
Blood Webquest: Name: ___________________________ Per:____________Go to the University of Utah Learn Genetics site and click on “Basic Genetics,” then “Genes and Blood Type.” Read the paragraphs on blood type and fill in the chart below using the images. Rh isn’t included on the website. Use your knowledge of antigens and antibodies to figure it out and fill in the chart!Blood TypeABABORh +Rh -Red Blood Cell Surface AntigensPlasma Antibodies Use the models to make example red blood cells with the proper surface antigens and plasma antibodies below. Draw an example of a colored cell and any antigens present for each type.Type A+Type O-Type AB -Type B- Type AB+Write a brief description of how blood type is inherited.Now, play the Blood Typing Game found at Nobel . Chose “quick game—random patient.” in the chart below to indicate the patient that came into the emergency room, what blood type they had and which blood you selected for the transfusion. Did you save them? Why or why not?Description of PatientPatient’s Blood TypeBlood Type Given In TransfusionDescribe how the patient reacted and why9. Were there any patients who could have received more than one type of blood? ______________If so, which and what other types could have been used besides the type you chose? 10. Besides blood type, what other information might a doctor need to know before giving a patient a blood transfusion? Use a ‘Google search’ to complete the following items. Provide an MLA citation for the web address where the information was located.11. Complete the pie graph of each type of cell and the percentages contained in the average human's blood. Source citation:Components of Human Blood: What is the percentage of each item in a sample of human blood?Chart: ____________________________________________________________-12. Blood Types in Human Populations: Find information about the distribution of blood types in the U.S. Use coordinated colors to make the chart & graph correspond.Source Citation:Chart: _____________________________Graph: ________________________________________20002519621500Is this distribution the same in every country in the world? Describe a different pattern from one other country. ................

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