I am happy to have you in my English class this year! To do your personal best this year, it is necessary that you and your parents know what is expected of you so that we can all work together to achieve our common goals. The following is a description of the requirements you must meet in order to be most successful.

Grading Policy:

30% Tests and Projects

20% Writing

20% Quizzes

20% Homework

10% Classroom Participation and Behavior

➢ A minimum grade of 7 on a homework assignment and 70 on a test or quiz is considered “passing”. Tests will be corrected in class or independently in order to enhance our learning( All writing work will be done in stages, from pre-writing to final draft and sharing. Be ready and willing to edit and revise more than once. This process makes you a better writer!

Attendance Policy:

➢ Attendance and punctuality relate directly to your performance so please be in class and on time, ready to learn.

➢ You are responsible for all missed work during any absence from class. You are responsible for obtaining and completing any missed homework, quizzes, and tests discussed with Ms. Lund.

➢ You have up to three days to make up any missed assignments. Otherwise, you earn no credit.


➢ All homework is to be completed by the due date.

➢ All quizzes and tests are to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the teacher. This signature counts as a homework grade.

➢ When homework assignments require technology use such as watching instructional videos, written responses using GOOGLE DOCS, Google Classroom, etc., you are responsibility for having access to the technology needed and for abiding by our technology rules.

Classroom Policy:

➢ All school rules must be followed while in the classroom.

➢ I believe all students can learn, demonstrate concern for others, and choose to act responsibly in the classroom.

➢ With your help, we will create a classroom environment that encourages mutual respect and cooperation and that provides opportunities for students to make positive choices regarding their behavior.

➢ Rewards can be earned by completing homework and by displaying positive behaviors that contribute to out learning community.


➢ Your planner, homework folder, pencil case, journal, and binder must be brought to class everyday along with at least two pencils ( in your pencil case) with at least one eraser! Pens are not allowed for completing ANY assigned class or homework, but they may be used when we make corrections in class. If you do not come to class prepared with these items, it will affect your participation grade.

If you come to class EVERYDAY, participate, complete all assignments, and put forth your BEST EFFORT, you will be successful in this class. All contracts and grading policies are at the teacher’s discretion. Please feel free to contact me at rlund@

Thank you!

Ms. Lund (

Please sign and return to Ms. Lund. Please write neatly!!

I have read the contract, and I agree to abide by the conditions stated therein.

Date _____________


Student’s Signature


Parent’s Signature

Concerns/Questions: _____________________________________________________________________




Other Thoughts to Share: ____________________________________________________________________________





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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