January 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes

August 3, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Mosinee Hockey Club PO Box 214 Mosinee WI 54455

Board Members: Others in attendance:

|Jim Rogers |President |Present | |Carole Benzschawel | | |

|Matt Daul |V. President |Present | |JanEl Daul | | |

|Steve Hagman |Treasurer |Present | |Chad Ellis | | |

|Tammy Ellis |Secretary |Present | |Justin Gagnon | | |

|Kale Bittner |Brd Member |Present | |Brooke Kahon | | |

|Bob Donohue |Brd Member |Present | |Dawn Krause | | |

|Minnow |Brd Member |Present | |Mike Kennedy | | |

|Wesley Lemke |Brd Member |Excused | |Sasha Kesy | | |

|Kelly Michalski |Brd Member |Present | |Stacy Neumann | | |

|Bill Millhausen |Brd Member |Present | | | | |

|Jon Oatman |Brd Member |Present | | | | |


a. DATE: August 3, 2015

b. TIME: Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm

c. PLACE: Plumber and Steamfitter Training Center

d. PRESIDING: President Jim Rogers

2. Additions to the Agenda

a. Learn to Skate jamboree

b. Policy manual

c. Determine dates of jersey handouts

d. $ for Tournaments

e. Tournament registration form

3. Approval of the Minutes

Motion by: Kale Bittner

Second by: Jon Oatman - Approved

4. Next Level Hockey Program potential in Mosinee

a. We received a modified proposal from Jack Fredericks, Next Level Hockey Program, which was shared with the board along with the registration form. Suggestions were made about the registration form header. Questions were asked about whether or not the program’s coaches were insured. Tammy Ellis will follow-up.

5. Building Committee – Provided by Steve Hagman

a. There is a potential to get Wi-Fi access at our rink. Packages are bundled with Wi-Fi, internet, phone and 40 channels. We currently pay $60 for TDS for phone service and for an additional $16 (total of $76) we could have the bundle. We will need to ask city to approve since we only pay for these services for 6 months. Motion made by Minnow to proceed with following up with the city to determine feasibility. Tammy Ellis to second. All in favor.

b. We are exploring vending machine options.

c. Met with the Concession Stand Manager to discuss cappuccino and coffee, we committed to the Pepsi vendor, will use nicer 16oz cups.

d. Kate Vandehey will the 2015-16 Concession stand manager

e. A small committee can be formed to address concession stand options

f. Current floor machine scrubber is too big for bathroom, will bring options for new scrubber.

6. Finance Committee Report – Provided by Dawn Krause

a. Payment was made on the Peoples loan and NGIN web software.

7. Hockey Development Committee – Provided by Chad Ellis

a. $880 was turned over to Steve Hagman for Summer Ice at Greenheck.

b. Potential dates for a concussion screening will be proposed for a Sunday in October.

8. Public Affairs/Fundraising – Provided by Bob Donohue

a. The Chamber was contacted to use the BMO Harris Bank sign to promote registration. $18th will be charged for sign usage.

b. Registration will be printed in the Mosinee Times Community Calendar

i. Suggestion was made to run ad twice

c. We will also look into a raffle license number

d. Date of raffle ticket drawing will be January 10th at 1:00 pm

e. We will need a plan to get raffle ticket gun winners to the pick-up locations. We will need to know where we are getting the guns from, Steve Hagman will follow-up.

9. Rules Committee – Provided by Matt Daul

a. Rules need to be finalized and posted for outdoor rink.

b. City may want to consider contributing to water bill

c. We will need to consider an electrical trench for the outdoor rink

d. Rules committee will meet in August.

e. Kelly Michalski motioned to add PSF descriptions and remove wording regarding the manager’s role with award patches, Steve Hagman seconded – all in favor.

f. Jon Oatman will handle can recycling at the rink.

10. Scheduling

a. Leann Kitchell is the new Athletic Director for D.C. Everest. The new Storm coach is asking to have ice dates, recommendation was made for Monday night and Friday nights.

11. Tournament Committee

a. Kelly Michalski motioned to offer the LTS tournament for free.

b. Second by: Matt Daul – Steve Hagman, Bob Donohue, Bill Millhausen and Minnow to oppose. Kale Bittner, Jon Oatman, Tammy Ellis to approved, motion passed.

c. Squirt and above will get up to $500 for one away tournament.

d. Mite tournament money will be discussed by the Rules Committee and brought to the board.

12. Jersey hand out

a. Will be on November 1st, bantams will be first, followed by peewees, squirts, mites and LTS. Steve Hagman motioned to accept the date, Jon Oatman seconded – All in favor.

13. Ice Master PSFs - will be Matt Daul and Mike Kennedy.

14. Adjourn – Tammy Ellis motioned to adjourn, Bill Millhausen to second – all in favor.

Minutes submitted by Tammy Ellis

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