Why will my bluetooth not turn on mac


Why will my bluetooth not turn on mac

Firstly I would like to say that I have never used a Mac in my life before today so apologies if i am a little slow on the uptake. I recently purchased the iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) which i believe is running a Yosemite v10.10 OS. The iMac was second hand and there was no install discs in the box. It did come with the Apple mouse and keyboard, however i

cannot pair them with the Mac as the Bluetooth won't turn on ('Turn Bluetooth On' button is greyed out in System Preferences>Network>Set Up Bluetooth Device...). The Bluetooth icon in the top left is also greyed out with a line through it and says 'Bluetooth: Not Available' on it. So far i have Deep Breath: Checked the technical specs to ensure this model

has Bluetooth. Repaired Disk Permissions in Applicatiopns>Utilities>Disk Utilities + Restarted. Deleted 'com.apple.Bluetooth.plist' in Library>Preferences + Restarted Reset the SMC + Restarted Completed a PRAM reset + Rebooted Installed the 'Bluetooth Switch' widget (Which appears to do nothing) Some people have suggested that if you shut down and

log in a few times it eventually sorts itself out, well i have done that about 10 times now and it has definitely not fixed itself. ... and none of it has made a single bit of difference. Not such a good start so far from Apple, I am starting to wonder why i switched from PC's. Can anyone help to restore my faith? Page content loaded May 19, 2013 3:36 AM in

response to milux8 In response to milux8 Do you mean the Bluetooth icon in the Status Menu bar top right of your screen? May 19, 2013 3:36 AM Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options May 19, 2013 3:40 AM in response to Carolyn Samit In response to Carolyn Samit That one or even if I go on System Preference, Bluetooth , there are 2 boxes on the

top on the window , one is Discoverable and is ON, the other on the left is the Checkbox ON , when I try to put the device on is not staying on.. I don't know what to do May 19, 2013 3:40 AM Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options May 19, 2013 3:42 AM in response to milux8 In response to milux8 Ok..might be corrupted preferences.Open a Finder

window. From the menu bar top of your screen click Go > Go to FolderType or copy paste the following:/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth.plistClick Go then move the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file to the Trash.Then open System Preferences and try again. May 19, 2013 3:42 AM Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options May 19, 2013 3:48 AM in

response to Carolyn Samit In response to Carolyn Samit It says this - The folder "com.apple.Bluetooth.plist¡± can¡¯t be opened because you don¡¯t have permission to see its contents May 19, 2013 3:48 AM Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options May 19, 2013 3:50 AM in response to milux8 In response to milux8 You don't need to open that file. Just drag it

to the Trash. May 19, 2013 3:50 AM Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options May 19, 2013 3:55 AM in response to Carolyn Samit In response to Carolyn Samit I know!!! ... I did what you said.... I put that Link in GO TO THE FOLDER, I pressed GO and that message comes out! I'm sorry... hope you can help May 19, 2013 3:55 AM Reply Helpful Thread

reply - more options May 19, 2013 4:02 AM in response to milux8 In response to milux8 Open Disk Utility located in HD > Applications > UtilitiesSelect MacintoshHD on the left then select: Repair Disk PermissionsQuit Disk Utility when you are finished then restart your Mac and try moving that .plist file to the Trash. May 19, 2013 4:02 AM Reply Helpful

Thread reply - more options May 19, 2013 4:13 AM in response to Carolyn Samit In response to Carolyn Samit I'm trying ... I will let you know!! thanks for now May 19, 2013 4:13 AM Reply Helpful Thread reply - more options Having spent some years coding applications for macOS we¡¯ve created a tool that everybody can use. The all-round problem fixer for

Mac. So here's a tip for you: Download CleanMyMac to quickly solve some of the issues mentioned in this article. But to help you do it all by yourself, we¡¯ve gathered our best ideas and solutions below. Features described in this article refer to the MacPaw site version of CleanMyMac X. While Bluetooth issues are rare, they do occur and throw everything up

in the air when they do. Suddenly, you can¡¯t use your system in the way that you¡¯re used to and have to figure out different ways to complete tasks. But don¡¯t panic ¡ª there¡¯s usually an easy fix. Read on as we talk you through some of the most common Bluetooth troubleshooting tips. Solve All Bluetooth Issues Selected apps that allow to keep track of your

Bluetooth health on Mac. No more digging through the settings. Download Setapp Free Start with the simple stuff Before we get into the troubleshooting steps, it¡¯s best to start with the basics. And it really doesn't get any more basic than switching things off and on again. While this seems like a lazily obvious suggestion, a lot of Mac problems can be fixed

with a restart. Click on the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar and select the option to Turn Bluetooth Off. Once it¡¯s switched off, turn it back on by clicking on Turn Bluetooth On. If the macOS or OSX ¡°Bluetooth Not Available¡± error hasn¡¯t gone away, try rebooting your Mac. Shut the system down completely and reboot it as usual. Get a tool for Bluetooth

switching There¡¯s an easier way to toggle Bluetooth on Mac, though. At least two ways, actually. You can have a dedicated app for connecting Bluetooth gadgets, ToothFairy. It allows you to create a custom setup for any number of your Bluetooth devices. If there are not really too many Bluetooth devices you use regularly, go with One Switch ¡ª a set of

dedicated toggles accessible from the menu bar. You can add a device once, and use the app for one-click Bluetooth toggling every time. If that doesn¡¯t work, it¡¯s time to get down to some real troubleshooting. Here are five of the best tips to help you overcome annoying Bluetooth issues. Five Tips to solve Bluetooth problems 1. Delete downloads Have you

downloaded any new applications or software programs recently? One of them could be corrupting your Bluetooth. It could be malware that¡¯s causing the issue or simply an app that does sit right with Apple¡¯s Bluetooth configuration. Either way, it¡¯s best to remove any recently downloaded files to rule them out if nothing else. The easiest way to do this is with

CleanMyMac X. It requires nothing more than a few clicks and completely removes every file linked to a download. Here¡¯s how to use it: Download CleanMyMac X and launch it. Click Large & Old Files.Select the recent downloads you wish to remove.Click Clean and the files will be gone in the blink of an eye. If you¡¯d prefer to delete downloads manually, you

can do this in the Finder. Open the Finder.Press Cmd+Shift+G.Type in ~/.Double-click on the Downloads folder.Delete any downloaded file that you don¡¯t need. If you¡¯ve installed an app related to a downloaded file and you¡¯re worried that¡¯s what might be causing issues with your Bluetooth, use CleanMyMac X to completely remove it: Launch CleanMyMac

X.Click on Uninstaller.Select the app that you want to remove from the list.Click Uninstall. 2. Remove all USB devices Apple is aware that Bluetooth connectivity is an issue for Mac users and has a dedicated support page for Mac mouse problems, as well as possible fixes for unresponsive keyboards and trackpads. One quick fix to kick the Bluetooth back

into life is to disconnect all USB devices. Remove any and all USB keyboards, mice, and external drives and reboot your Mac. Wait for a couple of minutes and then reconnect them. It¡¯s a quirky tip, but it might be all it takes to restore the Bluetooth connection. 2. Reset the SMC if Bluetooth is not available on Mac Resetting the System Management Controller

(SMC) is the go-to troubleshooting tip for any issues related to Mac hardware or software, and it usually works. The process is different depending on which type of Mac you¡¯re using, but we¡¯ve got you covered with both methods: Resetting the SMC (non-removable batteries) Shut down your MacBook.Plug in the power adapter.Hold Shift+Control+Option and

the Power button at the same time for around 10 seconds.Release the keys at the same time.Boot up your Mac as usual. Resetting the SMC (removable batteries) Shut down your MacBook and remove the battery.Disconnect the power adapter.Hold down the Power button for 10 seconds and release.Reconnect the battery and power adapter.Boot up your

Mac as usual. Resetting the SMC if iMac, Mac mini, or Mac Pro Shut down your Mac.Disconnect the power cord.Hold down the Power button for 5 seconds and release.Reconnect the power cord.Boot up your Mac as usual. 3. Delete .plist files .plist (Property List) files are used by Macs to store software user preferences for things like the keyboard, mouse,

and trackpad. It¡¯s rare, but not unheard of, for these files to become corrupted and affect Bluetooth connectivity. Deleting the .plist files is a straightforward process. Close any app that is trying to connect with Bluetooth.Press Command+Shift+G in the Finder.Enter ~/Library/Preferences/ and click Go.Locate the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file and delete

it.Reboot your MacBook. The Preferences folder might contain other files with the same extension. It¡¯s safe to delete these too but start with the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file first. 4. Reset the Bluetooth module If none of the above troubleshooting tips have worked, it¡¯s time to reset the Bluetooth module. Doing this will attempt to debug any issues. Hold

Shift+Option and click on the Bluetooth menu in the Mac menu bar.Click Debug and select Remove all devices.Click Debug again and select Reset the Bluetooth module.Restart your Mac.Repair each of your Bluetooth devices. If you¡¯ve exhausted all of the options it could be that the problem is a serious hardware issue that requires support from AppleCare

or an authorized third-party Apple specialist.

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