
|Cannon Building |STATE OF DELAWARE |Telephone: (302) 744-4500 |

|861 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite 203 |DEPARTMENT OF STATE |Fax: (302) 739-2711 |

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MEETING DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at 2:00 p.m.

PLACE: Public Service Commission, 861 Silver Lake Blvd., First Floor, Dover, Delaware 19904

MINUTES APPROVED: January 9, 2007


Alonzo Kieffer, Professional, President

Jerrold Spilecki, Professional Member, Vice-President

Carolyn Cotter, Public Member

William Daisey, Public Member

Elizabeth Happoldt, Public Member


Chris Spizzirri, Deputy Attorney General

Monique K. Hampton, Administrative Specialist II


Linda Jones, Healthcare Professional Member

Virginia Gray, Professional Member

Lillie Mae Johnson, Public Member, Secretary


Mr. Spilecki called the meeting to order at 2:28 p.m.


The board reviewed the minutes of the September 12, 2006 meeting. Mr. Spilecki made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kieffer, to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion was unanimously carried.


Status Of Proposed Legislation

Mr. Kieffer summarized the proposed changes in the statute that were discussed at the Committee meeting. Some of the proposed changes in the statute are to replace the term “acting” with “temporary”. In addition, the “temporary” administrator will be approved for a temporary license for a period of 3 months but can request a renewal for 6 months. The “temporary” administrator will not be able to serve again as a temporary administrator was the license expires. He advised that a draft of the proposed changes must be submitted to Mr. Collins by November 20, 2006.

Mr. Kieffer advised that the Committee and Mr. Collins discussed the changes with Senator Marshall. The Board reviewed the proposed changes. Ms. Cotter made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey to approve the proposed changes presented by Mr. Kieffer. The motion was unanimously carried. Mr. Spizzirri will draft the proposed legislation which will be submitted to Mr. Collins.


AIT Programs

James R. Bolton – The Board reviewed the final progress reports submitted. Ms. Happoldt made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey to approve Mr. Bolton to sit for the NAB exam. The motion was unanimously carried.

Elmyra King – The Board reviewed the request for approval of AIT program, requests for approval of preceptors and AIT outline. The Board also reviewed a request to shorten the AIT program requirement based on Ms. King’s education and work experience. Ms. Happoldt made a motion, seconded by Ms. Cotter to approve Ms. King’s AIT program for 26 weeks, preceptors and AIT outline, but deny the request to waive the time requirement of the AIT program. The motion was unanimously carried.

Charlotte Brown – The Board reviewed the request for approval of AIT program, requests for approval of preceptors and AIT outline. Ms. Cotter made a motion, seconded by Mr. Kieffer to table the application because clarification was needed to determine whether or not Ms. Brown was applying for licensure or AIT program. If it is an application for the AIT program, Ms. Brown will need to submit an AIT outline. The motion was unanimously carried.

Jeffrey L. Blair – The Board reviewed the AIT progress report. No action was taken.

Laura L. Dittmar – The Board reviewed the request for approval of AIT program, request for approval of AL & SNF preceptors and AIT outline. Mr. Kieffer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey to approve the request for approval of the AL & SNF preceptors but require Ms. Dittmar to submit a new AIT outline. The motion was unanimously carried.

Review of Applications for Licensure as Nursing Home Administrator

The Board reviewed the applications of Michele A. Young, and Edward C. Walter for licensure by reciprocity.

Ms. Cotter made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey to approve Michele A. Young for licensure by reciprocity. The motion was unanimously carried.

Mr. Kieffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Cotter to approve Edward C. Walter for licensure by reciprocity. The motion was unanimously carried.

The Board reviewed the application of Rebecca Edwards for licensure by examination as nursing home administrators. Mr. Kieffer made a motion, seconded by Ms. Cotter to approve Rebecca Edwards for licensure by examination. The motion was unanimously carried.

Review of Applications for Licensure as Acting Administrator

The Board reviewed the application of Versie Smith to serve as the acting administrator for Ingleside Assisted Living facility. Mr. Spilecki mentioned that there was not enough information in the file to warrant an approval. Mr. Smith indicated on his application that he submitted an application to the division for a permanent license. Ms. Hampton offered to check her office to see whether or not a permanent application had been received.

The board took a recess from 4:37 p.m. to 4:47 p.m.

Ms. Hampton reported that there was no other application on file. Mr. Kieffer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey to propose to deny Mr. Smith’s application because there were no transcripts, letters of good standing and the education requirement was not met. The motion was unanimously carried.

Continuing Education

Ms. Cotter made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey, to approve the following programs:

Course Provider: Delaware Health Care Facilities Association

Course: Workforce Retention Through Individualized Care – November 16, 2006 – 5.5 hours

Course: DHCFA Educational Program – December 13, 2006 – 3.0 hrs

Course Provider: Delaware Healthcare Association

Course: Delaware Healthcare Forum – October 17, 2006 - 4.5 hrs

Course Provider: Capitol Healthcare

Course: “Go For The Goal” Leadership Seminar – November 3, 2006 – 6.0 hrs.

The motion was unanimously carried.

Other Business Before the Board (for discussion only)

Mr. Daisey requested the Ms. Hampton include a copy of the Rules & Regulations and Statute in each Board member’s folder for the next meeting. Ms. Hampton agreed to comply with the

request. Mr. Kieffer requested that an item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting to discuss delegating “temporary” license issuance to the administrative specialist or to an individual board member to support the proposed changes in legislation.

Public Comment

There was no public comment.

Next Scheduled Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2007 at 2:00 p.m., in Conference Room B, 861 Silver Lake Blvd, Dover, Delaware 19904.


There being no further business, Mr. Kieffer made a motion, seconded by Mr. Daisey, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 4:02 p.m. The motion was unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Monique K. Hampton

Administrative Specialist II


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