The end-time spiritual root

Revelation 20:4-6: “And I saw thrones, and they who sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And, I saw the lives of those who had been beheaded because of the witness they bore to Yahushua, and because of the Word of Elohim, because they did not worship the Beast, or his image, and did not receive his mark upon their foreheads, or upon their hands. And they lived and reigned with Messiah 1,000 years. (The rest of the dead did not rise to judgment until the 1,000 years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. Blessed and set-apart is the one having part in the first resurrection. The second death possesses no authority over these, but they shall be priests of Elohim and of Messiah, and shall reign with Him 1,000 years.”

Romans 8:35-39: “Who shall separate us from the love of Messiah – shall tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword? As it is written, `For Your sake we are killed all the day long--w are counted as sheep for the slaughter.’ No! In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us! For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of Elohim, which is in Messiah Yahushua, our Master.” Let us shout HalleluYah!

Notice that Romans 8 refers to the fallen angels, referred to in Ephesians 6:10-12: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Master and in the power of His might! Put on the whole armor of Elohim that you might be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against wickedness in high places…”

This Scripture passage tells us the power we have in Elohim’s armor--the garments of the High Priest, who is Messiah Yahushua. We stand in the power of His might--in joy, faith, love, the power of His Spirit, in praise, worship, and bold proclamation of His Word. Bold verbal exaltation of Elohim in word and song, on lovely instruments and in Hebraic dance, in bold proclamation of the Word from our re-born spirit with faith and the power of His Spirit, are the most powerful of our weapons that are “not canal.” Our beautiful free expression of love for our Elohim carries great power! Other powerful weapons include our prayer language, our personal and right standing with Elohim as obedient servants, the testimony of our new birth and the infilling of His Spirit, our active love for His children, and our active boldness to share His Truth.

Revelation 12:10-11: “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven: `Now has come salvation, and strength and the Kingdom of our Elohim, and the power of His Messiah, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused them before Elohim day and night. And they overcame them by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Our weapons always include the Word—“sharper than any two-edged sword.” I love proclaiming the Psalms of victory, like Psalms 9, 46, 47, 96, 97, 98, and 99. Psalm 149 is also powerful! James Block’s rendition of this Psalm is especially sharp! Speaking of judgment on the enemy, his chorus says: “We execute their judgment with the highest of praise.” It is by our high praises of Elohim that judgment is passed on the powers of darkness!!! Reflect on that!

I suggest you keep the singing of His praises and proclamations of His Word playing in your house--like James Block’s music, or the Sons of Korah, Jonathan David Helser’s music, and Kent Henry’s “Sword of the Spirit,” and “Seeking the Sanctuary” albums. Abba will lead you to others. Make sure the music isn’t fleshly loud hype and jive!

Things like fear, grumbling and complaining, negative emotions, self-pity, and hurt feelings, only draw the enemy like a magnet. PRAISE IS THE CONFESSION OF FAITH!

II Corinthians 10:3-6: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds—casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought in obedience to Messiah.”

Notice! Elohim’s part is to help us, but first, our responsibility is to align to His nature, ways, and thinking, before we do the warfare! There’s nothing more dangerous than a soldier out on the battlefield operating in his own reasoning!

So, my friends, my purpose for writing this article is not sensationalism, not to scare you, not to bring up something that most people don’t want to think about. No! My purpose, as is our Father’s, is always to benefit His people for good. In this case, since we’re in a final war for our own victory and that of others, too, I bring out this information to show you the modern, end-times root of why all of sudden we’re hearing so much about beheadings, and are deluged with those horrible videos of beheadings by fearful masked gargantuan men. We’re in the “days of Noah”--review Genesis 6-7!

Please! Don’t focus on what the devil is doing--keep your eyes on the hope that is in us from our Master. Take the words of Isaiah 33:14-17 and Philippians 4:4-9 6seriously. Instead of fear, use your emotions to REJOICE!

This article is also written to expose the unseen war behind the visible war, and to instruct you deeper in the nature of our enemy so that you might do wise spiritual warfare that brings no retaliation. What we’re seeing has a deeper root than what is be obvious on the surface.

In order to survive what is coming, we must see everything from Elohim’s point of view to find Truth. We must know how He looks at what happens to us, and to the world. Thus, our main goal must be like that of Yoachanan in John 13:21-26, who put his ear to the mouth of Yahushua that he might hear every word that fell from His lips!

A few days ago, I began writing this article based on what Abba showed me about Satan’s motives in executing innocent victims by beheading--using the guillotine, or the sword. In doing research since, I’ve added some history, information on the evil ones’ current plans, and some very interesting pictures.

Beheading was an ancient means of the execution of criminals, or soldiers in an opposing army. But, why is beheading increasing to such extremes in our modern world by Islamic terrorist groups?

It has been exposed that America created the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS. America has, and continues to take in hundreds of thousands of Muslims--through the southern border, through secret air flights, and now through the guise of taking in refugees. It’s been proven that Islam was a creation by the Vatican to be their sword. Muslims played a leadership role in the rise of Communism and Nazism, aiding World War I and World War II. World War III will be Muslim against Jews and Christians, inside Israel and the world. It was all carefully planned in 1871 by leaders Albert Pike (Scottish Rite Masonry) and Giuseppe Mazzini (Illuminati).

Islamic terrorism, the Muslim leadership of America, and the Vatican--creators of Islam--are united once again for the common goal of eliminating Bible-believing Christians, Jews, and Constitution-loving Patriots who oppose the takeover of their country by Islam, Communism, Fascism, or Nazism. As many riot over the onslaught of their nations by Islamic rapists and murderers, the execution of the innocent will increase greatly, and beheading will increase greatly also.

Our head’s brain is the control center of our entire earth-related physical body. Beheading severs this control system from what it rules over.

As I studied the history of the guillotine, and beheading in general, I uncovered some up-to-the-moment facts we should know, not only for our physical continuance, but our spiritual continuance as well.

In this article, I simply give you a foundation. As always, our focus must be on our soon-coming Messiah, and our alignment with the righteous purposes of Yahuwah!

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Left: Copy of a painting of the Halifax Gibbet from Thomas Allen’s A New and Complete History of the County of York, 1829, “the cutting of the rope”

Right: posted by .uk

“8 Things You May Not Know About the Guillotine,” September 15, 2014 by Evan Andrews of History Lists: “The name “guillotine” dates to the 1790s and the French Revolution, but similar execution machines had already been in existence for centuries. A beheading device called the “planke” was used in Germany and Flanders during the Middle Ages, and the English had a sliding axe known as the Halifax Gibbet, which may have been lopping off heads all the way back to antiquity…The origins of the French guillotine date back to late-1789, when Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin proposed that the French government adopt a gentler method of execution. Although he was personally opposed to capital punishment, Guillotin argued that decapitation by a lightning-quick machine would be more humane and egalitarian than sword and axe beheadings, which were often botched… public beheadings continued in France until 1939…The Guillotine was a popular children’s toy.”

During the French Revelation children often attended executions by guillotine. Do you remember the popular sit-com, “The Adam’s Family?” Remember the daughter of Gomez and Morticia Adams who lovingly carried around her Marie Antoinette doll that had no head? Today’s children are being conditioned through cartoons, toys, video games, and other means, to accept, and even enjoy, watching cruelty to the innocent and even laughing about it, with some practicing it on animals and smaller children.

More and more, children’s heroes are becoming those that conquer others, whether righteously or not, while their victims are jeered and mocked. To allow children to see violent horror, even in cartoons and “children’s movies,” traumatizes them--making them mentally and emotionally subjective, out of fear or admiration, to the evil ones. It is best to not look upon what the world foists of us as “entertainment!

Of course, I include a photo of modern guillotines...From beforeitsnews, May 13, 2013. Guillotines similar to this were delivered in crates to Fort Devens in 2005. Here’s part of the article, reported from military information divulged to Steve Quayle (): “The base was in the process of closing but also rebuilding at the same time he saw truck loads of concertina wire being hauled in and building materials too but at the same time they were shipping out the military units and closing the base, the more troops which left the more private contractors came in. They guarded the items they would not allow the troops to see or even get near. They had about 14 crates all comprising a number of guillotines but no idea on the number of actual units; he did see and touch one of them partially assembled. Description: STAINLESS STEEL BLADE THAT WAS VERY HEAVY DUTY AND INTERCHANGEABLE. IT WAS POWERED BY A HYDRAULIC RAM IT HAD NO CABLE OR ROPES. THE BLADE IS HOUSED IN A FRAMEWORK THAT WAS POWDER COATED BLACK, HEIGHT 7′ HIGH 3.5-4 FEET WIDE...WRITING ON THE UNOPENED CRATES WAS ARABIC.


I’ve written about the reality of the 3-story box cars hidden in Montana, and other places in America, complete with nylon straps for binding prisoners, with places for guillotines. I’ve written about the hundreds of thousands of guillotines stored in the U.S. to be used by demonized merciless ones that America houses in remote camps by the thousands. (Isaiah 13) Not to mention the Pentagon’s DARPA hybrids.

I have a picture of one of the box cars, given to me by a nationally renowned American Army Colonel. Around 2003 we had lunch together and discussed things that were being set up in America, as well as the refuge area of Aqaba, Jordan. He shared some top-secret knowledge of what has been planned for the American people. It was a privilege to hear the truth from this born-again Christian warrior.

Here is a sampling of things I’ve been warning about for years:

From Sharia Unveiled, June 19, 2013: “There are over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards. But they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached…The Rex 84 Program...allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons. Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation…Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen.” [This web site lists several Executive Orders, as well as giving government websites that substantiate their findings, including the passing of the guillotine law by the state of Georgia in 1995 and 1996.]

I know about FEMA camps from personal knowledge when I lived in Texas. They are very real! As the article above reports, FEMA camps can hold up to 20,000 people each--the largest one being near Fairbanks, Alaska.

The huge 25-square mile “concentration camp” inside Israel, built by America using only Arab workers, is a duplicate of America’s FEMA camps. When Jerry Golden and Barry Chamish visited the Israel “camp” before it was completed, they were allowed in. Jerry immediately saw it as a concentration camp and took pictures. His pictures are nearly identical to ones I took in Texas, complete with underground gas chambers, and visible “vents.” When Luke 21:20 happens in Jerusalem, many religious Jews will fight. Also, many will flee as they know to do, even though they’ve never read Matthew 24 or Revelation 12, and head for Petra. The U.N.’s army will surround Jerusalem at the time of transfer of the city into Palestinian hands, or to keep Jews from rioting during takeover of any kind.

Beheading is an ancient practice for killing one’s enemies. I Samuel 17:41-51 tells how David killed the giant Goliath with a well-placed stone into his forehead, but once dead, David took Goliath’s sword and cut his head off. I will say this for young David: He did not sadistically take off the head of Goliath, but did so to make sure the 11-foot giant was dead, and stayed dead. Other examples of beheading in times of war are found in I Samuel 31 and II Samuel 4:1-8, 12.

Matthew 14:1-12 and Mark 6:16-20 tell the story of Herod, who ordered the beheading of Yochanan the baptizer. Later, Rome beheaded its prisoners in the coliseum for all to see. The days of the coliseum will return! It is believed that, by order of Nero, the Apostle Sha’ul was beheaded. Islam’s “usual” way of killing “infidels” is by beheading. ISIS has made a horrifying sport of beheading, to instill fear in those they want to conquer. Since ISIS is an arm of the Illuminati Elite that are intent on hastening World War III -- Mazzini/Pike Plan III. The Illuminati motto is: “Out of chaos order-- the New World Order.

Beheading strikes terror into the heart of people, so a lot of what ISIS is doing is to terrorize people. They have been targeting Christians in Muslim nations. Now they are in America, and will soon target Christians in this “former” Christian nation. The American government has invited them in, and is hosting, protecting, and screening them from public view, in secluded areas inside America.

In an interview with Dave Hodges, January 15, 2016, Steve Quayle said that Hitler enjoyed two main types of eliminating his enemies, 1) by hanging and 2) by beheading. He said that it was estimated that Hitler order 16, 500 people to be beheaded.

Confirming: “According to Nazi records, the guillotine was eventually used to execute some 16,500 people between 1933 and 1945, many of them resistance fighters and political dissidents.” (From History List, September 2014)

From ancient times, besides shooting at enemies with arrows, or running them through with swords, beheading was a common practice as a sign of exaltation over an enemy, even after they are dead. It was an act of triumph. Today in Gaza, those suspected of “collaborating” with Israel, whether man, woman, or child, are killed, and often triumphantly dragged through the streets of Gaza City, or beheaded, for all to see. The Chinese have also been infamous for this barbaric means of execution.

Revelation 6:4: A great sword is given to the rider on the red horse--who is “war.”

Revelation 6:8: The rider on the pale horse is “Death.” He brings death by the sword/blade, by famine, by “death,” and by the beasts of the earth. “Death” most likely is something that is indescribable--something perhaps common to today’s advanced technology--chemical or biological warfare, pulse waves, microwave beams, something that is invisible.

What is the spirit behind the lust of today’s demonized ones to behead the innocent? Sadism, merciless cruelty, the lust to watch horror, to instill fear and terror, to spill blood, to mock their victims with smirking with jovial laughter--all of these are burgeoning signs of Satan’s forces in our world right now! This “spirit,” the same one that drove Hitler and the Nazis to slaughter six million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Christians, too, is actually the military leader of the forces of hell.

In Revelation 9:11, the Beast, world ruler, is known as Abaddon (Hebrew) or Apollyon (Greek). He is the King of the Pit. He is Helel/Lucifer, “that old Dragon,” “the Devil,” or “Satan.” His title is “the destroyer.” He was once known as Nimrod of Babylon, Osiris of Egypt, Apollo of Greece, and Shiva of Hinduism. Shiva is the mascot-god of CERN. His consort is Kali. Her image was emblazoned on the Empire State building in New York City in August of 2015.

Goddess Kali, Hindu God of Death and Destruction Projected On Empire State Building, from Now the end begins by Geoffrey Grider, August 10, 2015: “Goddess Kali is the Hindu god of death and destruction. The name of Kali means black, time, death, lord of death; she is therefore called the Goddess of Time, Change, Power, and Destruction. She is known as the “Black One,” or the “Dark One.” Kali is also known as the mother of the universe. From BBC on Hinduism: “Shiva's consort is Devi, the Mother-goddess. Devi has taken on many forms in the past, including Kali, the goddess of death, and Sati, the goddess of marital felicity. Her best known incarnation is Parvati, Shiva's eternal wife.” Now why was Kali’s image really allowed on the Empire State Building?


The goal of the destroyer is to shed the blood of nearly 7 billion people-- (Revelation 12:7-12) An environmentalist stunt was given as the reason for Kali on the Empire State Building, but like CERN, the evil ones are letting us know who their Masters really are! The gods of destruction are foretold in Scriptures like Revelation 9:11, 11:7, and 17:8. In II Thessalonians 2:3 the word for “destruction” is “apolia” in Greek—i.e. Apollo/Apollyon.

Isaiah 13:17-22 tells us about the merciless “spirit of the Medes.” In Revelation 9, we read that this destroying military leader unites an army of 200,000,000 soldiers against Israel in the massive Jezre’el Valley near Megiddo. (Revelation 16:12-16; Joel 2; Zechariah 14:1-5) This army is not comprised of humans, but of demonic hybrids, Nephilim, and Rephaim, under total control by their leaders--Satan, the “Beast,” and the False Prophet. Revelation 13, 16:12-16, Revelation 19: Messiah’s sharp sword!

Daniel 7 reveals that the Beast’s evil methodology is designed to do two things, 1) to sadistically produce terror in the hearts of the people of Elohim, to turn them from following Yahuwah, to wear them down, to destroy their faith, and 2) to take vengeance on Yahuwah and Yahushua for Their successful plan of salvation through the new birth, which snatches the person out of his clutches, and gives them eternal life. He’s out to pay Yahuwah back for redeeming people from the kingdom of darkness, breaking his hold, giving people power over him. (Colossians 1:13-14; I John 3:8b; I Peter 2:9)

Hebrews 4:12: “For the Word of Elohim is sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting through, even to the dividing of soul and spirit…”

Like a sword, the Word of Elohim separates and divides. Messiah Yahushua, the Word of Elohim incarnate (John 1), said in Matthew 10:34-35: “Do not think I have come to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I come to bring division…” Is He ever dividing now! People are denying His deity, denying Him, denying the efficacy of the blood of the Lamb of Elohim, and turning to their own reasoning for salvation!

Matthew 10:33: “Whosoever shall deny Me before men, him I shall also deny before My Father who is in the heavens.”

To deny Him is to turn and become like Cain, who counted on his good vegetable harvest, the works of his hands, to save him and put him in right standing with Yahuwah--like Adam and Eve who sowed fig leaves to cover their nakedness.

Righteous Abel knew better. He knew the Torah of Yahuwah by Yahushua’s action in Genesis 3:21--killing an animal to cloth his parents. Thus Abel offered blood sacrifice to Yahuwah for his right standing with Him. (Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 9:14, 22)

The sword of the Spirit of Yahuwah in the true new birth divides between the soul and the spirit! The spirit, in our middle/loins area is perfected and prepared, like a temple, to receive the indwelling of the Spirit of Yahuwah. The enemy has done well to make the infilling of His Spirit, and His gifts, out to be something religiously foolish, not something for today--something to be avoided by intelligent people. However, according to Messiah, this is blasphemy against Yahuwah, for the Spirit is Yahuwah Himself. Thus, to willfully, defiantly, and rebelliously shun His entrance, and attribute His gifts to Satan, is blasphemy--thus is unpardonable. (Matthew 12:24-32)

The marvelous “true new birth” delivers a person from the kingdom of darkness and translates them into “the Kingdom of His Dear Son”--the Kingdom of light. (Colossians 1:13-14; I Peter 2:9 as examples) [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/2015]

Yahuwah revealed to me: The beheading of the innocent by the demonized hoards of Satan’s army today is a sadistic and symbolic mocking of the true new birth--the separating of the re-born spirit and the carnal soul/mind of the children of Yahuwah – mocking Hebrews 4:12.

Satan’s hate of Yahuwah and Yahushua is incredibly intense. He and his forces cannot conquer Shaddai, Elyon, so they attack those loyal to Them. “Those who are closet to their Captain are a sure target for the archers.” (Amy Carmichael)

The soul, our life-force through our blood, is earth-bound in its dependency on input from the outside for its reasoning and willful actions. Unless, through the true new birth, and the transforming disciplining by the Spirit of Yahuwah, the soul is aligned to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah, it is an open door to input from false prophet and from demons.

The soul, from birth, is like a wild stallion—rebellious and self-centered. It must be corralled, and brought to submit to the Spirit’s control. Only the Spirit has the power to conquer it and bring it into submission. But, our will has to be active in allowing Him to do as He wills. As soon as the initial division is made between the spirit and the soul at the true new birth, war breaks out between our sin-prone nature, and our new nature. The true new birth opens the portal of the spirit to the eternal dimension of Yahuwah, so that His set-apart ones can enter His Presence, learn from His Spirit, be led by His Spirit, and be transformed. (I Corinthians 6:19-20; II Corinthians 3:17-18)

Once the soul and spirit are aligned, the entire “spirit man” is blameless before Yahuwah, we are set-apart unto Him! It is the eternal “spirit man” (soul and spirit) that either goes to heaven at the death of the righteous, or into Hades/Hell at the death of the wicked. At the resurrection of the just, the spirit-man reunites with the physical body at the return of Messiah. At the resurrection of the damned, they reunite with their physical bodies, too, but return to Hades/Hell. (I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 20)

Physical beheading divides between the soul, whose control center is in the brain, and the spirit, whose control center is behind our naval, thus dividing the eternal spirit-man. The head of every Christian that is severed, is done so to the sadistic delight of Lucifer/Satan for it is vengeance against Yahuweh and Yahushua Messiah--mocking of the true new birth.

It is Satan’s primary goal to spiritually divide the soul and the spirit from contact with the transformation power of Yahuweh’s Spirit, using deceptive beguiling through Darwinism, intellectualism, materialism, fleshly seducing, or religion. If the soul takes power over the re-born spirit, through rebellion, wrong reasoning, emotional instability, or somehow, it is free grazing land for demons that will do all they can to eternally detach the spirit from Yahuwah. Coral your soul! Possess your eternal life!

Walt Disney was a practicing Wicca witch. He was also a producer of pornographic movies at the same time he was producing his cartoons for children. In the Walt Disney movie “Alice in Wonderland,” the RED Queen gives her famous quote which is throughout the movie “Off with his head,” or “off with their heads,” or off with her head.”

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Cartoon version – the Queen of hearts orders the execution of little Alice

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2010 movie version


2010 movie poster

A description by the movie advertising media: “The Queen of Hearts is a character from the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by the writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll. She is a foul-tempered monarch, which Carroll himself pictured as "a blind fury," -- who is quick to decree death sentences at the slightest offense.”

Who is she really depicting, as we see beheadings increasing?

The Queen of hearts orders the beheading of innocent victims at her whim, i.e. Alice and her friends. Do you think this only a cartoon or a silly childish movie? Think again! … The order to behead the innocent is nothing more than evil. [pic]

In the trailer for the movie, it shows the Queen of hearts screaming the famous line, “off with her head,” speaking of Alice. The movie was produced by Disney Studios, directed by Tim Burton.

A movie review: “Alice in Wonderland celebrates her 150th birthday this year and we are still enthralled by her spell, or rather, the spell cast by Lewis Carroll when he wrote the much-loved children’s book in 1865. Some say it is about hallucinogenic drugs, some say it is about growing up... Since its Victorian genesis, subsequent generations have been eager to pick out hidden meanings and messages. The popular appeal of the story meanwhile endures. The 1951 Disney film was one of several to be made, the most recent of which was Tim Burton’s dark adaptation from 2010.”

Whether cartoon, or movie version, this vivid portrayal of evil is not something for little children! I ask: Was the intent behind Alice in Wonderland, like so many cartoons and children’s movies of today, to act as a trauma-based mind-control experiment on the innocent? Alice in Wonderland: Her head was confused, mesmerized, and always fearful, from the time she fell through the hole to the red queen’s anger--always being put in a position of things not right, but not understanding why … she was a victim of many different attempts on her mind, her emotions, and her body.

It appears that this, like so many Disney cartoons and movies, is a clear example, even a bragging telling, of the Illuminati’s horrible experiments on American children’s minds since at least 1945? These methods have been used wherever American “visual aids” have gone worldwide. In America, today’s trauma-based mind-control is touted as “good family entertainment,” “harmless fun,” by the media and their ignorant disciples.

It is a known fact, that most Hollywood script-writers get their story-lines for horror movies, occult movies, sexually explicit movies, and all sort of “fantasies,” much of which is incorporated into cartoons and children’s movies in subtle says, from “spirit-guides,” from taking hallucinogenic drugs that send them on “trips” into the dark kingdom, and from self-induced “astro-travel” through trances, all resulting in contact with demonic spirits and fallen angels.

Thus, the world elite, under their god Lucifer/Satan, want to spiritually behead all human beings – separating them from the knowledge of their eternal spirit that has the power to contact the eternal realm of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Separate them from the reality of the TRUE new birth.

Let us willfully separate ourselves from the world, the flesh, and the devil! The words of II Corinthians 6:14-7:1 are critical for us to understand and apply to our own lives!

Written with Abba’s shalom and His love for His people!


February 18, 2016


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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