


British Nationalist

Youth Movement


1. The British National Party (BNP) has as its youth wing the British Nationalist Youth Movement (BNYM). This is comprised of the Student British National Party (SBNP), The Young British National Party (YBNP) and the Young British National Party Supporters (YBNPs).

2. The BNYM is part of the structure of the party, and as such is governed by the constitution of the BNP. The Party Chairman appoints the BNP National Youth Officer to oversee the daily running of the BNYM.

3. Part of the modernisation of the BNYM and the move towards a more professional organisation is an emphasis on training and development. To this end the BNYM works in close co-operation with the Education and Training Department.

4. The mission statement, child protection statement, and health and safety statement are detailed at the end of this document.


5. The patron of the BNYM is Mr Nick Griffin, the Party Chairman. Who as part of his vision for the future of the BNP has decided that greater emphasis should be placed on the development of young people within the party.

6. As patron the Party Chairman has oversight of the BNYM via the BNP National Youth Officer. The BNP policy on our young people is in line with the core policies of the British National Party.


7. The BNYM is divided into three component parts, each with a separate objective. The BNYM is administered by the BNP National Youth Officer. The BNYM was formed on 19th January 2008 comprising of the SBNP and YBNP. The YBNPs was added on 1st September 2008 to cater for the demands of our younger nationalists.

The Student British National Party

8. The Student British National Party is a civil rights movement, who’s aims are to support and promote indigenous white students within the British Education System, the SBNP is faculty based:

a. Age – 17+

b. Cost - £15 via the main party system

c. Membership – As per the Constitution.

The Young British National Party

9. The Young British National Party is the main youth wing of the party, and is structured to help and support white indigenous young people. The main emphasis is on personal development, and pride in yourself, your people, and your culture.

a. Age – 13 to 18

b. Cost – For activities only

c. Membership – As per Constitution

The Young British National Party Supporters

10. The Young British National Party Supporters is a supporters club for younger members of the party, and is structured to help and support white indigenous children. The main emphasis is on education, and self respect, as well as fun.

a. Age – 8 to 12

b. Cost – For activities only

c. Membership – As per Constitution

Help and Support

11. The BNYM has a network of regional officials who are there to help and support the membership. These officials are the back bone of the BNYM and are answerable to their regional organisers.

The National Youth Officer

12. The National Youth Officer (NYO) is appointed by the Party Chairman and is a BNP official. His role is to oversee the regional youth Officers, and work closely with the regional organisers.

13. The National Youth Officer is also responsible for adventure training activities, and national events. He is also the point of contact for other nationalist youth organisations within Europe.

The Regional Youth Officer

14. The Regional Youth Officer (RYO) is appointed by the NYO in consultation with the Regional Organiser (RO), and is normally over 18. His role is as follows:

a. Support the RO

b. Organise fund raising activities for the BNYM

c. Organise and support SBNP groups in his area

d. Organise and communicate with SBNP members

e. Organise activities for his/her members

f. Support the party by organising BNYM attendance at BNP national events

The Assistant Regional Youth Officer

15. The Assistant Regional Youth Officer (ARYO) is appointed by the RYO in consultation with the RO, and is normally under 18. His/her role is as follows:

a. Support the RYO

b. Help to organise fund raising activities for the BNYM

c. Organise and support YBNP/YBNPs members in the region

d. Organise and communicate with YBNP and YBNPs members.

e. Organise activities for his/her members.

f. Help the RYO to organise attendance for the members at BNP national events


16. The BNYM is responsible for the following campaigns/Events:

a. August - YBNP Annual Camp

b. November – White History Month

c. December – Save our Nativity

Internet Presence

17. The BNYM has a presence in the following areas of cyber space:

a. The BNYM official website

b. Bebo


c. Facebook

unofficial site. BNP site is secret and invitation only



18. The BNYM can be contacted by the following means:

a. National Youth Officer

b. BNYM Training

c. West Midlands YBNP

d. Cumbria YBNP

e. South West YBNP

f. Mid West YBNP


A. Mission Statement

B. Child Protection Statement

C. Health and Safety Statement

D. Other European Nationalist Youth Organisations

Annex A BNP/BNYM/Overview

Mission Statement

The British Nationalist Youth Movement exists to secure a future for indigenous young people

While endeavouring to achieve this, the BNYM will work within the framework of the Constitution of the British National Party of which it is a part.

The BNYM will promote our young people and enable them to be proud of whom they are.

The BNYM will fight for the rights of our young people and ensure that anti white racism is resisted at every level.

The BNYM will educate our young people and help them understand their history and culture free from the cancer of political correctness.

The BNYM will publicise every attack or injustice against our young people from whatever quarter.

The BNYM will support our young people in all their lawful activities to achieve the goals set out above


Promote – Fight – Educate – Publicise – Support

Annex B BNP/BNYM/Overview

Child Protection Policy

As an adult involved in the YBNP you have a responsibility to ensure that young people are protected from harm. It is the responsibility of each adult in the YBNP to ensure that:

• their behaviour is appropriate at all times

• they observe the rules established for the safety and security of young people

• they follow the procedures following suspicion, disclosure or allegation of child abuse

• they recognise the position of trust in which they have been placed; and

• in every respect, the relationships they form with young people on their care are appropriate

All Adults in the YBNP must agree to put the party’s policy on child protection into practice.

Meeting your responsibilities

• the welfare of the young people for whom you have a duty of care is safeguarded

• you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations

Annex C BNP/BNYM/Overview

Health and Safety Policy Statement

All members of the YBNP have a duty of care both to themselves and to others.

In accordance with this ethos, the YBNP’s objectives will be achieved through the implementation of appropriate health and safety procedures.

This includes the identification of hazards and implementation of control measures through the risk management process, where appropriate. In support of these initiatives, a training package will be delivered to the appropriate personnel along with documentation and resources to at all levels within the YBNP.

Annex D BNP/BNYM/Overview

Swedish National Democrats Youth Wing

Czech Nationalist Party Youth Wing

German Nationalist Youth Wing


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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