Webquest for DNA

DNA WebQuest Name: ___________________________Hr___

You may print this first and hand-write your responses, or type them first and then print.

First, a Pep Talk from Kid President

Now, let’s move on to DNA stuff:

1. Friedrich (Fritz) Miescher

Find Miescher on the timeline and click on the bucket with the Red Cross to watch the animation. In 1869, he extracted a substance from white blood cells. Answer these:

• Where did he get the white blood cells from?

• What did he call the substance that he extracted?

• What do you think he actually found?

2. Erwin Chargaff

a. and Watch “Chargaff’s Ratios.”

• What are four sources of DNA that he used?


• What were the four nitrogen bases that he compared?

• What did he discover about how these nitrogen bases pair up with each other?

3. Rosalind Franklin.

• What is X-ray crystallography (a.k.a. X-ray diffraction) used for?

• What did she discover about the shape of DNA?

4. James Watson and Francis Crick.

• What did they receive the Nobel Prize for in 1962?

5. What is DNA? (Search for these answers YOURSELF)

• Why is DNA important?

• What does “DNA” stand for?

• Why is DNA called a “blueprint”?

• The “twisted ladder” shape of a DNA molecule is called what?

6. Find a good picture of DNA. Paste it in the space below and label these parts:

• phosphate

• sugar (deoxyribose)

• adenine

• thymine

• guanine

• cytosine

7. Find a good picture of DNA Replication and paste it in the space below.

Explain what is happening and what it means that the new DNA strands

are “semi-conservative”.


Hold the Ctrl button when you are clicking the links!!!

Hold the Ctrl button when you are clicking the links!!!

Hold the Ctrl button when you are clicking the links!!!

Hold the Ctrl button when you are clicking the links!!!

Hold the Ctrl button when you are clicking the links!!!

Hold the Ctrl button wen you are clicking the links!!!


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