named after M.I.PIROGOV






Practical training N 2




The manual from Pathophysiology is approved and confirmed for the introduction into the educational process at Pathophysiology department meeting.

Protocol N 1 from 30.08.2015

Сompilers: Head of Department N.A. Rikalo

as. O.Y. Guminska

as. S.G.Polinkevich

The manual is recommended for the foreign students of medical faculty (3rd course).

Thematic plan

Medical faculty

|Local disorders of blood circulation (hyperemia, ischemia, stasis, thrombosis, embolism). |

|Inflammation. |

|Disorder of heat exchange. Starvation. |

|Neoplasia. |

|Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. |

|Disorders of water-electrolytes metabolism. |

|Disorders of acidic-basic state. |

|Practical training 2: “Typical pathological processes. Typical disorders of metabolism.” Test control for the semester. |


Actuality of theme.

Prevalence of local violations of circulation of blood, such as arterial and venous hyperemia, ischemia and stasis is very important. Their development is predefined violation of the neurohumoral regulation of local blood circulation. Disorders of local blood circulation need the detailed study, as they are the main link of pathogenesis of many pathological processes. Knowledges about general mechanisms of their development are needed for successful treatment and prophylaxis of the proper violations.

It is known that the system of blood circulation takes leading place in support of vital functions of an organism as the whole system.

Providing of necessary blood stream is a difficult process which depends on the adequate functioning of heart, integrity of vascular wall and balance between coagulative and anticoagulative systems of blood.

All known diseases are accompanied with disorders of blood stream.

Local disorders of blood circulation, such as thrombosis and embolism is one of the most frequent reasons of death (thromboembolism of cerebrum vessels, pulmonary artery). That is why knowledge of reasons, mechanisms of development and consequences of thromboembolism has a large significance for a practical doctor.

General purpose of the lesson.

To learn the reasons of arterial and venous hyperemia, ischemia, stasis origin, mechanisms of their development, manifestations, significance for an organism. To learn reasons, mechanisms of development, manifestations, significance of thrombosis and embolism for the organism.

For this it is necessary to know (the concrete purposes):

1. To know the arterial and venous hyperemia, ischemia, stasis definitions.

2. To know the reasons of origin and mechanisms of peripheral blood circulation disorders development.

3. To describe the basic manifestations of different of, explain the mechanisms of their development.

4. To explain the value of local blood circulation disorders for an organism.

5. To be able to make the arterial and venous hyperemia, ischemia at experiment.

6. To give determination of conceptions: "thrombosis", "embolism".

7. To be able to explain principal reasons of origin, mechanisms of thrombosis development.

8. To explain the consequences of thrombosis.

9. To be able to classify embolism by origin and localization.

10. To explain the mechanisms of different kind of embolisms development.

11. To explain the significance of thrombosis and embolism for the organism.

For realization of purposes of lesson it is necessary to have the base knowledges-skills:

1. Dividing of bloodstream into the functional parts (Normal Physiology Department).

2. The conception about the vessels of microcirculation (Normal Physiology Department).

3. Mechanisms of bloodstream regulation (Normal Physiology Department).

4. Structure and functions of endotelial cells, basal membrane (Histology department).

5. Structural and functional organization of the blood circulation system (Normal Physiology and Histology Departments).

6. View about central and peripheral blood circulation (Normal Physiology Department)

7. Conception about the hemostasis system (Normal Physiology Department)

8. Concept about the fibrinolytic system (Normal Physiology Department)

9. Thrombocytes functions (Normal Physiology Department)

The checking of primary level of knowledges.

Give the answers to the following questions:

1. Basic forms of local blood circulation disorders.

2. Arterial hyperemia, definition.

3. What are the reasons of arterial hyperemia development?

4. Types of arterial hyperemia.

5. Venous hyperemia, definition.

6. Reasons of venous hyperemia development.

7. Ischemia, definition.

8. Stasis, definition.

9. Types of ischemia?

10. Types of stasis?

11. Thrombosis, definition.

12. Basic factors which are promote thrombus formation (Virchow’s triad).

13. What are the phases of thrombus formation process?

14. Consequences of thrombosis? From what does it depend?

15. Embolism, definition.

16. Types of embolisms according to origin.

17. Types of embolisms according to localization.

18. Types of exogenous embolisms.

19. Types of endogenous embolisms.

Standards of answers at the theoretical questions of initial level of knowledges:

1. Arterial and venous hyperemia, ischemia, stasis, thrombosis, embolism.

2. Arterial hyperemia – it is increased blood supply through the organ or part of tissue against of increased blood inflow from the arteries.

3. Influence of physical, chemical and biological factors of external environment, multiplying loading on an organ or area of tissue, psychogenic influencing.

4. Types of arterial hyperemia:

1) Physiological (after intensive work of organ, reactive)

2) Pathological (neurogenic, metabolic)

5. Venous hyperemia – it is increased blood supply through the organ or part of tissue against of decreased blood outflow from the veins.

6. Reasons of venous hyperemia:

1) intravascular (obturation of veins by a thrombus or embolus);

2) extravascular (compression of veins by a tumour, scar, tourniquet, by the enlarged organ (for example, by a pregnant uterus) by an edema);

3) constitutional weakness of elastic apparatus of veins, reduced tone of muscle elements of their walls;

4) disorders of general hemodynamics (cardiac failure, diminishing of suction ability of thorax).

7. Ischemia - it is decreased blood supply through the organ or part of tissue against of decreasing or complete stoppage of blood inflow from the arteries.

8. Stasis – it is slowing-down and stoppage of blood flow in the capillaries, small arteries and veins.

9. Basic types of ischemia:

1) Compressive

2) Obturative

3) Angiospastic.

10. Basic variants of stasis:

1) Ischemic

2) Venous

3) True (capillary).

11. Thrombosis - is the vital formation on the internal surface of vessel wall blood clots which consist of its elements. These clots got the name thrombus.

12. 1) Damage of vascular wall; 2) Violation of coagulative and anticoagulative blood system (increase of coagulative system activity or decline of anticoagulative system activity; 3) Deceleration of blood flow.

13. Cellular and plasma.

14. Necrosis (infarcnion), aseptic and septic meltdown, tromboembolism, disseminated intravascular clotting (DIC).

15. Embolism – is transfer of foreign bodies which do not meet there in a norm by the blood or lymph current with the next complete or partial vessel obturation.

16. Exogenous and endogenous.

17. By localization: embolism of greater circulation, embolism of lesser circulation and embolism of portal vein system.

18. Exogenous types of embolisms: air, gas, bacterial, parasite, embolism by foreign bodies.

19. Endogenous types of embolisms: thromboembolism, fatty, tissue, embolism by amniotic fluid.

Theoretical questions at the base of which the execution of purpose types of activity is possible.

1. Classification of peripheral blood circulation disorders.

2. Arterial hyperemia, determination of conception. Kinds. Reasons, basic mechanisms of development. Manifestations. Significance for an organism.

3. Venous hyperemia, determination of conception. Reasons, basic mechanisms of development. Manifestations. Significance for an organism.

4. Ischemia, determination of conception. Kinds. Reasons. Mechanisms of development. Manifestations. Significance for an organism.

5. Stasis, determination of concept. Kinds. Reasons, mechanisms of development. Significance for an organism.

6. Thrombosis, determination of conception. Value of Virchow’s triad in the mechanism of thrombosis development.

7. Modern views about thrombosis pathogenesis.

8. Consequences of thrombosis.

9. Embolism, determination of conception. Types of embolisms. Reasons of their origin and mechanisms of development. Value for an organism.


1. Handbook of general and Clinical Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.A.V.Kubyshkin, CSMU, 2005. – p. 54-66, 68-71

2. Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU, 2005 – p.60-68

3. General and clinical pathophysiology/ Edited by Anatoliy V/ Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. – p. 105-121.

Testing according system “Krok-I”

Tests of an open database (2014)

A 54-year-old female was brought to the casualty department after a car accident. A traumatologist diagnosed her with multiple fractures of the lower extremities. What kind of embolism is most likely to develop in this case?

A. Fat

B. Tissue

C. Thromboembolism

D. Gaseous

E. Air

Tests of an open database (2013)

1. While playing volleyball a sportsman made a jump and landed on the outside edge of his foot. He felt acute pain in the talocrural joint, active movements are limited, passive movements are unlimited but painful. A bit later there appeared a swelling in the area of external ankle, the skin became red and warm. What type of peripheral circulation disturbance is the case?

A Arterial hyperemia

B Stasis

C Embolism

D Venous hyperemia

E Thrombosis

2. A patient with obliterating endarteritis underwent ganglionic sympathectomy. What type of arterial hyperaemia should have developed as a result of the surgery?

A Neuroparalytic

B Neurotonic

C Metabolic

D Functional

E Reactive

3. A 42 year old woman with neuralgia of trifacial nerve complains about periodical reddening of the right part of her face and neck, sense of warmth gush, increased skin sensitivity. These effects can be explained by the following type of arterial hyperemia:

A Neurotonic

B Neuroparalytic

C Metabolic

D Functional

E Reactive

4. A rabbit's nerve that innervates the right ear was cut and its right superior cervical ganglion was removed. Immediately after operation the temperature of ear skin was measured. It was revealed that the temperature of the rabbit's ear skin on the side of denervation was by 1,50C higher than on the opposite intact side. What of the following is the most probable

explanation of the above-mentioned effects?

A Arterial neuroparalytic hyperemia

B Arterial neurotopical hyperemia

C Atrerial hyperemia induced by metabolic factors

D Reactive arterial hyperemia

E Physiological arterial hyperemia

5. A patient with obliterating atherosclerosis underwent sympathectomy of femoral artery in the region of femoral trigone. What type of arterial hyperemia was induced by the operation?

A Neuroparalytic

B Reactive

C Metabolic

D Neurotonic

E Functional

6. Upper neck node of sympathetic trunk was removed from the rabbit on experiment. Reddening and increased temperature of the skin of head is observed. What form of peripheral circulation of the blood developed in the rabbit?

A Neuroparalytic arterial hyperemia

B Neurotonic arterial hyperemia

C Metabolic arterial hyperemia

D Venous hyperemia

E Stasis

Tests of an open database (2010)

1. Increase of blood viscosity, - impression of microvessels walls at capillaroscopy were founded in a patient with chronic heart failure. What of these violations is possible in this case?

A. Sludge-phenomenon

B. Thrombosis

C. Embolism

D. Arterial hyperemia

E. Venous hyperemia

2. While playing volleyball a sportsman jumped and then landed across the external edge of his foot. This caused acute pain in the talocrural articulation, active movements became limited, passive movements remained unlimited but painful. In the region of the external ankle a swelling appeared, the skin turned red and became warmer to the touch. What type of peripheral circulation disorder has developed in this case?

A. Embolism

B. Venous hyperaemia

C. Arterial hyperaemia

D. Thrombosis

E. Stasis

3. Postganglionic sympathectomy was made at a patient with obliterating endarteritis. What type of arterial hyperemia will arise up as a result of the conducted operation?

A. Neuroparalitic

В. Neurotonic

С. Metabolic

D. Working

Е. Reactive

4. Woman, 42 age old, with trigeminal nerve neuralgia complain of periodic redness of face and neck right half, sensation of hot flushes and increase of the skin sensitiveness. Development of what kind of arterial hyperemia is able to explain these phenomena?

A. Neuroparalitic

B. Neurotonic

С. Metabolic

D. Working

Е. Reactive

5. Nerve which innervate the rabbit right ear was cut. Measuring of ears skin temperature conducted after operation. Temperature of rabbit ear skin at the side of denervation higher than at the opposite intact side on 1,50С. What form of peripheral blood circulation disorders was developed at rabbit?

A. Neuroparalitic arterial hyperemia

B. Neurotonic arterial hyperemia

C. Physiological arterial hyperemia

D. Reactive arterial hyperemia

E. Metabolic arterial hyperemia

6. Student wasn’t able to give the right answer on exam. Redness of skin, feeling of heat and uncertainty of behavior developed at the student. What type of arterial hyperemia will arise up in this case?

A. Neurotonic

B. Neuroparalitic

C. Metabolic

D. Pathological

E. Reactive

7. Desympathisation of the femoral artery in the area of the femoral triangle was made in a patient with atherosclerosis. What type of arterial hyperemia will arise up as a result of the conducted operation?

A. Neuroparalitic

В. Neurotonic

С. Metabolic

D. Working

Е. Reactive

8. Puncture of abdominal cavity for the extraction of fluid was performed to a 45-year-old patient with diagnosis “cirrhosis of liver, ascites”. State of unconsciousness suddenly developed in the patient as a result of decrease in blood pressure after extraction of 5L of fluid. That was considered as a manifestation of brain blood circulation insufficiency. Which disorder of microcirculation occurs in this case?

A. Ischemia

B. Arterial hyperemia

C. Venous hyperemia

D. Thrombosis

E. Embolism

9. Course of atherosclerosis at a patient, 70 years old, was complicated by thrombosis of lower extremities, a gangrenous fingers of the left foot. Beginning of thrombosis development is associated with:

A. Transformation of fibrinogen into fibrin

B. Activation prothromboplastin

C. Transformation of prothrombin into thrombin

D. Adhesion, aggregation and agglutination of platelets

E. Reduced synthesis of heparin

10. Thrombocytopenia, reduction of fibrinogen in the blood, appearance of fibrin degradation products, appearance of petechial hemorrhages are marked at a patients, 43 years, on the base ofseptic. Specify the cause of these changes:

A. DIC-syndrome

B. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia

C. Hemorrhagic diathesis

D. Violation of platelet formation

E. Exogenous intoxication


11. Injury of sympathetic fibers of the sciatic nerve developed in a patient due to trauma. What kind of peripheral blood flow disorder takes place in the patient?

A. Neurotonic arterial hyperemia

B. Venous hyperemia

C. Angiospastic ischemia

D. Neuroparalitic arterial hyperemia

E. Obturative ischemia

12. At which from processes does arterial hyperemia take place?

А. Arterial hypertension

В. Tumor growth

С. Inflammation

D. Necrosis

E. Arterial hypotension

13. What disorders of peripheral blood circulation will be observed after cutting of sympathetic (adrenergic) fibres?

А. Ischemia

В. Venous hyperemia

С. Arterioly spasm

D. Arterial hyperemia

Е. Stasis

14. At the design of inflammation on mesentery of frog looked after arterial vessels dilation, acceleration of blood stream under a microscope. What type of hyperemia arised up here?

A. Working

В. Postischemic

С. Venous

D. Reactive

Е. Metabolic arterial

15. At the design of inflammation on mesentery of frog looked after arterial hyperemia. What is the main factor of this disorder of blood circulation pathogenesis?

А. Biologically active substances elimination

В. Accumulation of potassium at the area of inflammation

С. Decreasing of potassium amount at the area of inflammation

D. Increasing of β- adrenergic nerves tone

Е. Vasodilators paralysis

16. A patient, 54 age old, entered to the surgical department with complaints of pain in lower extremities, which increases at the walking. Objectively: the skin of lower extremities is pale, cold, the pulsation is weak, the sensitiveness is reduced. Obliterating endarteritis was diagnosed and postganglionic sympathectomy was planned. What type of arterial hyperemia will arise up as a result of the conducted operation?

A. Neuroparalitic

В. Neurotonic

С. Metabolic

D. Working

Е. Reactive

17. A 42-year-old woman, shop assistant by profession, complains of edema of the lower extremities at the end of a workday. Her legs are cyanotic, their temperature is decreased. Venous hyperemia of lower extremities was established, which is due to constitutional weakness of the elastic apparatus of veins and the occupation. What is the major pathogenic factor causing local changes in venous hyperemia?

A. Disorders of metabolism

B. Hypoxia

C. Atrophy

D. Dystrophy

E. Sclerosis

18. A 57-year-old man complains of heart pain that has developed after prolonged negative emotions. An emergency doctor diagnosed ischemic heart disease manifesting by stenocardia. What kind of ischemia is the most probable?

A. Compressive

B. Obliterative

C. Angiospastic resulting from deficiency of vasodilators

D. --

E. Obturative

19. A patient was admitted to the hospital with diagnosis of acute left-ventricle heart failure. Patient’s condition suddenly became worse and edema of lungs developed in him. What kind of disorders of peripheral blood circulation causes the lungs edema?

A. Arterial hyperemia neurotonic type

B. Arterial hyperemia neuroparalytic type

C. Arterial hyperemia metabolic type

D. Ischemia

E. Venous hyperemia

20. Edema and cyanosis of low extremities appear in a food shop assistant at the end of workday. What is the main factor of edema development in this patient?

A. Dilatation of resistant vessels

B. Increase of venous pressure

C. Increase of number of functional capillaries

D. Increase of collateral blood flow

E. Increase of tissue drainage

21. A 23-year-old woman had intense psycho-emotional excitement. Hyperemia of face skin, tachycardia and increase in BP were observed in her. What is the mechanism of redness of her face skin?

A. Congestive venous hyperemia

B. Neuroparalytic arterial hyperemia

C. Post-ischemic arterial hyperemia

D. Neurotonic arterial hyperemia

E. Stasis

22. Destruction of endothelial layer of vessel leads to vasoconstriction. Decreased secretion of endothelial-derived factor plays the leading role in this phenomena development. What is this factor?

A. Nitric oxide

B. Adenosine

C. Histamine

D. Bradykinin

E. Adenosine monophosphate

23. Patient’s arm was put in plaster cast on account of simple fracture of humeral bone. Swelling, cyanosis, and decrease in temperature of the traumatized arm appear next day. What disorder of peripheral blood flow do these symptoms testify to?

A. Thrombosis

B. Venous hyperemia

C. Ischemia

D. Embolism

E. Arterial hyperemia

24. The patient which injured the left hand a few days before appealed to the doctor. He complaint of the pain in the site of damage, limitation of movement of fingers. Objectively: increase of hand volume, hyperemia of the skin, increase of local skin temperature. What pathological process these signs testify?

A. Thrombosis

B. Tumour

C. Inflammation

D. Embolism

E. Lymphostasis

25. At patient with the ancle joint fracture after the removal of plaster bandage an edema of foot, cyanosis, decrease of local temperature, increase of organ volume were developed. What type of blood circulation disorders is observed here?

A. Working hyperemia

B. Arterial hyperemia

C. Venous hyperemia

D. Reactive hyperemia

E. Ischemia

26. Convulsions and loss of consciousness develop in a diver during the emergency raising from the depth. What is the major pathogenic mechanism in these disorders development?

A. Gas embolism

B. Hypoxia

C. Toxic action of oxygen

D. Toxic action of nitrogen

E. Hypercapnia

27. Acute heart arrest develops in a patient with thrombophlebitis of calf profound veins. What is its reason?

A. Pulmonary thromboembolism

B. Left ventricle hypertrophy

C. Myocardial dystrophy

D. Endocarditis of mitral valve

E. Atherosclerosis

28. Gas embolism developed in a diver who was lifted to the surface very fast. It results from fast change:

A. From increased atmospheric pressure to normal

B. From normal atmospheric pressure to increased

C. From normal atmospheric pressure to decreased

D. From decreased atmospheric pressure to normal

E. --

29. Pulmonary embolism developed in a patient with coxal bone fracture. What kind of embolism does this patient have?

A. Fat

B. Thromboembolism

C. Tissue

D. Gas

E. Air

30. A patient has acute pain in his chest, dyspnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, and decreased BP. Pulmonary infarction was diagnosed in this patient. Which factor is the most common cause of pulmonary infarction?

A. Embolism by thrombus from veins of lower extremities

B. Congestion in the pulmonary circulation

C. Increase in number of platelets

D. Activation of fibrinolytic system

E. Pneumothorax

31. Instantaneous death of pilots occurs under depressurization of airplane cabin at the altitude of 19 km. What is the reason for it?

A. Multiple gas embolisms

B. Hemorrhage to the brain

C. Gas embolism of cerebral vessels

D. Bleeding

E. Paralysis of respiratory center

32. Dyspnea, acute pain in the chest, cyanosis, and jugular venous distention suddenly develop in a patient with thrombophlebitis of lower extremities. What is the most possible disorder of blood circulation developed in the patient?

A. Thromboembolism of coronary vessels

B. Thromboembolism of mesenteric vessels

C. Thromboembolism of cerebral vessels

D. Thromboembolism of portal vein

E. Thromboembolism of pulmonary artery

33. A pilot experienced aircraft decompression on the altitude 14000 m. What type of embolism could develop?

A. Gas

B. Tissue

C. Thromboembolia

D. Air

E. Fat

34. The state of a patient, 27 years old, with polytrauma (thorax closed injury, closed fracture of the femoral bone) in two hours after conducting of skeletal extraction was sharply deteriorated. Death came on the base of acute pulmonary-cardiac insufficiency. The drops of orange color, which obturate the vessels lumen, were founded at histological research of lungs and cerebrum blood vessels, coloring by sudan ІІІ. What polytrauma complication developed?

A. Thromboembolism

B. Air embolism

C. Bacterial embolism

D. Fatty embolism

E. Gas embolism

|Correct answers |

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|1 |A |2 |A |

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EXPERIMENT 2. Take the temperature in the floor of the auricle of a rabbit. Put the rabbit in to the thermostat and rise up the temperature to 42°C. Study the changes of the temperature of the rabbit's body and its common reaction at the overheating.

Initial level of temperature - ______°C.

Initial respiratory rate - ______in min.

Temperature of the rabbit after the overheating - ______°C.

Respiratory rate after the overheating - _______in min.



EXPERIMENT 3 Brake the frog's spinal cord. Fix the frog on the board, cut the thoracic cavity. Grasp the apex of the heart with a cerfine connected with the myograph. Record with the kymograph the curve of the heart contractions at the effect (under the influence) of Ringer's solution of different t° 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and so on up to the heart failure.

|Ringer's solution temperature, °C |Heart biting rate, in min. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |



EXPERIMENT 4. The students study available records of respiration of different animals: guinea - pigs, rabbits, cats





Actuality of theme.

Alimentary starvation is a pathological process which can arise up not only at the action of external factors but can conduct a lot of diseases (oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver and other). Alimentary starvation can be at certain terms and the treatment factor. That is why a study of reasons, mechanisms of development of different forms of starvation, study of metabolic disturbance at stervation is important in the system of doctor preparation.

General purpose of the lesson.

To know principal reasons, mechanisms of starvation development and metabolic disturbance in it.

For this it is necessary to know (the concrete purposes):

1. To explain external and internal reasons of starvation.

2. To adopt the conceptions of energetic, basic exchange.

3. To describe factors which influence on the level of energetic exchange.

4. To expose the changes of metabolism in different periods of starvation.

5. To be able to explain changes at starvation at children.

6. To describe etiology and pathogenesis of rachitis at children. To know principles of prophylaxis and therapy of rachitis.

For realization of purposes of lesson it is necessary to have the base knowledges-skills:

1. Indexes of metabolism and energy exchange in an organism (Biochemistry Department).

2. Value of meal components (albumens, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins and other) for the normal vital functions of organism (Biochemistry Department).

3. Mechanisms of the neurohumoral regulation of metabolism and energy exchange (Normal Physiology Department).

The checking of primary level of knowledges.

Give an answer to the followings questions:

1. What is the basic metabolism?

2. External reasons of starvation.

3. Internal reasons of starvation.

4. Classification of starvation.

5. What periods of complete starvation with water do you know?

6. What is respiratory coefficient (RC)? What is it equal at norm?

7. How RC changes at the I period of complete starvation with water?

8. How RC changes at the II period of complete starvation with water?

9. How RC changes at the III period of complete starvation with water?

10. What is physiological starvation? Make examples.

11. What life-span at complete absolute starvation?

12. What life-span at complete starvation with water?

13. What does incomplete starvation mean? Make examples.

14. What does partial starvation mean? What kinds of it do you know?

15. What type of starvation is the base pathology which got the name „kwashiorkor”?

Theoretical questions at the base of which the execution of purpose types of activity is possible.

1. Alimentary starvation, determination.

2. Reasons of starvation.

3. Pathophysiological description of complete starvation periods. Contribution of V.Pashutin to development of studies about starvation.

4. Pprotein-calorie deficiency. Reasons. Mechanisms of basic manifestations development.

5. Starvation at children. Reasons of origin. Features of development.

6. Kwashiorkor. Reasons of development. Description.

7. Factors which influence on resistance of an organism to starvation.

8. Conception about starvation diet.

9. Etiology and pathogenesis of rachitis. ypervitaminosis D at children. Principles of prophylaxis and therapy of rachitis.


1. Handbook of general and Clinical Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.A.V.Kubyshkin, CSMU, 2005. – p. 143-145

2. Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU, 2005 – p.127-133

3. General and clinical pathophysiology/ Edited by Anatoliy V/ Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. p. 288-294

Testing according system “Krok-I”

Tests of an open database (2010)

1. There is only one source of water for the body at absolute starvation - a process of organic compounds oxidation. Which of the following substances in these conditions is the main source of endogenous water?

A. Fats

B. Proteins

C. Carbohydrates


E. Lipoproteins

2. Negative nitrogen balance, hypoproteinemia, violation of water-solt metabolism combined with normal function of digestive system were founded at the vegetarians. Name the reason of this state.

A. Monotonous protein diet

B. Monotonous carbohydrate diet

C. Lack of unsaturated fatty acids

D. Deficiency of phospholipids in the food

E. Lack of vitamin E in the food

3. At 10th day of medical starvation the patient suffers from excitation, deep, noisy breathing, blood pressure dropped to 90/60 mmHg, oligouria, urine with a smell of acetone. Name the reason of this state.

A. Ketosis

B. Non-gas alkalosis

C. Hyperglicemia

D. Hypoglycemia

E. Gas acidosis

4. Esophagus stenosis developed at a patient after a chemical burn. Sharp weight loss arised. In the blood: erythrocyte.-3,0х1012/l, Hb-106 g/l, whole [crude] protein - 57 g/l. What type of starvation developed at a patient?

A. Absolute

B. Albumen

C. Water

D. Incomplete

E. Complete


5. When is duration of starvation multiplied?

А. At multiplying the body surface

В. At increasing of basic methabolism

С. At action of low temperature

D. At hyperfunktion of thyroid gland

Е. At decreasing of basic metabolism

6. Basic metabolism is increase at starvation. The energy demand of the organism are provided due to the carbohydrates of reserves. RC=1. Synthesis of albumen is limited. The biosynthesis of amino acids from ketonic acid and ammonia is reduced. What is the period of starvation?

А. Indifference

В. Oppression

С. Paralysis

D. Terminal

Е. Excitation

7. Patient, 28 years, middle fatness starves 48 hours. What substances are used by muscular tissues as an energy source in this case?

A. Glucose

B. Amino acid

C. Keton bodies and fat acids

D. Laktate

E. Piruvate

8. At the long starvation hungry edema appear at people. What changes in an organism results it?

A. Decline of onkotic pressure of blood

B. Decline of osmotic pressure of blood

C. Increase of secretion of ADG

D. Decline of secretion of ADG

E. Increase of onkotic pressure of blood

9. At the inspection of woman 50 years, who long time was on a vegetable diet, hypothermia, low blood pressure, muscular weakness, negative nitrous balance were founded. What factor caused such state of patient?

A. Increased amount of carbohydrates in a ration

B. An insufficient amount of carbohydrates in a ration

C. Increased using of liquid

D. An insufficient amount of fats in a ration

E. An insufficient amount of albumens in a ration

10. In an experiment in the conditions of absolute starvation water insufficiency is partly compensated by formation of endogenous water. What from the resulted matters at oxidization give the most account of water?

A. Glucose

B. Fats

C. Glycerin

D. Glikogen

E. Protein

11. A patient presents with twilight vision impairment. Which of the following vitamins should be administered?

A. Retinol acetate

B. Cyanocobalamin

C. Pyridoxine hydrochloride

D. Nicotinic acid

E. Ascorbic acid

12. After a disease a 16-year-old boy is presenting with decreased function of protein synthesis in the liver as a result of vitamin K deficiency. This may cause disorder of:

A. Blood coagulation

B. Osmotic blood pressure

C. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

D. Anticoagulant production

E. Erythropoіetin production

13. In patients with the biliary tract obstruction the blood coagulation is inhibited; the patients have frequent haemorrhages caused by the subnormal assimilation of the following vitamin:

A. A

B. K

C. E

D. D

E. C

14. While determining power inputs of a patient's organism it was established that the respiratory coefficient equaled 1.0. This means that in the cells of the patient the following substances are mainly oxidized:

A. Proteins and carbohydrates

B. Carbohydrates and fats

C. Proteins

D. Carbohydrates

E. Fats

|Correct answers |

|1 |

|1 |

Literature is necessary for theoretical questions .

1. Handbook of general and Clinical Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.A.V.Kubyshkin, CSMU, 2005.p.146-151

2. Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU, 2005.134-144

3. General and clinical pathophysiology/ Edited by Anatoliy V/ Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. p.294-321

Nota bene!

Glycated hemoglobin - (НвА1с) - contains glucose, attached to terminal valin in every ß chain.

It is permanent index of the compensative state of diabetes mellitus.

The concentration of it is increased in patients with decompensate diabetes mellitus.

Normal index of НвА1с in blood: 5-7% from the general level of hemoglobin.

THEMES of reports for individual work of students:

1. Modern view in mechanisms of development of microangiopathy at diabetes mellitus.

2. Modern view in mechanisms of development of macroangiopathy at diabetes mellitus.

3. Modern view in mechanisms of development of diabetic coma. Pathogenetic treatment.

4. Modern view in mechanisms of development of hyperosmolar coma. Pathogenetic treatment.

Testing according system “Krok-I”

Tests of an open database (2014)

Prolonged fasting causes hypoglycemia which is amplified by alcohol consumption, as the following process is inhibited:

A. Gluconeogenesis

B. Glycolysis

C. Glycogenolysis

D. Lipolysis

E. Proteolysis

Tests of an open database (2013)

1. A patient with the symptoms of acute alcoholic poisoning was brought to the hospital. What carbohydrates metabolism changes are typical for this condition?

A The gluconeogenesis velocity in liver is decreased

B The gluconeogenesis is increased in liver

C The breakage of glycogen is increased in liver

D The anaerobic glucose metabolism predominates in muscles

E The anaerobic breakage of glucose is increased in muscles

Tests of an open database (2010)

1. A patient, 24, suffers from dryness in a mouth, decline of waight on the base of the increased appetite, increase of urine amount. What test for the diagnosis is it necessary to make first of all?

A Determination of glucose level in the day's amount of urine

B Analysis of urine according to Zimnitskyy

C General analysis of urine

D Research of albuminous factions of the blood serum

E Coagulograme

2. Apatient with a diabetes mellitus delivered in a hospital in the state of unconsciousness. Kussmaul’s breathing, blood pressure 80/50 mmHg, the smell of acetone from a mouth. By accumulation of what substances in the organism it is possible to explain the origin of these disorders?

A Keton bodies

B Modified lipoproteids

C Lactic acid

D Coal acid

E Complete carbohydrates

3. Glucose was founded in the purine of patient who suffers from polyuria and polydipsia. Content of dlucose in the blood plasma is normal. What is the mechanism of glucosuria development for a patient?

A Violation of glucose reabsorption in the tubulis.

B Violation of glucose filtration in the glomerulis.

C Insufficient production of insulin by a pancreas.

D Resistance of cell receptors to insulin.

E Hyperproduction of glucocorticoids by the adrenal gland.

4. A woman 26 years suffers from dryness in to the mouth, thirst. At an inspection: a level of glucose in the blood is 6,5 mmol/l, glucosuria. For what from the marked below states these symptoms are most characteristic for?

A Kidney diabetes

B Steroid diabetes

C Diabetes insipidus

D Alimentary glucosuria

E Diabetes mellitus

5. Insulin was entered to a patient with insulindepended diabetes mellitus. After some time general weakness, irritability, increase of sweating arose up. What basic mechanism of of hypoglycemic comma development?

A Carbohydrate starvation of brain.

B Intensification of glycogenolysis.

C Intensification of ketogenesis.

D Intensification of lipogenesis.

E Diminishing of glyconeogenesis.

6. A 12-year-old teenager has significantly put off weight within 3 months; glucose concentration rose up to 50 millimole\l. He fell into a coma. What is the main mechanism of its development?

A Hyperosmolar

B Hypoglycemic

C Ketonemic

D Lactacidemic

E Hypoxic

7. A child 12 years after the carried rubella had loss of weight, permanent feeling of thirst, increase of appetite, polyuria. Objectively: diuresis 6 l, glucose of blood - 17,8 mmol/L, in urine found out glucose and acetone. What pathology can be assumed for a patient?

A. Diabetes mellitus Ι type

B. Diabetic nephropathy

C. Diabetes mellitus ІІ type

D. Violation of tolerance to glucose

E. Diabetes insipidus

8. Patient with diabetes didn't get insulin injection in time that caused hyperglycemic coma (glucose in the blood 50mmol/L). What mechanism is prevalent in the development of the coma?

A Hyperosmia

B Hypokaliemia

C Hypoxia

D Hyponatremia

E Acidosis

9. A woman, aged 58, was admitted to the hospital in severe condition. She has confused consciousness; dry skin, hollow eyes, cyanosis, and scent of acetone from her mouth. At laboratory examination of her: glucose in blood – 15.2 mmol/L, ceton bodies – 100 mcmol/l. What is the most possible reason for this condition?

A. Hypoglycemic coma

B. Ketoacidotic coma

C. Hypovolemic coma

D. Uremic coma

E. Anaphylactic shock

10. A patient was admitted to the hospital. Objectively: the state is heavy, consciousness is absent, adynamia. Skin is dry, hollow eyes, cyanosis, taxicardia, smell of acetone from a mouth. Results of analyses: glucose of blood -20,1 mmol/L (normal -3,3-5,5 mmol/L), in urine -3,5% (normal - 0). What the most reliable diagnosis?

A. Sharp alcoholic poisoning

B. Hypoglycemic coma

C. Аnaphylactic shock

D.Hyperglycemic coma

E. Cardiac insufficiency

11. A patient suffering from pheochromocytoma complains of thirst, dry mouth, hunger. Blood test for sugar revealed hyperglycemia. What type of hyperglycemia is it?

A Adrenal

B Hypercorticoid

C Alimentary

D Somatotropic

E Hypoinsulinemic


12. Patient has diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia over 7,2 mmol/L. The level of what protein of plasma does allow retrospectively (previous 4-8 weeks to an inspection) to estimate the level of glycemia?

А. Ceruloplasmin

В. Glycated hemoglobin

С. Fibrinogen

D. С-reactive protein

E. Albumen

13. In a patient with diabetes mellitus loss of consciousness and cramps were observed after insulin injection. What is a possible result of blood test for glucose in this case?

A. 5.5 mmol/L

B. 3.3 mmol/L

C. 8.0 mmol/L

D. 10 mmol/L

E. 1.5 mmol/L

14. At diabetes mellitus can develop ketosis as a result of activation of lipid acids oxygenation. What violations of ABB can bring accumulation of keton bodies in blood?

А. Respiratory acidosis

В. Respiratory alkalosis

С. Exogenous acidosis

D. Metabolic acidosis

Е. Excretory acidosis

15. Content of glucose in patient’s blood is: on an empty stomach - 5,6 mmol/l, in 1 hour after taking sugar - 13,8 mmol/l, and in 3 hours -9,2 mmol/l. What pathology such indexes characterise?

А. Healthy person

В. Аcromegaly

С. Ichenko- Kushinga disease

D. Diabetes mellitus

Е. Thyreotoxycosis

16. Content of glucose in patient’s blood is: on an empty stomach – 5.65 mmol/l, in one hour after taking sugar – 8.55 mmol/l, and in two hours after taking sugar – 4.95 mmol/l. These signs are characteristic for:

A. Healthy person

B. Person suffered from hidden diabetes mellitus

C. Person suffered from non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

D. Person suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

E. Person suffered from thyrotoxicosis

17. Newborn has been refusing food, having vomiting and diarrhea, and some time later its crystalline lens become opaque. At examination of newborn: glucose in blood – 8.5 mmol/L and in urine – 1%. What is the most possible diagnosis?

A. Galactosemia

B. Phenylketonuria

C. Tyrosinosis

D. Cystinuria

E. Alkaptonuria

18. Introduction of adrenalin in the experiment to the animal causes the increase of glucose in blood. A result of what hormone action is this hyperglycemia?

A. Increase of absorption of glucose in intestine

B. Decrease of glicogenesis

C. Activation of gluconeogenesis

D. Activation of glycogenolysis in the liver

E. Decrease of hexokinase activation

19. At the inspection of patient glycemia -16 mmol/L, acetone bodies - 0,52 mmol/L, at urine - 2% glucose, acetone bodies + + +, diures 10 l in day. About what disease it is possible to think?

A. Illness of Itsenko-Kuching

B. Steroid diabetes

C. Kidney diabetes

D. Diabetes mellitus

E. Diabetes insipidus

20. During examination the increase of glucose level is marked in students blood. What mechanism linked in this case?

A. Increase of products of glucagons

B. Increase of products of STH

C. Increase of insulin production by pancreas

D. Activating of the sympato-adrenal system

E. Increase of tonus of the parasympathic nervous system

21. To the patient with diabetes mellitus with the purpose of hyperglycemic effect appointed insulin. What mechanism of insulin action?

A. Warning of suction of glucose in a thin intestine

B. Activation of gluconeogenesis

C. Increasing of selection of endogenous insulin by pancreas

D. By the assistance of penetration of glucose to the cell and its utilization

E. Activation of anaerobic glicolis

22. A patient was admitted to the hospital in comatose state with the smell of acetone from mouth. Level of glucose in plasma of blood - 18 mmol/L. What type of coma is the most possible in this patient?

A. Ketoacidotic

B. Toxic

C. Hyperosmolar coma

D. Lactic acidosis

E. Hypoglycemic coma

23. Patient has hyperglycemia, polyuria, hyperstenuria, ketonuria, glucosuria. What nosology can connect all these indexes?

A. Diabetes mellitus

B. Diencephalic obesity

C. Diabetes insipidus

D. Glikogenosis

E. Kidney diabetes

24. A patient suffers from frequent head aiche, somnolence, crabbiness. At laboratory tests the level of glucose of blood is on an empty stomach - 2,8 mmol/L, after taking sugar the maximal concentration of glucose 4,7 mmol/L. The contents of insulin in blood in 10 times exceeds normal indexes, that characteristically for insulinoma. Activity of which processes is most promoted at this pathology?

A. Lipolis

B. Suction of glucose in an intestine

C. Absorption of glucose by cell

D. Synthesis of glicogenes

E. Litogenesis

25. A man, aged 38, is under the course of treatment for schizophrenia at in-patient department. Contents of glucose, ketone bodies, and urea in his blood are normal. Shock therapy with regular injections of insulin has led to development of insular coma, and after that state of patient becomes better. What is the most possible reason for insulin coma?

A. Glucosuria

B. Dehydration of tissues

C. Hypoglycemia

D. Metabolic acidosis

E. Ketonemia

26. Man, 28 years, suffers diabetes mellitus from 6 years age, he hospitalized in the comatose state which arose up after the physical loading. Skin moisture, tone of muscles and reflexes of tendons promoted, breathing is superficial, taxicardia, low blood pressure, level of glucose in blood - 1,88 mmol/L. This symptoms most characteristic for?

A. Diabetic ketoacidosis

B. Lactic acidosis

C. Hypoglycemic coma

D. Collapse

E. Hyperosmolar coma

27. Man, 43years, delivered to the hospital in the comatose state. Objectively: a skin is dry, breathing is superficial frequent, the smell of acetone is absent, taxicardia, hypotension. Level of glucose in blood - 48 mmol/L, the reaction of urine on the acetone is negative. These symptoms most characteristic for?

A. Hypertensive cris

B. Ketoacidotic coma

C. Lactic coma

D. Collapse

E. Hyperosmolar coma

28. Person, 42, was admitted to the hospital in the comatose state. Objectively: a skin is dry, pale, smell of acetone from the mouth, Kussmaul respiration, taxicardia, low blood pressure, level of glucose in blood - 27,7 mmol/L. What kind of coma has developed in this patient?

A. Starvation

B. Ketoacidotic coma

C. Hyperosmolar coma

D. Lactic coma

E. Alcoholic intoxication

29. Woman, 45 years, the symptoms of diabetes are absent, but the level of glucose on an empty stomach determined in blood (7,5 mmol/L). What index must be conducted for clarification of presence of diabetes?

A. Remaining nitrogen of blood

B. Glucose of blood on an empty stomach

C. Acetone bodies in urine, blood

D. Tolerance to glucose

E. Glycated hemoglobin

30. Patient with the Itsenko-Cushing syndrome has hyperglycemia because of hyperprodaction of glycocorticoids. What leading mechanism of hyperglycemia in this case?

A. Decrease of activity of hexokinas

B. Activating of glycogenolisis in liver

C. Activating of glyconeogenesis in liver

D. Strengthening of absirbtion of glucose in an intestine

E. Activating of insulinase in liver

31. A patient with diabetes mellitus did not take the dose of insulin in time. Thus hyperglycemic coma developed (content of glucose in patient’s blood is 50 mmol/L). What is the leading factor for such coma development?

A. Hyperosmolarity of blood plasma

B. Hypokalemia

C. Hypoxia

D. Hyponatremia

E. Acidosis

32. On the second week after gastrectomia for a patient in a hour after taking sweat food on the empty stomach develop sharp hypoglycemic state. What phenomenon does lie in basis of this state?

A. Alimentar hypoglycemia

B. Glikogenos

C. Phermentopatia

D. Adrenal insufficiency

E. Dumping-syndrome

33. During the experiment rat was injected with 5% alloxan solution in dose 200 mg per kg of rat weight. What kind of pathology arises in this case?

A. Arterial hypertension

B. Acute renal failure

C. Diabetes insipidus

D. Diabetes mellitus

E. Hepatic failure

34. After the break of diet (taking the easy for assimilation carbohydrates) in a woman, who has been suffering from diabetes mellitus for a long time, general malaise and increase of blood pressure gradually develop and hallucinations and cramps appear. Woman has dry skin and distinct signs of dehydration. What is the reason for worsening of patient’s condition?

A. Hypoglycemic coma

B. Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic coma

C. Diabetic ketoacidosis

D. Heart failure

E. Respiratory failure

35. What is the reason for glucosuria appearance under diabetes mellitus?

A. Hyperglycemia

B. Increase of renal threshold

C. Rise of hexokinase activity

D. Increase of glomerular membrane permeability

E. Polyuria

36. A patient, aged 50, complains of increased appetite, thirst, and loss of body weight, weakness. At laboratory examination rise of amount of glucose in his blood revealed. What type of cells is injured in case of this disease development?

A. Lipotropocytes

B. Thyrocytes

C. B-cells of Langerhans islets

D. A-cells of Langerhans islets

E. Pancreatocytes

37. A patient address to a doctor with complaints of constant thirst. Hyperglycemia, polyuria and increased content of 17-ketosteroids in urine were revealed. What is the most probable disease in this case?

A. Addison’s disease

B. Mychedema

C. Glycogenosis of I type

D. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

E. Steroid diabetes

38. A patient was admitted to the hospital in comatose state. Accompanying people said that hi lost consciousness at training while he was finishing the Marathon distance. What sort of coma is the most possible in this patient?

A. Hyperglycemic

B. Hypoglycemic

C. Hypothyroid

D. Hepatic

E. Diabetic ketoacidosis

39. In 18-years-old patient, while laboratory examining presence of glucose in urine and normal concentration of glucose in blood plasma were revealed. What disorder is the most possible cause of these changes?

A. Disorders of glomerular filtration

B. Disorders of tubular secretion

C. Disorders of glucocorticoids secretion

D. Disorders of insulin secretion

E. Disorders of tubular reabsorption

40. A 19-years-old patient has suffered from diabetes mellitus since he was 8. He took cure irregularly. He was admitted to the hospital in connection to diabetes ketoacidosis development. What kind of respiration is the most possible in this condition?

A. Kussmaul respiration

B. Biot’s respiration

C. Chane-Stocks respiration

D. Inspiratory breathlessness

E. Expiratory breathlessness

41. In a patient, who has poisoning with flodzine, glucosuria was revealed; concentration of glucose in patient’s blood is 5.6 mmol/L. What is the mechanism of glucosuria in this case?

A. Disturbances of tubular reabsorption

B. Reduction of glomerular filtration

C. Increase of glomerular filtration

D. Disorders of tubular secretion

E. Rise of oncotic pressure of blood

42. Woman, 45 years disease of Kuchinga - steroid diabetes. At a biochemical inspection: hyperglycemia, hypochloremia. What processes is activated first of all?

A. Glicogenolis

B. Тransportation of glucose in a mew

C. Glicolis

D. Gluconeogenesis

E. Reabsorption of glucose

43. A patient suffers from neurodermitis for a long time, use prednisolon. During examination increase of glucose in blood was found. In what link of carbohydrate metabolism prednisolon influence ?

A. Increase of suction of glucose in an intestine

B. Activation of gluconeogenesis

C. Decrease of synthesis of glicogen

D. Activating of breaking up of insulin

E. Activating of glycogenogenesis

44. Patient with diabetes mellitus. In blood increase of level of free lipid acids. Reason of what it can be:

A. Increase of thriglyceridlipase of adipocytes activity

B. Accumulation in cytosolum palmitin-KoA

C. Activating of apolipoprotein А-1, А-2, А-4synthesis

D. Decrease of activity of phosphatidilcholin –cholesterin - acetyltransferase of plasma

E. Activating of utilization of keton bodies

|Correct answers |

|1-A |2-A |3-A |

|Diabetes mellitus |More than 6.1 mmol/l |More than or equal to 11.1mmol/L |

|Disordered glucose tolerance |Less than 6.1 mmol/l |7,8 - 11.1 mmol/l |

|Disordered blood glucose |5.6 - 6.1 mmol/l |Less than 7.8 mmol/l |


Object of work: to model experimental hypoglicemia for a rabbit.

Content of work: determination of glucose concentration in condition of insulin intoxication.

EXPERIMENT 1. Students work as brigades. The first brigade carries out the test on determination of glucose in the control samples; the other one carries out the test in experimental samples: before and after insulin introduction.

Insulin is entered to the rabbit which was not fed by 24 hours in an amount 10 ME on the 1 kg of weight under the skin of the back.

First test is carried out in 15 minutes after insulin introduction, than in 30 min., in 1 hour, in 1,5 hour.

Blood for the test in an amount 0,1 ml is taken from an ear regional vein.

After taking the blood the 10-15 ml of 30% glucose solution is entered to the rabbit throw the ear regional vein or through the mouth with the purpose to remove of insulin hypoglicemia.


1. Fill in two test tubes by 1 ml of decinormal solution of caustic soda and 5 ml of 0,45% solution of sulfuric zinc.

2. Add to one of test tubes 0,1 ml of blood, wash a pipette by solution from a test tube 2-3 times. The second test tube remains the control.

3. Put both test tubes on an water bath on 3 min.

4. Filter the maintenance of test tube through the sterile cotton wool in glass.

5. Wash test tubes twice by 3 ml of the distilled water which is poured on a filter. At the end of filtration the filter is levitated on an edge of bailer. Wait while all liquid will flow from it. Take away the filter from the bailer and shake off the drops of liquid which remained in the bailer in glass.

6. Add to the filtrate 2 ml K3[Fe(CN) 6] 1: 200.

7. Boil on an water bath during 15 min.

8. Cool glasses and add to each 2 ml of mixture of salts.

9. Add to each glasses 2 ml of 3 % to solution of СН3СООН.

10. Add 2-3 drops of 1 % to solution of starch.

11. Titrate the maintenance of glasses by hyposulphite 1:200 till discolouring.

12. Find the maintenance of glucose at the table by the amounts of hyposulphite which we used for titration.

13. Find the maintenance of glucose in the control tube at the table by the amounts of hyposulphite which we used for titration.

14. Find a difference in the maintenance of glucose in an experimental test tube, take away an error, determine the maintenance of glucose in blood in mg % . For the translation of the got result in mmol/l (international unit) use the coefficient - 0,05.

An initial maintenance of glucose in the blood before the introduction of insulin is___________mmol/l,

after the introduction of insulin : in 15 min. - _________mmol/l,

in 30 min. - _________ mmol/l

in 90 min. - _________ mmol/l

in 120 min.- _________ mmol/l



Actuality of the theme.

The changes of water and electrolytes maintenance in the organism and their redistribution between the separate sectors of water violate such major parameters of homeostasis, constancy of volume, osmotic and ionic composition of blood, extracellular and intracellular liquid. It can cause violation of blood circulation, retraction of heart function, edema, changes of acid basic balance and other.

Violations of water-electrolyte metabolism can be the result not only external influencing but also internal disorders.

A lot of diseases and the pathological states accompanied with the changes of water-electrolyte homeostasis parameters which complicates their course.

The effective correction of water-electrolyte homeostasis changes is possible only on condition of etiology and mechanisms of their development knowledge.

General purpose of the lesson

To learn violation of water-electrolyte metabolism, reason for origin and mechanisms of their development. Learn reasons and mechanisms of edema development.

For this it is necessary to know:

1. To select principal reasons for violations of water-electrolyte metabolism.

2. To explain the mechanisms of their development.

3. To modulate different pathogenetic forms of edema, to be able to explain the mechanisms of their development.

For realization of purpose of lesson it is necessary to have the base knowledges-skills.

1. Metabolism of water between blood and tissues after Starling (Normal Physiology Department).

2. Contents of electrolytes in blood plasma in a norm (Normal Physiology Department).

3. Regulation of water-electrolyte metabolism (Normal Physiology Department)

Information that is necessary for addition to knowledges-abilities of bases on these questions, can be found in the followings textbooks:

Materials from normal physiology course.

The checking of primary level of knowledges

Give the answer to the followings questions:

1. What is «positive water balance»?

2. What is «negative water balance»?

3. Hormones which take part in regulation of water-electrolyte metabolism.

4. What is «dehydration»?

5. Types of dehydration.

6. What is «isoosmolar dehydration»?

7. What reasons for isoosmolar dehydration origin?

8. What is «hypoosmolar dehydration»?

9. Reasons for hypoosmolar dehydration origin.

10. What is «hyperosmolar dehydration»?

11. Reasons for hyperosmolar dehydration origin.

12. What is «hyperhydration»?

13. Types for hyperhydration.

14. What is «isoosmolar hyperhydration»?

15. Reasons for isoosmolar hyperhydration origin.

16. What is «hypoosmolar hyperhydration»?

17. Reasons for hypoosmolar hyperhydration origin.

18. What is «hyperosmolar hyperhydration»?

19. Reasons for hyperoosmolar hyperhydration origin.

20. What is edema?

21. What is «dropsy»? Kind of dropsy.

22. Types of edema according to pathogenesis.

23. Mechanism of oncotic edema development.

24. Mechanism of osmotic edema development.

25. Mechanism of hydrostatical edema development.

26. Mechanism of membranogenic edema development.

27. Mechanism of lymphatic edema development.

28. Quantity of sodium in blood plasma in a norm.

29. Quantity of potassium in blood plasma in a norm.

30. Quantity of calcium in blood plasma in a norm.

31. Quantity of phosphorus in blood plasma in a norm.

Standards of answers:

1. It is the state at which entering of fluid in organism exceeds its excreting.

2. It is the state at which excreting of fluid from an organism exceeds its receipt.

3. Aldosteron, vasopresin (antidiuretic hormone), atrial Na-uretic factor.

4. Diminishing of volume of extracellular fluid.

5. А) Isoosmolar

B) Hypoosmolar

C) Hyperosmolar

6. It is a type of dehydration in case of which osmotic pressure of extracellular liquid does not change.

7. А) Polyuria

B) Diarrhea

C) First hours after hemorragia.

8. It is a type of dehydration, with exceed loss of salts, which is accompanied the decrease of osmotic pressure of extracellular liquid.

9. А) Vomiting

B) Diarrhea

C) Sweating

10. It is a type of dehydration, with exceed loss of water which is accompanied the increase of osmotic pressure of extracellular liquid.

11. А) Hyperventilation

B) Increased sweating

C) Hypersalivation

D) Diarrhea

E) Vomiting

12. Increasing of volume of extracellular liquid.

13. А) Isoosmolar

B) Hypoosmolar

В) Hyperosmolar

14. It is a type of hypergidration, in case of which osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid does not change.

15. Surplus introduction of isotonic solutions.

16. It is a type of hypergidration, in case of which osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid is decreased.

17. А) Reflectory anuria

B) Acute kidney insufficiency

18. It is a type of hypergidration, in case of which osmotic pressure of extracellular fluid is increased.

19. The use for drink of sea water.

20. It is a surplus accumulation of liquid in intercellular space as a result of water metabolism violation between blood and tissues.

21. It is an accumulation of liquid in cavities.

22. А) Oncotic

B) Osmotic

C) Hydrostatic

D) Membranogenic

E) Lymphogenic

23. А) In the condition of reduced blood plasma oncotic pressure (the deficiency of proteins in organism at starvation, violation of liver protein syntesis function, loss of albumens with urine at pathology of kidney)

B) In the condition of promoted oncotic pressure in tissues (output of albumens in the tissues in case of increased permeability of vascular wall, at the damage of cell)

24. In the condition of increased osmotic pressure in the tissues.

25. In the condition of increased venous hydrostatical pressure.

26. In the condition of increased permeability of vascular wall (action of biologically active substances, endo- and exotoxins on a vascular wall).

27. In the condition of lymphostasis.

28. 135 - 155 mmol/L

29. 3,5 - 5,5 mmol/L

30. 2,1 - 3,1 mmol/L

31. 0,9 - 1,2 mmol/L

|Theoretical questions for FMC №1. |

|Basic types of water-electrolyte metabolism violations. |

|Dehydration. Kinds. Reasons. Mechanisms of development. Value for an organism. |

|Reasons for dehydration development at children. Consequences of dehydratation. Principles of pathogenetic |

|treatment of dehydratation different forms. |

|Hyperhydration. Kinds. Reasons. Mechanisms of development. Value for an organism. |

|Edema, determination of concept. Pathogenetic factors of edema development. |

|Pathogenesis of edema is at the diseases of heart, kidney, liver, inflammation, allergy, starvation. |

|Violation of sodium metabolism. Reasons for origin, mechanisms of development, consequences. |

|Violation of potassium metabolism. Reasons for origin, mechanism of development, consequences. |

|Violation of calcium metabolism. Reasons for origin, mechanisms of development, consequences. |

|A value of violations of water-electrolyte metabolism for organism. Principles of pathogenetic therapy. |


4. Handbook of general and Clinical Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.A.V.Kubyshkin, CSMU, 2005.p.152-159, 167-171

5. Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU, 2005.p.154-162

6. General and clinical pathophysiology/ Edited by Anatoliy V/ Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. p.333-343

Testing according system “Krok-I”

Tests of an open database (2013)

1. Inflamation is characterised by increasing penetration of vessels of microcirculation stream, increasing of their fluid dynamic blood pressure. Increasing of the osmotic concentration and dispersity of protein structures present in the intercellular fluid. What kind of edema will appear in this case?

A Mixed

B Hydrodynamic

C Colloid-osmotic

D Lymphogenic

E Membranogenic

2.A patient who suffers from heart failure has enlarged liver, edemata of lower extremities, ascites. What is the leading mechanism in the development of this edema?

A Hydrodynamic

B Colloid osmotic

C Lymphogenous

D Membranogenic

E -

3. A 56 year old patient suffering from cardiac insufficiency has edema of feet and shins,

edematous skin is pale and cold. What is the leding mechanism of edema pathogenesis?

A Rise of hydrostatic pressure in venules

B Drop of oncotic pessure in capillaries

C Increase of capillary permeability

D Disorder of lymph outflow

E Positive water balance

4. A 50-year-old patient complains of thirst, drinking of a lot of water, marked polyuria. Blood glucose is 4,8 mmol/L, urine glucose and acetone bodies are absent, urine is colorless, specific gravity is 1,002-1,004. What is the cause of polyuria?

A Vasopressin insufficiency

B Hypothyroidism

C Insulin insufficiency

D Aldosteronism

E Thyrotoxicosis

5. A patient with nephrotic syndrome has massive edemata of his face and limbs. What is the leading pathogenetic mechanism of edemata development?

A Drop of oncotic blood pressure

B Increase of vascular permeability

C Rise of hydrodynamic blood pressure

D Lymphostasis

E Increase of lymph outflow

6. Hepatitis has led to the development of hepatic failure. Mechanism of edemata formation is activated by the impairment of the following liver function:

A Protein-synthetic

B Barrier

C Chologenetic

D Antitoxic

E Glycogen-synthetic

7. A patient was stung by a bee. Examination revealed that his left hand was hot, pink, edematic, there was a big red blister on the site of sting. What is the leading mechanism of edema development?

A Increased vessel permeability

B Reduced vessel filling

C Injury of vessels caused by the sting

D Drop of oncotic pressure in tissue

E Drop of osmotic pressure in tissue

8. A patient ill with enteritis accompanied by massive diarrhea has low water rate in the

extracellular space, high water rate inside the cells and low blood osmolarity. What is such disturbance of water-electrolytic metabolism called?

A Hypo-osmolar hypohydration

B Hyperosmolar hypohydration

C Osmolar hypohydration

D Hypo-osmolar hyperhydration

E Hyperosmolar hyperhydration

9.A patient was admitted to the infectious department. His symptoms: dry skin, decreased skin turgor, rice-water stool. The patient was diagnosed with cholera. What disorder of water-electrolytic balance is most often observed in this disease?

A Isoosmotic hypohydration

B Hyperosmotic hyperhydration

C Hypoosmotic hypohydration

D Hyperosmotic hypohydration

E Hypoosmotic hyperhydration

10. Chronic glomerulonephritis was diagnosed in a 34-year-old patient 3 years ago. Edema has developed in the last 6 monthes. What caused it?

A Proteinuria

B Hyperproduction of vasopressin

C Disorder of albuminous kidneys function

D Hyperosmolarity of plasma

E Hyperaldosteronism

Tests of an open database (2010)

1. A 56 year old patient suffering from cardiac insufficiency has edema of feet and shins, edematous skin is pale and cold. What is the leding mechanism of edema pathogenesis?

A Rise of hydrostatic pressure in venules

B Drop of oncotic pessure in capillaries

C Increase of capillary permeability

D Disorder of lymph outflow

E Positive water balance

2. A patient with nephrotic syndrome has massive edemata of his face and limbs. What is the leading pathogenetic mechanism of edemata development?

A Drop of oncotic blood pressure

B Increase of vascular permeability

C Rise of hydrodynamic blood pressure

D Lymphostasis

E Increase of lymph outflow

3. A patient was stung by a bee. Examination revealed that his left hand was hot, pink, edematic, there was a big red blister on the site of sting. What is the leading mechanism of edema development?

A Increased vessel permeability

B Reduced vessel filling

C Injury of vessels caused by the sting

D Drop of oncotic pressure in tissue

E Drop of osmotic pressure in tissue

4. A patient ill with enteritis accompanied by massive diarrhea has low water rate in the extracellular space, high water rate inside the cells and low blood osmolarity. What is such disturbance of water-electrolytic metabolism called?

A Hypo-osmolar hypohydration

B Hyperosmolar hypohydration

C Osmolar hypohydration

D Hypo-osmolar hyperhydration

E Hyperosmolar hyperhydration

5. A patient was admitted to the infectious department. His symptoms: dry skin, decreased skin turgor, rice-water stool. The patient was diagnosed with cholera. What disorder of water-electrolytic balance is most often observed in this disease?

A Isoosmotic hypohydration

B Hyperosmotic hyperhydration

C Hypoosmotic hypohydration

D Hyperosmotic hypohydration

E Hypoosmotic hyperhydration

6. Edema was modeling to the white rat by the injection of adrenalin. What pathogenetic mechanism of edema development?

A. Oncotic

B. Hydrodynamic

C. Membranogenic

D. Lymphogenic

E. Colloid-osmotic

7. Patient of D., 35 years, complains about permanent thirst, decrease of appetite, headache and convulsion. He drinks 9 l during a day. Day's diuresis is increased, urine without pathological changes, specific gravity - 1005. The reason of development such pathology is the damage of:

A. The epithelium of kidney tubule

B. Adenohypophis

C. Epyphis

D. Hypothalamic nucleus

E. Basal membrane of glomerulus capillaries

8. Inflamation is characterised by increasing penetration of vessels of microcirculation stream, increasing of their fluid dynamic blood pressure. Increasing of the osmotic concentration and dispersity of protein structures present in the intercellular fluid. What kind of edema will appear in this case?

A Mixed

B Hydrodynamic

C Colloid-osmotic

D Lymphogenic

E Membranogenic

9. Inflammation of a patient's eye was accompanied by accumulation of turbid liquid with high protein at the bottom of anterior chamber that was called hypopyon. What process underlies the changes under observation?

A Disturbance of microcirculation

B Primary alteration

C Secondary alteration

D Proliferation

E -

10. A patient who suffers from severe disorder of water-salt metabolism experienced cardiac arrest in diastole. What is the most probable mechanism of cardiac arrest in diastole?

A Hyperkaliemia

B Hypernatremia

C Organism dehydratation

D Hypokaliemia

E Hyponatremia

11. An animal with aortic valve insufficiency got hypertrophy of its left heart ventricle. Some of its parts have local contractures. What substance accumulated in the myocardiocytes caused these contractures?

A Calcium

B Potassium

C Lactic acid

D Carbon dioxide

E Sodium

12. A patient who suffers from heart failure has enlarged liver, edemata of lower extremities, ascites. What is the leading mechanism in the development of this edema?

A Hydrodynamic

B Colloid osmotic

C Lymphogenous

D Membranogenic

E -

13. Periodic renal colics attackes are observed in the woman with primery hyperparathyroidizm. Ultrasonic examination revealed small stones in the kidneys. What is the cause of the formation of the stones?

A Hypercalcemia

B Hyperphosphatemia

C Hypercholesterinemia

D Hyperuricemia

E Hyperkalemia

14. Transmural myocardial infarction in the patient was complicated with progressive acute left ventricle insufficiency. What is the most typical for this state?

A Edema of the lungs

B Edema of the extremities

C Cyanosis

D Ascites

E Arterial hypertension

15. Patient suffered from cirrhosis of liver was intravenous injected 500 ml of 5% glucose solution. What disturbances of water-salt balance may appear in this patient?

A. Hypoosmolar hyperhydration

B. Hyperosmolar hyperhydration

C. Isoosmolar hyperhydration

D. Hypoosmolar hypohydration

E. There is no dyshydration

16. A person, who has been on vegetable diet for along time, has edemas. What is the main mechanism of edema development in this case?

A. Hypoaminoacidemia

B. Hypoproteinemia

C. Decrease of quantity of microelements in blood

D. Hypoglycemia

E. Anemia

17. Persons, 32, during 4 years suffers on chronic glomerulonephritis. Edemas are marked on face, lately edemas appeared in trunk, that glomerulonephritis with a nephrotic syndrome. What pathogenetic factor of edemas development for this patient?

A. Increase of tissue liquid oncotic pressure

B. Difficulty of lymph outflow

C. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure

D. Increase of hydrodynamic blood pressure in capillaries

E. Increase of capillaries permeability


18. As a result of continuous starvation the glomerular filtration rate has increased by 20%. The most probable cause of the glomerular filtration alteration under the mentioned conditions is:

A. Increase in the systemic arterial pressure

B. Increase in the permeability of the renal filter

C. Increase of the renal blood flow

D. Decrease in the oncotic pressure of blood plasma

E. Increase of the filtartion quotient


19. After a surgery a 36-year-old woman was given an intravenous injection of

concentrated albumin solution. This has induced intensified water movement in the following direction:

A. From the intercellular fluid to the cells

B. From the intercellular fluid to the capillaries

C. No changes of water movement will be observed

D. From the cells to the intercellular fluid

E. From the capillaries to the intercellular fluid

20. A patient has osmotic pressure of blood plasma at the rate of 350 mOsmol/l (norm is 300 mOsmol/l). This will cause hypersecretion of the following hormone:

A. Cortisol

B. Adrenocorticotyropin

C. Vasopressin

D. Natriuretic

E. Aldosterone

21. Patient, 62 years, during 15 years suffers on insufficiency of mitral valve. Last month the edema of lower extremities began to arise up. What is the mechanism of edema development?

A. Increase of permeability of capillaries

B. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure

C. Increase of oncotic pressure of tissue liquid

D. Violation of lymphatic vessels

E. Increase of hydrostatical blood pressure

22. A patient with chronic cardiac insufficiency have edema of lower extremities. What is the leading link of their pathogenesis?

A. Hypothalamo-hypophysar system

B. Renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system

C. Sympato-adrenal system

D. Parasympathetic system

E. Kalikrein-kinin system

23. A person, after the long period of starvation has edema. What is the main mechanism of edema development in this case?

A. Decrease of oncotic pressure in the blood

B. Increase of oncotic pressure in tissues

C. Increase of hydrostatic pressure of venous blood

D. Decrease of hydrostatic pressure of tissues

E. Decrease of blood circulating volume

24. Pulmonary hypertension and right-ventricle heart insufficiency with ascites and edemas develop in a patient suffered from pneumosclerosis. What is the main mechanism of edema development in this case?

A. Increase of hydrostatic pressure in veins

B. Increase of oncotic pressure of tissues

C. Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood

D. Reduction of heart stroke volume

E. Increase of vascular permeability

25. Which of followings may cause the isoosmolar hypohydration?

A. Acute blood loss

B. Diarrhea

C. Vomiting

D. Perspiration

E. Hyperventilation

26. A patient has uneasiness in the chest and difficult breathing after physical exertion. Some time later cough with foamy liquid phlegm appears. Significant cyanosis develops in the patient. What is the leading mechanism for edema development in this case?

A. Hydrodynamic

B. Colloid

C. Membranogenous

D. Lymphogenic

E. Osmotic

27. Development of toxic edemat is predefined:

A. Hypoproteinemia

B. By the promoted permeability of vessels

C. Hypernatriemia

D. Acidosis

E. By the promoted hydrostatic pressure

28. Patient had trauma, hyperemia of skin is appeared in place of damage, she became hot. Pain, limitation extremity motions, edema appeared. Name the initiating pathogenetic factor of inflammatory edema?

A. Increase of microvessels permeability

B. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure

C. An increase of blood pressure in capillaries

D. Violation of lymph outflow

E. An increase of osmotic pressure in the region of inflammation

29. A patient with severe nephropathy accompanied by severe oedema syndrome that develops as complication of bronchiectasis. Laboratory examination of this patient displays abundant proteinuria, cylinderuria, distinct decrease of protein content in blood serum, hyperlipidemia, hypokalemia, and other pathological changes. What is the most important link in development of edemas in this patient?

A. Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood

B. Increase of osmotic pressure of interstitial fluid

C. Increase of hydrostatic pressure of blood

D. Blockade of lymphatic drainage

E. Increase of microvessel permeability

30. At complete starvation (with taking water) generalized edemas develop. What is the leading pathogenic factor in this case?

A. Increase of oncotic pressure of interstitial fluid

B. Decrease of osmotic pressure of blood plasma

C. Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood plasma

D. Increase of osmotic pressure of interstitial fluid

E. Decrease of hydrostatic pressure of interstitial fluid

31. What is the leading factor of edema development in case of nephrotic syndrome?

A. Increase of hydrostatic pressure in capillaries

B. Increase of vascular permeability

C. Hypoalbuminemia

D. Dynamic lymphatic insufficiency

E. Increase of blood volume

32. A patient complain about a muscular weakness, feeling of weight in the epigastral area. At an inspection found out taxicardia, arterial hypotension, on ECG - lengthening the interval of PQ, decrease of T voltage. What violation of mineral metabolism causes development of these disorders?

A. Hypernatriemia.

B. Hypokaliemia

C. Hyperkaliemia.

D. Hyponatriemia.

E. Deficit of iron.

33. A patient was admitted to the infectious hospital with complaints about unrestrained vomit. What violations of water-salt metabolism are there?

A. Isoosmolar dehydration

B. Hyperosmolar dehydration

C. Hypoosmolar hyperhydration

D. Hyperosmolar hyperhydration

E. Hypoosmolar dehydration

34. People found themselves on the island after a catastrophe in the ocean, without fresh water. What form of water-salt metabolism violations will develop?

A. Hyperosmolar hyperhydration

B. Isoosmolar hypergidration

C. Hypoosmolar hyperhydration

D. Hyperosmolar dehydration

E. Hypoosmolar dehydration

35. Osmotic diuresis develops at diabetes mellitus. What violations of water-electrolyte balance are observed?

A. Isotonic dehydration

B. Hypoosmolar dehydration

C. Hyperosmolar hyperhydration

D. Hyperosmolar dehydration

E. Isoosmolar hyperhydration

36. Patient carried heavy infectious disease, after that appeared the signs of diabetes insipidus. Day's diuresis was increased to 10l. Afterwards dehydration of organism purchased threatening character. What mechanism of development?

A. Increase of ultrafiltrate osmolarity

B. Braking of water suction in the intestine

C. Decrease of reabsorbtion of water in kidney

D. Decrease of reabsorbtion of sodium in kidney

E. Decrease of plasma oncotic pressure

37. Patient 43 years, appeared the signs of cardiac activity decompensation with the origin of edema and ascyt after the sharpening of rheumatic heart disease. The increase of production of what matter may cause those violation

A. Aldosteron

B. Insulin

C. Cortisol

D. Vasopresin

E. Corticothropin

38. At a examination the edema is discovered in the area of left forearm, which arose up after the bite of bee. Name the leading pathogenetic mechanism of this edema:

A. Hydrodynamic

B. Oncotic

C. Osmotic

D. Lymphogenic

E. Membranogenous

39. When treating for dehydration by means of salt-poor fluids at the background of sharply reduced excretory renal function resulted from tubular necrosis the worsening of general condition, confused consciousness, convulsive readiness, and brain edema with vomiting develop. What kind of water-salt metabolism disturbances takes place in this case?

A. Hypoosmolar hyperhydration

B. Isoosmolar hyperhydration

C. Hyperoosmolar hyperohydration

D. Hypoosmolar hypohydration

E. Hyperosmolar hypohydration

40. Edemas are developed in a patient with renal disease. High quantity of albumen in the analyses of urine. What mechanism is it possible to explain the origin of edemas for such patient?

A. By the decrease of lymph oncotic pressure

B. By the decrease of filtration pressure in buds

C. By the decrease of blood plasma oncotic pressure

D. By the decrease of interstitial oncotic pressure

E. By the increase of blood plasma osmotic pressure

41. Person, 64years, complain about the dysphnoe, frequent heart beating, rapid fatigueability. In the evening edemas appear on legs. What main pathogenetic factor in the development of edemas?

A. Increase of tissue liquid oncotic pressure

B. Violation of lymph outflow

C. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure

D. Increase of hydrodynamic pressure

E. Increase of capillaries permeability

42. Edema of Kvinke (common edema of tissues) developed in the patient with allergy. What pathogenetic factor is starting in this case?

A. Decrease of hydrostatical pressure in tissues

B. Decrease blood plasma oncotic pressure

C. Increase of permeability of capillaries walls

D. An increase of hydrodynamic blood pressure

E. An increase of osmotic pressure in tissues

43. Considerable part of alimentar starvation cases are accompanied with edema. What is the main pathogenetic factor of edema in this case?

A. Decrease of tissues hydrostatical pressure

B. Decrease of blood plasma oncotic pressure

C. Increase of blood osmotic pressure

D. Increase of intercellular liquid oncotic pressure

E. Increase of blood hydrodynamic pressure

44. Patient with burn shock next to anaestetic drugs it is vitally necessary to enter antishock solutions in connection with water-electrolyte metabolism violations. What water-electrolyte metabolism violation most probably arise up at burn illness?

A. Hypoosmolar of hypohydria

B. Hypoosmolar hyperghydration

C. Isoosmolar dehydration

D. Hyperosmolar dehydration

E. Hyperosmolar hyperhydria

45. Patient, 35 years, carried hepatitis and continued to adopt an alcohol, the signs of liver cirrhosis developed with ascyt and edemata of lower extremities. What blood composition changes did become deciding in development of edema?

A. Hypokaliemia

B. Hypoglobulinemia

C. Hypoalbuminemia

D. Hypocholesterinemia

E. Hypoglycemia

46. Patient carried operative interference concerning intestinal impassability, after the signs of considerable dehydration appeared. What blood ions must be appointed in the first turn for water-salt balance correction?

A. Chlor

B. Cuprum

C. Sodium

D. Calcium

E. Magnesium

47. A woman ate orange, after she has edema of palpebra, lips, neck, and tongue. Before on oranges there were pouring out on a skin, itch. What pathogenetic mechanism lies in development of edema?

A. An increase of hydrodynamic blood pressure in capillaries

B. Violation of lymph outflow

C. Increase of capillaries permeability

D. Decrease of oncotic blood pressure

E. Increase of tissue fluid oncotic pressure

48. Patient, 35 years, who drinks alcohol often, has strong muscular and cardiac weakness, vomit, diarrhea, AP-100/60 mm Hg. All those symptoms developed during diuretics treatment. Reason of such state is the increased selection with urine:

A. Phosphates

B. Na

C. К

D. Cl

E. Ca

49. Hypertensive solution of glucose was intravenously entered a patient. It will increased motion of water:

A. From intercellular liquid to the capillaries

B. There were no changes

C. From capillaries to the intercellular liquid

D. From cell to the intercellular liquid

E. From intercellular liquid to the cell

50. Patient has reduced synthesis of vasopresin, that why he has polyuria and dehydration of organism. In what does consist mechanism of polyuria development of polyuria?

A. Increase of glomerular filtration speed

B. Decrease of water reabsorbtion in tubuls

C. Decrease of Na+ reabsorbtion in tubuls

D. Decrease glucose of reabsorbtion

E. Decrease of protein reabsorbtion in tubuls

|Correct answers |

|1-A |2-A |3-A |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |


EXPERIMENT № 2. Count up the initial respiration rate at a rat.

Make the intraperitoneal injection of adrenalin on the basis of 0,5 ml a 0,1% solution on 100g of rat weight. Look after the changes of breathing during 10-15 min.

After animals death extract the lungs, weigh it.

Counted up a pulmonary coefficient (ratio of lungs weight in g to the rat’s body weight in kg).

In a norm a pulmonary coefficient is equal 3-4.



Actuality of the theme.

Constancy of pH of internal environment is the necessary condition of existence of higher organisms. It is provide certain correlation of acids and bases (acid-basic balance - ABB) in biological environments, at violation of which an organism perishes. Violations of ABB are observed at many diseases and complicate their course. Knowledge of indemnification mechanisms of ABB violations and their support is one of major steps in the prophylaxis of many diseases complications.

General purpose of the lesson. To learn reasons and mechanisms of basic acid-basic state (ABS) violations development, and also indexes which characterize these violations.

For this it is necessary to know:

1. To interpret the main reasons which result in the origin of ABB.

2. To expose the mechanisms of ABB violations development.

3. To explain compensate possibilities of organism which are included at the different forms of ABB violations.

4. To design violation of the ABB.

For realization of purpose of lesson it is necessary to have the base knowledges-skills:

1. Concept about the buffer systems. (Normal Physiology Department);

2. Concept about blood pH (Normal Physiology Department).

Information that is necessary for addition to knowledges-abilities of bases on these questions can be found in the followings textbooks:

Materials from normal physiology course

The checking of primary level of knowledges

Give the answer to the followings questions:

1. Acid-basic balance, definition.

2. What index of blood active reaction and what is it evened?

3. Chemical buffer systems of organism.

4. What physiological systems take part in supportion of ABB?

5. How does the system of the external breathing take part in regulation of ABB?

6. How does the kidney take part in regulation of ABB?

7. What is acidogenesis?

8. What is amoniogenesis?

9. Mian forms of ABB violation.

10. Acidosis, definition.

11. Alkalosis, definition.

12. How does divide acidosis and alkalosis depending on the pH changes?

13. How does divide acidosis and alkalosis after the mechanisms of development?

14. Main reasons for gas acidosis origin.

15. Main reasons for gas alkalosis origin.

16. Types for nongas acidosis.

17. Types fon nongas alkalosis.

18. What are the reasons of metabolic acidosis origin?

19. What are the reasons for exogenous acidosis origin?

20. What are the reasons for excretory acidosis origin?

21. What are the reasons for hypochloremic alkalosis origin?

22. What are the reasons for hypokaliemic alkalosis origin?

23. What are the reasons for exogenous alkalosis origin?

Standards of answers.

1. It is permanent correlation between hydrogen and OH ions in the internal environment of organism.

2. pH = 7,36 - 7,44

3. А) Hydrocarbonatic

B) Phosphatic

C) Hemoglobin

D) Protein

4. А) System of the external breathing

B) Kidney

C) Digestive system

5. Supports pressure of CO2 in arterial blood.

6. А) Acidogenesis

B) Amoniogenesis

C) Reabsorbtion of hydrocarbonat

7. Synthesis and secretion in the kidney tubules H+ ions.

8. Synthesis and secretion in the kidney tubules the ammonium ion.

9. А) Acidosis

B) Alkalosis

10. It is an absolute or relative accumulation of acids in the internal environment of organism.

11. It is an absolute or relative accumulation of bases in the internal environment of organism.

12. А) Compensated (if pH keeps in physiological norm)

B) Uncompensated (if pH goes outside physiological norm)

13. А) Gas (caused the primary changes of CO2 pressure in blood)

B) Non gas (caused an accumulation in the organism of non-flying products of acid or alkaline character)

14. А) Hypoventilation of lungs, that is accompanied violation of CO2 destroying from the organism

B) Breathing in air with high maintenance of СО2

15. А) Hyperventilation of lungs

B) Incorrectly guided artificial respiration

16. А) Metabolic

B) Excretory

C) Exogenous

17. А) Excretory (hypochloremic, hypokaliemic)

B) Exogenous (hypernatriemic)

18. An accumulation in the organism of non-flying acids as a result of metabolic disturbances: lactatatsidosis, ketoacidosis.

19. Hit in the organism of exogenous non-flying acids.

20. Loss of hydrocarbonat by an organism at kidney function violation and digestive disorders.

21. Repeating vomit which is accompanied the loss of Cl-.

22. Hyperaldosteronism, that is accompanied the loss of potassium ions with urine.

23. Hit in the organism of exogenous bases (for example, introduction of hydrocarbonat during wrong correction of nongas acidosis).

|Theoretical questions for FMC №1. |

|Classification of ABB violations. |

|Acidosis, definition of concept. Kinds. Reasons and mechanisms of development. |

|Compensation and violation of functions at acidosis. |

|Alkalosis, determination of concept. Kinds. Reasons and mechanisms of development. |

|Violation of functions and compensation of the different types of alkalosis. |

|Main indexes of the acid-basic state. Changes of indexes at different ABB violations. |


1. Handbook of general and Clinical Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.A.V.Kubyshkin, CSMU, 2005.p.160-166

2. Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU, 2005.p.162-166

3. General and clinical pathophysiology/ Edited by Anatoliy V/ Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. p.343-348

Testing according system “Krok-I”

Tests of an open database (2013)

1. After taking poor-quality food a patient developed repeated episodes of diarrhea. On the next day he presented with decreased arterial pressure, tachycardia, extrasystole. Blood pH is 7,18. These abnormalities were caused by the development of:

A Nongaseous acidosis

B Gaseous acidosis

C Nongaseous alkalosis

D Gaseous alkalosis

E Metabolic alkalosis

2. A patient with diabetes developed a diabetic coma due to the acid-base imbalance. Specify the kind of this imbalance:

A Metabolic acidosis

B Metabolic alkalosis

C Respiratory acidosis

D Gaseous alkalosis

E Non-gaseous alkalosis

3. A newborn child with pylorostenosis has often repeating vomiting accompanied by apathy, weakness, hypertonicity, sometimes convulsions. What disorder form of acid-base balance is it?

A Nongaseous alkalosis

B Gaseous alkalosis

C Gaseous acidosis

D Metabolic acidosis

E Excretory acidosis

4. Disorder of the airways passage in small and middle bronchi was revealed in the patient. What disorder of the acid-base equilibrium can be detected in the blood?

A Respiratory acidosis

B Metabolic acidosis

C Respiratory alkalosis

D Metabolic alkalosis

E --

Tests of an open database (2010)

1. Trauma of the head brain a patient is accompanied by repeated vomiting and shortness of breathing. At an inspection it is marked: рН = 7,62; pСО2 = 40 mm of Hg. What is violation of the acid-basic state at a patient?

A Ungas alkalosis

B Gas alkalosis

C Ungas acidosis

D Gas acidosis

E -

2. Hypoxemia and hypercapnia are educed at the research of blood gas composition at the patient with the chronic disease of respiratory system on a background of the shortness of breathing, tachicardia and cyanosys.Because of what violations of the external breathing these changes were arise up?

A Hypoventilation

B Hyperventilation

C Hyperperfusion

D Hypoperfusion

E Hyperdiffusion

3. A newborn child with pylorostenosis has often repeating vomiting accompanied by apathy, weakness, hypertonicity, sometimes convulsions. What disorder form of acid-base balance is it?

A Nongaseous alkalosis

B Gaseous alkalosis

C Gaseous acidosis

D Metabolic acidosis

E Excretory acidosis

4. After taking poor-quality food a patient developed repeated episodes of diarrhea. On the next day he presented with decreased arterial pressure, tachycardia, extrasystole. Blood pH is 7,18. These abnormalities were caused by the development of:

A Nongaseous acidosis

B Gaseous acidosis

C Nongaseous alkalosis

D Gaseous alkalosis

E Metabolic alkalosis

5. Disorder of the airways passage in small and middle bronchi was revealed in the patient. What disorder of the acid-base equilibrium can be detected in the blood?

A Respiratory acidosis

B Metabolic acidosis

C Respiratory alkalosis

D Metabolic alkalosis

E --

6. 48 y.o. patient with diabetes mellitus was admitted to the hospital in severe pre-coma state. When examining of acid-base balance metabolic acidosis was revealed. What is the main possible mechanism of found changes development?

A. Disorders of O2 using in cells

B. Disorders of buffer systems of blood

C. Decrease of CO2 removing

D. Excretion of alkali elements with urine

E. Formation of products of incomplete oxydation

7. A group of mountain climbers went through the blood analysis at the height of 3000 m. It revealed decrease of HCO3_ to 15 micromole/l (standard is 22-26 micromole/l). What is the mechanism of HCO3_ decrease?

A Hyperventilation

B Intensification of acidogenesis

C Hypoventilation

D Decrease of ammoniogenesis

E Decrease of bicarbonate reabsorption in kidneys

8. For a patient with respiratory insufficiency рН of blood is 7,35. Determination of рСО2 showed the presence of hypercapnia. At research of рН of urine the increase of her acidity is marked. What form of violation of the acid-basic state in this case?

A Compensated gas acidosis

B Compensated metabolic acidosis

C Decompensated metabolic acidosis

D Compensated gas alkalosis

E Decompensated gas alkalosis

9. Toxicosis with the heavy repeated vomiting for a day long developed at a pregnant woman. After twenty-four hours tetaniform convulsions and dehydration of organism began to show up. What change of pH caused the described changes?

A Excretory alkalosis

B Gas alkalosis

C Gas acidosis

D Metabolic acidosis

E Secretory acidosis


10. In a patient with diabetes mellitus metabolic acidosis developed as a result of accumulation of keton bodies. Arterial blood pH is:

A. 7,40

B. 7,32

C. 7,48

D. 7,56

E. 7,66

11. Patient of D., 48 y.o., which suffers from obesity, conducted the course of medical starvation in home terms. The deep, noisy breathing appeared on 10 day, arterial pressure went down to 90/60 mm Hg, a selection of urine diminished, urine with the smell of acetone. What is conditioned described?

A. Non gas alkalosis

B. Hyperglycemia

C. Ketosis

D. Hypoglycemia

E. Gas acidosis

12. A 65-years-old patient with multiple fractures of ribs was admitted to the hospital. What type of acid-base balance disorder may develop in him?

A. Gas acidosis

B. Gas alkalosis

C. Non-gas acidosis

D. Non-gas alkalosis

E. There are no disorders of acid-base balance

13. A pregnant woman has toxicosis, which accompanied by prolonged vomiting. Data of her biochemical analyses show: pH of blood – 7.38, pCO2 of arterial blood – 46 mmHg, SB – 17 mmol/L, BE – (+ 6 mmol/L). What type of acid-base balance disorder takes place in this case?

A. Compensated non-gas alkalosis

B. Decompensated non-gas alkalosis

C. Compensated non-gas acidosis

D. Decompensated non-gas acidosis

E. Compensated gas alkalosis

14. A 58-years-old female patient was admitted to the hospital in severe state. Data of her biochemical analyses show: pH of blood – 7.33, pCO2 of arterial blood – 36 mmHg, SB – 17 mmol/L, BE – ( - 6 mmol/L). What type of acid-base balance disorder takes place in this case?

A. Compensated non-gas alkalosis

B. Decompensated non-gas alkalosis

C. Compensated non-gas acidosis

D. Decompensated non-gas acidosis

E. Compensated gas alkalosis

15. What is the reason for gas alkalosis?

A. Pulmonary hyperventilation

B. Loss of gastric juice

C. Loss of intestine juice

D. Pulmonary hypoventilation

E. Hyperaldosteronism

16. What kind of acid-base balance disturbances may be observed in case of diabetes mellitus?

A. Non-gas acidosis

B. Gas acidosis

C. Gas alkalosis

D. Non-gas alkalosis

E. Excretory acidosis

17. At examination of patient following were found: hyperglycemia, ketonuria, polyuria, hyperstenuria, and glucosuria. What kind of acid-base balance disturbances occurs in this case?

A. Gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas alkalosis

C. Metabolic alkalosis

D. Metabolic acidosis

E. Gas alkalosis

18. At getting up in mountains euphoria, head pain, dizziness, heart beating, dyspnoe, which was alternated from apnoe, developed for an alpinist. What did violation of the acid-basic state develop for an alpinist?

A. Metabolic alkalosis

B. Gas alkalosis

C. Non gas alkalosis

D. Gas acidosis

E. Non gas acidosis

19. Respiratory alkalosis developed in group of alpinists during ascending to on Everest. Thus pressure of СО2 in arterial blood:

A. 40 mm Hg

B. 50 mm Hg

C. 60 mm Hg

D. 70 mm Hg

E. 30 mm Hg

20. A patient suffered from diabetes mellitus was admitted to the hospital because of worsening of his condition. He has general malaise, polyuria, lethargy, and sleepiness. Kussmaul respiration, heart arrhythmia, and acetone scent in expired air are noticed in this patient. What kind of shift of acid-base balance contributes these symptoms?

A. Gas alkalosis

B. Gas acidosis

C. Non-gas metabolic alkalosis

D. Non-gas metabolic acidosis

E. Non-gas excretory alkalosis

21. What violation of the acid-basic state does take place at blood pH 7,48?

A. Alkalosis decompensate

B. Alkalosis compensated

C. Metabolic decompensated acidosis

D. Acidosis compensated

E. Acidosis excretory decompensated

22. What acid –basic balance disorder can develop in 2 hours after repeated vomiting?

A. Excretory acidosis

B. Excretory alkalosis

C. Eczogenic alkalosis

D. Metabolic acidosis

E. Eczogenic acidosis

23. Patient, who suffers from severe diarrhea, was admitted to the hospital with consequences disorder, Kussmaul respiration. Blood pH 7,30, deficiency of base. Acidic reaction of urine, contain many phosphates and ammonium salts. What is acid-basic balance disorder develop in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

24. Repeated vomiting occurs in patient suffered from pylorostenosis which is bring to severe state. Appeared appation, weakness, increased muscular tonus, cramps. What is acid-basic balance disorder develop in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas

25. In the case of development of mountain disease compensatory lung hyperventilation is developed. What is acid-basic balance disorder develop in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E.Gas acidosis

26. During bronchial asthma attack patient developed gas acidosis (hypercapnia). What type of acid-base balance disorder takes place in this case?

A. Gas alkalosis

B. Gas acidosis

C. Non-gas metabolic alkalosis

D. Non-gas metabolic acidosis

E. Non-gas excretory alkalosis

27. Patient was appointed solution of glucose intravenously with potassium bicarbonat. Such indexes are determined: pH- 7,43; рСО2 - 61 mm Hg; SB - 31,5 mecv/l; BB - 59 mecv/l; BE +8,5 mecv/l . What ABB violation does take place in this case?

A. Non gas alkalosis

B. Non gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas acidosis

E. Gas alkalosis

28. Patient had such laboratory parameters – pH-7,32, pCO2 35 mm Hg, SB- 16,5mecv/l, BB – 35,0 mecv/l, BE – 9,0 mecv/l, TK day urine - 8,0 mecv/day. What is acid-basic balance disorder develop in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

29. Patient get head trauma, which accompanied with repeated vomiting and dyspnoe. Laboratory tests: pH -7,48, pCO2 – 30 mm Hg, SB – 27 mecv/l, BB- 50,0 mecv/l., BE -+ 3,0 mecv/l. What is acid-basic balance disorder develop in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

30. For a patient with nefrotic syndrome polyuria observed, hyponatriemia (patient gets diacarb). Patient had such laboratory parameters: pH - 7,30; рСО2 - 36 mm Hg;SB- 17,0 mecv/l; BB - 42 mecv/l; BE - 8,0 mecv/l. What ABB violation does take place in this case?

A. Non gas alkalosis

B. Non gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas acidosis

E Gas alkalosis

31. Patient in comatose state. Laboratory tests: keton bodies – 58 mg%, TK day urine- 40 mecv/day, pH – 7,30, p CO2 – 50 mmHg, SB – 15,5 mecv/l, BB – 38,0 mecv/l, BE – 13,0 mecv/l. What is acid-basic balance disorder developing in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

32. Patient suffers from severe toxic damage of kidney with anuria. Laboratory tests: lactic acid – 20 mg%, pH -7,25, p CO2 - 47 mecv/l, SB -18,5 mecv/l, BB – 40,5 mecv/l, BE -70 mecv/l. What is acid-basic balance disorder develop in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

33. An operation is conducted with artificial ventilation of lungs. Patient had such laboratory parameters: pH -7,47; рСО2-75 mm Hg; SB-27,0 mecv/l; BB-49,0 mecv/l; ВЕ+3,5 mecv/l. What ABB violation does take place in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

34. An operation is conducted with artificial ventilation of lungs. Patient had such laboratory parameters: pH -7,32; рСО2-25 mm Hg; SB-20 mecv/l; BB-40 mecv/l; ВЕ+3,0 mecv/l. What ABB violation does take place in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

35. Patient suffers from sharp insuffiency of left ventricle of heart. Edema of lung developed. Patient had such laboratory parameters: pH - 7,32; рСО2 - 51 mm Hg; SB - 18,0 mecv/l; BB - 45 mecv/l; BE +8.0 mecv/l. What ABB violation does take place in this case?

A. Non-gas alkalosis

B. Non-gas acidosis

C. Excretory alkalosis

D. Gas alkalosis

E. Gas acidosis

36. For a patient with diabetes mellitus hyperglicemia, ketonuria, glycosuria is marked, hyperstenuria and polyuria. What form of ABB violation does take place in this situation?

A. Gas acidocic

B. Metabolic acidosis

C. Gas alkalosis

D. Non gas alkalosis

E. Excretory alkalosis

|Correct answers |

|1-A |


1. Handbook of general and Clinical Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.A.V.Kubyshkin, CSMU, 2005.p.142-144

2. Pathophysiology/ Edited by prof.Zaporozan, OSMU, 2005.p.125-133, 145-153

3. General and clinical pathophysiology/ Edited by Anatoliy V/ Kubyshkin – Vinnytsia: Nova Knuha Publishers – 2011. p.286-287, 322-333

THEMES of reports for individual work of students:

1. Inherited disorders of metabolism of amino acid.

2. Pathogenesis of obesity.

3. Gout. Role of eczo- and endogenous factors in its origin. Mechanisms of development. Pathogenic treatment.

4. Modern pictures of pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

5. Obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Testing according system “Krok-I”

Tests of an open database (2010)

1. A 58-year-old patient suffers from the cerebral atherosclerosis. Examination revealed hyperlipoidemia. What class of lipoproteins will most probably show increase in concentration in this patient’s blood serum?

A Low-density lipoproteins

B High-density lipoproteins

C Fatty acid complexes with albumins

D Chylomicrons

E Cholesterol

2. A patient who had been working hard under conditions of elevated temperature of the environment, has now a changed quantity of blood plasma proteins. What penomenon is the case?

A Relative hyperproteinemia

B Absolute hyperproteinemia

C Absolute hypoproteinemia

D Disproteinemia

E Paraproteinemia

3. A patient being treated for viral hepatitis type B got symptoms of hepatic insufficiency. What blood changes indicative of protein metabolism disorder will be observed in this case?

A Absolute hypoalbuminemia

B Absolute hyperalbuminemia

C Absolute hyperfibrinogenemia

D Proteinic blood composition is unchanged

E Absolute hyperglobulinemia

(2009 year)

4. A 1,5-year-old child presents with both mental and physical lag, decolorizing of skin and hair, decrease in catecholamine, concentration in blood. When a few drops of 5% solution of trichloroacetic iron had been added to the child's urine it turned olive green. Such alteration are typical for the following pathology of the amino acid metabolism:

A. Tyrosinosis

B. Alkaptonuria

C. Phenylketonuria

D. Albinism

E. Xanthinuria

5. Nappies of a newborn have dark spots being the evidence of homogentisic acid formation. This is caused by the metabolic disorder of the following substance:

A. Cholesterol

B. Methionine


D. Tyrosine

E. Tryptophan


6. Patient suffers from pellagra. Disorder of metabolism of what amino acid lie in basis of this disease?

А. Thrypthofan

В. Тhyrosin

С. Phenylalanine

D. Cystein

E. Valin

7. A child with phenylcetonuria suffers from mental insufficiency. What mechanism will be main in development of damage of the central nervous system?

А. Increase ecscreation with urine of phenylceton bodies

В. Increase of thyrosin synthesis

С. Decrease of the synthesis of thyreiod hormones

D. Decline of synthesis of melanin

Е. Accumulation of phenylalanine in the blood

8. Child, 8 months, found disorders in mental and physical development. What amino acid must be excluded from the meal of child?

А. Hystidin

В. Leicin

С. Тhyrosin

D. Thrypthofan

Е. Phenilalanin

9. Colouring of sclera, mucous membranes were founded during examination of infant. Darkening of urine in air was determined. Homogenthisin acid was founded in the blood and urine. For what state it is characteristically?

А. Cystinuria

В. Hystidinemia

С. Аlcaptonuria

D. Albinism

Е. Galakozemia

10. Albinos do not carry sun influencing- sunburn does not develop, and burns appear. Violation of what aminoacid lies in a basis of this phenomenon?

А. Thrypthofan

В. Hystidin

С. Меthionin

D. Glyutamin acid

Е. Phenylalanine

11. To the woman with pathological obesity for the decline of body mass conducted an operation, as a result she lost 30 kg That it was remote during an operation.

А. Part of stomach

В. Gall blader

С. Part of pancreas

D. Part of colon

Е. Part of thin bowel

12. Man has cerebral obesity developed after the carried encephalitis. What is the leading mechanism of this obesity?

А. Decrease of basic metabolism

В. Increase converting of glucose into lipids

С. Decrease of lipolis

D. Hyperinsulinemia

E. Bulemia, polyphagia

13. Why develops obesity at hyperinsulinism?

А. Decrease of pentozophosphatic way

В. Proteins convert into lipids

С. Activaiting of glycogenesis

D. Glyconeogenes increases

Е. Carbohydrates converts into lipids

14. A sportsman after stopping of trainings had obesity. What is pathogenetic mechanism?

А. Increase of the tonus of the parasympathetic nervous system

В. Decrease of the tonus of the sympathetic nervous system

С. Insufficiency of mobilizations lipids from a depo

D. Oppressing the center of saturation

Е. Uncorrespondence of using energy to the amount of food which is used

15. Child, 10 months (parents has dark hair), has very light skin and blue eyes. During the last 3th months there were violations of cerebral blood circulation. Reason for such state can be:

А. Sharp porphyria

В. Hystidinemia

С. Glicogenom

D. Phenilcetonuria

Е. Galakozemia

16. A patient, 60 years, suffered from pain in the small joints of feet and hands. Joints are increased, have the appearance of the thickened nodes. Maintenance of urats is increased in blood. What metabolism disorders can be the reason of this state?

A. Pyrimidin

B. Amino acid

C. Purins

D. Lipid

E. Carbohydrates

17. Multiplying maintenance of phenylalanine is discovered in the pregnant women blood. What disorder can arise up in a child?

A. Development of oligofrenia

B. Development of galaktozemia

C. Birth of child is with the Turner syndrome

D. Development of Vilson disease

E. Birth of child is with the Dawn’s syndrome

18. Man, 65 years, complaints about acute pain in large fingers of legs. He drinks beer often. There was suspicion on a gout. Level of what acid is it necessary to define in blood for confirmation of diagnosis?

A. Urinary acid

B. Bilirubin

C. Keton bodies

D. Urea

E. Lactate

19. It is known that phenylcetonuria - is result of gene mutation, responsible for transformation of phenylalanine and disintegration of it to the finished products of metabolism - СО2 and Н2О. What way of phenylalanine metabolism will result development of phenylcetonuria?

A. Phenylalanine - thyrosin - thyroxin

B. Phenylalanine - thyroxin - noradrenalin

C. Phenylalanine - thyroxin

D. Phenylalanine - phenylpiruvat - keton acid

E. Phenylalanine - thyrosin - melanin

20. Sick K., 48 years, suffers from obesity, conducted the course of medical starvation at home. The deep noisy breathing appeared on 10th day, arterial pressure 90/60 mm Hg, a selection of urine diminished, urine with the smell of acetone. What does this phenomenon testify about?

A. Nongas alcalos

B. Hyperglycemia

C. Ketosis

D. Hypoglycemia

E. Gas acidosis

21. Slow physical and psychical development, pale skin, hairs, iris of eye, positive Feling’s test were marked at child 6 months. What inherited disease found out at a child?

A. Galaktozemia

B. Alcaptonuria

C. Illness of Dauna

D. Albinism

E. Phenylcetonuria

22. Patient suffers from alcaptonuria. Deficiency of what enzyme was present in this case?

A. Thyroxinhydroxylase

B. Oxydase of homogenthisin acid

C. Phenylalaninhydroxylase

D. Thyrosinase

E. Monoaminooxydase

23. A month ago patient was delete of considerable part of thin bowel. In his blood explored maintenance of albumen in plasma, which made 3,5 g/l. How to classify the changes of albuminous composition of blood?

A. Desproteinemia

B. Hyperproteinemia

C. Paraproteinemia

D. Hypoproteinemia

E. Hypernitrogenemia

24. The promoted maintenance of low density lipoproteids was founded in the blood at an inspection of patient. What disease can be expected in this patient?

A. Pneumonia

B. Acute pancreatitis

C. Gastritis

D. Atherosclerosis

E. Damage of kidneys

25. A patient with a fever lost weight during three weeks. Rest nitrogen of blood is 70 mmol/L. What is nitrous balance in a patient?

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Normal

D. Relative

26. The concentration of albumen in patient with infectious disease blood is 120 g/l. What quantitative change of blood albuminous composition is present?

A. Hyperproteinemia

B. Hypoproteinemia

C. Paraproteinemia

D. Dysproteinemia

E. Hypernitrogenemia

27. Maintenance of common protein in the patient with hepatic coma blood is 40 g/l, maintenance of albumen and fibrinogen is reduced, γ-globulin is promoted. Name the changes of blood albuminous composition?

A. Hypoproteinemia

B. Hyperproteinemia

C. Dysproteinemia

D. Hypernitrogenemia

E. Paraproteinemia

28. The maintenance of lipids in the blood of patient at starvation (in the second period) can increase. What is the form of hyperlipidemia in this case?

A. Cerebral

B. Retentional

C. Transport

D. Alimentary

E. Diencephalic

29. Ventromedial nucleos of hypothalamus were ruined at animal in an experiment. As a result it has an obesity. What is the type of obesity in this case?

A. Alimentary

B. Cerebral

C. Hormonal

D. Hyperplastic

E. Hypertrophic

30. Maintenance of urinary acid in a patient blood is promoted, that causes the pain syndrome development as a result of urats deposit in the joints. What is the reason of this acid appearance?

A. Catabolism of HEM

B. Pirimidin nucleotids disintegration

C. Purin bases reutilisation

D. Purin nukleotids disintegration

E. Protein disintegration

31. Hyperlipidemia was founded at patient 67 years, suffers from atherosclerosis of cerebrum vessels. What class of blood lipoproteids of probably will be promoted at biochemical research?

A. Low density lipoproteids

B. High density lipoproteids

C. α-lipoproteids

D. Chilomicrons

E. Lipid acids and albumin complexes

32. Negative nitrous balance was founded at the inspection of man 45 years, which was long time on a vegetable diet. What is the reason of this phenomenon?

A. Insufficient quantity of proteins

B. Surplus quantity of water

C. Surplus quantity of carbohydrates

D. Insufficient quantity of lipids

E. Insufficient quantity of lipids and proteins

33. Child, 2 years, was delivered to the hospital with slow mental and physical development, frequent vomiting after taking a meal. Phenylpirovinograde acid was founded in urine. Violation of what metabolism is in this pathology?

A. Carbohydrate

B. Amino acid

C. Water-salt

D. Phosphoric-calcium

E. Lipid metabolism

34. A prisoner declared starvation. Hypoglycemia, hypoproteinemia, hyperlipemia and ketonemia were founded in his blood after the week of starvation. What form of hyperlipemia developed?

A. Alimentary

B. Food

C. Transport

D. Esential

E. Retentional

35. Hypotension, muscular weakness, negative nitrous balance were founded at the inspection of woman 50 years, who long time was on a vegetable diet. What factor resulted such state?

A. Surplus carbohydrates amount in a food

B. Insufficient carbohydrates amount in a food

C. Surplus consumption of water

D. Insufficient lipids amount in a food

E. Insufficient protein amount in a food

36. A patient with normal maintenance of general protein in blood has changes of separate albuminous fractions correlation. Name this phenomenon.

A. Hyperproteinemia

B. Dysproteinemia

C. Paraproteinemia

D. Hypoproteinemia

E. Monoproteinemia

37. Polyunsaturated ω- 3-lipid acids which are contained in marine fish, and preparations, created on their basis, are recommended for the atherosclerosis prophylaxis. What is the mechanism of the lipid acids action?

A. In the human organism these acids transform on eycosanoids

B. There are vasoconstrictors and activators of trombocytes agregation

C. There are vasodilyatators and inhibitors of trombotocytes agregation

D. Activate lecitin -cholestirin-acetyltransferase, that is contained in LDLP

Е. Inhibitor of Co-A- reductase

38. Apoprotein - is:

А. Protein cellular receptors to lipoprotein of blood plasma

В. Variant of „modificated” lipoproteids

С. Lipoproteins of blood plasma without albuminous part

D. Albuminous component of blood plasma lipoproteins

Е. Anomal proteins with characteristics of lipoproteins

39. Woman, 62years, suffers from frequent pain in the area of thorax and vertebra, breaks of ribs. A doctor assumed mielom disease (plasmocytoma). What laboratory indexes will have a main diagnostic value?

A. Hypoproteinemia

B. Paraproteinemia

C. Proteinuria

D. Hyperalbumenemia

E. Hypoglobulinemia

40. The quantity of plasma albumens changed in a man which executed a physical work in the conditions of high temperature. How did quantity of plasma albumins change?

A. Relative hyperproteinemia

B. Paraproteinemia

C. Dysproteinemia

D. Absolute hyperproteinemia

E. Absolute hypoproteinemia

41. Increase of free lipid acids in patients with diabetes mellitus blood was observed. What is the reason of this state?

A. Increase of adipocytes trigliceridlipase activity

B. Accumulation of palmytin –Co-A in cytosolum

C. Activating of apolipoproteins of А-1, А-2, А-4 synthesis

D. Decline of phosphatidilcholin – cholesterin acetyltransferase activity in the blood

E. Activating of keton bodies utilization

42. Man, 70 years, suffers from atherosclerosis of lower extremities vessels and ischemic heart disease. Violation of lipid composition of blood was founded during examination. What lipoprotein is the main link in atherosclerosis pathogenesis?

A. Low density

B. Cholesterol

C. High density

D. Intermediate density

E. Chilomicrons

|Correct answers |

1-A |2-A |3-A |4-C |5-D |6-A |7-E |8-E |9-C | |10-C |11-E |12-E |13-E |14-E |15-D |16-C |17-A |18-A | |19-E |20-C |21-E |22-B |23-D |24-D |25-A |26-A |27-C | |28-C |29-B |30-D |31-A |32-A |33-B |34-C |35-E |36-B | |37-D |38-D |39-B |40-A |41-A |42-A | | | | |

Situational tasks:

1. Patient, 60 years, suffers from atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, ischemic heart disease. At the investigation hyperlipidemia was founded.

1. What class of lipoproteins od blood plasma will be increased?


2. What classes of lipoproteins do you know? Characteristic.


3. Рrinciples of pharmacocorrection.


2. Patient, 60 years, suffers from atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, ischemic heart disease. At the investigation hyperlipidemia was founded.

1. What is hyperlipoproteinemia?


2. Classification of hyperlipoproteinemia.


3. Рrinciples of pharmacocorrection.


3. Patient has encephalitis. After the disease she suffers from increasing of appetite (polyphagia), increasing of body weight. Obesity developed.

1. What is the type of obesity?


2. What are the reasons of its development?


3. Classification of the obesity according to pathogenesis?


4. Patient has encephalitis. After the disease she suffers from increasing of appetite (polyphagia), increasing of body weight. Obesity developed.

1. Obesity, definition.


2. What is the kind of obesity. Explain the answer.


3. Рrinciples of pharmacocorrection .


5. Patient admitted to the clinic at the comatous state. At anamnesis diabetes mellitus II type during 5 years. Objectively: deep and noisy breathing, smell of acetone in the expiratory air.

1. What are the changes of lipid metabolism at the patient? Explain your answer.


2. For what complication of present disease described symptoms are characteristic?


6. Patient admitted to the clinic with diagnosis “adenoma of β-cells of pancreas". Obesity is characteristic.

1. What is the reason of obesity in this case?


2. What kinds of obesity do you know?


3. What is type of obesity at this patient?


4. Рrinciples of pharmacocorrection.


6. A child complains on general weakness, diarrhea. Depigmentation of the skin was founded. The diagnoses was made: kwashiorkor.

1. Explain the reasons and mechanisms of development of described pathology.


2. Which else manifestations of kwashiorkor do you know?


3. Prophylaxis and treatment of this pathology.


7. Dark spots at the area of the nose, scleras and ears appeared at the child, 2 years old. Urine is become black on the air.

1. Accumulation of what substance in the blood and urine can lead to such changes?


2. What is the pathology?


3. What is the type of inheritance of this pathology?


8. Amount of homogenthisinic acid is increased at the child, 5 years old.

1. What pathology is observed at the patient?


2. What enzyme insufficiency takes place at this pathology?


3. What is the type of inheritance of this pathology?


9. A child, 9 monthes. He has light-colored hair (parents are dark-haired) very light-colored skin and blue eyes. He has physical and mental developmental retardation. Feling’s test is positive.

1. Lever of what amino acid have to be checked?


2. Defect of what hormone takes place at this pathology?


3. What is the type of inheritance of this pathology?


1. A child, 9 monthes. He has light-colored hair (parents are dark-haired) very light-colored skin and blue eyes. He has physical and mental developmental retardation. Feling’s test is positive.

1. Lever of what amino acid have to be checked?


2. What is the mechanism of this pathology development?


3. Prophylaxis and treatment of this pathology.


11. Patient enter to the doctor with complains on the pain at the small joints of the hands and foots. Objectively: increasing of these joints, their deformation. Increased level of the urates in the blood was founded.

1. What is the disease at the patient?


2. What is the mechanism of described changes?


3. Prophylaxis and treatment of this pathology.



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