Likes and dislikes chart

Likes and dislikes chartTomLindaLikeseatingchocolate ????cakes ??????drinkingorange juice ????iced lemon tea ????playingfootball ??????volleyball ??going tothe cinema ????the beach ??animalsdogs ??????cats ??????Dislikeseatingvegetables ??????cabbage ??????drinkingmilk ??????coffee ??????playingscrabble ??board games ????going tothe city ??school ????animalsrats ????dogs ??????I / You / We / They – like….. He / She - likes…..??I / You / We / They – don’t like….. He / She – doesn’t like…..????I / You / We / They really like…..He / She really likes ….????I / You / We / They - really don’t like…..He / She - doesn’t really like ….??????I / You / We / They – love…..He / She loves…..??????I / You / We / They - hate….. He / She - hates…..TomLikes:Tom really likes eating chocolate. He really likes drinking orange juice. He loves playing football.He really likes going to the cinema. He loves dogs.Dislikes:He hates eating vegetables. He hates drinking milk.He doesn’t like playing scrabble. He doesn’t like going to the city. He doesn’t really like rats.Task 1:The green words are: A, B or CThe red words are: A, B or CThe blue words are: A, B or CThe brown words are: A, B or CVerbs to show ‘likes or dislikes’Verb forms to follow ‘likes or dislikes’NounsLindaLikes:Linda loves eating cake.She really likes drinking iced lemon tea. She likes going to the beach.She likes playing volleyball. She loves cats.Dislikes:She hates eating cabbage She hates drinking coffee.She doesn’t really like playing board games. She doesn’t really like going to school.She doesn’t really like dogs.Task 2Colour the words in the text above to show:Verbs about ‘likes or dislikes’Verb forms to follow ‘likes or dislikes’NounsTask 3Re-read the sentences about Linda’s OR Tom’s likes and dislikesHide the sentencesUsing only the chart on Page 1, try to re write the sentences about Linda OR Tom. Do NOT look at the sentences on Page 2.Linda / TomLikes:Dislikes:Task 4Complete your own likes and dislikes on the chart below. Remember to use ?? or ????or ?????? for LIKES and ?? or ???? or ?????? for DISLIKESNow interview two of your classmates and compete the chart below:MeLikeseatingdrinkingplayinggoing toFavourite animalDislikeseatingdrinkingplayinggoing toLeast favourite animalUseful Questions for the Survey:What do you like eating?What do you like drinking?What games or sports do you like playing?Where do you like going?What animals do you like?Useful answers:I like ……………..I really like………+ VerbINGOR+ NOUNI love …………….I don’t like …………….I really don’t like ……..+ VerbINGOR+ NOUNI hate …………………… ................

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