
Resume Creation Packet – Phlebotomist

Basic Resources Page

Phlebotomist Resumes – Steps to Creating a Good Basic Resume 1

“Tips for Writing your First Resume as a Phlebotomist” (internet article) 2

Anatomy of a Resume 3

EDCC Career Action Center Resume Template 4

Job Analyzer Form 5

What is a “hard skill” and a “soft skill” - (internet article) 6

Sample phlebotomist resume #1 - downloaded from the internet 7

Sample phlebotomist resume #2 - downloaded from the internet 8-9

EDCC Phlebotomy coursework 10

(From the EDCC Website = coursework, technical learning/keywords that can be included in a resume)

Sample Resume for the Job Title Phlebotomist - Page 11

Master Resumes for Common Phlebotomist Environments


#1. Phlebotomist in a Bloodmobile – Page 12 12

Job ad 13

Corresponding Job Analyzer Form 14

Resume: Bloodmobile Phlebotomist, Puget Sound Blood Center 15

#2. Phlebotomist for a Lab of a Major Hospital- Page 16 16

Job ad 17

Corresponding Job Analyzer Form 18

Resume: Phlebotomist, Laboratory Support Services, UW Hospital 19

#3. Phlebotomist for a Smaller Lab in a Community Clinic – page 20 20

Job ad 21

Corresponding Job Analyzer Form 22

Resume, Medical Technician, Health Point Community Clinic 23

#4. Phlebotomist for a Doctors’/Medical Office – Page 24 24

Job ads for two clinic (Minor & James; Bellevue 25

Corresponding Job Analyzer Form – This form analyzes common qualifications in both ads 26

Resume, Medical Office Phlebotomist 27

(Anne – pages that are greyed out have not been completed…just a placeholder is there)


The key to a killer resume: Knowing what you want; knowing what the job market wants, and putting the “match” on your resume! A resume is a TARGETED 1-2 pg. Sales brochure –NOT a verbose history of everything you’ve done!

1. To get started, download the CAC’s Resume Template on page 4. –Fill in the easy stuff first: job history, email, etc

2. Get ready to write a basic resume targeted to a specific job – i.e., OBJECTIVE: Phlebotomist. Always put a job title at the top – it is the title of your resume! General resume or resumes that don’t explain what job you want don’t work anymore. With so many applications, a Recruiter looks at a resume for 10 seconds, so it has to tell them you have what they are looking for.

Today, a basic resume is created to explain how you fit a job title, then it is customized to explain how you fit a particular ad.

3. Get ready to research how and where your skills and training fit for a “phlebotomist” job by pulling job ads:

An ad is full of things you know, yet job seekers commonly zero in on the 1-2 things they DON’T have and give up. Don’t do that! Go to job boards, like , , , . In the search box at the top of the page, enter the keyword “Phlebotomy”. A list of ads will come up. Underline everything in the ad you know or applies to you. Look for what you have, as that will be what you copy into your resume.

Remember: You don’t have to be a great writer to do resumes. You do have to be good at copying words from ads that fit you.

4. Note that job titles for a “Phlebotimist” may vary per environment. A Bloodmobile ad wants a Phlebotomist”, yet a person with phlebotomist duties in a community lab is called a “Medical Technician” (See Samples, Pages 11-26). All ads need phlebotomy, but each environment has a different emphasis in which skill you use most. For example, hospital labs may need more medical technical expertise whereas a doctor’s office may need more patient care.

So, how do you deal with different job titles for the same job? Easy. Make a basic Phlebotomist resume (page 11) then modify it as a master resume tailored to a certain kind of environment that commonly hires Phlebotomists (See Samples, Pages 11-26).

5. Pull and print four ads that are the same kind of job within the same kind of environment/workspace:

No experience? You have words from completed classes provide desired keywords – like: medical terminology; venipuncture; Finger Sticks; lab tests, labeling/documenting/preparing specimens, safety & quality control. If you know the environment you want to work in i.e. hospital, doctors office, community clinic, pair up a skill –“lab tests” with the environment “clinic” with your level of education “associates” to get ads that will fit you job boards (craigslist, , , ).

6. If ads fail to give you keywords for a basic resume, go to google and print resumes posted online.

7. Print out your classwork here at School. Underline keywords you see in the classes that are in the ads.

7. With the stack of ad, sample resumes and course details, you’ve done or studied. These are keywords!

8. Download the Job Analyzer Form, Page 6. Complete the form. Copy the ad. Match it to your underlined words

Write the highlighted keyword on the left side of the “T chart”. Next to each highlighted word on the chart, think of a situation where you did this word AND where you got this expertise – which job, which volunteer position, or which class. Match common words from ads, list situations when you used it/labeling where you did it – so you know what to write in the bullets under each job you did. This helps you flesh out what-to-write-where, yet only write stuff that is relevant.

9. Time to write. There are 6 sections to a basic resume. (see Anatomy of a Resume, page 2) They are:

1. Your name, and how to contact you – Personal Data Bits – Be accurate – Important!

2. Your objective and value statement (sometimes called the branding statement)

3. The summary of qualifications which mirrors words in the job ad’s “requirements”

4. Keywords / Skills & Proficiency section – underlined words from the ad that you have

5. Your education, certifications, training, webinars

6. Work experience, volunteer jobs & Internships -Dates, Company names, job title

10 Write a basic phlebotomist resume (see sample, page ___),

11. Modify this resume to suit common environments where phlebotomist jobs exists.


Tips for Writing Your First Resume as a Phlebotomist

[pic]Deborah Blair, Yahoo! Contributor Network

Sep 8, 2011 "Share your voice on Yahoo! websites. Start Here."

Congratulations! You're about to become a certified phlebotomist. Now all you have to do is get that initial phlebotomy job. What's the first step in achieving that goal? You need to create a great resume and a terrific cover letter to go with it. You need to attract the attention of your prospective employer in less than 20 seconds, because most employers take only that long to decide if they'll read on or not. Here are some tips to help you write a phlebotomy resume that will distinguish you from the crowd.

Include Any Phlebotomy Experience You Have, Paid or Unpaid

Because you are just out of school, you probably don't have much related work experience to add to your resume. Do include your most recent employment no matter what type of work you've been doing, but also highlight any internships or externships you completed during your training. You may also want to do some volunteer work at nursing homes, blood donation centers, or other facilities that will accept your help so you can add those accomplishments to the resume.

Highlight Your Education and Other Achievements

Even though you may not have a bevy or experience as a phlebotomist, you still have significant qualifications. You have completed your phlebotomy training and passed the certification exam. If you were elected employee of the month at your former place of employment, mention it. If you were consistently on the dean's list at school, or have served as an officer in any clubs or organizations, make sure those achievements are highlighted on your resume. Those accomplishments are representative of the type of person you are. Be sure to include your affiliation with any professional organizations, such as the American Phlebotomy Association.

Use Excellent Grammar and Spelling

Nothing can turn a prospective employer off faster than a sloppy resume filled with misspellings and grammatical errors. If you don't feel confident in your writing skills, have someone that is accomplished go over it for you.

Attach a Clear, Concise Cover Letter

If you are sending your resume in regards to a specific job opening, you'll want to include a cover letter. Use a formal business letter format. Mention what job you are applying for in the first paragraph, informing them how you became aware of the job opportunity and expressing your interest in the position.

In the second paragraph, give specific examples of your education, qualifications, and experience. Keep it concise and only point out two or three major traits that you can back up with evidence.Conclude the letter by mentioning the enclosed resume and asking to be considered for the job. Thank the reader for his time and consideration.

Make sure your contact information is on both the resume and the cover letter.

Writing a resume is a big step towards obtaining your first phlebotomy job, but don't worry. After all, you've already completed the biggest step by finishing your training and becoming a certified phlebotomist. 2.


Phone: (360) 547-1234 (mobile)

Email: EDCCstudent98036@ / Linked in: in/ImaStudent

Objective: Desired Job Title, Job # (copied from job ad you are applying for)

Value: Using demonstrated (skill 1, skill 2 and skill 3) to (do what??)

Ex.: Using culinary, math and problem solving skills to create cost-effective menus and happy clients

Summary of Qualifications

▪ Points from the job posting and how you have what they are looking for, quantifying as much as you are able to with results if possible

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above – have between 4-8 bullets points here


(i.e. these Keywords refer to what you know, and show up most often in ads you apply for)

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|Keyword | | |

Education /Licenses / Certifications / Training

Recent Training and Seminars (i.e. onsite job trainings, or taken outside of college – i.e, cooking classes, Safety classes)

Licenses and Certifications: (i.e., Washington State Food Handler’s Certificate)

Name of college program currently pursuing (example: ATA program, Culinary Arts)

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA. GPA: ___ Expected date of graduation: _____

Relevant classes: (If ad asks for things you haven’t done, but you have taken as a class, list that here))

Relevant Experience (list both PAID and VOLUNTEER experience here, most recent first)

Internship - Job Title/Role, Company Date – Date

Volunteer - Job Title/Role, Company Date – Date

Job Title, Company. City, state 2010 - 2012

(write a short paragraph that showcases how you solved a problem common to your new desired job)

Write this: Hired to (do what) to (or with Whom?). Served (how many per day). Reported to (whom). Commended for (what)?

▪ Keyword: List a problem where you used this keyword on this job and what was the result

▪ Keyword: List a problem where you used this keyword on this job and what was the result

▪ Keyword: List a problem where you used this keyword on this job and what was the result

Job Title, Company Date - Date

Write this: Hired to (do what) to (or with Whom?). Served (how many per day). Reported to (whom). Commended for (what)?

▪ Keyword: List a problem where you used this keyword on this job and what was the result.

▪ Keyword: List a problem where you used this keyword on this job and what was the result.



206-123-4567 ( someone4987@

Objective: Desired Job Title

Value: (if you have a 1-2 key abilities often desired in ads for this kind of job title, write them here!)

Summary of Qualifications

▪ Points from the job posting and how you have what they are looking for, quantifying as much as you are able to with results if possible

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above – have between 4-8 bullets points here

Knowledge & Skill Areas

(i.e. these are Keywords that refer to what you know, and show up most often in ads you apply for)

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Education /Licenses / Certifications / Training


Recent Training and Seminars (i.e. onsite job trainings, or taken outside of college)

Certifications: (i.e., First Aid, CPR, etc)

Name of college program currently pursuing (example: ATA program, Nursing or Certificate, Nursing)

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA. Dates attended: ______________

GPA: ___ Expected date of graduation: ____________

Relevant classes: (If ad asks for things you haven’t done, but you have taken as a class, list that here)

(i.e., phlebotomy, medical records, anatomy, biology, early childhood development)

Relevant Experience (list both PAID and VOLUNTEER experience here, most recent first)

Provider, Company. City, state 20__ - 20__

▪ List tasks, duties from this job that you prove you did that match those in the summary of qualifications

▪ Talk about the kind of patients you served, who you reported to, the department worked in, your role

▪ Talk about care and problems you solved that seem similar to those presented in the ad

Job Title, Company 20__ - 20__

▪ List tasks, duties from this job that you prove you did that match those in the summary of qualifications

▪ Talk about the kind of patients you served, who you reported to, the department worked in, your role

▪ Talk about care and problems you solved that seem similar to those presented in the ad

Job Title, Company 20__ - 20__

▪ List tasks, duties from this job that you prove you did that match those in the summary of qualifications

▪ Talk about the kind of patients you served, who you reported to, the department worked in, your role

▪ Talk about care and problems you solved that seem similar to those presented in the ad 4.

Job Analyzer Form (for use with Phlebotomist ads)

Job Title:


Why this job exists :

Focus of the Job:

Skills/Duties (that should be showcased on your resume) after reading the ad:

|JOB AD REQUIREMENTS (what ad wants): Education/Licenses/Certifications |MY MATCHING CREDENTIALS: |

| |Education/Licenses/Certifications |

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What is a “ hard skill” and a “soft skill”??

Emphasize Hard Skills in Your Resume

From: Quintessential Resumes and Cover Letters Tips Blog

Content from our resume-writing partner,

Do you know the difference between hard skills and soft skills on your resume? Well you better get acquainted real quick because it can be the difference between 10 interviews and no interviews, between a new job and no job. Think I’m kidding? Keep reading.

I preach this every day… probably a hundred times a day. Okay well not that many, but every client I speak with I explain the difference between hard skills and soft skills and how they relate to your resume.

Hard skills describe processes, procedures, industry specific jargon and are easy to measure and quantify. They are terms such as; account management, talent acquisition and development, client retention, data management, project management, accounts receivable and payable, product support, and new business development.

Soft skills are personality descriptors and people skills and not easily measured or quantifiable. They include terms such as; excellent communicator, great verbal and written skills, problem solving, providing support, listening, teamwork and more.

The next time you’re sitting in a staffing agency, ask your recruiter what terms they use when searching for a candidate for a specific position. I guarantee you they’re not looking for an excellent communicator. They can gather that from your phone interview. What they are looking for is someone with the necessary skills, expertise, and experience in the right areas – those hard skills we talked about. If your resume isn’t chock full of hard skills and industry-specific keywords you are doing yourself a great disservice and costing yourself weeks if not months in your job search.

Soft skills have a place too, but the best place is when the job description for the position you are seeking specifically asks for and requires those skills as a necessary and vitally important function of the job.

I had one client about two weeks ago who was seeking a position in social services. This position had hardly any hard-skill requirements. Basically, the employer was looking for someone with GREAT people skills. This is the perfect time to flaunt those amazing people skills. These types of positions or job descriptions are few and far between. Most job descriptions are looking for hard skills and real world industry expertise. Pay attention to what the job description is looking for and tailor your resume accordingly. I can’t repeat myself enough: customization is key!

Now that you know the difference think about how each relates to your resume and your job search and implement appropriately.

Jessica Holbrook Hernandez is a former Executive Hiring Manager for Fortune 500 companies and President/CEO of Great Resumes Fast. She creates powerful, customized, and targeted resumes that are guaranteed to get her clients interviews. Click here for Great Resumes Fast.


Sample Phlebotomist Resume from the Internet - #1

(What jargon/skills/keywords are most wanted for my type of job?– when ads fail you- Google up a resume!)

Greg Myers, CPT

490 Grove St., Sometown, CA 93000

Phone: (555) 555-5555 | Email: gm@


Qualifications Summary

• AMT-certified and state-licensed phlebotomist backed by five years of experience within hospital and blood-bank settings. (NOTE how the applicant tells WHERE he did as well as WHAT he did)

• Skillful and precise in performing venipunctures and capillary punctures; collecting, preparing and storing blood samples; and verifying medical records.

• Possess excellent patient-relations skills – known for having a gentle touch and the ability to alleviate patient anxieties.


Key Competencies

|Venipuncture & Capillary Puncture |Blood Specimen Storage |

|Blood Collection & Handling Safety |Patient & Donor Care |

|Medical Records Review |Quality Assurance & Controls |


Professional Experience

Phlebotomist, ABC Hospital (Sometown, CA), 2011 to Present

• Obtain blood samples for medical testing and transfusion through venipuncture or capillary puncture.

• Follow infection-control and safety procedures in carrying out daily phlebotomy functions.

• Prepare blood-collecting equipment, draw blood, and safely store and transport samples.

• Build trust and minimize patient discomfort during phlebotomy procedures while efficiently collecting blood specimens.

Phlebotomist, DEF Organization (Sometown, CA), 2007 to 2011

• Performed phlebotomy functions within blood donor center as well as mobile blood-bank units.

• Eased donors’ stress and made the experience as comfortable as possible, which attracted a steady stream of repeat donors.

• Honored as a member of mobile team that collected 25,000+ units of lifesaving blood, setting a new record for DEF Organization.


Education & Credentials

Occupational Endorsement Certificate (OEC) in Phlebotomy,

XYZ University (Sometown, CA), 2007

Registered Phlebotomy Technician (RPT), American Medical Technologists (AMT), 2007 to Present

Licensed Phlebotomist, State of California, 2007 to Present

Certified in Basic Life Support (BLS), 2007 to Present


Sample Phlebotomist Resume from the Internet - #2

Stacia Doe

Email: XXXXXX / Phone: __________

Job Target: Certified Phlebotomist

Summary of Qualifications

Dependable, assertive, strong technical skills, self motivated, goal oriented, commitment to lifelong learning, organized, resourceful individual who is able to work within a team environment as well as without supervision.

• 6 years of experience within the healthcare industry

• Certified Medical Assistant

• Certified Phlebotomist

• American Heart Association CPR Certified

Computer Skills

• Microsoft Word, Excel and Access, Internet

• Medisoft

• Atlas

• IDX Web

Professional Experience

Northwestern Memorial Faculty Foundation Chicago, IL 20__ - 20__

Certified Phlebotomist

• Worked within a fast paced hospital setting:

• Performing Phlebotomy

• Finger sticks

• Customer service

• Patient registration

• Stocking and ordering supplies

• Specimen processing

• Specialties included: Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Maggie Daley Women’s Center, and outpatient laboratory.

Medical Staffing Network Warrensville, IL 20__ - 20__

Certified Medical Assistant and Certified Phlebotomist

• Finger sticks

• Patient charting

• Vital signs

• Performed Phlebotomy

• Injections

• Specimen processing

• Ordering and editing lab orders

• Worked within wellness fairs, clinics, laboratories, and physician’s offices.

MacNeal Hospital Berwyn, IL 20__ - 20__

Certified Phlebotomist

• Worked within a fast paced hospital setting as well as clinical settings.

• Performed phlebotomy and specimen processing

• Entering and editing lab orders

• Collecting urine for drug screens and urinalysis

• Specialties included: OB/Gyne, general, adolescence, pediatrics and geriatrics.

Maxim Healthcare Oak Park, IL 20__ - 20__

Certified Medical Assistant and Phlebotomist

• Performed phlebotomy within hospital and clinical settings

• Vital signs

• Assisted physicians

• Patient care

• Charting

• Injections


• Specialties: General, Geriatrics, and Urology 8.

Sample Phlebotomist Resume from the Internet - #2 (cont).

Family Medcare Center LLC Evergreen Park, IL 20__ - 20__

Certified Medical Assistant

• Finger sticks (PT INR, Hemoglobin, Glucose)

• Front desk duties

• Patient charting

• Performed Phlebotomy

• Specimen processing

• Vital signs

• Injections

• Called in patient prescriptions and refills

• Assisted Physician with procedures such as wound cleaning, pap smears and physicals.

• Specialties included: Geriatrics, Adults, Adolescence and Toddlers.

Law Offices of Theodore London Chicago, IL 20__ - 20__


• Answered phones and scheduled appointments

• Legal research

• Document preparation

Nails By Jan Chicago, IL 20__ - 20__


• Answered phones and scheduled appointments

• Assisted beauticians with daily duties

• Opening and closing business


Everest College (formerly Olympia) Burr Ridge, IL 2006

- Diploma in Medical Assisting

Roosevelt University Chicago, IL 2003

- Bachelors of Professional Studies, Paralegal

Northwestern Business College Hickory Hills, IL 2001

Associates in Applied Science, Paralegal Studies

 Volunteer Experience

Hinsdale Community Services Hinsdale, IL 2006


EDCC Phlebotomy Coursework (for Education section of resume)

|AHE 143 - Phlebotomy Technician: Clinical Externship |

|[pic] |

|4.0 Credits / Practical experience in the role of the Phlebotomy Technician. Students will be supervised by instructor and staff at clinical sites. |

|Prerequisite: AHE 141 . Permit code required. |

|Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: |

|- Successfully perform 100 or more blood draws in the clinical setting. |

|- Demonstrate knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the blood and circulatory system. |

|- Access and select most appropriate vein for venipuncture for standard or difficult blood draws. |

|- Apply antiseptic or aseptic preparation techniques when appropriate. |

|- Apply proper labeling, documentation methods, and preparation for specimen transport. |

|- Evaluate quality control procedures, possible sources of error, and corrective actions |

|- Explain procedures to clients prior to performing them. |

|- Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team in a medical laboratory or clinical setting. |

|- Demonstrate knowledge of a full service medical laboratory, including group interaction, written and oral communication, and critical thinking/problem solving.|

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|- Apply knowledge of safety measures, infection control and first aid for phlebotomy for individual clinical site. |

|- Describe medical lab policies and procedures for individual clinical site |

|- Demonstrate knowledge of a full service medical laboratory, including group interaction, written and oral communication, and critical thinking/problem solving.|

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|AHE 141 - Phlebotomy Technician |

|[pic] |

|5.0 Credits - Student will learn:Anatomy and physiology of the blood/circulatory system, medical/lab terms, lab policies/procedures, and proper specimen |

|handling. On-campus lab sessions prepare students to perform standard venipunctures and skin punctures. Prerequisite: AHE 110 , 116 , BSTEC 104 , 129 , HIV/AIDS |

|and CPR all with a minimum grade of 2.0 or equivalent. |

|Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: |

|- Recognize common lab tests (e.g., glucose, cbc). |

|- Select appropriate blood collection tubes for lab tests ordered. |

|- Apply proper labeling, documentation methods, and preparation for specimen transport. |

|- Evaluate quality control procedures, possible sources of error, and corrective actions. |

|- Identify the additive by the evacuated tube order. |

|- Identify special precautions necessary during blood collection by venipuncture and capillary puncture. |

|- List and apply criteria that would lead to rejection or recollection of a patient sample. |

|- Identify/report pre-analytical errors that may occur during specimen collection, labeling, and transporting and processing. |

|- Describe medical lab procedures and policies. |

|- Discuss the major points of the American Hospital Association’s Bill of Rights |

|- Apply knowledge of safety measures, infection control and first aid for phlebotomy. |

|- Perform blood draws in compliance with National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS) requirements, CLSI standards (Clinical Laboratory |

|Science Institute), with the knowledge to pass the ASCP (American Society of Clinical Pathologists) national exam, and with consideration of OSHA (Occupational |

|Safety and Health Administration) mandates. |

|- Demonstrate accepted practices for infection control, isolation techniques, aseptic techniques and methods for disease prevention |

|Demonstrate the ability to collect blood by capillary puncture.Close |

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Basic Phlebotomist Resume - pg. 10

Jane Student

Your Address, City, WA Zip ( 000-000-0000 ( your e-mail address

Objective: Phlebotomist

VALUE: Detailed /Organized/ Personable – Works well with clients and prioritizes work efficiently

Summary of Qualifications

■ Honor Student, Associate Technical Arts Program, Phlebotomy. Graduate December 2013.

■ Skillful and precise in performing venipunctures and capillary punctures; collecting, preparing and storing blood samples; and verifying medical records. Completed 120 sticks, EDCC Phlebotomy Practicum, December 2012.

■ Possess excellent people skills – Commended for having a gentle touch and the ability to alleviate customer anxieties.

Knowledge & Skill Areas

|Venipuncture & Capillary Puncture |Customer Service |Patient & Donor Care |

|CPR & First Aid |Labeling & Specimen Processing |Research & Records |

|Stocking & Ordering Supplies |Blood Specimen Care & Transport |Computers: MS Office |

Education / Certifications / Licenses

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA

Associate Technical Arts Degree (ATA) program. (Did F/T job + F/T school schedule for 2 years)

Phlebotomy. Expected graduation: December, 2013. GPA: 3.76.

Relevant classes:

AHE 143 Phlebotomy Practicum (Perform 100+ blood draws. Trained in venipuncture, labeling, antiseptic application, specimen transport, safety, problem solving, lab operations, patient services). AHE 141 Phlebotomy Tech (identifying lab test types, labeling & specimen processing, quality control, additives, precautions/venipuncture and capillary puncture, blood & circulatory systems).

Certifications: CPR/First Aid Certified. Expires November 2013

Licenses: Health Care Assistant Category “A” candidate – Edmonds CC ATA program prepares its students to take ASCP national exam for Phlebotomy Technician. Plan to take test, December 2013.

Valid Washington State Driver’s License - since 2010. Clean Driving Record.

Other Education: Certificate, Paralegal Studies, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA - 2005.


Sales Clerk, Fred Meyer, Lynnwood, WA 2009 – Present

▪ Customer Service: Named employee of the month three times, recognizing outstanding customer service.

▪ Problem Solving: Regularly staff “customer return” desk. Excel at calming customers.

▪ Stocking Supplies: Track sales and restocking for 1500 items in 2 departments. Maintain stockrooms for OTC drugs and cosmetic departments. Accept, stock and ship merchandise. Maintain displays to standards.

Legal Assistant, J.D. Bar LLC Law Offices, Lynnwood, Seattle 2005 – 2009

▪ Client Care: Calmed upset clients. Scheduled appointments. Answered phones. Answered questions.

▪ Teamwork: Supported needs of 3 lawyers and 2 paralegals in a quality and timely manner.

▪ Research & Records: Commended for ability to provide timely research and prepare detailed briefs.

▪ Detail & Organization: Did error-free documents for 5-8 concurrent cases that met legal standards and deadlines.

Receptionist, Nails by Jan, Camano Island, Washington 1989 – 2004

▪ Organizing Workloads: Multitasked with a smile. Handled phones, appointments, customer problems and inquiries.

Customized Phlebotomist Resume

To fit keywords and requirements

For a Phlebotomist job in a common environment:

1. Resume for Phlebotomist in a Bloodmobile

2. Resume for Phlebotomist in a lab for a major hospital

3. Resume for a Medical Tech/Phlebotomist for a smaller lower-volume community lab

4. Resume for Phlebotomist in a Medical Clinic

Environment 1:

Community Bloodmobile – Puget Sound Blood Center

Phlebotomist (certified/non-certified) (Lynnwood, WA)


Date: 2012-12-20, 8:36AM PST



Puget Sound Blood Center is recruiting a personable, detail-oriented individual to work as part of a team to collect blood from volunteer blood donors to help us meet the ongoing blood transfusion needs of patients in our communities. Our excellent training program will provide you with the knowledge needed to evaluate blood donor health history eligibility and to perform whole blood and automated collections.

This full-time position requires the ability to travel to various work locations and work variable shifts. Additional requirements: two years of experience in customer service or health care; demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills; involves physical exertion including, but not limited to prolonged standing, bending, and lifting/carrying up to 60 pounds; current WA. State driver's license, 3 years licensed driving and clear driving record. Two years of college preferred -- science emphasis a plus. Also work history in a health care environment preferred. We offer great benefits and a pleasant working environment. The starting wage for our phlebotomy position is $15.22 per hour. This position is a full-time, hourly non-exempt position and is based out of our Lynnwood, WA. center.

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING APPLYING: Qualified applicants may submit a resume, but must also submit a completed Puget Sound Blood Center employment application. This form is available at . Completed forms (with resumes and cover letters if applicable) should be submitted via email to humanresources@ (completed application must be sent as a scanned document, not as a converted text file); via fax to 1-866-286-8495; or via USPS mail to Human Resources, Puget Sound Blood Center, 921 Terry Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104-1256. Please reference Job #6904 in all correspondence. Candidates who do not submit the completed Blood Center employment application will not be considered for this position.

Application Deadline is Friday, December 28, 2012.

Should you have a disability that requires assistance and /or reasonable accommodation with the job application process, please contact the Human Resources department at humanresources@, or at 206-292-6500, or at 921 Terry Avenue, Seattle, WA. 98104. Puget Sound Blood Center is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.

Location: Lynnwood, WA

Compensation: $15.22 per hour plus full benefits

This is at a non-profit organization.

JOB AD Analyzer Form – Environment #1 (Bloodmobile)

Job Title: Phlebotomist, Puget Sound Blood Center – Training Program

Environment: Bloodmobile

Why this job exists : “Help us meet the ongoing blood transfusion needs of patients in our community.”

Focus of the job:: “Collect blood from volunteer blood donors, “training program will provide you with knowledge to evaluate blood donor health history and perform whole blood automated collection.”

Skills/duties (that should be showcased on your resume) after reading the ad: Phlebotomy /collecting blood samples (remotely). Organizing samples for transport/processing in main lab. Need good people skills - interacting a lot with the general public. Highlight customer service on resume!

|Job Requirements: Education/Licenses/Certifications |MY MATCHING Education/Licenses/Certifications |

|Education – 2 years of college/science emphasis a + | |

|Current Washington State Drivers License | |

|3 years licensed driving & Clear driving record | |

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|Ability to travel to various work locations/ | |

|ability to work variable shits | |

|Two years of customer service or health care exp | |

|Trained for evaluate blood donor health history eligibility | |

|Perform whole blood and automated collections | |

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|personable | |

|Detail oriented | |

|Work as part of a team – Team player | |

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Jane Student

Your Address, City, WA Zip ( 000-000-0000 ( your e-mail address

Objective: Phlebotomist, Puget Sound Blood Mobile, Training Program

VALUE: Detailed, Personable, Flexible Customer Service Pro with recent college training in Phlebotomy

Summary of Qualifications

▪ Honor Student, Associate Technical Arts program, Phlebotomy. Graduate December 2013.

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above

▪ Same as above – have between 4-8 bullets points here

Knowledge & Skill Areas

|Venipuncture & Capillary Puncture |Customer Service |Patient & Donor Care |

|CPR & First Aid |Labeling & Specimen Processing |Research & Records |

|Stocking & Ordering Supplies |Blood Specimen Care & Transport |Computers: MS Office |

Education / Certifications / Licenses

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA

Associate Technical Arts Degree (ATA) program.

Phlebotomy. Expected graduation: December, 2013. GPA: 3.76.

Relevant classes:

AHE 143 Phlebotomy Practicum (Perform 100+ blood draws. Trained in venipuncture, labeling, antiseptic application, specimen transport, safety, problem solving, lab operations, patient services). AHE 141 Phlebotomy Tech (Learned: identifying lab test types, labeling & specimen processing, quality control, additives, precautions/venipuncture and capillary puncture, blood & circulatory systems).

Certifications: CPR/First Aid Certified. Expires November 2013

Licenses: Health Care Assistant Category “A” candidate – Edmonds CC ATA program prepares its students to take ASCP national exam for Phlebotomy Technician. Plan to take test, December 2013.

Valid Washington State Driver’s License - since 2010. Clean Driving Record.

Other Education: Certificate, Paralegal Studies, Bellevue Community College. 2005.


Sales Clerk, Fred Meyer, Lynnwood, WA 2009 – Present

▪ Customer Service: Named employee of the month three times, recognizing outstanding customer service.

▪ Problem Solving: Regularly staff “customer return” desk . Excel at resolving problems in a positive manner

Legal Assistant, J.D. Bar LLC Law Offices, Lynnwood, Seattle 2005 – 2009

▪ Client Care: Calmed upset clients. Scheduled appointments. Answered phones. Answered questions.

▪ Teamwork: Supported needs of three lawyers and two paralegals, delivering requests in a quality and timely manner.

▪ Research & Records: Commended for ability to provide timely research and prepare detailed briefs.

Receptionist, Nails by Jan, Camano Island, Washington 1989 – 2004

Write this: Hired to (do what) to (or with Whom?). Served (how many per day). Reported to (whom). Commended for (what)?

▪ Supplies: List a time you used a keyword (above) on this job. Write an accomplishment statement about this keyword.

Customer Service: Talk about the kind of people you served, who you reported to, the department worked in, your

Environment 2

Hospital Lab Support Phlebotomist – UW Hospital


|Apply for this job |


|Req #: |

|91452 |

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|Department: |


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|Job Location: |

|UW Medical Center |

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|Posting Date: |

|12/14/2012  |

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|Closing Info: |

|Closes On 12/22/2012 |

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|Salary: |

|60% of $2,132 - $2,961 / Month  |

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|Shift: |

|3rd Shift (Nights) |

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|Notes: |

|Shift detail: Sunday through Tuesday 11:30 pm to 8 am. |

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|The Department of Laboratory Medicine serves as a regional resource for clinical laboratory services required for patient care, research and educational |

|programs in laboratory medicine. The department now employs 800 people who work at the award-winning University of Washington Medical Center (ranked among the |

|top ten medical centers in the United States as rated by U.S. News & World Report), Harborview Medical Center (the region's only Level I Trauma center, known |

|for innovations and excellence in trauma care and its centers of emphasis: Trauma, Burn, Neurosciences, AIDS/STD CARER, and mentally- and medically- vulnerable |

|populations.), and many other clinical and research facilities in the area. The University of Washington (UW) is proud to be one of the nation’s premier |

|educational and research institutions. Our people are the most important asset in our pursuit of achieving excellence in education, research, and community |

|service. Our staff not only enjoys outstanding benefits and professional growth opportunities, but also an environment noted for diversity, community |

|involvement, intellectual excitement and natural beauty. |

|Our Laboratory Support Services department has an outstanding opportunity for a part time (60% FTE) Phlebotomist. This position prepares patient and collection |

|equipment according to established procedures for blood collection. Verifies patient identity before performing collection. Performs phlebotomy on patients of |

|all ages. Performs laboratory-testing procedures such as prothrombin time, and whole blood glucose testing. Instructs patients on proper collection of urine |

|specimens. Interacts professionally with patients, their families, departmental and hospital staff. Assists in the orientation and training of students and new |

|employees. Performs related duties as required. |

|Requirements: |

|High school graduation AND completion of a phlebotomy course OR equivalent education/experience. Legal Requirement to Obtain State of Washington certification |

|as a Health Care Assistant Level A within 60 days of employment. Previous phlebotomy experience preferred. |

JOB AD Analyzer Form - Environment #2 (Major Hospital Lab)

Job Title: Laboratory Support Services - Phlebotomist

Environment: Major Hospital Company Name: UW Medical Center

Why this Job Exists : In a small clinic, the phlebotomist gets to do everything. In a larger lab, there is so much more volume. Therefore, employees tend to specialize and do one or two things. This job focuses on set up for blood draws.

|Job Requirements: Education/Licenses/Certifications |MY MATCHING Education/Licenses/Certifications |

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|Prepares patient and collection equipment according to established procedures | |

|Verifies Patient Identify before performing collection | |

|Performs phlebotomy on patients of all ages | |

|Performs lab testing procedures such as: | |

|Prthrombin time | |

|Whole blood glucose testing | |

|Instruct patients how to properly collect urine specimens | |

|Interact professionally with patients, family, department/hospital/internal staff| |

|Assist in orientation and training of new students and employees | |

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Jane Student

Your Address, City, WA Zip ( 000-000-0000 ( your e-mail address

Objective: Laboratory Support Services/Phlebotomist, UW Medical


Summary of Qualifications

■ Honor Student, Associate Technical Arts Program, Phlebotomy. Graduate December 2013.

■ Skillful and precise in performing venipunctures and capillary punctures; collecting, preparing and storing blood samples; and verifying medical records. Completed 120 sticks, EDCC Phlebotomy Practicum, December 2012.

■ Possess excellent people skills – Commended for having a gentle touch and the ability to alleviate customer anxieties.

Knowledge & Skill Areas

|Venipuncture & Capillary Puncture |Customer Service |Patient & Donor Care |

|CPR & First Aid |Labeling & Specimen Processing |Research & Records |

|Stocking & Ordering Supplies |Blood Specimen Care & Transport |Computers: MS Office |

Education / Certifications / Licenses

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA

Associate Technical Arts Degree (ATA) program. (Did F/T job + F/T school schedule for 2 years)

Phlebotomy. Expected graduation: December, 2013. GPA: 3.76.

Relevant classes:

AHE 143 Phlebotomy Practicum (Perform 100+ blood draws. Trained in venipuncture, labeling, antiseptic application, specimen transport, safety, problem solving, lab operations, patient services). AHE 141 Phlebotomy Tech (identifying lab test types, labeling & specimen processing, quality control, additives, precautions/venipuncture and capillary puncture, blood & circulatory systems).

Certifications: CPR/First Aid Certified. Expires November 2013

Licenses: Health Care Assistant Category “A” candidate – Edmonds CC ATA program prepares its students to take ASCP national exam for Phlebotomy Technician. Plan to take test, December 2013.

Valid Washington State Driver’s License - since 2010. Clean Driving Record.

Other Education: Certificate, Paralegal Studies, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA - 2005


Sales Clerk, Fred Meyer, Lynnwood, WA 2009 – Present

▪ Customer Service: Named employee of the month three times, recognizing outstanding customer service.

▪ Problem Solving: Regularly staff “customer return” desk. Excel at calming customers.

▪ Stocking Supplies: Track sales and restocking for 1500 items in 2 departments. Maintain stockrooms for OTC drugs and cosmetic departments. Accept, stock and ship merchandise. Maintain displays to standards.

Legal Assistant, J.D. Bar LLC Law Offices, Lynnwood, Seattle 2005 – 2009

▪ Client Care: Calmed upset clients. Scheduled appointments. Answered phones. Answered questions.

▪ Teamwork: Supported needs of 3 lawyers and 2 paralegals in a quality and timely manner.

▪ Research & Records: Commended for ability to provide timely research and prepare detailed briefs.

▪ Detail & Organization: Did error-free documents for 5-8 concurrent cases that met legal standards and deadlines.

Receptionist, Nails by Jan, Camano Island, Washington 1989 – 2004

• Organizing Workloads: Multitasked with a smile. Handled phones, appointments, customer problems and inquiries.

JOB Ads #3 – Clinic Phlebotomist – Health Point

|[pic] |Close Window |

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|Medical Technician |

|SeaTac Medical – F/T |

|Responsible for all clinic laboratory functions, including phlebotomy, processing and sending lab specimens, record keeping, quality controls, performance of |

|in-house lab tests and oversight of all lab safety regulations.  |

|Essential Duties and Responsibilities |

|Perform venous blood draws and in-house lab tests according to established protocols. |

|Coordinate the processing of specimens to be sent to LabCorp including the review of the invoice. |

|Responsible for regular quality control checks of lab procedures on a daily basis. |

|Stock and clean lab, patient bathroom and lab equipment. |

|Share updated lab policies and procedures, new equipment, training materials, protocols, and safety devices with appropriate staff. |

|Maintain proficiency through educational trainings and lab proficiency testing. |

|Oversee timely completion of proficiency testing required of those MAs who perform lab tests. |

|Oversee staff adherence to safety regulations and guidelines governed by regulatory agencies. |

|Ensure quality of lab performance, assist and mentor other Medical Assistants needing training or direction regarding lab procedures. |

|Provide back up to perform spirometry, EKG, and assist with patient flow as needed.  |

|Education and/or Experience |

|AA degree in clinical laboratory sciences or related field and one year related experience; or |

|Certificate from accredited MA program and one year related experience; or |

|An accredited phlebotomy program and 2 years of laboratory experience; or |

|Equivalent combination of education and experience. |

|Must be eligible for Health Care Assistant certification in categories A, C and E within 90 days of hire. |

JOB AD Analyzer Form - Environment #3 (Smaller Community Clinic Lab)

Job Title:


Why this job exists :

Focus of the Job:

Skills/Duties (that should be showcased on your resume) after reading the ad:

|JOB AD REQUIREMENTS (what ad wants): Education/Licenses/Certifications |MY MATCHING CREDENTIALS: |

| |Education/Licenses/Certifications |

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Jane Student

Your Address, City, WA Zip ( 000-000-0000 ( your e-mail address

Objective: Medical Technician, Health Point Community Health Center


Summary of Qualifications

■ Honor Student, Associate Technical Arts Program, Phlebotomy. Graduate December 2013.

■ Skillful and precise in performing venipunctures and capillary punctures; collecting, preparing and storing blood samples; and verifying medical records. Completed 120 sticks, EDCC Phlebotomy Practicum, December 2012.

■ Possess excellent people skills – Commended for having a gentle touch and the ability to alleviate customer anxieties.

Knowledge & Skill Areas

|Venipuncture & Capillary Puncture |Customer Service |Patient & Donor Care |

|CPR & First Aid |Labeling & Specimen Processing |Research & Records |

|Stocking & Ordering Supplies |Blood Specimen Care & Transport |Computers: MS Office |

Education / Certifications / Licenses

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA

Associate Technical Arts Degree (ATA) program. (Did F/T job + F/T school schedule for 2 years)

Phlebotomy. Expected graduation: December, 2013. GPA: 3.76.

Relevant classes:

AHE 143 Phlebotomy Practicum (Perform 100+ blood draws. Trained in venipuncture, labeling, antiseptic application, specimen transport, safety, problem solving, lab operations, patient services). AHE 141 Phlebotomy Tech (identifying lab test types, labeling & specimen processing, quality control, additives, precautions/venipuncture and capillary puncture, blood & circulatory systems).

Certifications: CPR/First Aid Certified. Expires November 2013

Licenses: Health Care Assistant Category “A” candidate – Edmonds CC ATA program prepares its students to take ASCP national exam for Phlebotomy Technician. Plan to take test, December 2013.

Valid Washington State Driver’s License - since 2010. Clean Driving Record.

Other Education: Certificate, Paralegal Studies, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA - 2005


Sales Clerk, Fred Meyer, Lynnwood, WA 2009 – Present

▪ Customer Service: Named employee of the month three times, recognizing outstanding customer service.

▪ Problem Solving: Regularly staff “customer return” desk. Excel at calming customers.

▪ Stocking Supplies: Track sales and restocking for 1500 items in 2 departments. Maintain stockrooms for OTC drugs and cosmetic departments. Accept, stock and ship merchandise. Maintain displays to standards.

Legal Assistant, J.D. Bar LLC Law Offices, Lynnwood, Seattle 2005 – 2009

▪ Client Care: Calmed upset clients. Scheduled appointments. Answered phones. Answered questions.

▪ Teamwork: Supported needs of 3 lawyers and 2 paralegals in a quality and timely manner.

▪ Research & Records: Commended for ability to provide timely research and prepare detailed briefs.

▪ Detail & Organization: Did error-free documents for 5-8 concurrent cases that met legal standards and deadlines.

Receptionist, Nails by Jan, Camano Island, Washington 1989 – 2004

Organizing Workloads: Multitasked with a smile. Handled phones, appointments, customer problems and inquiries.

JOB Ads #4 – Ads for Phlebotomist jobs in a CLINIC

Minor & James


Date: 2012-12-26, 3:27PM PST

Reply to: see below


Working at Minor & James Medical

As an organization committed to improving people's health and well-being, Minor & James Medical cares deeply about its staff members' quality of life. We provide excellent benefits, a creative work environment, and a family-friendly approach. Minor & James is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer committed to attracting and retaining a diverse, high-quality staff.

If you are looking for a career and not just a job, take a close look at Minor & James Medical. As one of the nation's top health care organizations, Minor & James Medical is renowned for its progressive medicine and patient-dedicated health care.

Phlebotomist - Full Time


* Collects specimens as directed and delivers them to the appropriate areas of the laboratory, using the appropriate equipment for collection and handling the specimen.

* Responsible for the required documentation of drawing/receiving samples that is consistent with departmental procedures, providing a complete record.

* Operates the pneumatic tube and dumbwaiter to facilitate specimen receipt and processing.

* Maintains neat and clean work area, documenting cleaning as per established procedure. Orders and receives supplies, restocking the patient drawing areas as per departmental procedure.

* Follows established clinic/departmental policies and procedures regarding quality assurance, safety, environmental and infection control standards.

Excellent benefit package, EOE, non-smoking, and a drug-free workplace.

Please apply at:

• Location: Seattle PostingID:3502736591

• Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

• Please, no phone calls about this job!

• Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

JOB ADS #4 –Clinic Phlebotomist (continued)

Phlebotomy position available immediately! (Bellevue)


Date: 2012-12-10, 2:28PM PST



Our boutique women's medical clinic in Bellevue Wa is looking for a driven, hard working and dedicated phlebotomist. Employee will be responsible for performing phlebotomy and assisting with routine patient rooming, filing, pulling labs/dictations and matching to patients charts, and some clerical duties within the office i.e.: answer phones. Graduation from an accredited phlebotomy training program required. A minimum of one year experience in a hospital or clinic setting is desired.

This is a full time position with potential weekend rotation

Medical and dental insurance provided


Salary DOE

• Location: Bellevue

• Compensation: DOE

• Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.

• Please, no phone calls about this job!

• Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.



JOB AD Analyzer Form - Environment #4 (Doctor’s Office/Medial Office)

Job Title:


Why this job exists :

Focus of the Job:

Skills/Duties (that should be showcased on your resume) after reading the ad:

|JOB AD REQUIREMENTS (what ad wants): Education/Licenses/Certifications |MY MATCHING CREDENTIALS: |

| |Education/Licenses/Certifications |

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Jane Student

Your Address, City, WA Zip ( 000-000-0000 ( your e-mail address

Objective: Phlebotomist, Medical office


Summary of Qualifications

■ Honor Student, Associate Technical Arts Program, Phlebotomy. Graduate December 2013.

■ Skillful and precise in performing venipunctures and capillary punctures; collecting, preparing and storing blood samples; and verifying medical records. Completed 120 sticks, EDCC Phlebotomy Practicum, December 2012.

■ Possess excellent people skills – Commended for having a gentle touch and the ability to alleviate customer anxieties.

Knowledge & Skill Areas

|Venipuncture & Capillary Puncture |Customer Service |Patient & Donor Care |

|CPR & First Aid |Labeling & Specimen Processing |Research & Records |

|Stocking & Ordering Supplies |Blood Specimen Care & Transport |Computers: MS Office |

Education / Certifications / Licenses

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA

Associate Technical Arts Degree (ATA) program. (Did F/T job + F/T school schedule for 2 years)

Phlebotomy. Expected graduation: December, 2013. GPA: 3.76.

Relevant classes:

AHE 143 Phlebotomy Practicum (Perform 100+ blood draws. Trained in venipuncture, labeling, antiseptic application, specimen transport, safety, problem solving, lab operations, patient services). AHE 141 Phlebotomy Tech (identifying lab test types, labeling & specimen processing, quality control, additives, precautions/venipuncture and capillary puncture, blood & circulatory systems).

Certifications: CPR/First Aid Certified. Expires November 2013

Licenses: Health Care Assistant Category “A” candidate – Edmonds CC ATA program prepares its students to take ASCP national exam for Phlebotomy Technician. Plan to take test, December 2013.

Valid Washington State Driver’s License - since 2010. Clean Driving Record.

Other Education: Certificate, Paralegal Studies, Bellevue Community College, Bellevue, WA - 2005


Sales Clerk, Fred Meyer, Lynnwood, WA 2009 – Present

▪ Customer Service: Named employee of the month three times, recognizing outstanding customer service.

▪ Problem Solving: Regularly staff “customer return” desk. Excel at calming customers.

▪ Stocking Supplies: Track sales and restocking for 1500 items in 2 departments. Maintain stockrooms for OTC drugs and cosmetic departments. Accept, stock and ship merchandise. Maintain displays to standards.

Legal Assistant, J.D. Bar LLC Law Offices, Lynnwood, Seattle 2005 – 2009

▪ Client Care: Calmed upset clients. Scheduled appointments. Answered phones. Answered questions.

▪ Teamwork: Supported needs of 3 lawyers and 2 paralegals in a quality and timely manner.

▪ Research & Records: Commended for ability to provide timely research and prepare detailed briefs.

▪ Detail & Organization: Did error-free documents for 5-8 concurrent cases that met legal standards and deadlines.

Receptionist, Nails by Jan, Camano Island, Washington 1989 – 2004

Organizing Workloads: Multitasked with a smile. Handled phones, appointments, customer problems and inquiries.



Chronological/Combo Format

#2. Objective/Value Statement: What job do you want? What would you tell the recruiter why you fit it? Put it here!

Item #1 Data Bits

#3: Show how you fit. Most ads have a bulleted list of “requirements’ at the bottom. Copy them into this part of your resume and explain how many years experience or how you meet those requirements. Let the ad write the words for you!

#4. Keywords. Copy Keywords from ad so your resume will scan well.

Hint:Keywords are found in the bulleted “requirements” sections at the bottom of most ads. Underline words that fit you and put them here

#5. Education - Goes before “Work Experience” if you are in school or recently graduated.

#6. Experience. Work history + keyword/accomplishments

Hint: Wow recruiters. Show where and how you used a keyword: i.e., Pretend “customer service” is a keyword.

Customer Service: Commended by manager for ability to sell and resolve problems for 50+ customers daily.


1. Write sections #1, #5 (data bits and education history). Complete #6 (job title, company name, dates).

2. Pull a job ad you want to apply for. Do #2 – the Job Title, only.. Leave that hard “value” statement for last!)

3. Underline words from the ad that fit you. Do section #4. For each keyword listed, copy it under the job where you did it best. The write a brief description of how you used it in a way that is similar to how the job in the ad would use it. Finally, write WHY you fit the ad. Do #3 and the value statement. A resume shows how you’re the best fit for an ad.

Show where you used these keywords under the job where you used them (#6). Finally, do #3, summarizing how you fit the ad. Don’t struggle to write a summary first!



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