Instructions for ORGANON DLL

Instructions for using the CIPS Red alder Growth Simulator


This visual basic program provides the following features:


The provided interface is designed only for the RAP variant of ORGANON (Hann 2011). This processor can simulate stand and tree growth under different treatment scenarios, including two types of thinning (user code or TPA).

Economic analysis:

Present net value of any simulated treatment scenarios can be produced based on age, yield, log prices, treatment costs, interest rate, and inflation rate.

Wood quality:

Application of the ORGANON wood quality DLL to projections enables the user to estimate Scribner board foot volume by scaling diameter of cut logs.

Site index calculator:

Site index (base age 20 years) can be calculated based on height-age pairs and site index (base age 50 years) can be calculated based on site quality evaluation. In addition, an equation is provided to convert SI20 to SI50 and vice versa.

Installing Programs:

1) Download ORGANON DLL 9.1 from ORGANON web site ()

Select DLL version of ORGANON:

When downloading, be sure to clearly organize and label the pathway/directory the files are located. You will need this information in the next step.

2) Download the CIPS Red Alder Growth Simulator and the associated Instructions from the CIPS web site


3) When CIPS_Red_alder_Growth_Simulator.xls has been downloaded, the visual basic capability of excel needs to be activated, and the program needs to know where to find the downloaded ORGANON DLL.

a) Visual basic activation (This may depend on MS office version):

With CIPS_Growth_Simulator.xls open, choose File…Help- options…Customize ribbon…Check “developer” box on right…OK

b) Change pathway within program:

1) Excel menu will now have a menu item “developer” at top of sheet. Choose Developer…Visual basic (at far left). Choose Module…ORGANON within the

project explorer window in upper left.

2) Change pathway to four DLL programs. For example, if the DLL programs were saved in the c:\organon\ directory, change:

Public Declare Sub PREPARE Lib _

"G:\N\growth models\DLL\ORGDLL_MSVB\orgedit.dll" _


Public Declare Sub PREPARE Lib _

"C:\organon\orgedit.dll" _

This needs to be done for all four programs in the visual basic module that make-up ORGANON: orgedit.dll, orgrun.dll, orgvol.dll, and orgwq.dll.

CIPS Red Alder Growth Simulator

Setting up for projections/runs

Input worksheet

RAP-ORGANON runs are controlled on the Input worksheet. The yellow boxes are those that need to be set prior to making a projection/run. Prior to a run, the user needs to input the red alder (RA) site index (row 5), the number of plots represented in the TreeList worksheet data (row 11), the breast-height age and total age (rows 13 & 14), and the planting density (row 27). In the majority of cases, breast height age is two years less than total age from seed, because seedlings are (most often) one year old and it takes one year to reach breast height (4.5 ft).

The red alder site index (Weiskittel et al. 2009, base age 20 years), can be calculated on the SI worksheet. Individual, dominant tree heights, total age (i.e. age from seed) and planting density are required fields. Enter (or cut and paste) up to 25 individual tree heights, then hit the “Calculate SI20” box to obtain the average site index which then gets entered back into the red alder site index box (cell B5) on the Input worksheet.

Merchandising specifications need to be entered in E11:E29 on the Input worksheet. Note: if the merchandising specifications are changed, a new ORGANON projection needs to be done (see below).

Note: The default output for the simulator is stand-level data, but tree-level data for each growth period can be generated by requesting an output of the “Treelist output?” (row 15) and “Wood quality output?” (row 21) on the Input worksheet by changing the values from 0 to 1. If there is a Douglas-fir component in the projected stand the Douglas-fir site index (base age 50 years, Bruce 1981) can be entered in row 6.

TreeList worksheet

The stand/plot/tree data is then entered (or cut/pasted) on the TreeList worksheet. Required fields are tree, plot, species, user code, DBH, and EXPF.

Tree is a unique number associated with each tree. If your data does not have individual tree numbers, unique numbers can be applied to trees within a plot. Tree numbers only need to be unique within a plot.

Plot is a unique number associated with each plot sampled.

Species is a numerical value used by ORGANON. Red alder species = 351. See the ORGANON manual for other tree species numbers. Please note, this version of ORGANON assumes that these are pure red alder stands, with other species accounting for less than 20% of the density.

User code default is zero unless specific, individual trees want to be selected for removal in a thinning by changing the value from 0 to 1.

DBH is required, and is expressed in tenths of inches. All trees in the treelist must have a breast-height diameter (at least 4.5ft tall).

Ht (total tree height) and CR (crown ratio=1-height to live crown/total tree height) are optional (but encouraged) values and expressed in tenths of a foot and as a ratio, respectively. If no or only incomplete values are used, ORGANON will calculate them for you.

EXPF is the expansion factor (on a per acre basis) for each plot used in the treelist. For instance, if a ½ acre plot is used, EXPF=2; if a 1/10 acre plot is used, EXPF=10.

Once the TreeList data is entered, click the “OrgEdit” button.

Completed TreeList worksheet

Once the “OrgEdit” clicked, go to the Completed TreeList worksheet. Here, all calculated HTs and CR are displayed as well as any errors in the treelist input. Errors are displayed on an individual tree and a stand level basis. Specifics are provided on the individual tree row and stand level specifics will be provided in columns R or T. All errors should be addressed and corrected on the TreeList worksheet, the “OrgEdit” button needs to be clicked again, and errors need to reinvestigated.

Projection and ProjErrors worksheet

Once the tree data is error-free, the stand can be projected (i.e. grown) using the “Run Organon” button in the Projection worksheet. If any errors occur during the projection, a notice will be provided on the ProjErrors worksheet. Specific individual tree errors will be provided on the individual tree row and specific stand level errors will be provided in columns J, L, N, P,& R).

Note: Anytime the tree data on the TreeList worksheet, or settings/values on the Input worksheet are changed, the OrgEdit button (routine) on the Treelist worksheet needs to be rerun before a new projection is made.

Projection length

Projection length and stand treatment requests are made in rows 31-38 of the Input worksheet.

Projection length is indicated by inserting a total age in column B. For example, if a stand was to be grown to a stand age of 33 years without any other treatments, the entry would be the following:


Thinning Treatment

Up to five thinnings can be applied within a projection. Thinning types are described below:

User thin: Used to remove specific trees. On the TreeList worksheet, the user code should be 0 for all trees unless it will be thinned at a specific time. If, for example, the user wanted to remove four specific trees from the treelist at age 23, five trees from the treelist at age 28, and perform a final harvest at age 33, the input would be coded as below:


With this setting, the four trees to be thinned at age 23 would need a user code of 1 in the TreeList, and the five trees to be thinned at age 28 would need a user code of 2 in the TreeList, as indicated within column d on the TreeList worksheet

TPA thin—This type of thinning is a thinning from below to a specific residual trees per acre. To simulate an operational thinning where forwarder corridors may remove trees of all sizes, a specified percentage of trees from all diameter classes can be removed before the strict thinning from below is initiated. For example, if the user wants to thin a stand to 225 tpa at breast height age=10 (assumed stand age=11), with the assumption that a mechanically harvested stand would result in 8% of the land harvested for forwarder corridors, the settings would be as follows (with the stand harvested at a final total age of 36):


Once all settings are properly made on the Input worksheet and the tree data on the TreeList worksheet is subjected to the “OrgEdit” routine, the stand can be projected. To do so, press the “Run Organon” button on the Projection worksheet. Stand data will be provided on the Projection worksheet, and tree-level output and wood quality output will be provided (if requested) on the TreeList output and WQ_output worksheets.

TreeList output

The RAP-ORGANON default is to project stand-level data only. Individual tree-level data can be generated and displayed by changing the value in cell B15 on the Input worksheet from 0 to 1. Once the “OrgEdit” and the “Run ORGANON” buttons are selected, a new worksheet labeled Treelist Output will appear on the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet. This worksheet displays DBH, HT, CR, CFVOL (cubic foot volume), BFVOL (boardfoot volume), and TPA (i.e. expansion factor) for each tree and for every year of the projection.


Wood quality output can be requested on the Input worksheet (cell B21). Once the “OrgEdit” and the “Run ORGANON” buttons are selected, a new worksheet labeled WQ_output will appear on the bottom of the Excel spreadsheet. This worksheet provides DBH, HT, CR, CFVOL (cubic foot volume), BFVOL (boardfoot volume), and TPA (i.e. expansion factor) for each tree and for each year a treatment is performed.

In addition, the board foot volume by scaling diameter (according to the merchandizing specs provided on the Input worksheet) are generated and displayed on the WQ_output worksheet for each thinning treatment and for the final harvest.

Graphs worksheet

Once the stand is projected (i.e. grown), graphs of trees per acre (TPA), basal area per acre (BA), cubic foot volume per acre (CFV), and board foot volume per acre (BFV) are displayed on the Graphs worksheet. A new set of graphs will be created with any changes in the settings on the Input worksheet and any changes in the tree data on the TreeList worksheet. To do so, press the “Run Organon” button on the Projection worksheet and the “OrgEdit” button on the TreeList worksheet, respectively.

Economic analysis

An economic analysis of any projection can be made by clicking on the “Economic analysis” button on the Projection worksheet after clicking the “Run ORGANON” button. Before doing so, however, certain economic factors need to be entered in the pale yellow cells (and blue font) on the Economics worksheet.

The interest rate, inflation rate, and rate of timber price increase above that of inflation can be adjusted in cells C3-C5.

The expected log price ($/MBF) paid for any and all thinning treatments needs to be entered in cells F3-F5.

The expected log price ($/MBF) for final harvest logs (FH Logs) needs to be entered in cells starting at F14. This log price should be entered for every year of the projection since the Simulator will generate a board foot volume ((BF volume (MBF)) for every year of the projection, not just the final rotation age. This allows for a comparison of the present net worth over the length of the rotation (see below).

Costs incurred during the rotation can be adjusted in cells: J3-J9. By default, the economic analysis is set up is based on a site prep treatment and planting costs. However, all activity costs can be adjusted/omitted as deemed fit.

The present net worth, by stand age, is found in cells starting at K14 (and continuing until final projection age).

Note: Any and all changes made in the values/factors on the Economic worksheet (the pale yellow cells, blue font) are updated instantly. In other words, the “Economic analysis” button on the Projection worksheet does not have to be re-clicked.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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