, to make “aliyah”/citizenship. In Israel today, Messianic Jews are persecuted. No one can become a Jewish citizen unless they can prove their Jewishness by their mother’s lineage. Refer to “The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees vs the Seed of the Woman in the Natsarim” to learn why only by the “mother’s lineage.” Kabbalah wants only those who will receive the “Holy Serpent” as messiah to be allowed to live. Sounds like the “mark of the Beast” doesn’t it? And what is their name for their “Holy Serpent” messiah? LEVIATHAN! Leviathan is the sea monster of Job 41 and Isaiah 27:1. Revelation 13:1: “And I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a Beast coming up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads names of blasphemy.” You can see from these Scriptures that Leviathan is the spirit of Satan, symbolic of antichrist. Leviathan is also known as the Ouroboros--the celestial snake biting its tail that marks the five ages within each 25,000-year era. I’ve written recently how Messiah referred to the sign of the Ouroboros, understood by the apostles and those of that day--the end of the “aion,” Greek for “age,”-- pinpointing the beginning of the days of Noah in Matthew 24:4 and 24:37-39. Around 2012, the sign of the Ouroboros returned in the heavens for the first time since the Flood. Texe Marrs in his book Holy Serpent of the Jews quotes Rex Hutchens in his Masonic text A Bridge of Light. “The Ouroboros in the Judaic religion represents the generative process of order out of chaos…i.e. The Force. This Force…is God. The Ouroboros is the Messiah of the Jews, and one who supernaturally will emerge from the pit, from the depths, and lift the Jewish people upward. The Oroboros will launch the eternal Jews into the rarified state of Deity…The Jews believe they shall collectively be their own Messiah. The Holy Serpent will help this achieve this divinity.” [Remember that Kabbalah and Freemasonry at its 33 degree level, contain nearly identical teachings] Of course in saying “the Jews” neither Marrs nor Hutchens are not talking about the average Jew who is either not religious, or who is unaware of this secret cabal society within Judaism. Marrs is talking about those rabbis and their followers within Orthodox and Hasidic Judaism who are deeply into the ancient Babylonian occult teachings of the Talmud, known as Kabbalah. Today Kabbalah is a big-deal spiritual fad of Hollywood stars, musicians, Satanists, witches, and occultists of all types, especially from the New Age Movement and Scientology. But, there is an international inner core of Jews that have been working for centuries to achieve the goal of world rule. The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Bronfmans are example. This inner secret core is beginning to reveal their beliefs openly. I heard one rabbi interviewed by David Frost in Britain talking about their Holy Serpent messiah that they call Leviathan, or the celestial time-marker of the ages and era, the Ouroboros. Excerpt from a letter by Baruch Levy, published in La Revue de Paris (June 1, 1928, page 574) addressed to Karl Marx: “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. They will attain dominion by dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world Republic in which the Jews everywhere excise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order, the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world Republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which it is said that when the Messianic time has come, the Jews will have all the property of the world in their hands.” This was the goal of Karl Marx and Communism: Mazzini/Pike Plan Part I.Part II: Hitler and the Nazis raised up for the purpose of making the average Jew want to have his own homeland. [It is a real possibility that Adolf Hitler was the son of Rothschild] To do this, six million Jews had to be killed and hundreds of thousands of Christians along with them. Leading Jews even worked with the Nazis to murder Jews in the concentration camps. Mazzini/Pike Plan Part III: Use Israel to bring the world into conflict by pitting Jews against Arabs, so that a world ruler could come on the scene and rule from Jerusalem. The world ruler will be the Holy Serpent of Kabbalah, Leviathan. The 70 members of the Sanhedrin are all Kabbalists! They are all hard-core Globalists. The 1871 Mazzini/Pike Plan is about to have its glorious conclusion for a short time before Messiah comes with His Plan! Did Yahuwah approve of the United Nations partition of a State of Israel November 27, 1947? Let’s put it this way, He allowed Satan and his fallen ones what they needed to carry out their plan against Them (Yahuwah and Yahushua), and against all humanity, especially the beasty-gentiles. In other words, Elohim is allowing them a short time before Messiah comes to play out their script from Hell. In the meantime, He is using all of this to separate out His real children from those who have other gods in His face--those that break the first three of the Ten Commandments. Thus, Messiah called these of the synagogue of Satan, the “seed of vipers,” “…of your father the Devil.”(Matthew 23 and John 8) The remnant of Yahuwah and Yahushua is rising. They will be standing in the face of Jews and non-Jews who “do wickedly against the Covenant.” The Daniel 11:31-32 remnant is being set in place now. “The Kabbalah presents a strange Judaic God known as `Ein Sof.’ Ein Sof is a formless, mysterious deity unknowable to humans. This ineffable deity is unreachable by Jews. Our Abba is knowable, reachable, tangible – a loving Daddy who wants to live in us by His Spirit, so that we know Him, so that we know our Messiah-Savior, Yahushua. They are Persons to know and love! Kabbalist Jews talk about the “Great Purification” to come. They talk about the “Great Purification” being a bloody era of massive persecution against Gentiles by Jews and the death of most gentiles. The world must be purified of the filth and degradation caused by the inferior masses, they say. That’s the Noahide Laws!!! These are now International Laws! Our Father also talks about a time of purification during which He will separate His people unto Himself, and destroy the wicked. He is calling us to take sides – 1) the side of the Holy Serpent Leviathan, the Beast out of the sea (Revelation 13:1-2), or 2) the side of Yahuwah and Yahushua, even in the face of martyrdom. Noahide Laws of the Talmud call for the beheading of all who believe in Jesus/Yeshua/Yahshua/Yahushua, and all “gentiles” who guard Torah. Revelation 20:4-6 speaks of those who are beheaded for the sake of Messiah that they rule with Him 1000 years – the martyrs of Revelation 7:9-17. DO NOT FEAR DEATH! FEAR LOSING YAHUWAH! For those in Kabbalah (also spelled Cabala), Judaism in all its aspects is a system of mystical symbols reflecting the mystery of God and the universe. Their goal is to discover and invent keys to the understanding of the symbols. There is a close connection between Kabbalah and Freemasonry! One of the most powerful lodges of Freemasonry is under the Northwest corner of the Temple Mount in “Zedekiah’s Cave.” Thus, the Kabbalists have become Satan’s gatekeepers of his secrets, the guardians of hidden wisdom, not to mention the caretakers of supernatural powers surrounding their contact with the spirit realm. This has given Kabbalists tremendous influence over their disciples and over Judaism worldwide. It became widely accepted that Kabbalah is the esoteric (secret, mysterious) part of the oral law given to Moses at Sinai. Yet there is no “Oral Law!” Later the Kabbalah (which embraces aspects of Gnosticism) became a Jewish mystical system of theology. Hence, mysticism was sanctified in Judaism. Kabbalah has permeated every sector of contemporary Judaism. In Judaism, the Serpent is celebrated because, say the rabbis, it was he who through his teaching and actions elevated the woman and man to the higher knowledge, the Gnosis. Through Gnosis, Adam and Eve were placed on the pathway to godhood. This is also Masonic 33rd Degree teaching, and New Age and Theosophy teaching of Madame Helena Blavatsky. Kabbalah is polytheistic/pantheistic! Rabbinic Kabbalah is NOT monotheistic. They believe in several gods, including goddesses. They believe that God is in His creation and is His creation, and flows forth out of His creation, but cannot be personal. This is New Age, Hinduism--occult! Kabbalah teaches reincarnation. In the year 2000 Rabbi Ovadio Yosef, spiritual leader of the Ultra-Orthodox Shas Party in Israel, sparked controversy by suggesting that the six-million Jews who died in the Holocaust were “reincarnated sinners.” From The Holy Serpent of the Jews, page 51: “`The Gentile deserves no good works. The Gentile, the Goyim, are like cattle, and their existence,’ says Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the late Chief Rabbi of Israel, `is meant only to serve the Jews, their masters.’ ” The Talmud speaks nasty-evil about “gentiles,” as being beasts worthy of death. These Elitist Jews know that hundreds of millions of what they call “Gentiles” are really the ten tribes of the House of Joseph/Ephraim/Israel. Deuteronomy 31:28-29, Moses speaking to all the Israelites: “…For I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you, and evil will befall you in the latter days because you will do evil in the sight of Yahuwah to provoke him to anger thorough the works of your hands.” Safed, a town in northern Israel, is a stronghold of Kabbalah. There are many tombs of the “righteous” there, tombs of rabbis who have died--who had large followings. The city of Tiberias, north Israel, is a center for the tombs of the “matriarchs”--wives of famous rabbis. Also, the tomb of the famous Rambam, Maimonides, is in Tiberias near the town center, as well as the tomb of Rabbi Akiva on a hill nearby. I was at the tomb of Rabbi Akiva one day and saw Jews coming to venerate him, and kiss his casket. The tombs of the wives are filled with candles, reminding me of a Catholic shrine. As I learned: “Kabbalah is divided into theoretical and practical branches. The theoretical is concerned with philosophies about God and His attributes. The practical brings this speculation into the realm of everyday life, through prayers, esoteric practices and drawing upon numerology, talismans, amulets, and incantations of divine names and words.” These basic beliefs come from Babylon, and go back to Nimrod in Babel from right after the Flood. Yahweh’s people have bought into the religion of Lucifer/Satan. Astrology crept into Judaism through Kabbalah. The signs of the zodiac are common in synagogues, and other Eastern European symbols of witchcraft, like the all-seeing eye in the middle of the hand. That’s typical gypsy stuff, too. The largest synagogue in the Ultra Orthodox area of Jerusalem, Mea Shearim, has the signs of the zodiac painted on the ceiling. An ancient synagogue in Tiberias has the zodiac painted in the floor. Most of the synagogues of the Middle Ages have zodiac symbols in them. Kabbalah is used to impart blessings for good luck. The scarlet thread bracelets that are peddled by Orthodox and Hasidic Jews around the Old City, for a donation to charity, of course, are a form of this good luck superstition. But, they are also used to “ward off the evil eye.” Ivaka Trump wears the scarlet thread also, as does Madonna, and other Hollywood actors who embrace Kabbalah. The color red, they say, is a symbol of God’s judgment. Many take these threads to the tomb of Rachael in Bethlehem because Rachael, who died in childbirth, is believed to have “suffered for us.” It is an attempt to resend one’s punishment. They use of the four Hebrew consonants of the name of Yahweh, which name they are forbidden to speak, to channel spirits of their spirit guides to take them to God. This is a very common, probably daily, practice of most Jews. The eve of Yom Kippur at the Wall, they are allowed to say “Yahweh.” Kabbalah says that there are 72 names of God and if anyone ever knows these 72 names they will become very powerful. But, our Abba only gave us one Name, as He taught me, Yahuwah! Others use “Yahweh,” or “Yahovah,” but His name is One Name, not 72. Today, most, if not all, the world’s leaders get their “wisdom” from “spirit guides,” which they channel under a multitude of different beliefs. The beliefs however, boil down to Lucifer’s “knowledge of the tree of good and evil.” Because they are reaching into the “supernatural” realm, like New Age believers, religious Jews think that they are really having contact with God and receiving revelation. Many of their leaders receive powers from this channeling – signs and wonders - to mystify them. Today, as the one world government is aligning with the goal of political Zionism, Kabbalah, and Judaism’s plans for Jerusalem to be the capital of the world, and for a third temple to be built for their “Holy Serpent” messiah, varying ways of tapping into Satan’s realm are uniting! Today, many Hollywood stars, producers, writers, musicians and other famous people are embracing the Kabbalah. Why? -- Because it is Satan’s latest fun-fad. Yet, this “fad” is hooking many and drawing them into the worship of Satan. One evening, I was told by a young Jewish lady that I should go to the Kabbalah synagogue in Dallas, because, she said, “it was so much fun.” Yes, playing with spirits and powers of the air is entertaining. But, by playing the games of demons, many are becoming demon possessed, including children. Beware! Many Messianic congregations are getting into the practice of, and addiction to, Kabbalah, or Gamatria, whether openly or subtly. Be leery of Messianic teachers that teach Gamatria! It is a gateway into Kabbalah. Do not become obsessed with numerical values of Hebrew letters. This is taking people away from knowing Yahuwah personally. Kabbalah carries a satanic spirit, much like pornography. It is very addictive. It is an open portal to the dark kingdom. Kabbalah teaches: God is above everything, even above being and thinking, therefore it cannot be said truly that He has either a will, desire, thought, action-language, because these belong to finite man. He cannot be comprehended by the intellect, nor described with words. He is in a peculiar sense without life, for He cannot die, and His in a certain sense does not exist, because that which is incomprehensible does not exist to us. He therefore made know some properties of His existence to us. The will to create implies limit, therefore the imperfect world, limited and finite, is no work of the infinite; but since there cannot be any accident or chance where infinite wisdom resides, the world (and universe) must have been indirectly created by the Ten Intelligences, “Sefiroth,” which emanate from the One original emanation, the infinite intelligence (Ein Sof. These 10 powers have bodies--the one original emanation (not created) has a form also. They are divided into 3 groups, which operate on the 3 worlds of intellect, of souls, and of matter. They teach that all human souls are pre-existent in the world of Sefiroth, and must live the life of probation on the earth. If its life is pure it rises to the sphere of the Sefiroth; but if it sins, it will have to live over and over again until it becomes pure. (Some say the limit is to 3 trials). The souls that have lived have the first right to new-born babies, and so there are many waiting even for the first chance, and messiah cannot be born until all others have been born, at the end of days. This is a hermeneutical (explaining Scripture) system, invented to satisfy those Jews who did not agree with the descriptions of heaven by the prophets.” The Ten Intelligences (Sefiroth), the “endless eternal one: 1) crown 2) wisdom, 3) intelligence, 4) justice, 5) love, 6) beauty, 7) firmness, 8) splendor, 9) foundation, 10) kingdom. “Kabbalah, like basic Chasidim teaching, teaches all kinds of ways to get sin removed--including sinning. This produces a vicious endless cycle of sin. If Elohim demands blood sacrifice for sin, and He does, and they have no way to sacrifice animals. They have rejected His Lamb, Yahushua. So they have devised ways of being saved without Him, leaving them still trapped in the kingdom of darkness. Kaballah’s main goddess is “Shekhina,” or “Shekina.” She is known as the “consort of Ein Sof.” It is said that Shekina and Ein Sof have continual sex. This god is unknowable, unreachable. How opposite of Abba Yahuwah who is very personal, knowable, reachable, loveable! In Jewish literature, Shekhina is portrayed as radiance, or glory. Yet, she is an ancient Babylonian goddess. Her name is used for the glory of God, i.e. the “shekina glory.” The Kabbalah greatly elaborated on the theme of the feminine aspect of God. She would appear as the powerful Matronit, the controversial Lilith, and finally, as the glorious figure of Shabbat Hamalka – the Queen, Bride of God, celebrated every Saturday by Jews all over the world as they light the Sabbath candles. By tradition the candles must always be lit by a woman. Do your own research! Let His Spirit teach you as you sit quietly with Him. Let Him give you peace! Search for Him with all your heart. He wants to speak with you! (Jeremiah 29:11-13). In His love, shalom, Yedidah - April 21, 2019 ................

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