There are about 80 multiple choice and 9 multi-part open-ended questions. The following topics are covered:

Intro to Forensic Science

The Crime Scene

Physical Evidence

Forensic Pathology

Forensic Entomology

Forensic Anthropology

Forensic Odontology

Forensic Serology

Blood Spatter Analysis


Trace Evidence: Hair and Fiber

** Remember the website has many of the text chapters. The best way to study would be to do the study guide and then study your old tests. **



1. largest crime lab in the world

2. Henry

3. Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

4. Locard

5. number of crime labs in the US?

6. Oldest forensic lab in US

7. how to be an expert witness


The Crime Scene

9. Responsibilities of the first officer on the scene

10. determine which lab specific types of evidence would go

11. recording the scene of a crime: note taking, photos (what to photo and how), sketches: what to include

Physical Evidence

12. Problem(s) with DNA evidence

13. physical evidence vs eyewitness testimony

14. chain of custody

15. How to store charred debris

16. Type of evidence in a hit-and-run scene, a rape

17. druggist fold and what would go in there

18. individual vs. class evidence: define and identify types if evidence as...

19. how to correctly package different types of evidence

Pathology, Entomology and Anthropology

20. liver mortis

21. rigor mortis

22. algor mortis

23. PMI: define and how to determine

24. forensic anthropology

25. how to tell age with a skeleton

26. 5 manners of death

27. Cause of death

28. Mechanisms of death

29. what influences the rate of a cooling dead body

30. types of injuries: punctures, lacerations, gunshots, avulsion, contusion

31. forensic entomology

32. autopsy


33. forensic odontology: definition


34. arterial spray pattern

35. Transfer pattern void

36. expirated blood pattern

37. how to tell directionality from a blood drop

38. backward spatter of a gunshot wound

39. area of convergence

40. area of origin

41. be able to determine blood type

42. classify spatter as low, medium or high velocity

43. Blood types and antigens


44. parts of a hair: medulla (and its types), cortex (where pigment ins found), cuticle; medullary index in humans

45. natural vs synthetic fibers

46. mohair/cashmere

47. follicular tag

48. most common natural (plant) fiber


49. Types of prints: visible, latent , plastic

50. identify the 3 basic ridge patterns: loop, whorl , arch; which is most common, which is used for primary classification

51. when are fingerprints formed?

52. what to do after you visualize a latent print

53. ridge characteristics: how many and some common examples

54. SuperGlue fuming

55. porous vs nonporous surfaces


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