Identifying the Three Tiers of Noncustomers in Your Industry

BLUE OCEAN SHIFT: Exercise Template

Identifying the Three Tiers of Noncustomers in Your Industry

Exercise Template

? Chan Kim & Ren?e Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Shift. All Rights Reserved.

BLUE OCEAN SHIFT: Exercise Template

Overview: Identifying the Three Tiers of Noncustomers in Your Industry

? BLUE OCEAN SHIFT outlines the process of how to identify the three tiers of noncustomers in your industry and the definitions of each tier

? BLUE OCEAN SHIFT presents examples of the three tiers of noncustomers in several industries for your reference

? To aid you in completing this step and all the other steps in BLUE OCEAN SHIFT we strongly recommend using the online BLUE OCEAN STUDIO - you can access a free trial here.

? Chan Kim & Ren?e Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Shift. All Rights Reserved.

First-Tier Noncustomers

BLUE OCEAN SHIFT: Exercise Template

Who sits on the edge of your industry and uses its offering reluctantly and/or minimally?

Rough size of first-tier:

? Chan Kim & Ren?e Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Shift. All Rights Reserved.

Second-Tier Noncustomers

BLUE OCEAN SHIFT: Exercise Template

Who considers your industry and then consciously dismisses it, satisfying their needs through another industry's offering or not at all?

Rough size of second-tier:

? Chan Kim & Ren?e Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Shift. All Rights Reserved.

Third-Tier Noncustomers

BLUE OCEAN SHIFT: Exercise Template

Who could strongly benefit from the utility your industry offers but doesn't even consider it, because the way it is currently being delivered makes the industry seem irrelevant to them or out of their financial reach?

Rough size of third-tier:

? Chan Kim & Ren?e Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Shift. All Rights Reserved.

Key Insights

BLUE OCEAN SHIFT: Exercise Template

? Chan Kim & Ren?e Mauborgne. Blue Ocean Shift. All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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