Radio Control Planes, Drones, Cars, FPV, Quadcopters and ...

Quick Start

1. Download PC 32bit(even if you run 64bit) or Mac OSX DOWNLOAD HERE - install on your PC or Mac - then shut down fully - wait 1 min - restart to activate the USB driver

2. Download Arduino 1.0.3 Here - this is important for PC users, even if you don't use it as it contains the driver libraries - different version - each works with Mac, MacBook or PC win 7/8

3. Browse our custom sketches on your boards product page.  Download the driver, and GUI from dropbox

4. Install JAVA from HERE - then restart your PC/Mac - connect the FC Micro USB to your PC USB . GUI requires Java is installed and running - 

5. Download the match v2.3 GUI java app HERE - Open the file called MultiWiiConf.exe (PC ; or (Mac OSX)  

6. Connect your USB  to the FC 

7. Turn on your Radio Tx transmitter .  Start MultiwiiConf. or Wiigui[pic]

8. Some Receivers my need full 5v from UBEC to power 

9. Select the com port 

10.  Wait 5 secs ; then press START

11. Wait another 3secs and press READ

12. Calibration in the GUI - The FC  arrives with GYRO and Acc already calibrated - sitting on your desk the ACC numbers should be approx 0/0/250 - if the board is tilt a little they will be similar to this 16/-19/252 - be careful not to un-do whats already done by clicking calibrate wildly or randomly ! - The IMU arrow faces forwards - The Gyro and the Acc can be re-calibrated (in the future if needed) in the GUI by holding the IMU at 0.00° level - motionless for 5 secs - click-pressing CALIB_ACC - not moving - after about 6 secs you will see the Acc data will reset and show 0/0/250 approx 

13.  Press CALIB_MAG - in the next 60 secs the entire Quad needs to be rotated one turn on X,Y & Z axis within 60secs of pressing CALIB_MAG ( this is best done with the stick commands)

14. Now look at the top right Blue-on light Blue-bars - each one will move in conjunction with your RC Tx - when sticks are centred the reading should be 1500 . When the throttle is placed at idle/off - the THROT should bead Board->Arduino Duemilanove  ATmega328 (FLIP) or MEGA for mega pro boards




importantly - see red outline above - shows correct board and a 7 digitiUSB port (mac) - PC will show Comm5 


5) Using Arduino App - > Only open and UPLOAD the main file which is always the 9th item -> red circle below -name may be different - but must be 9th TAB = the config.h file)



6) Now in Arduino - you will see the raw code(sketch)  written in Arduino code. (this code is pre-commented for) - Important - Black items are active - Grey items are not active - Go to Config.h TAB


7) for example delete the // infront of a line to activate it - so - to #define MINTHROTTLE 1180 for your Quad




(already done if I have sent you the code) delete the // infront of this line (only do this to one of the MINTHROTTLES)


8) Defined Copter type - such as # define QuadX ; or #define TRI  - if you want to define QUAD-X  change to #define QUADX (you have to deleted the // - this is called commenting it into code) - comment out the type that was there before //#define TRI




9) Define Yaw direction (for Tricopters)  #define YAW_DIRECTION 1 you can change this to the next line -1 t reverse it   #define YAW_DIRECTION -1.  Most types use +1 




10) To upload the new code (It wil overwrite everthing that was on the board before) File->Upload to I/O Board ; In the blue at the bottom you will see Uploading to I/O board ; after about 35secs it will say  Done Uploading in the blue bar at the bottom




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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