NURSE REGISTRY STATE REGULATION SET CHANGES MADE TO SURVEY STANDARDS & GUIDELINESFollowing is a summary of the changes that were made to the State Regulation Set for Nurse Registries, effective May 4, 2015. SurveyStandardSubjectChangeG 100License Posted Deleted. Use Z 803 instead.G 150 Information to ContractorsRule revisions updated the items to be given to contractors and state that the items may be provided by paper, email or other electronic communication. G 151Communicable DiseaseRevised. The health statement is due from an independent contractor when first referred per rule change. G 152Contractor Registration FoldersFolder items revised per law and rule changes. G 160 AdministratorRemoved the requirement that the administrator be full time. Removed some responsibilities and added other per rule changes. G 168 Availability of Nurse On-call Deleted. Rule was removed due to 2014 law changes.G 169 Home Infusion TherapyCorrected the title of the standard.G 170RN and LPNStandard and guidelines revised to remove supervision and assessment per law and rule changes. G 171 HomemakerStandard has updated rule to report changes in client’s behavior to person designated by client. Adds that NR is not obligated to review records per state law but is not prohibited and may do so. G 172Homemakers and CompanionsDeleted. Training requirement has been removed from rule.G 173CompanionsSame changes as Homemaker G 171. G 174 Access to Files Standard revised to include a rule paragraph that was in G 200 regarding the storage of clinical records and their availability during surveys. G 180Acceptance of PatientsStandard is updated per rule revisions to add the others (ARNP and PA) that can give orders and to update who is notified when services are terminated. Updated surveyor guidelines to remove items not in standard. G 190Plan of TreatmentClarifies that the plan of treatment is for skilled care and includes PA and ARNP that may be responsible.G 200Clinical RecordsClarifies that clinical records are for skilled care. Includes PA and ARNP in addition to physician. Moved one rule paragraph to G 174. Adds another rule paragraph based on 400.506(20), F.S. G 252Confirming LicensureRevises standard to use screen print from Department of Health web site and adds how to report unlicensed nurses and CNAs.G 253Supplemental StaffingRevises standard based on the rule revisions removing the annual evaluation from health facilities. Adds that NR is not obligated to review records per state law but is not prohibited and may do so. Includes requirements from 400.506(19) F.S.G 271Home Health Aide QualificationsStandard is revised to require a certificate or evidence of completion of training from all persons registered since May 4, 2015 from a public vocational technical school or licensed non-public career education school. G 272C.N.A. & Home Health Aide - CPRStandard adds that the CPR certification must be from an instructor that is approved to provide training by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross per rule revision. G 273Evidence of HIV TrainingRevised to show that proof of completion of the HIV/AIDS training is collected from all contractors, not just CNAs and home health aides, as required in 400.506(8)(e), F.S.G 276 C.N.A. & Home Health Aide – RN AvailableUpdated standard to remove sentences that are no longer in law. This standard is only about informing patients that RNs are available to make visits when CNAs and home health aides are referred. G 277C.N.A. & Home Health Aide ResponsibilitiesStandard is revised per rule revision regarding who patient changes are reported to. Updated surveyor guidelines to remove items not in standard. G 278Assistance with MedicationsAdded the rule revision regarding review of medications by a nurse that permits the nurse to review a written list with the dosage, frequency and route of administration. G 279Training on Assistance with MedicationsAdds that training can also be by a provider approved by the Florida Board of Nursing, Department of Health. Removes two paragraphs that are already in G 278.G 290Special Needs RegistrationThere are only minor wording changes in one paragraph due to the 2014 law change re use of the word caregiver. G 291 Emergency Management Plan The Emergency Management Plan has minor updates in legal references and also clarification of wording for Page 7, item D.1. These changes have no impact on nurse registries plans. G 294EM Plan and Patient RecordsRemoved three paragraphs. Two were put with G 298 and one was deleted since it was already in G 290. Revised surveyor guidelines to only be about patient records. G 296Emergency Mgmt and List of MedsRule revision adds PA and ARNP in addition to physician for contact re medications. G 297Emergency Mgmt Plan and Contacting PatientsRule wording change to (9) replacing “imminent threat” with “state of emergency” declared by Governor. Adds paragraph (11) from rule re contacting patients. G 298EM Plan ImplementationMoved paragraphs (7) and (10) of from G 294. Replaced “reasonable efforts” in (10) with specific action for the nurse registry to take. See “Nurse Registry State Regulation Set used by surveyors” at ................

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