Connective Tissue Disease-Disorder Update– Nadine Miller

Connective Tissue Disease-Disorder Update– Nadine Miller

May 15, 2008 (Also Lupus, Dystonia, Prednisone

I don't know which connective tissue disorder your potential customer has; there are numerous diseases under this classification.   I am currently on 60 mg of Prednisone a day for an inflammatory muscle disease that causes wasting of the muscles.  I was recently diagnosed with an acute form of a Myositis. (Myositis is a classification for several different inflammatory/muscle wasting diseases) They think it's either Polymyositis or Dermatomyositis.  The muscle damage count in my blood tests is in an acute stage at this time.  Any count over 30 indicates that muscle damage is occurring in the body.  My count is 129.  I am only willing to be on Prednisone at this time because we are trying to keep the disease out of the lung and heart muscles.

The doctors don't understand why I am still walking on my own power since the disease is very aggressive at this time and my legs and hips are where the disease is very active.   I have been on OPC since 2002 for other health concerns including Lupus (an auto-immune connective tissue disorder) and Dystonia, (a muscle/movement disorder.)  I currently take 8-10 caps of OPC a day plus many of our other products.  My doctor is fully aware of my MA regiment of products.  She did some research on her own (I know...extremely rare) along with our literature and she feels that the OPC is allowing my body to do some muscle repair and this is why I'm still walking on my own power.

I am being referred down to the University of Minnesota next month to see specialists because of my health history and the chronic health problems I have always suffered.  They are hoping to find an anti-body in my system somewhere that is causing these health problems.  Dystonia is a muscle/movement disorder and was diagnosed back in 2000.  They say for someone to now develop an inflammatory/wasting muscle disease 8 years later is highly unusual so they want to see if there is a root cause.  The U of M has asked that I bring a bottle of OPC with me and any literature I have on it with me.  I’m only including this information because I wanted to show how impressed the doctors are that I am still walking and the only thing they can figure is that it’s the OPC.  They have my medical records that show I was suffering from Lupus for many years (almost 20 years) and after being on OPC and our other products for several years, I am now in remission and test negative for Lupus.  That also caught their attention.

As for your original question of taking Prednisone and OPC or other doctor told me that "Whatever you do, don't stop taking the OPC.  If you do, the muscle damage you are suffering every day could become permanent and you'll never gain the muscle strength back.  Even if they tell you at the U of M to stop taking it, don't."

I personally have enjoyed almost miraculous benefits from taking our products the last 6 years so I will never stop taking them.  This new disease is just another challenge to overcome.

Morning regiment:  6 caps of OPC, 2 caps of ORAC, 3 caps of ACAI, 1 cap of multi-tech, 1 cap Isochrome.

Mid-day regiment:  2 caps of B, Complete Greens, Fiber Powder, Feminene (or my husband wouldn't live with me any more)

Early evening regiment:  3-4 caps of OPC, 2 caps of ORAC, 2 caps of calcium, 2 caps of minerals.

Heart Health is thrown in during the day as well.

 I have also just added 1/2 a bottle of Aloe a day because Aloe is such a great anti-inflammatory.

Of note:  I had many extensive blood tests done over a three-week period.  My doctor told me that she has never seen blood test results where ALL the vitamin and mineral counts were in the excellent range.  She said there was nothing that she could recommend for me to improve my counts.  She said this also caught the attention of the specialists at the U of M.

My doctor sees nothing wrong with taking 60 mg of Prednisone a day along with my current regiment.  I have always fought hard to stay off prescription drugs or take as little as possible but due to the acute stage of the disease and trying to keep it out of the heart and lungs, this is why I’m willing to take the Prednisone at this time.

Sorry for this being so lengthy but thought the details might help your potential customer feel more comfortable about taking at least the OPC when she sees what I take and have been for many years + that my doctor knows everything I’m taking and has told me not to stop doing what I’m doing, especially the OPC.   This regiment put Lupus into remission after suffering from it for almost 20 years.  This regiment dramatically reduced the symptoms of Dystonia, which were crippling me and eliminated the massive amounts of Botox injections & muscle relaxers that I was receiving for it.  I know her doctor has told her that she needs to be on Prednisone for the rest of her life but with OPC there is always hope that we can take back some of the control.  Often though, it depends on how much control we are willing to take.

I wish you the best!

Nadine Miller

2957 10 1/2 Street

Barronett, WI  54813


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