8 - Colorado Mesa University

HW #12 - Two-Way Tables

1. (IN CLASS) The table gives the number of arrests made in a small town during times close to a full moon and times not close to a full moon.

| |Full Moon |Not Full |

|Violent(murder, assault, etc.) |5 |7 |

|Property(burglary, vandalism, etc.) |22 |40 |

|Drugs/Alcohol |33 |52 |

|Domestic Abuse |20 |34 |

|Other |11 |7 |

A) What percent of arrests were during the full moon?

B) What percent of arrests were for domestic abuse?

C) Find the distribution in percents of types of crime for full moon and not full moon?

2. (SOLUTION GIVEN) Three brands of flower seeds are studied the data is in the table. The conditions were consistent but were different from ideal for these flowers.

| |Brand A |Brand B |Brand C |

|Did not germinate |15 |20 |9 |

|Germinated, but no flowers |29 |30 |19 |

|Germinated, and flowered |91 |120 |66 |

A) What percent of seeds did not germinate?

B) What percent of the seeds were Brand C?

C) Find the distribution in percents how well the seeds did for the three brands.

3. (HOMEWORK PROBLEM) A poll of Montana residents gave the following data.

| |Democrat |Republican |Independent |

|West |39 |17 |12 |

|Northeast |15 |30 |12 |

|Southeast |30 |31 |16 |

A) What percent of those polled were Independent?

B) What percent were from the Northeast?

C) Find the distribution in percents of political affiliation for the West.

D) Find the distribution in percents of political affiliation for the Northeast.

4. (ALTERNATE HW) Cancer of the colon is less common in the Mediterranean region than other Western countries. Perhaps it has something to do with lots of olive oil? Italian researchers compared 1953 patients with colon cancer with a control group of 4154 patients.

| |Low Olive Oil |Medium Olive Oil |High Olive Oil |

|Colon Cancer |398 |397 |430 |

|Rectal Cancer |250 |241 |237 |

|No Cancer |1368 |1377 |1409 |

A) What percent had no cancer?

B) What percent had high olive oil use?

C) Find the distribution of cancer for low olive oil use and high olive oil use.

5. (IN CLASS) Are helicopters to transport accident victims to the hospital a good idea? The data given are made up, but any real-world data might very well have the same properties we see in this data.


| |Heli |Road |

|Died |68 |260 |

|Survived |132 |840 |


| |Heli |Road |

| Died |50 |60 |

|Survived |50 |40 |


| |Heli |Road |

|Died |18 |200 |

|Survived |82 |800 |

A) Overall which method has a higher survival rate?

B) In Serious cases which is better?

C) In Less Serious cases which is better?

6. (SOLUTION GIVEN) Given are the number of flights on time and total for two airlines at 5 airports in one month.

| |Airline A |Airline B |

|LA |497 out of 558 |694 out of 812 |

|Phoenix |221 out of 231 |4840 out of 5256 |

|SD |212 out of 230 |383 out of 450 |

|SF |503 out of 604 |320 out of 450 |

|Seattle |1841 out of 2142 |201 out of 265 |

A) For each city which airline had a higher percent of on time flights?

B) Overall which airline had a higher percent of on time flights?

7. (HOMEWORK) Suppose a company is testing two treatments (A and B) to cure a disease. There are two trials. In trial one treatment A cures 40 out of 200 and B cures 30 out of 200. In the second trial treatment A cures 85 out of 100 and B cures 300 out of 400.

A) Which treatment did better in trial one?

B) Which did better in trial two?

C) Which did better overall?

8. (ALTERNATE HW) A company decided to expand, so it opened a factory generating 455 jobs. For the 70 white collar positions, 200 males and 200 females applied. Of the females who applied, 40 were hired, while only 30 of the males were hired. Of the 400 males applying for the blue collar positions, 300 were hired, while 85 of the 100 females were hired.

A) Did males or females have a better chance to get hired for white collar positions?

B) Did males or females have a better chance to get hired for blue collar positions?

C) Overall did males or females have a better chance to get hired?


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