NAEO Board of Directors Job Description

NAEO Board of Directors Job Description


In the NAEO Bylaws, Article IV, Board of Directors, Section 4, Duties and Responsibilities of the Board states:

“Duties of the Board of Directors shall be: to establish policy for the operation of the association; to develop and implement the strategic plan including the action plans; to manage the fiscal operations of the association; to represent the association in its dealings with other associations; to review and approve proposals, reports and recommendations; and to perform other functions as appropriate to the Board of Directors.”


• Support the mission of the NAEO: “dedicated to education, networking and development of best practices among members.”

• Read and understand the NAEO’s financial statements and otherwise assist the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility

• Read and understand governing documents

• Attend board meetings and actively participate in decision-making

• Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings

• Share your area of expertise with the Board and staff

• Participate in strategic planning activities

• Serve on at least one committee or task force each year

• Work to develop new leadership and recommend potential board members

• Keep up-to-date on developments in the industry

• Avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest

• Keep any conversations and discussions of a proprietary nature to NAEO confidential

• Participate in the NAEO Annual Conference and other association events

Desired Skills and Experience

• Knowledge of NAEO’s history, mission and goals

• Knowledge of Amtelco equipment and the telecommunications industry

• Working knowledge of NAEO bylaws

• Ability to handle all NAEO business with tact, enthusiasm and commitment

• Ability to communicate effectively

• Ability to motivate Board, committee and regular members

• Ability to take responsibility and follow through on assignments

• Ability to work well with people individually and in a group

Term of Service

Members of the NAEO Board are elected for a 3-year term, commencing with their election at the annual conference. Directors are elected by voting members and officers are elected by the Board of Directors. Members may be re-elected for a second 3-year term, but may not serve more than two successive terms.

Time Commitment

Board meetings are held in person, three times a year at different locations across the country. Considering travel time, Board members should set aside 3-4 days for each. Additional meetings are held via conference call and average about 2 hours in length, several times per year.

Board communication between meetings is managed through email. For that reason each Board member must check and reply to email regularly to keep the flow of work in place. Potential Board members should be able to check email at least 4 times a week.

In addition, each Board member is expected to participate on one or more committees or focus groups, which also typically meets once or more a month via conference call.


• Opportunity to make a difference for Amtelco equipment owners

• Gain or enhance experience in building and working with teams

• Increase knowledge of NAEO’s activities and resources

• Develop leadership skills

• Help to shape NAEO’s direction and goals

• Expenses for travel, accommodations, and meals are covered when Board meetings are held in person for all non-conference board meetings

• Board members attend the Annual Conference at half of the regular registration cost


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