Why is my bluetooth not turning on mac


Why is my bluetooth not turning on mac

Bluetooth has become an important part of our lives. However, this is a reliable technology. This is rare, but sometimes you may have problems with Bluetooth. Several Mac users have reported that accidental loss of Bluetooth functionality sometimes occur. Users have also said that the Bluetooth menu displays a Bluetooth error: Not available (see image below). You may encounter problems by establishing a Bluetooth connection or using a Bluetooth accessory. And this will cause your Bluetooth devices and accessories to stop working. Additionally, several macOS and iOS services (AirDrop, Handoff, Continuity, Universal Clipboard, etc.) will not work properly if you have Bluetooth problems. Bluetooth technology allows you to wirelessly connect different hardware (keyboard, mouse, trackpad, headphones, etc.) to your Mac by connecting them to your computer (also called pairing). Once paired, your Mac connects to these tools if Bluetooth is running. This article explains what you can do to troubleshoot when Bluetooth isn't working. Here's what you can do when Bluetooth doesn't work Bluetooth settings can be accessed by going to System Preferences > Bluetooth See also: How to fix macOS Catalina Bluetooth problems Please try each step until your problem is resolved. After each step, check that Bluetooth is working. Please also note that performing some of the methods below will result in a temporary loss of connection to connected devices (e.g. keyboard, mouse, etc.). So you may want to use a wired device. See also: You can't turn on Bluetooth If you now see the Bluetooth icon on the menu bar, go to System Preferences > Bluetooth and check Show Bluetooth on the menu bar. You may think Bluetooth doesn't seem to work because the Bluetooth device has stopped working. It's just that your device's battery is very low if it uses a battery. Make sure your Bluetooth accessories have sufficient battery life. You may want to replace the batteries or charge the device. Make sure the Bluetooth device is turned on. Make sure the Bluetooth device and Mac are close to each other. Make sure your Mac is up to date. Restart Mac. Just restart mac can solve your problem. You can restart your Mac by selecting Restart from the Apple menu. Disable and activate Bluetooth. Disable Bluetooth and wait a few seconds, and then turn it on. You can do this by clicking the Bluetooth icon on the menu bar. As indicated above, If you can not see the Bluetooth icon, then go to System Preferences, click Bluetooth, then select Show Bluetooth in the menu bar. Remove all USB devices (mouse, keyboard, etc.) and then restart the Mac and then reconnect them. Remove the current Bluetooth preferences and then restart your Mac. Here's how: Close any application that tries to use a Bluetooth device with your Mac In Finder, press together the keys Command + Shift + G. This will reveal the window Go to folder:, then type the following and press go. Go. (no ~/Library/Preferences/) Try to find the files com.apple.Bluetooth.plist and com.apple.bluetooth.plist.lockfile. And delete these files. These files may be corrupted and cause problems. You may be asked for an administrator password. (if you want, copy these files to another location as a backup before removing them). Restart Mac. Reset your Mac SMC. This is done differently depending on mac models. Apple's documentation explains how to do this. Reset the Bluetooth module on your Mac. Here's how it is: Press and hold Shift + Option (Alt) keys while holding these keys, in the menu bar, click on the Bluetooth icon Click on Debugging Click on Reset Bluetooth Module (see image below) Then restart Mac. Restart Mac in safe mode. Safe mode can solve your problem. To start a Mac in safe mode, follow the steps below: Turn off mac. Release the Shift key when you see the login screen. Login. The Mac is now in safe mode. If you're not sure if your Mac is in safe mode, see this article. Test bluetooth now. - Is it working? Either way (working or not), restart your Mac normally. This will go out of safe mode. Which means restart the Mac, but don't press or hold any key. When your Mac is turned on, test Bluetooth again. Is it working now? If none of the above methods work, you may want to contact Apple support. You can also book in Genius Bar. See also: iPhone Does not connect to a car stereo system using Bluetooth today, Bluetooth is one of the most popular wireless technologies, allowing you to connect two or more devices to perform daily tasks with less hardware. With a wide range of capabilities, it's completely up to you to decide how to use Bluetooth on a Mac - but connecting your PC to wireless keyboards, mice, trackpad and speakers is a good place to start. Installing Bluetooth devices is usually quite easy: first turn on Bluetooth on a Mac, then follow a few basic steps to make your device detectable for connection. But sometimes there's a catch. How to turn on Bluetooth on a Mac? Most Macs come with a built-in Bluetooth option, so all you need to do is make sure it's turned on: Go to System Preferences in the AppleClick On Bluetooth menuSelect Turn on Bluetooth, While you're in it, select the check box next to Show Bluetooth in the menu bar option at the bottom of the screen. The Bluetooth menu bar icon will serve as a shortcut to indicate whether Bluetooth is turned on, whether there are connected devices, or even if a device's battery is low. Connect Bluetooth devices to a Mac Now that you know how to connect bluetooth devices to bluetooth on a Mac, your PC is ready to connect to other devices. The process of establishing a connection between a specific device and a mac is called pairing. Pairing makes other devices recognizable from your Mac and allows you to make automatic connections easily. The good news is that Bluetooth devices, devices, The Mac is already pre-paired and must be connected automatically when turned on. If you purchased an Apple Bluetooth device separately, here's how to pair it with your Mac: Connect the device to a Mac using a cable (if any)Plug the device into System Preferences . , turn it off for wireless use When connecting non-Apple Bluetooth devices, the key is to enable pairing or detectable mode on the device in question. The exact way to do this will vary, so first check the instructions from the manufacturer. As a rule, devices stay in familiar mode for only a few minutes ? to keep the battery. So hurry up! How to connect a Bluetooth headset to a Mac? In most cases, bluetooth headphones are no different from other Bluetooth devices. Start by making sure that the Bluetooth headset is also charged in detectable mode. Then you're just a few clicks away from connecting them to a Mac: Go to System PreferencesClick on Bluetooth . When the headset is displayed, click Connect the same steps can be tracked if you're wondering how to connect a Mac to a Bluetooth speaker. Solving magic mouse that doesn't connect to Mac Bluetooth Connecting your Magic Mouse to MacBook Bluetooth is identical to connecting Bluetooth headphones. Just follow the steps described above and everything should work well. Sometimes, however, the Bluetooth mouse may behave badly: but before assuming it doesn't connect properly ? try to wake it up: Make sure it's turned onTry it Click the mouse button to see if there's an answerMake that the battery isn't dead If none of the above helped and the mouse still doesn't appear in the list of Bluetooth devices , try the following: : Go to System Preferences to connect to it and connect to it, check that Bluetooth is turned on Indleb l thickened cableGo to the system preferences to set up Bluetooth Mouses . Fortunately, there is a super simple way for a click to fix Magic Mouse not connecting. ToothFairy is a miracle Bluetooth assistant app. First, it allows you to select an icon for each of your devices and adds it directly to the menu bar, from which you can then connect with a single click and see all the important information at a glance. ToothFairy enables you to improve sound quality ? a neat way to get the most out of speakers and headphones: Open ToothFairy and click AdvancedSelis selecting the option Improve sound quality ... How to easily wake a Bluetooth connection up? Bluetooth doesn't work on a Mac doesn't happen that often, but when it does, it can get pretty frustrating. No need for despair -- sometimes the devices turn off simply they have not been used for some time. Just remember to consider the following checklist before searching for further Bluetooth troubleshooting on a Mac: Check the battery. If the battery is low, the device will have difficulty connecting. The Bluetooth icon on the menu bar will also alert you. Make sure you turn on Bluetooth on a Mac. Simple but often overlooked step. Carry the device within a 30-foot radius of your Mac and avoid interference from home devices (cordless phones, baby monitors, microwaveovens and wireless networks that use the same 2.4 GHz band) and metal objects. If nothing helps, try these tips below to reset Bluetooth on a Mac. Tip 1: Turn off Bluetooth and vice versa Restart can sometimes solve the problem. Just click the Bluetooth icon in the menu bar at the top of the screen, select Turn Bluetooth Off, and then Turn on Bluetooth. Tip 2: Turn off all USB devices if turning off and turning on your Bluetooth Mac didn't help, try turning off all USB and Bluetooth devices, and then turning them back on again: Go to BluetoothClick on X System Preferences next to the device to turn it off For a few minutes and reconnect your devices, keep in mind that there may be too many Bluetooth devices. The maximum number is seven, but sometimes you may encounter problems after you exceed three or four, as some devices need more data than others. Tip 3: Delete Bluetooth .plist files If you don't already have a Bluetooth Mac, try deleting the property list files. Sometimes they can become damaged and affect the Bluetooth connection more easily. To remove .plist files: Select Go from the Finder menu at the top of the screen to see at the top of the screen to see in the Folder: /Library/Preferences] menu Finder , Go to FolderType at: ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost . After restarting, it will automatically generate new .plist files that need to fix the problem with MacBook Bluetooth not available. Tip 4: Reset the Bluetooth module If none of the above troubleshooting solves the Bluetooth problem is not available on a Mac, resetting a Bluetooth module will try to fix the problems on a deeper level. Here's how to restore Bluetooth on Mac: Hold Shift + Option and click on the Bluetooth icon in the menu barTaKte Debug and select Remove all devicesClick again For Debugging and select Reset Bluetooth moduleRerun your Mac and re-pair your Bluetooth devices Tip 5: Optimize and remove your junk system Finally, it's natural for your Mac hard drive to overload with all kinds of user and system generated waste over time. Bluetooth connectivity is also suffering. So The next time you see a MacBook Pro Bluetooth is not available, try doing a thorough but quick system optimization with CleanMyMac X. CleanMyMac X is a powerful and easy way to return your Mac to yours status: no user or system cache files, language logs, malware, login items, etc. And it only takes one click to scan: Go to the JunkClick Scan system and wait for the process to completeAdd details and clean up everything you don't need So at any time you have trouble connecting Bluetooth to a Mac, go through the tips above and use toothFairy along with CleanMyMac X for best results. Best of all, both apps are available for a free 7-day trial through Setapp, a platform of more than 150 Mac utilities that can solve any problem, from photo editing to better listening to music. It's time to connect Bluetooth headphones to a Mac! Mac!

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