Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

[Pages:7]Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

We are reborn into a perfect inheritance that can never perish, never be defiled, and never diminish. It is promised and preserved forever in the heavenly realm for you! 1 Peter 1:4 TPT

What is the Baal Spirit Kingpin Demon. o It is the kingpin `god' of the Canaanite people and religion. o He is considered the ruler and highest authority of demons, also known as Beelzebub. o "He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons." Mark 3:22-23 Key Rival to God. o Baal was constantly a rival of the Most High God. God's people were repeatedly drawn to it, betraying their relationship with Father God. o "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him." 1 Kings 18:21 o "They provoked Him to jealousy with strange gods [by denying Him the honor and loyalty that is rightfully and uniquely His]; and with repulsive acts they provoked Him to anger. They sacrificed to demons, not to God, to gods whom they have not known, new gods who came lately, whom your fathers never feared." Deuteronomy 32:16-17 Enslaver. o `Baal' means lord, master, husband, or owner. It seeks to enslave people, to own & control them. Child Sacrifice & Death. o Baal worshipers sacrificed their children, often the first born, to gain favor with baal. "...and have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I never commanded or spoke of, nor did it ever enter My mind (heart)..." Jeremiah 19:5 Moloch is a cohort of baal also known to sacrifice children. o "Then they made their sons and their daughters pass through the fire, and they practiced divination and interpreting omens, and gave themselves over to do evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him." 2 Kings 17:17 Self-harm. o It is a demon god associated with self-harm, cutting & mutilation. Perhaps connected to tattooing and transgender mutilation of body parts. o "So they cried out with a loud voice [to get Baal's attention] and cut themselves with swords and lances in accordance with their custom, until the blood flowed out on them." 1 Kings 18:28 o "You shall not make any cuts on your body [in mourning] for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves; I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:28 God of Weather & Fertility. o A lot of strange and intense weather patterns and events have been escalating in recent times believed to be engineered by elites with advanced weaponry. o GMO food grains have been engineered by the elites to control the food supply & sterilize people.

1 ? Maria T. Tonello, Strike Force of Prayer 2021

Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

Consort of Jezebel, Sensuality & Sexual Promiscuity. o Baal is the `god' that Queen Jezebel worshiped. She brought 450 prophets of baal & 400 prophets of the goddess asherah into the Kingdom of Israel when she married King Ahab. 1 Kings 18:19 o Jezebel was a chief priestess of baal worship, which is why baal is often associated with a female demon such as jezebel or asherah. Worshipers engaged in temple prostitution.

Distorts Governments & Legalism. o Queen Jezebel set up temples to baal & asherah in Israel's two capital cities, Samaria & Jezreel. o Baal temples have been replicated thru 3D printing and placed in capitals of government and commerce around the world (DC, NYC, London etc.). It controls through legalism and its systems.

The Elite's God. o It is the kingpin demon of today's elites aka the cabal or illuminati, prevalent in all `7 mountains'. o Baphomet is another cohort of baal and worshiped by the elites. Hollywood has many rituals, symbols and architecture (arches etc.) to propitiate these demons.

A Bull & Lightning Bolt. o It is often portrayed as a calf, bull or lightning bolt. See the bronze statue of a bull on Wall St. o The golden calf created by Israelites whilst Moses was with God is likely a representation of baal. o Baal horns as bull's horns are frequently worn as costumes by baal worshipers.

Why We Need to Renounce & Divorce Baal Key to Full Deliverance. o He is the kingpin demon that works with and over all the other strongholds/demons. o Therefore, deliverance from baal is "capturing the forte." o Prophet Robin Bullock recently (September, 2021) shared that God and baal are currently in an epic battle. Infused into Society. o It has the strongest foothold into our lives on account of it being so infused into our culture. o Baal programs and agendas are transmitted through media, music and entertainment industries (e.g. costumes, sets and lyrics). Pop divas performing with baal horns are very common. Steals Our Destiny. o It hinders or stops God's people from realizing their calling and ability to possess all that Christ redeemed for us. It distorts and steals our self-worth and gifts to prevent us from fulfilling our ministries. It breaks up marriages, families, ministries and kingdom missions. It Operates Thru Legal Entry. o Through our family, our own actions, the culture we are immersed in, baal has legal entry and ground in our life. Because it is a kingpin strongman, it is imperative to remove its hold on us! Theft of Our Governing ~ Lawlessness. o Baal and its accomplices are the key thieves of our governments and law and order; the spiritual cause of lawlessness at our borders & throughout our country. We must shut him down! We Are Responsible for the Children. o A big agenda to our open borders is the money involved in trafficking children. The key motive to abortions is the money made in selling baby parts. Baal and his accomplices are at the command center of all of this wickedness fueling the chaos in America. We must shut him down!

2 ? Maria T. Tonello, Strike Force of Prayer 2021

Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

Intercessor Authority. o As Intercessors, we take authority and divorce baal from our 7 mountains of society including all of our governments. By divorcing ourselves of baal and his accomplices, we gain greater authority in banishing them from operating in America!

Prayer & Courts of Heaven Protocol to Renounce & Divorce Baal This is constructed as a protocol going before God in the Courts of Heaven. We repent and plead guilty for all transgressions and then ask God to pass judgements on our behalf. The judgements we are requesting include:

Grant me a divorce decree from and permanent injunction against baal and all baal cohorts, minions, entities, operations, agendas, programs and systems from operating in my life and that of my bloodlines, so that I will no longer be tormented by anything having to do with baal and them.

Grant a permanent injunction against baal and all his cohorts and minions purposing to create disunity, disharmony and strife amongst the Body of Christ, and preventing or compromising our Unity in the Faith and kingdom work together.

Grant America a divorce decree from and permanent injunction against baal and all baal cohorts, minions, entities, operations, agendas, programs and systems from operating in our local, county, state and federal governments, media, entertainment, education, commerce, religion and family systems; and at America's southern and northern borders.

Close all portals opened, created, utilized, inhabited, appropriated and exploited by baal and his cohorts. Loose the holds that satan, lucifer, baal and all their accomplices have had on my destiny, provisions and

ministry. Release all supports and resources, both spiritual and material, for me to fulfill my Book of Heaven.

Restore to me 7-fold everything baal and his accomplices have stolen from me, according to Your Word in Proverbs 6:30. Direct these supports to be forthcoming so that my work and life may go on unhampered and I may fulfill my Book in Heaven completely now, as well as all collaborative work and destiny with others You have so destined and appointed to me. Yoke me fully, eternally and exclusively to You and Your destiny and purposes for me, my bloodline and America.

1. Opening Protocol in the Courts of Heaven. Father God, I come before Your Supreme Court and ask that the courts be seated and the books be opened, according to Daniel 7:10. I ask for the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ to be my Holy Advocates to represent me in Your court. I give them full permission to speak on my behalf. I loose the Blood of Jesus over myself so that satan has no access to me.

I ask Lord God that You release Your Notification Angels, Your Enforcement Angels and Hosts of Heaven to all those humans and non-humans who will be affected by Your Court decisions to duly inform them and enforce all of Your decisions in my case today.

2. Repentance to Remove Legal Access to You. Father God, I come in the Name of Jesus and renounce and repent for all the sins, transgressions, times and ways that I and all of my ancestors back to Adam and Eve, have engaged, worshiped, used, collaborated with, opened doors to satan, lucifer, baal, moloch and any and all of their cohorts and minions (aka accomplices) including the

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Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

spirits of witchcraft, divination, occult, idolatry, beguiling, seduction, sensuality, prostitution, pornography, sexual perversion including rape, assault and abuse, voyeurism, domination, brutality, homosexuality, sodomy, confusion, gender confusion, human trafficking, self-harm, child-sacrifice, manipulation, domination, controlling, mesmerizing, pharmakeia, jezebel, asherah, nahash; death, murder and destruction; genetic engineering of foods, people and animals; any distortion of God's creation and purposes here on earth. I renounce, repent for and break all soul ties, contracts, covenants, agreements and programs with all of these spirits and any person I or anyone in my bloodline has created or established with baal and any of these other spirits. I renounce and repent for all activities, words, music, rituals, vocations, avocations, beliefs having to do with baal and these other spirits.

On behalf of myself and my entire bloodline back to Adam and Eve, I repent for all the times and ways that I have used the baal spirit and all its cohorts and minions to control, manipulate or damage other human beings and my relationship with You, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Lord God, I forgive all those who contributed to my beliefs and behaviors connected to baal and these other demon spirits.

I renounce and break all agreements, contracts and covenants made with baal spirits and the kingdom of darkness, by me and my entire bloodline back to Adam and Eve. I renounce, divorce and cut all ties with ungodly relationships, all baal and baal-related spirits, and every seed implanted in me, my belief systems and body, now and forever more. I renounce, severe, divorce, and close all doors permanently to all ungodly sources, parties, and soul ties with former spouses, lovers and others that have been tied to me in the spirit. I return all soul parts to them now.

Father God, I repent for surrendering ground to baal and all its cohorts and minions, including my city, state and country, the United States of America. I repent on behalf of all Believers who surrendered my city, state and America to these enemy spirits and have allowed so many enemies to abide, reside and operate on our land and against America.

3. Plead Guilty. Father God, for everything I have repented and renounced here, I plead guilty on behalf of myself, all of my bloodlines and my country. I present the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ Yeshua as atonement. I present the Voice of the Blood of Jesus which speaks "Tetelestai", "paid in full" to clear these transgressions from my record and that of my entire lineage as well as my future bloodlines. Father God, I ask for redemption from the curse, by the Blood of Jesus, and ask You to break all curses of baal and all other demonic spirits, systems, programs and agendas over me and my family line now! Let the Blood of Jesus break all these curses now!

4. Cleanse, Clear & Release. Lord God, I ask that Your Holy Spirit fill me to overflowing to purify and cleanse my body, brain, mind, heart, soul and spirit, my conscience, my subconscious and unconscious minds, my memory bank and everywhere in me and my body where all programs, imprints, beliefs, traumas and traits having to do with baal and its accomplices have resided, to erase them now, erase all damage and distortions. Cleanse my heart, mind and body of all distortions with Your healing balm of Gilead. Let all stolen or scattered parts or fragments of my soul be fully healed with the Blood of Jesus and returned to me now. Father God, cleanse me now with Your Holy healing love, oil and fire, with the Blood of Jesus, of any sins against me, my body, my life and my bloodlines.

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Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

I receive by faith cleansing, clearing and healing for my body, mind, will, emotions, heart, belief systems, and my relationship with You Lord God, myself and others. "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." Lord God, I recognize, honor and accept that Your holiness in Christ Jesus dwells in me, that I AM born of Your seed of divinity, created in Your image, and that You are healing, transforming and blessing me, my body, mind, heart, soul and life. Thank you for transforming me through Your anointing.

~ Pause in Silence to Receive God's Healing ~

5. Plead Your Case. Because we are in God's courtroom, we are presenting our legal case through God's legal document, the bible scriptures. Therefore we plead our case by saying, "Father God, Your Word declares the following..."

YOU are Creator of Earth. o Lord God, Your Word in 2 Kings 19:15 clearly states that: "You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth." o And in Isaiah 45:12 You say: "It is I who made the earth, and created man upon it. I stretched out the heavens with My hands and I ordained all their host." o Your Word in Amos 4:13 clarifies: "For behold, He who forms mountains and creates the wind and declares to man what are His thoughts, He who makes dawn into darkness and treads on the high places of the earth, the Lord God of hosts is His name." o Father God, baal and his accomplices have damaged, distorted and disrespected YOUR creations of earth and humanity. They have manipulated our weather, climate, seasons, even our sexuality. o They have genetically engineered our food supply and introduced genetic manipulation into humans through mRNA shots. This is an abomination and blatant disrespect and violation of Your creation and Your Will! o Furthermore, baal and his accomplices have tried to usurp Your power, purposes and place as the One True God over all of humanity and YOUR creation on earth. We say NO MORE!!!

The Sanctity of Children. o Your Word in Jeremiah 32:35 says: "They built the high places [for worship] ... to make their sons and their daughters pass through the fire to [worship and honor] Moloch--which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this repulsive thing..." o Baal and Moloch have perverted childhood, children and sexuality to distort and destroy humanity and Your kingdom design and destiny for Your sons and daughters here on earth. They are using child sacrifice to gain power, control and domination over humanity and America. We reject this Father God! And we FORBID this! No more! In Jesus Yeshua's name.

Our Body is God's Temple. o Your Word in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 tells us: "Do you not know and understand that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells [permanently] in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God [corrupting it with false doctrine], God will destroy the destroyer; for the temple of God is holy (sacred), and that is what you are." o Baal works on so many fronts to assault my body temple with messages, foods, activities to deny and deprive me of my body being in purity and the holiness You designed and destined it to be. o Your Word here clearly states that You will destroy the destroyer of our body temples.

We Have Authority to Destroy Strongholds. o Your Word in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 promises us: "The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of

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Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

fortresses. We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God..." o Baal wants me to believe I am always subservient to and victim to his agendas, but we have the Blood of Jesus and authority in Christ Jesus to banish baal, and we do so now! You Lord God are Our Protector & Liberator. o Your Word in Psalm 61:2-3 says that "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I [a rock that is too high to reach without Your help], for You have been a shelter and a refuge for me, a strong tower against the enemy." o John 8:36 says: "So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free." o Baal strives to strip me of Your protection and instill fear and anxiety in me, when the Truth is that You are my fortress, protection and safety. YOU are my liberator and I receive my emancipation now! We Have Authority to FORBID. o Your Word in Matthew 18:18 says that "whatever we bind [FORBID, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth shall have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth shall have [already] been loosed in heaven." o Father God, I stand before Your Supreme Court as an intercessor and say: "I FORBID the baal spirit from operating in my life, family and governments including local, county, state and federal, as well as apostolic governments that You ordain. You Will Destroy Your Enemies. o Your Word in Psalm 68:21 says that "God certainly will shatter the heads of His enemies." o I ask You Father God, to shatter the heads of baal and all his accomplices, human and non-human. Your Plans to Prosper Us. o Your Word in Jeremiah 29:11 promises: "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future." o Baal has stolen my blessings, hopes, morale, time, resources and relationships and we want them back now! Our Government Shall Rest Upon YOUR Shoulders. o Father God, America is YOUR creation and furthermore, Your Word in Isaiah 9:6-7 clearly states that: "The government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There shall be no end to the increase of His government and of peace, [He shall rule] on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from that time forward and forevermore." o Baal and his accomplices continually strive to overthrow YOUR Will and governance for America. He seeks to instill his version of legality, legalism and governing with his wicked human and nonhuman puppets. And we say NO MORE! o America and our government have been dedicated to YOU Father God, since their inception. Our covenant is with YOU not baal. He must be removed now Father God! Remove him now God!

Father God, it is indisputably clear throughout Your Word, which is Your record of law, and Your covenants to me, that You have created me in Your image for Your purposes. It is clear that if this baal spirit and its accomplices are allowed to continue to control, steal or compromise any part of me, my life and America, that I will not be able to fulfill Your will and destiny for my life. Once more, the destiny of America will not be fulfilled! It is clear that if I am not granted these requests from Your Supreme Court, I will not be able to fulfill Your plans for me and for Your

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Handout #9: Renouncing & Divorcing the Spirit of Baal

America, as my destiny is yoked to the destiny of America. Your Word in Galatians 6:7 proclaims: "God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]."

5. Petition. Therefore, the judgements that I am requesting from Your Supreme Court today are:

Grant me a divorce decree from and permanent injunction against baal and all baal cohorts, minions, entities, operations, agendas, programs and systems from operating in my life, my bloodlines and America, so that we will no longer be tormented by anything having to do with baal and them.

Grant a permanent injunction against baal and all his accomplices purposing to create disunity, disharmony and strife amongst the Body of Christ, and preventing or compromising our Unity in the Faith and kingdom work together.

Grant America a divorce decree from and permanent injunction against baal and all baal cohorts, minions, entities, operations, agendas, programs and systems from operating in our local, county, state and federal governments, media, entertainment, education, commerce, religion and family systems; and at America's southern and northern borders, all of our borders including our ports.

Close all portals opened, created, utilized, inhabited, appropriated and exploited by baal and his cohorts. Loose the holds that satan, lucifer, baal and all their accomplices have had on my destiny, provisions and

ministry. Release all supports and resources for me to fulfill my Book of Heaven now. Restore to me 7-fold

everything baal and his accomplices have stolen from me, according to Your Word in Proverbs 6:30. Direct these supports to be forthcoming so that my work and life may go on unhampered and I may fulfill

my Book in Heaven completely now, as well as all collaborative work and destiny with others You have so destined and appointed for me. Yoke me fully, eternally and exclusively to You and Your destiny and purposes for me, my bloodline and America.

7. Thanks and Gratitude Thank you God for granting my petitions! Thank you for Your Justice, Mercy and Love! Thank you Lord God and Lord Jesus for healing, restoring and redeeming me! Thank you Lord God for delivering me from all of these wicked spirits once and for all! To You alone be all the glory in Heaven and upon the Earth forever and ever! AMEN!!!

"For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.

For by these He has bestowed on us His precious and magnificent promises [of inexpressible value], so that by them you may escape from the immoral freedom that is in the world because of disreputable desire, and become sharers of the divine nature." 2 Peter 1:3-4

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