BNY Mellon Suppliers Registration Guide

Registration Steps

BNY Mellon Suppliers Registration Guide

BNY Mellon Suppliers Registration Guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3

General Instructions .................................................................................................................... 3 Registration Steps ........................................................................................................................... 4

Pre-Registration Screen .............................................................................................................. 4 Step 1 - Create User .................................................................................................................... 7 Step 2 ? Enter Basic Company Information ............................................................................... 8

How to Attach/Replace File:................................................................................................. 10 How to Fax a Document: ...................................................................................................... 10 Step 3 ? Enter Locations for the Company............................................................................... 11 Step 4 ? Enter Product/Service Details & Business Information ............................................. 14 Step 5 ? Enter Diversity Details (if Diverse Supplier) ............................................................. 15 Step 6 ? Review Documents Section ........................................................................................ 20 Step 7 ? Enter Business References. Reference #1 is Mandatory ............................................ 21 Step 8 ? Review Summary Page and Submit............................................................................ 23 Step 9 ? Complete Survey (If Applicable)................................................................................ 24

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BNY Mellon Suppliers Registration Guide


This guide will assist suppliers to register with the Supplier Management System of BNY Mellon, detailing the steps with screenshots and pointers highlighting the action items on a screen.

General Instructions

1. Scrolling: situated on the extreme right hand side of the window and also at the extreme right hand side of sections of screens when the content exceeds the length of the section.

2. Call outs:

Pointers to action items on screens

3. CAPITALIZED words in this document refer to actual items (usually buttons or links) on the screen with the same text.

4. SAVE button: clicking this button saves changes made in the data fields on that screen and remains on the same page.

5. SAVE & NEXT button: clicking this saves changes and loads the next step. Where ever this button exists, it is important to click this before moving away from the page or else any changes that were made to data fields will be lost.

6. SUBMIT buttons: signifies the end of a process and sends the entire set of changes to the system for processing.

7. Use of browser `Back' buttons: should be avoided during registration as the steps are sequential and need to be completed and saved in that order. Wherever such action is necessary, use the ,,BACK or ,,PREVIOUS buttons within the page. If no such buttons exist, then it means that the current page needs to be completed and saved to move to any other step.

8. Red Asterisk *: signifies that the data element is mandatory and that the user cannot proceed without entering data into it.

9. , : These are two states of a button ? the first indicating that the section is expandable and the second indicating that the section is expanded. When the symbol ,,+ appears on the button to the left of a section heading, then clicking on it will expand the section to show additional data/information and the symbol will change to ,,-,,. The ,,-,, symbol, when clicked collapses the section, hiding the information and the symbol again changes to a ,,+.

10. The

button allows the user to browse his/her computer for files to upload.

11. The button is a calendar tool. When a user clicks on it, a calendar showing the current month is displayed. Arrows on the calendar can be used to move forward or backward through the months. Clicking on a date in the calendar fills the corresponding field on the page with that date.

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BNY Mellon Suppliers Registration Guide

12. Help is available either by context and can be availed using the buttons next to the fields, or by page using the HELP buttons.

Registration Steps

The following screenshots illustrate the steps you need to follow to complete your companys profile in the Supplier Management System for BNY Mellon.

Click here to start the Registration

Click here to start the Registration

The default page for BNY Mellon allows registered suppliers to log in to the system to update their profile information. It also allows new suppliers to register with BNY Mellon by providing the necessary details about their company, products and services, diversity status, and upload diversity certificates into the system.

New suppliers should click on the CLICK HERE link on the page to start the registration process.

Pre-Registration Screen

Access to the system is governed by the SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT. Read the terms and accept to start filling in the registration information.

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BNY Mellon Suppliers Registration Guide

The "I ACCEPT" button is disabled ? cannot be clicked

1. Scroll all the way down to activate the " I ACCEPT" Button

2. Read and Accept terms Click on I ACCEPT

When you scroll all the way down the SYSTEM ACCESS AGREEMENT, the ,,I ACCEPT button will be enabled.

Enabled button ? ready to click

Click on the ,,I ACCEPT button after reading the agreement carefully. To prevent duplicate registration, fill in the basic details in the following screen. The system displays all previous registrations with similar details so that the user can verify whether he/she is already registered in the system. If you find that there is a previous registration, then all you need to do is to update the details in the system ?no fresh registration is required. If on the other hand the list does not show any previous registration by the company, then the user can start the process of registration. Accepting terms will direct you to the following page where the Company name, location, Address, Federal Tax Id etc should be filled in. the system will use this information to check for duplicate records.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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