Navigate to the website below. Answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Remember, do NOT have your email open, games up, news sites up, or any other material other than the assignment given.

1. When did blood transfusions become safer, and why?

2. What can happen if you give someone a transfusion of the wrong blood?

3. List the four parts of blood and give their function in your OWN words.





4. How is an antigen different from an antibody?

|Blood Type |Antigens present |Antibodies present |

|A | | |

|B | | |

|AB | | |

|O | | |


6. Draw a picture showing the red blood cell (including all antigens) and any antibodies of a person with A+ blood. Draw another showing what an O- person’s RBC’s and antibodies would look like.

7. If you see agglutination occurring when you are testing someone’s blood type, what does that tell you?

8. List a few problems that can occur because of agglutination if you gave someone the wrong blood type in a transfusion.

9. What kinds of blood can an A- person RECEIVE?

10. At the bottom of the page, click on play the blood typing game (quick version-fixed). Click “play” on the next page. Click on a patient to select. Draw some blood from the patient using the syringe, then test it using the reagents at right. Scroll over to see any agglutination.

A. What is the purple haired female patient’s blood type? What blood could you give her?

B. What is the blood type of the green haired male? What blood could he be given?

C. What is the blood type of the red haired male? What blood could he be given?

D. What happened when you gave someone the wrong blood? Why?


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