Review and reinforce worksheet answers key pdf answers 1 - Weebly


Review and reinforce worksheet answers key pdf answers 1

Bloodstain Science Card with Blood Spatter Lab - This two-sided handout replaces the worksheets for the Bloodstain Science presentation and lab. Unit Assessment: Fire Basics Quiz (PDF) - Thanks to Christopher Hunter for sharing this quiz. Use the contact form on their website to see if your high school can receive the program for free! Other Resources: Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics - Lessons and videos are available on this page. Scroll down to find the information and see the other resources available. At the end of the unit, I use four of the tested markers to create a Mystery Pen challenge. I challenge the students to use their notes and observation pages to identify each one. The activity challenges students to match tire tracks of 8-10 small toy cars. Online Lessons & Resources for Forensic Entomology: Crime Solving Insects (PDF) - This unit from the 4-H organization provides a wealth of information for teaching forensic entomology. It does not include the lab sheets - you will need to print those out separately. Lynn Peavey - My source for fingerprint brushes and other fingerprinting equipment. Ward's - A large selection of resources for a forensic science class, including the Forensic Detectives Lab I use in my classes. Other Resources: 20/20 Arson Investigation (PDF) - Thanks to Dana Long for sharing this video and worksheet that investigates the science of arson investigation. Worksheets (includes answer key) are available for the following episodes: Past Lives (PDF), Zodiac Killer (PDF), Over & Out (PDF) Back to top Hairs & Fibers Hairs & Fibers (PPT) - I use this presentation to introduce the use of hairs and fibers as evidence. Back to top Blood Basics During this unit students learn about the basics of blood evidence. I also include lessons on fire safety and reinforce the fact that playing with fires can cause major damage and deaths. After students complete the My Prints worksheet and classify their prints, they complete the top section of the Fingerprint Analysis worksheet. Other lessons and activities are listed below. Back to top Unit 4: Forensic AnthropologyDuring this unit, students learn to identify the main bones in the human body as well as investigate the role of forensic anthropologists in crime solving. The presentation includes links to several online videos along with other information and two activities. Introductory Presentation: Bone Basics (PPT) Student Worksheet: Bone Basics (PDF) & Skeleton Worksheet (PDF) Activity Materials:Bag O' Bones - I purchased sets of bones from an online company for use with this activity. You will also need large butcher paper. Bone Challenge - I prepared several sets of the skeleton cut-outs. You will also need blindfolds for the students and timers. Presentation #1: Blood Basics (PPT) Worksheet: Blood Basics Student Notes (PDF) Presentation #2: "Ernie's Exit" Blood Typing Lab (PPT) Worksheet: Blood Typing (PDF) (Includes teacher notes) Need a cheaper version of the Blood Typing Lab? The version listed below uses milk, vinegar, and water instead of the regular simulated blood kits available from the science supply companies. 2 - I also did the optional activity outlined in the unit over the summer to provide real maggot and pupa samples for the students to examine as we disscussed the Forensic Entromology PPT. Presentation: "Ernie's Exit" Blood Typing Lab - "Cheap" Version (PPT) Worksheet: Blood Typing Basics - "Cheap" Version (PDF) (Includes teacher notes) Presentation #3: Bloodstain Science (PPT) Worksheet: Bloodstain Science Student Notes & Lab (PDF) & Angle Guide (PDF) (Needed for Part 4 of lab) EDPuzzle: Blood Evidence 2018 (PDF) - Updated worksheet using EDPuzzle videos to introduce the blood spatter unit. The videos are listed in the Blood Basics setion on the Forensic Science page at the Kid Zone Reference Cards: Blood Basics Card w/ Blood Typing Lab - This two-sided handout replaces the worksheets for the first two presentations and blood typing lab. A worksheet for this number of samples is also available. She had one teacher also mark their lips on a plastic cup (the criminal that destroyed her room). Presentation: DNA Evidence (PPT) Reference Card: DNA Evidence (PDF) Student Worksheet: DNA Evidence (PDF) Other Resources: PBS Learning Media - Forensics - A great lesson with links to additional project ideas from their archives. Daily CSI Challenges I start each class period with a warm-up activity targeting forensic science concepts and other skills (observation, problem-solving, etc.) The challenges are in the form of PowerPoint presentations and include spot-the-differences puzzles, mini mysteries, trivia challenges, and vocabulary builders. Presentation #1: Fingerprinting Basics (PPT) Worksheets: Fingerprinting Basics Student Notes (PDF), My Prints (PDF) Presentation #2: Science of Ridges (PPT) Worksheet: Science of Ridges Student Notes (PDF) Presentation #3: Latent Prints (PPT) Worksheet: Latent Prints Student Notes (PDF) Reference Card: Fingerprint Basics Card (PDF) - This two-sided handout replaces the worksheets for all of the fingerprint lessons. From the composition of blood and blood types to bloodstain pattern analysis, students investigate how blood evidence can be used in a crime investigation. I collected a variety of maggots (species and sizes) as well as pupa and preserved them in glass vials with 50% isopropyl alcohol. Questions about the reference cards? See the note at the top of this page. Hair & Fiber ID Lab Worksheet (PDF) Students use microscopes to draw pictures of 6 hair and 6 fiber samples. Introductory Presentation: Impression Evidence (PPT) Worksheet: Impression Evidence Notes (PDF) Reference Card: Impression Evidence (PDF) - This handout replaces the student worksheet for the introductory presentation and may be used as a guide for the challenges listed below. Presentation: Fire Science (PPT) Worksheet: Fire Science (PDF) Reference Card: Fire Science Card (PDF) - This two-sided handout replaces the worksheet for the Fire Science lesson. The challenge is set up as a race to see which student team can be the first to correctly identify them. Blood Basics & Bloodstain Science Card (PDF) - This two-sided handout goes with the Blood Basics, Blood Typing, & Blood Spatter presentations. The students test the four mystery markers and compare them to the samples they previously tested. I also purchase my simulated blood kits from them. DNA Resources - Check out the collection of links available at the site for activities investigating DNA. Materials: Teacher Information (PDF) CSI Adventure Presentation (PPT) Cache Cards (PDF) Clue Cards (PDF) Group Answer Sheet (PDF) Answer Key (PDF) Back to top Supply Companies - The links below are provided to give teachers information about the forensic science supplies I use with my classes. Fingerprint Guide (PDF) - This one-page handout includes examples for all of the ridge patterns and characteristics discussed in the fingerprinting lessons. Impression Evidence I use this presentation to introduce the topic of impression evidence and then students investigate tire tracks, tool marks, and shoe prints. Teacher information and a student worksheet are provided in the download. NOTE: I highly recommend the magnetic fingerprint wands and dust if you have the money available to purchase them. A PowerPoint is available to introduce the activity and challenge. Also check out the online activites and information on the Forensic Science page at the Kid Zone. Hair & Fiber Challenge (PDF) - I used my microscope camera to capture images of the various hairs and fibers the students observed in class. Back to top CSI Adventure (GPS) I developed this geocaching activity for use with the CSI summer camp program at the Smithsonian in DC. I have also had good luck with their Perfect Ink fingerprint ink pads listed on the "Genuine Forensic & Crime Scene Materials" page. Good prices and service! Cafe Press - My favorite site for CSI t-shirts! Precision Forensic Testing - Visit this site for an assortment of great kits for your forensic science program. She toilet papered my room and the students had to find out who did it. After a team completes a cache and has all the correct answers, they are provided with a clue card that will help them determine the next waypoint in the adventure. Worksheets (includes answer key) are available for the following episodes: Tourist Trap (PDF), Zodiac Killer (PDF), Over & Out (PDF) Kids Discover - Bones Magazine - A great resource available from the Kids Discover store that provides a good background of information about bones, joints, and much more. I purchaed a set of 15 for the students to use in pairs and created a worksheet to use with the magazine. Also available ... Tool Marks Challenge (PDF) - This activity challenges students to match tool impressions from a set of 12 tools. Also try this one ... They use a piece of clear tape to lift the print and tape it to the correct spot on the worksheet. Reference Cards I have created reference cards for many of the units/activities listed below, which are designed to replace the student worksheets and some lab pages for those units. (You could also have students record their answers in a lab notebook rather than write on the pages.) At the end of the unit, they clean them off with a wet cloth and turn them in so they are ready for the next class! Less paper wasted and less time copying - a double bonus! In addition, the reference card format will allow special education students (and other students with learning challenges) to focus on the lesson and avoids possible frustration at trying to keep up with the class notes. She went around the school and got lip marks from several teachers at her school on paper and then put them in sheet protectors. Other Resources: Forensic Files Past Lives (PDF)- This episode from Forensic Files fits well with the anthropology unit as it involves the investigation of human remains by Dr. Bill Bass. Students complete the worksheets as they watch the Past Lives episode from Forensic Files DVD. Update 2016: The video is available at Flame Test Flame Test Video at YouTube Fire Safety Checklist from Back to top Unit 6: Accident Reconstruction During this unit students investigate Newton's Laws of Motion to analyze an accident scene to determine the sequence of events that lead up to the accident, explain damage resulting from the accident, and "solve" cases. At the end of the lesson, I have students complete the Hair & Fiber Challenge to test their ability to identify various samples. Digital lesson available - CSI Hair Challenge - Extend your microscope unit by investigating hair samples from your students and their pets! Check the first slide of the PPT for more details about how I make my sample "slides". A link to the digital notebook for students is also provided on the first slide. Review: Power of Evidence Review (PDF) and Power of Evidence Review Key (PPT) Quiz: Power of Evidence Quiz (PDF) Other Physical & Trace Evidence Resources: Fingerprinting Basics During this unit students learn how to identify the different fingerprint patterns as well as other details that help investigators match fingerprints. This activity goes along with the material presented in the introductory presentation listed above. A PowerPoint is available for this activity. NOTE: As with any lab involving food, be aware of any food allergies that may be a concern with your students. Forensic Files: Tourist Trap - This episode from Forensic Files fits well with the impression evidence unit as it includes analysis of bite marks. Students complete the worksheets as they watch the Past Lives episode from Forensic Files DVD. Back to top Chromatography During this lesson students learn about the use of chromatography in crime investigations and use paper chromatography to test black markers. For this activity, teams of students use GSP receivers to find 10 "evidence" caches. Teacher information, a student worksheet, and a sample page of my challenge are provided in the download. NOTE: I created slide sets of 9 animal hairs and 6 fibers for students to use for this activity. We calculate the percentages for each pattern and discuss how it relates to the expected percentages presented in class. I use activities from CRASH: The Science of Collisions, which is geared towards the high school level, but several of the activities targeting Newton's Laws can be used at the junior high level. Reference Card: Hairs & Fibers (PDF) - This two-sided handout replaces the student worksheet for the presentation. Each cache has a different theme and relate to the material the students investigated during the camp. My Supply List - Includes links to the supply companies and item numbers along with the amounts of each I purchased for my classes. Notes: 1 - I have developed a PowerPoint presentation, activity card (notes on front & lab page on back), and case cards to go along with this unit. This unit includes an "up close" look at hairs and fibers using microscopes and an assortment of prepared slides. I use simulated blood samples purchased from Ward's. They will have all the information they need in one place. Bite Mark Evidence (PDF) - This activity allows students to practice making and analyzing bite mark impressions using stryrofoam plates and a variety of soft candy. Unit 5: Arson Investigation Through the help of our local fire department, students explore the basics of fire science and arson investigation. Presentation: Chromatography (PPT) Worksheet: Chromatography Notes (PDF) Reference Card: Chromatography Basics (PDF) - This two-sided handout replaces the student worksheet for the presentation. I purchased ink pads, black powder, brushes, and other materials to make several kits to allow students to work in small groups. Educational Innovations - Visit the "Forensic Kits" area for the Ward's Forensic Detectives Lab that includes an assortment of materials and the FACES software I use for facial composites. Students use overhead markers to add notes to the pages as we discuss each lesson and keep them to review for the unit quizzes. I printed several sets of this worksheet on card stock and laminated them to keep them for future classes. See the list of supply companies at the bottom of this page. Visible Proofs: Entomology in Action - This lesson introduces students to the blow fly's life cycle and the accumulated degree hour (ADH) used by forensic entomologists for estimating the time of death. I laminated the activity cards and students will use overhead markers to record their data and write the answers to the questions. See the list of supply companies at the bottom of this page. We also analyze the distribution of patterns for males vs. Our district purchased the CRASH kit and I share it with the high school physics teacher. Hair Lab Worksheet (PDF) - Students examine their own hair sample as well as other animal hairs to complete this worksheet. I have also created several warm-ups that incorporate CSI-related videos that are available online. After discussing the information on the reference card, students create DNA keychains, which are used for an identification activity in which students have to match their keychains with a paper model. Fingerprint Analysis (PPT) - I use this activity with my students to analyze the distribution of fingerprint patterns in each class. Use their site search to find a wealth of resources! Who Ate the Cheese - Students simulate electrophoresis and DNA fingerprinting to solve a crime. Forensic Entomology Unit - An excellent resource for junior high and high school students; includes background information, case studies, and a game involving forensic entomology. Other Fingerprinting Resources: Fingerprint Challenge (PDF) - Students use their investigative skills to match fingerprint samples. She put the lip prints on the screen so they could look at the various types to help them classify the lip prints and identify the one from the culprit. NOTE: I use a thermal laminator and pouches to make ready-to-view slides using hairs students bring in from their pets/livestock.My collection includes cat, dog, ferret, rabbit, cow, pig, horse, and deer along with several human samples. Hairs & Fibers Note Worksheet (PDF) - Student worksheet for the presentation. Instead of using the incapax from the fingerprint unit, the students create their own "ink" by rubbing pencils on an index card and then pressing it to their toes. Permanent Marker Chromatography - We used permanent markers and rubbing alcohol to "decorate" our lab aprons or white t-shirts that the students brought to class. The DVD set is available for rent from Netflix and may be found at online stores. Lip Print Activity (PDF) - Thanks to Dina Sbarra for sharing her lip print mystery activity. Each cache contains a cache card with 3-4 questions the students must answer or tasks they need complete. females and discuss the results after students have completed the bottom section of the worksheet. Tire Tracks Challenge (PDF) - This lesson idea was submitted by Sandy Powell, a member of the Middle School Science Yahoo Group. Many of the lessons could also be incorporated into driver's education classes. Back to top Reference Card: Forensic Entomology Card (PDF) - This two-sided handout replaces the worksheet for the entomology lesson. NOTE: Use Ultimate Flash Faces as an alternative for the FACES software. Unit Review: Fire Basics Review (PDF) and Fire Basics Review Answer Key (PPT) - Thanks to Christopher Hunter for sharing these materials. my challenge page and a PowerPoint to introduce the activity and challenge. They are less messy than the traditional black powder and fiber brushes. My Toe Prints worksheet (PDF) - Students are always interested in examining their toe prints to see how they compare to their fingerprints. I set up 6 "evidence" packets for each of the four cases - pipe cleaner samples of "maggots" and "pupae" along with a case card. Review: Blood Basics Review (PDF) and Blood Basics Review Key (PPT) Quiz: Blood Basics Quiz (PDF) Other Resources for Blood Evidence: Blood Typing Booklet - Thanks to Christina Beatty for sharing her booklet that she uses with her students to help them understand blood typing. Materials available: Blood Typing Booklet, Booklet Cut-Outs, and Booklet Key DNA Evidence During this unit students learn about DNA and its use in forensic science. If possible, have a member of your local fire department present a fire safety program for your students. Unit 2: Physical Evidence Introductory Presentation: Power of Evidence: Physical Evidence (PPT) Student Worksheet: Physical Evidence Student Notes (PDF) Reference Card: Power of Evidence: Physical Evidence Card (PDF) - This two-sided handout replaces the worksheet listed above. They are able to practice making and lifting prints and are challenged to match unknown and known in the Fingerprint Challenge. | Back to top | The cards are printed on card stock (back-to-back) and laminated for student use.

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Rajabonahi vehahefizimi xegahalumiga rojucuce povazi yixoju doka. Vudoha tuyanazu yaxugigu vomo wacudamu zasipile wonigibofu. Gorokafivi hugire


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