Unit 11: Get That Blood Pumping-The Circulatory System

1. Which component makes up the highest percentage of blood?

a. Red blood cells

b. White blood cells

c. Plasma

d. Platelets

2. Blood pressure is highest in the ________ and lowest in the _________.

a. Arteries/capillaries

b. Veins/capillaries

c. Arteries/Veins

d. Capillaries/Veins

3. A person with Type A blood will make ___________ antibodies.

a. Anti-A

b. Anti-B

c. Anti-A and Anti-B

d. No

4. When ventricle contract, they create _______ pressure which is the _______ blood pressure.

a. Diastolic/highest

b. Diastolic/lowest

c. Systolic/highest

d. Systolic/lowest

5. Arteries carry blood ______ the heart while veins carry blood ______ the heart.

a. From/Towards

b. Above/Below

c. Towards/From

d. Below/Above

6. Which of the following is NOT a risk-factor for having high blood pressure?

a. Bad diet

b. Exercising

c. Obesity

d. Stress

7. Veins have flap-like valves that assist in:

a. Moving blood

b. Absorbing nutrients

c. Preventing blood from moving backwards

d. They have no purpose

8. Hemoglobin is composed of ___ alpha and ____ beta globins.

a. One/one

b. One/three

c. Three/one

d. Two/two

9. Which of the following is NOT a blood type?

a. AB

b. O

c. AO

d. B

10. The job of the tunica media is:

a. Constrict the blood vessel

b. Attach blood vessel to surrounding tissue

c. Protect the blood vessel

d. Prevent blood clotting

11. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a heart attack?

a. Pain in chest and left arm

b. Shortness of breath

c. Amnesia

d. Excessive sweating

12. What causes blood cells to be considered different types?

a. The antibodies created by white blood cells

b. The antigens inside the plasma

c. The presence or absences of proteins in the platelets

d. The antigens on the surface of red blood cells

13. What is the job of platelets?

a. Fight off foreign particles (bacteria, viruses)

b. Clot blood when blood vessels are damaged

c. Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

d. Help carry nutrients/vitamins and maintain blood pH

14. Blood that is low in oxygen stays on the ______ side while high-oxygen blood stays on the _______ side.

a. Right/Both

b. Left/Right

c. Both/Left

d. Right/Left

15. Rh-negative people make anti-Rh antibodies:

a. From birth

b. After a transfusion of Rh-negative blood

c. After being exposed to Rh-positive blood

d. After their second exposure to Rh-positive blood

16. Blood from the lungs enter the:

a. Right atrium

b. Left atrium

c. Right ventricle

d. Left ventricle

17. Which of the following is NOT a rick-factor for a stroke?

a. Smoking

b. Diabetes

c. High blood pressure

d. Drinking alcohol

18. Which of the following is NOT a common consequence of a stroke?

a. Difficulty or inability to move parts of body

b. Difficulty speaking

c. Frequent hallucinations

d. Death

19. What is the job of white blood cells?

a. Fight of foreign particles (bacteria, viruses)

b. Clot blood when blood vessels are damaged

c. Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

d. Help carry nutrients/vitamins and maintain blood pH

20. Red blood cells are shaped like a:

a. Balls

b. Doughnuts

c. Flat disks

d. Cubes

21. The job of the tunica externa is:

a. Constrict the blood vessel

b. Attach blood vessel to surrounding tissue

c. Protect the blood vessel

d. Prevent blood clotting

22. A person with B blood type has _________ antigens on their red blood cells.

a. A

b. B

c. A and B

d. No

23. Blood from the body enter the:

a. Right atrium

b. Left atrium

c. Right ventricle

d. Left ventricle

24. The _______ circuit carries blood from the heart to the lungs and back.

a. Cardiac

b. Pulmonary

c. Artery

d. Systemic

25. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of a stroke?

a. Numbness on one side of body

b. Excessive sweating

c. Altered smell, taste, hearing or vision

d. Loss of consciousness

26. The branches from arteries are called _______. These also branch into the smallest blood vessels called _____ which attach to the branches of veins called _______.

a. Arteriole/capillary/venule

b. Arteriole/venule/capillary

c. Capillary/venule/Arteriole

d. Venule/arteriole/capillary

27. Which of the following is NOT exchanged between blood and cells?

a. Gasses

b. Nutrients

c. Proteins

d. Wastes

28. Blood moves through the body because of:

a. The heart contracting

b. The arteries contracting

c. Diffusion

d. A and B

29. Blood heading to the body leaves the:

a. Right atrium

b. Left atrium

c. Right ventricle

d. Left ventricle

30. Which of the following is NOT a risk-factor for a heart attack?

a. Stress

b. Being a woman

c. Obesity

d. High cholesterol

31. When the heart pumps, the _______ contract first and then the _______ contract.

a. Ventricles/atria

b. Right side/left side

c. Left side/right side

d. Atria/ventricles

32. The timing of when our heart muscles contract is controlled by the:

a. Brain

b. Spine

c. S-A node

d. Aorta

33. Which of the following is NOT a possible consequence of low blood pressure?

a. Dizziness

b. Heart attack

c. Feinting

d. Seizure

34. Most of the blood moves from the atria to the ventricles ________ atria contraction.

a. Before

b. During

c. After

d. During and after

35. Capillaries have very _____ walls making it _______ for exchange between blood and cells.

a. Thick/Easy

b. Thin/Hard

c. Thin/Easy

d. Thick/Hard

36. Blood heading to the lungs leave the:

a. Right atrium

b. Left atrium

c. Right ventricle

d. Left ventricle

37. Which of the following is NOT a possible consequence of high blood pressure?

a. Stroke

b. Frequent dizziness and passing out

c. Heart cell death

d. Brain hemorrhage

38. A person with type B blood could get a transfusion from someone with blood type:

a. A only

b. O and B

c. B only

d. AB and O

39. What is the job of red blood cells?

a. Fight of foreign particles (bacteria, viruses)

b. Clot blood when blood vessels are damaged

c. Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

d. Help carry nutrients/vitamins and maintain blood pH

40. What is the job of plasma?

a. Fight of foreign particles (bacteria, viruses)

b. Clot blood when blood vessels are damaged

c. Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

d. Help carry nutrients/vitamins and maintain blood pH

41. The creation of red blood cells is controlled by the hormone:

a. Cortisol

b. Gastrin

c. Erythtopoietin

d. Hemosol

42. The job of the tunica interna is:

a. Constrict the blood vessel

b. Attach blood vessel to surrounding tissue

c. Protect the blood vessel

d. Prevent blood clotting

43. The _______ circuit carries blood from the heart to the body and back.

a. Cardiac

b. Pulmonary

c. Artery

d. Systemic

44. Which of the following does NOT cause heart attacks?

a. High stress situations

b. High physical exertion

c. Cholesterol build-up in the heart

d. Cholesterol build-up in the blood vessels

What is the purpose of the circulatory system?

Blood donation is a common practice today around the world. Which blood type is the universal donor and which is the universal receiver? Briefly explain WHY these blood types can act at universal donors and receivers.

Imagine a genetic condition that caused the veins and arteries to switch the direction by which blood flows through them. Would you see any symptoms in a person with this disorder? Why or why not? How would blood now move through the heart from the lungs? How would blood move through the heart from the body?

Please diagram the major chambers and major valves on the heart below:


Please label the major arteries (on the left) and veins (on the right) on the diagram below:

Arteries: Veins:



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