Child Protective Service Report, CFS-2090

Application Four

Judging Information and Assessing Present Danger Threats at Initial Contact

We are now moving forward in the case process in the assessment of present danger. The worker must expand his or her focus at initial contact to identify additional Present Danger Threats that are occurring in the family, but not identified at Access. For this Application, you will consider both the CPS Report and case note about initial contact on this case. Complete the review and submit it to your trainer in keeping with the schedule.

Application Four

Judging Information at Initial Contact

FIRST, we will consider the worker’s decision making at Access.

Read ONLY the Access report and then answer the following question:

Do you agree with the worker's identification of Present Danger Threats and likely Impending Danger Threats in the CPS Report? If not, explain why not and identify and justify the correct threats.

Threat identified:

• Clearly observable family condition:

• Significant:

• Immediate (actively occurring or in process of occurring):

• Likely to result in severe harm (consider child vulnerability):

(copy as needed to accommodate the number of Present Danger Threats)


|Case Name |Worker Safety Concerns |Report Number |

|Schmidt, Stephanie | |Yes |X |No |xxxxxxxxx |

|Date and Time Report Received |CPS Report Type |County |

|4/15 1:18 pm |Primary |Glen |

|Name - Worker |Name - Supervisor |

|Aaron Champlain |Sharon Herman |

|I. |Family Information |

| |Name - Family |Telephone Number - Home |

| |Schmidt |123-4567 |

| |Address - Street |Apt. No. |City / Town |State |Zip Code |

| |1801 Hampton Ave |A |Middletown |WI |55522 |

| |Primary Language: |English |Interpreter Needed: | |Yes |X |No |

| |Directions to House |

| | |

| |A. |Household Members |

| | | |

| | |Name |

| | |AV |= |Alleged Victim |A |= |Asian or Pacific Islander |

| | |HM |= |Household Member |B |= |Black |

| | |NM |= |Non-Household Member |I |= |American Indian / Alaskan Native |

| | |PN |= |Parent / Parental Role |P |= |Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander |

| | |RN |= |Report Name |U |= |Unable to Determine |

| | | | | |W |= |White |

| | | |


| | |Information that the may have American Indian heritage, including names of tribe(s) if known. |

| | |Not known |


| |B. |Parent(s) Not in Home / Other Non-Household Members |

| | |Name |Relationship |Address |Telephone No. |DOB |Gender |Race |


| |C. |Alleged Maltreatment |

| | |Alleged Victim |Relationship to Victim |A/N Code |Description |F |


| | |Alexis Schmidt |Alleged Child |Physical |Bruising | |


| | | | | |

| | | F |= |Fatality |

| |D. |Location of Incident |

| | |Address - Street |Apt. No. |City / Town |State |Zip Code |

| | |unknown |      | |WI |      |

| | |Telephone Number - Home |Telephone Number - Work |Date and Time of Alleged A / N |

| | | |      |      |

| |E. |Contacts / Others with Information About Family |

| | | |

| II. |Narrative |

| | | |

| | |Describe alleged maltreatment: current and past; the surrounding circumstances; and the frequency or intervention or services needed for the child. |

| | |Reporter stated the following: |

| | |The child, Alexis, went to visit with her alleged father, Russell Fronti, from Tuesday to Friday. Mr. Fronti gave the mother a text message stating he|

| | |fell asleep and the baby fell from his arms and hit her head on the corner of a table. Mr. Fronti then took Alexis to the Hampton Ave home and left |

| | |her with Owen Schmidt, the only person home. The baby was covered with a blanket and sleeping. Cindy Schmidt returned home, uncovered the baby and |

| | |saw the injury. She contacted the baby’s mother, Stephanie Schmidt, told her of the injury and arranged to meet her at St. Bart Hospital ER. |

| | | |

| | |Describe the child(ren)’s injury or conditions as a result of the alleged maltreatment or services needed. |

| | |Injury to the head – bruise and scrape over the left eye on eye lid and brow bone |

| | |Describe the child(ren)’s current location, school/daycare including dismissal time, functioning, including special needs, if any, and highlighting |

| | |current vulnerability. |

| | |The child lives at home with the mother, grandmother and mother’s siblings. Currently at St. Bart’s ER. Unknown how long will remain |

| | | |


| | |The child has injuries to the face or head. This is a young, vulnerable baby with an eye injury. |

| | |The child is currently being maltreated at the time of the report or contact. Maltreatment is same day as report, in process of occurring. |

| | | |

| | |Document relevant information from CPS history, CCAP and Sex Offender Registry-Reverse Address checks (if no relevant information found, document that |

| | |checks were completed). |

| | |Stephanie Schmidt was on a CHIPS order and aged out. |

| | |CCAP on Stephanie – no criminal history |

| | |Sex Offender check – no matches found |

| | | |

| | |Describe when the alleged maltreater will have access to the child. |

| | |The child lives with the mother. |

| | | |

| | |Describe any changes in circumstances that may make it difficult to fulfill CPS responsibilities. |

| | |The child, mother and grandmother are currently at the hospital ER. It is not known how long the family will be at the hospital. |

| | |Describe presence of domestic violence, if applicable, including the demonstration of power and control and entitlement within the home. |

| | |unknown |

| | | |

| | |Describe how the family may respond to intervention by the agency, including the parental protective capacities. |

| | |The mother met the grandmother and child at the ER. She is expressing concern for the baby and anger at the baby’s father. |

| | | |


| | | |

| | |Describe the parents or adults in the parental role: current location, functioning, and parenting practices and views of child(ren). |

| | |The mother, grandmother and baby are at St. Bart’s ER. They are not known to the reporter. Currently appear distressed by child’s injury and angry |

| | |with alleged father. |

| | |Describe the family functioning, strengths and current stressors. |

| | |Reporter does not have much information about the family. Current circumstances with injury and necessary involvement with CPS and law enforcement are|

| | |stressful. |

| | | |


| | |None – insufficient information to assess |

| | |Document the name of the alleged maltreater and relationship to child. |

| | |Russell Fronti, alleged father to Alexis and former significant other to Stephanie |

| | | |

| | | |

|III. |Agency Response |

| |A. |Supervisor Screening Decision |

| | |Decision |Date / Time Decision was Made |

| | |Screen In |4/15 1:35 PM |

| | |Response Time |Reason |

| | |Same Day |Screen In CA/N Primary |

| | |Explain |

| | | |

| |B. |x Yes No Law Enforcement Notified |

| | |Yes x No After Hours Report |

| | | |

|IV. |Signatures |

| | |

| | | | | |

| | SIGNATURE - Worker | |Date Signed | |

| | |

| | | | | |

| |SIGNATURE - Supervisor | |Date Signed | |


| |

|Name – Worker |

|Aaron Champlain |

|Name – Reporter |Relationship/Position |

|Meagan Guinnes |ER nurse |

|Address (Street, City, State Zip Code) |Telephone |

|67 N. Main Street Middletown 55522 |345-6789 |

|Affiliation: |

|St. Bartholomew Hospital |

|Reason for Calling: |

|Abuse report from ER |

|Document the Reporter's motivation and source of information, if possible: |

|Mandated reporter admitting child to ER |

|Reporter’s opinion about needed actions and child’s safety: |

|CPS assessment and law enforcement |

|Worker’s opinion of reporter’s credibility: |

|credible |

|Additional comments: |

Baby, mother and grandmother just arrived at ER

Information Gathering at Initial Contact

NEXT, we’ll consider this worker’s information gathering and decision making at Initial Contact.

One of the tasks of a supervisor is helping workers sort through the wealth of information that is potentially available in a contact with a family and focus on information that is important to safety decision making.

Consider what is most important (relevant) and what information is needed to understand and support decisions (sufficient).

Read the initial contact case note and use the functions on your Word menu to:

• Highlight the information on the case note that is relevant for safety decision making Example

• Strikethrough the information that is redundant and the information that is unnecessary for CPS purposes Example

If these functions are not readily accessible to you, substitute others and inform your trainer

|Case Name: |Case ID: XXXXXX |

|Schmidt, Stephanie | |

|Begin Time: |End Time: |Participants: |

|2:45 pm |5:30 pm |Cindy Schmidt |

| | |Dr. Dowd |

| | |Officer Sadaris |

| | | |

| | |Phone: |

| | |Stephanie Schmidt |

|Duration: |Billable ☐ | |

|2 hours, 45 minutes | | |

|Category: |Type: | |

|Access |Face-to-face | |

|Face-to-Face Location: |Face-to-Face Result: |Type Detail: |

|St. Bart’s Hospital ER |Occurred | |

|Worker Making Contact: |Contact by Designee ☐ |

|Kate Morris | |

|This worker responded to a same day physical abuse report regarding the child, Alexis Schmidt. Officer Sadaris was at St. Bart’s Hospital|

|waiting for the worker to arrive. Worker found mother left hospital at approximately 2:00, leaving her mother, Cindy Schmidt with the |

|baby. |

|Worker spoke with ER doctor, Dr. Dowd. Reports child has bruise and contusion on left eye lid. Scab is beginning to form on contusion, |

|indicating this injury is likely 12-24 hours old. Full physical exam did not reveal any other injuries. Awaiting pediatric |

|ophthalmologist for consult. Alexis weighs 6 pounds 9 ounces – down 4 ounces from her birth weight. Mother missed well baby checks with |

|pediatrician. |

| |

|Worker went in room where Alexis was with grandmother, Cindy Schmidt. Worker asked about Stephanie Schmidt and was told she had left and |

|was at the home of her cousin. Worker observed the injury to the left upper eye lid. Observed red-purple bruise, approximately 1 ½ |

|inches round and scrape with scab beginning along brow bone, approximately 1 inch. As Alexis is small, this is about half of the width of|

|her eye. Her eye has blood shot spots over about half of it. Worker asked Cindy Schmidt about people having access to the baby. Mother,|

|Stephanie Schmidt lives with grandmother, Cindy, and 2 siblings (Owen-17 years and Cassandra-20 years). All generally have access and may|

|provide some caregiving (feeding, changing). Worker asked who else may have access to the baby and Grandmother stated that Stephanie also|

|spends time at her friend, Ruthy Grant’s home and she brings the baby with her. Worker asked where the baby slept, and grandmother |

|replied a pack and play. Grandmother states Alexis did not have injury when her father picked her up on Tuesday with intention of keeping |

|her until Friday. Father, Russell Fronti, texted mother about 11:30am today (Thursday) stating he had fallen asleep and Alexis had fallen|

|from his arms and hit her head on the corner of the table. Mr. Fronti then dropped Alexis off at the Hampton Ave. address, though the |

|mother was not there. Left the baby with Owen. When grandmother returned, she saw injury and took Alexis to ER. Called Stephanie, who |

|met them at ER but has since left for her cousin’s house. Grandmother states she doesn’t know why Stephanie went to her cousin’s. Worker|

|observed grandmother feeding Alexis and the baby cried when she was trying to feed the baby. Worker asked how Stephanie feeds the baby. |

|Cindy reports she feeds her when she gets up in the morning and 3-4 times during the day and before she goes to bed. Worker asked how |

|much she eats. Grandmother reports 5-8 ounces of Good Start formula. Worker asked how her daughter feeds the baby. Grandmother reports |

|she holds her and gives her a bottle. Worker asked if the mother had any problems feeding the baby or any excessive vomiting and she |

|reported no. Grandmother appears somewhat slow. |

| |

|While the worker was talking with Cindy, she (Cindy) received call from Alexis’s father, Russell Fronti. He inquired where was Stephanie |

|and why wouldn’t she answer her phone. Grandmother became agitated and began yelling in the phone about “what did you do to Alexis and |

|leave us to deal with this mess?” Mr. Fronti apparently yelled back to the grandmother, though this worker could not understand what he |

|said. Mr. Fronti then hung up his phone and would not answer when Cindy tried repeatedly to reach him. Cindy remained agitated. When |

|asked by this worker for Mr. Fronti’s location, she said she did not know where he was but there were voices in the background. During |

|this time, Alexis was removed from the room for the consult with the ophthalmologist. Cindy called Stephanie, who answered her call, and |

|told her Mr. Fronti was trying to reach her. Cindy informed Stephanie she was at the ER and that a police officer was involved with the |

|case and she should tell him she would meet Russell at the ER so that the police could locate him for questioning. |

| |

|Alexis returned from the consult. She was crying and had her eyes covered due to the need to dilate her pupils for the exam. Cindy |

|attempted to feed her, but she was fussy and would not settle. This worker could not tell if this was because of her discomfort due to |

|the exam or a common occurrence. Cindy was frustrated and responded to this worker’s inquiries with annoyance and only stated “I don’t |

|know.” |

| |

|Officer Sadaris took pictures of the injury to Alexis’s eye. He asked Cindy to repeat the sequence of events leading to bringing Alexis |

|to the ER. She stated Russell Fronti was to have Alexis from Tuesday to Friday. This afternoon (Thursday) around 12:15 pm he came to the|

|Hampton Ave address and left the baby with Owen Schmidt, who was the only person home. The baby was sleeping and covered with a blanket |

|in the car seat. When Cindy returned home about 12:30, she uncovered Alexis and saw the injury. She called the baby’s mother, Stephanie,|

|who said Mr. Fronti had texted her that he had fallen asleep and Alexis had fallen from his arms and hit her head on the table corner. He|

|had sent this text at 11:30 am but did not mention an injury. Cindy told Officer Sadaris about her contact with Mr. Fronti from the |

|hospital and that she did not know his whereabouts. |

| |

|The mother was not at the hospital, so this worker did not interview her. This worker was able to reach the mother using the |

|grandmother’s phone and she reported she was at her cousin’s home. The mother asked if the worker was taking her baby. This worker told |

|her more information was needed from the hospital regarding the child’s condition. |

| |

|Dr. Dowd returned to say there were only superficial injuries detected in the ophthalmology exam. There remains some concern regarding |

|Alexis’s electrolyte levels due to lack of nutrition. Hospital staff wants to observe Alexis eating under calmer circumstances than have |

|been possible in the ER. According to Dr. Dowd, the explanation for the eye injury is plausible. Alexis will be admitted for the night. |

|During this time, she will have typical well baby exams and, possibly, vaccinations. Hospital staff asked Cindy to get Stephanie to |

|return to the hospital so that they could receive her permission to proceed. |

| |

|Alexis will remain in the hospital for the night. Discharge could take place as early as tomorrow. No further action is required as |

|there are no Present Danger Threats at this time. Child is in hospital. |

The initial contact documentation should describe a logical progression from Access information to address the safety task of initial contact-identification of Present Danger Threats.

What areas in the initial contact documentation lack sufficient information that would have been available to the worker?

The worker must address all Present Danger Threats identified at Access to establish whether these threats were actually occurring at first contact. Each Present Danger Threat identified at Access should be explicitly addressed in documentation. How does this work compare to that standard?

The worker must expand his or her focus at initial contact to identify additional Present Danger Threats that are occurring in the family, but not identified at Access. How does this work compare to that standard?

Assessing Present Danger at Initial Contact

Now, we will consider the worker’s safety assessment.

Who is in the family/household that is the focus for assessment?

What Present Danger Threats did the worker identify?

Do you agree with the worker’s decisions?

Next, we will consider your safety assessment.

For all Present Danger Threats you identify in the family at initial contact (whether the worker has identified it or not), describe the following:

(Include justification of threats you considered, but ruled out)

Threat identified:

• Clearly observable family condition:

• Significant:

• Immediate (actively occurring or in process of occurring):

• Likely to result in severe harm (consider child vulnerability):

(copy as needed to accommodate the number of Present Danger Threats)

What are the errors in this worker’s thinking about information gathering and assessing Present Danger Threats at initial contact?

What would you direct the worker to do next?



Present Danger Threats refer to an immediate, significant and clearly observable family condition that is actively occurring or "in process" of occurring at the point of contact with a family and will likely result in severe harm to a child.


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