Bloom's Taxonomy: Six Thinking Levels

|Seven ways to be smart |Knowing |Understanding |Applying |Analysing |Creating |Evaluating |

|Verbal |KWL Chart Create a KWL Chart |Midas Touch Write an explanation |Searching for gold |All aboard Cobb & Co |How to Manual |Letter |

|I enjoy reading, writing & |of what you know about the |as to why gold is treasured. |What methods were used to |Research Cobb & Co. and |Write a manual on the|News Article |

|speaking |Gold Rush In Australia and |Read the story of "King Midas and|find gold? |write a report about |methods used to find |Imagine you are a digger |

| |what you want to find out. |the Golden Touch" and answer the | |their part in the |gold. |and write a letter home to |

| |Research the topic using the |questions. | |Australian Gold Rush. |Remember to use |your family telling them of|

| |interactive CD "Australia's | | | |procedure text. |you experiences. |

| |Goldrush", the Kidcyber site | | | | |Write a Newspaper Article |

| |and any book resources | | | | |to report on events at the |

| |available to you. | | | | |Diggings. |

| |Write down additional | | | | | |

| |information on your KWL | | | | | |

| |Chart. | | | | | |

|Mathematical |How much? Find out what value|US$ to Aus$ |How Long? |Immigrants Collect the |Immigrant graph |Weighty Problem |

|I enjoy working with numbers & |gold has at the moment. This |Currency Converter. |Using the information about|immigration figures for |Use the information |Use a spreadsheet to |

|science |information is shown each |When you have the value of an |distances between ports and|the Gold Rush Era. |on immigration to |convert the weight of gold |

| |night at the end of the news |ounce of gold from the |major gold finds calculate |Welcome Stranger Some |create a graph to |nuggets from ounce to |

| |on television |television. |the time it would take to |large nuggets were found |show where the |grams. Create a graph to |

| |How far? Use maps and atlases|Calculate the value of an ounce |walk from the ports to the |during the gold rush. Use|diggers immigrated |show the nugget’s weights. |

| |to find out how far it is |of gold in Australian Dollars. |Gold Field if you were able|a database to record the |from | |

| |between: Sydney ----Bathurst,|  |to walk 20km per day. |Name of the Nugget, its | | |

| |Ballarat and Adelong. | |Australia's worth How much |weight in ounces its | | |

| |Melbourne--- Bathurst, | |does the Reserve Bank of |weight in grams and | | |

| |Ballarat and Adelong. | |Australia hold in Gold? |today’s value. Order the | | |

| |Robe S.A. --- Bathurst, | |Calculate its cash value, |list from heaviest to | | |

| |Ballarat and Adelong | |remember to convert to |lightest. | | |

| | | |Australian Dollars. | | | |

|Visual/Spacial |1850's, what did we look |Timeline |Where in Australia |Clothing of the day |Diorama |Tools to fossick and mine |

|I enjoy painting, drawing & |like? |Draw and illustrate your own Gold| |Research clothing worn by|Create a diorama |Sketch tools used to search|

|visualizing |Look through paintings and |Rush Timeline. |Draw a map of Australia and|the diggers, troopers, a |showing a scene from |for gold. |

| |images of the clothing worn |  |mark the Gold Rush sites |government official, |the gold rush. | |

| |in the 1850's. Make sketches | | |women and a chinaman. | | |

| |of clothing worn by the | | |Make drawings of these or| | |

| |Chinese, diggers and troopers| | |use the templates to make| | |

| |Draw a map of Australia | | |a display for the | | |

| |showing the states of 1850. | | |classroom. | | |

| | | | |Patents | | |

| | | | |Write a report of the | | |

| | | | |patents technology. Draw | | |

| | | | |and label models | | |

|Kinaesthetic |Dance, games and Recreation |Eureka Stockade Scene |Wanted |Time for a board Game |Play Time |On Stage |

|I enjoy doing hands-on |Research the dance, games and|Draw a scene showing the Eureka | |Look at a range of board |Write and cast a play|Perform your play at a |

|activities, sports & dance |recreation of the times. |Stockade Rebellion. |Research Bushrangers of the|games to get some ideas. |about the Gold Rush |school assembly |

| |Photographer | |time and draw a wanted |Then plan and make a |  | |

| |While on your excursion to | |poster for two of the |board game called "Gold | | |

| |the Adelong Falls you are to | |bushrangers |Fever". | | |

| |take photos to be used in a | | | | | |

| |PowerPoint display about the | | | | | |

| |Falls Gold Area. | | | | | |

|Musical |Songs of the Gold Rush |Stories of the songs |Songs to sing |Name that tune |Musician |Star Struck |

|I enjoy making & listening to | |Select a song of the time or | | | | |

|music |Research the songs and music |about the gold rush and explain |Learn some of the songs |Research entertainers of |Write a song about |Perform songs learnt at a |

| |of the Gold Rush Era. |what the story the song is |about the Gold Rush or from|the Gold Fields. Located |the gold rush and |school assembly |

| | |telling. |the Gold Rush Era. |an example of their work.|music to accompany | |

| | | | | |it. | |

| | | | | | | |

|Interpersonal |A women's place |Eureka 5 Whys. |Aboriginals and the gold |Healthy Diet |Quiz Master |Strike it Rich |

|I enjoy working with others |Brainstorm with the class |Research the Eureka Stockade and |rush |From your research list | |Use the Quiz questions to |

| |what the role of Women was |use the Five Whys technique with |With a partner research the|the food eaten by |Create a |play "Strike it Rich" |

| |during the Gold Rush and list|the class. |effect that the Gold Rush |diggers. Compare this to |multiple-choice quiz | |

| |their responsibilities. | |had on the Aboriginal |the food we eat today. |about the Gold Rush | |

| |Listen to the story by Rachel| |population and prepare a |Discuss with the class |in Australia. | |

| |Tonkin "To the Goldfields!" | |list of advantages and |what the health of the | | |

| |and see if you can add to the| |disadvantages for the |diggers might have been | | |

| |list. | |indigenous population. |like. | | |

| | | | |Classroom Display | | |

| | | | |Make a classroom display | | |

| | | | |depicting life on the | | |

| | | | |Gold Fields. | | |

|Intrapersonal |Goldfields Simulation |Women Venn |Ballarat Cloze |Dragon Boat |Excursion Power Point|If the hat fits. |

|I enjoy working by myself |Use the CD Rom "Goldfields" | |Go to the Ballarat gold |Use the CD Rom "Convict | |Write an account of the |

| |Make notes of the problems |How is the life of women of the |fields. Your User Id is: |Fleet to Dragon Boat" to | |gold rush from the |

| |faced by the diggers. |Gold Rush Era different than that|student and your password |write a recount of your |Create a PowerPoint |perspective of one of the |

| |Largest Nuggets |of women today? Use a Venn |is: belts. |experiences as a Chinese |presentation about |following: |

| |Research the Largest Nuggets |Diagram to illustrate your |When you have found your |Digger. |The Adelong Falls |Chinese Miner, |

| |and complete the worksheet |findings. |fortune do the Cloze |Adelong Mine |area. |Digger |

| |Adelong’s Gold | |Exercise. |Write a report of the | | |

| |Research the Gold Rush in | | |Gold Rush In Adelong | |Bushranger |

| |Adelong. | | | | |Inn Keeper |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Trooper |

| | | | | | |Wife of a digger |

| | | | | | | |


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