A Guide for parents - Pasturesway

center000A guide for parents and carers2018 - 2019Pastures Way Nursery SchoolPastures WayLutonLU4 0PETel/Fax (01582) 600691e-mail: admin@pasturesway.website: Facebook & Twitter: PastureswayPastures WayNursery SchoolHeadteacher: Emma PobjoyChair of Governors: Mr Julius KandekoreChildren and Learning DepartmentLuton Borough CouncilApex House30-34 Upper George StreetLuton LU1 2RD Governing BodyJulius Kandekore (Chair)(Co-opted Governor)Vacancy (Local Authority Governor)Chris Thurston (Vice Chair) (Co-opted Governor)Ben Harris (Co-opted Governor)Debbie Wells (Co-opted Governor)Kate Banville (Co-opted Governor)Atiqah Malek (Parent Governor)Kyumah Onyemekwuru (Parent Governor)Livia Cori-Watts (Parent Governor)Emma Pobjoy (Headteacher)Privacy NoticePastures Way Nursery School is committed to protecting your privacy when you give us your personal data and that of your child.We have a Data Protection Officer who makes sure we respect your rights and follow the law. If you have any concerns or questions about how we look after your personal information, please contact the Data Protection Officer at feedback@.ukData ControllerEmma PobjoyData Protection OfficerYvonne Salvin admin@pasturesway.Personal DataPupils’ Name/Address/Date of Birth/Gender/Medical details/Ethnicity/ReligionParents’ Names/Addresses/Tel no./Email address/Date of Birth/National Insurance No.Purpose for using itTo support your child’s learning and pastoral needsLawful basisTo carry out the performance of a public task and in the public interest of providing education Who we share it withLuton Borough Council / Dfe / NHS / Pre-School Learning AllianceWhy we share it with themStatutory returns for government reporting Educational support e.g. SENCO or educational psychologist (if needed)To safeguard children (if needed) To apply for additional educational funding (if applicable)Any automated decision making2 year funding application & 30 hours eligibility verificationTransfer of data to a non-EU countryN/AExercising your rightsYou have the right to ask us to amend or delete your data as well as transfer it or limit its use. You also have the right to request a review of an automated decision where you think this is wrong.Each request will be considered individually however, where we are required to keep your data by law we may be unable to action your request. In all circumstances we will explain our decision making in writing to youIf you want more information about how we keep your data safe please see our main privacy statement at Pastures Way Nursery School VisionOur vision at Pastures Way Nursery School is to create a setting where children are: ‘Learning through play in a nurturing way’We pride ourselves on our creative curriculum which offers children exciting, challenging experiences in our natural environment. We believe children learn through play, first-hand experience and meaningful conversation. They make sense of the world through exploring and experimenting. We support children’s learning by stimulating their natural curiosity and encouraging independence.What can we offer you?As a Luton Borough Council maintained Nursery School we offer both Nursery education and Childcare. Please see below which is suitable for your needs:Nursery Education We have 3 classes for children aged 3-5 years staffed by teachers and well qualified, experienced practitioners. Each child has a named key person.15 hours per week free Early Years Education to children 3-5 years. This time can be taken over 5 mornings or 5 afternoons.30 hours per week free for qualifying working parents of 3 – 5 year olds. This can be taken flexibly between 8am – 6pm subject to availability. Attendance times must be pre-set termly and are subject to availability.Morning sessions begin at 8.45am and end at 11.45 am. Afternoon sessions begin at 12.45pm and end at 3.45pm.Wrap around care starts at 8am and ends at 6pmWe also offer education for eligible 2 year olds (please ask in the office to find out if you are eligible.Lunchtime is from 11.45am to 12.45pm.Childcare The Nursery School also offers childcare, which you may purchase to suit your needs. We are non-profit making and fees are kept as low as possible. We offer:Care for babies 0-2 year oldsCare for 2-3 year olds Extra hours for 2 – 5 year olds to ‘wrap around’ your Nursery Education place When are we open?Day care is available from 8am – 6pm, Monday – Friday for 48 weeks a year. Day care closes for 5 working days over Christmas and Easter, 2 weeks in August, for all bank holidays and for two whole school training days.Admissions for 2 year funded childrenChildren who have been granted 2 year funding will be admitted the term after their 2nd birthday, under the following criteria:-Children already attending day careVulnerable children, living in Luton, referred by other agencies e.g. social care, health visitors etc.Children living in Luton with special educational needsChildren transferring into Luton already accessing a 2 year funded placeAny other children living in LutonAny other children living outside the areaAdmissions for 3-5 year oldsChildren are offered Nursery Education places the term after their 3rd birthday. They may stay with us until the term after they are 5. Children are offered Education places at Pastures Way Nursery School in order of registration with priority given to children who:already attend day care with us are brothers and sisters of present or past pupilsare transferring into the area from other schoolshave severe and complex needshave other urgent need or circumstanceslength of time on the waiting listProspective parents are welcome to visit the school. Please ring for an appointment, so that we can make sure someone is free to show you around.Early Years Pupil PremiumWith your permission, we can claim additional funding to support children whose families are claiming Income Support or on a low income. When you complete the Admission Form for your child, you will be asked to provide a National Insurance Number and date of birth.For More information speak to Sue Williams, our Office Manager at the school office.Settling your childWe know every child is different and will settle differently, that is why our settling in process is based on each individual child.Understanding our policy:Remember a new experience you once had, it may be going to a new school, a new job or meeting new friends. Remember how it felt. For some it’s exciting, for others it’s scary or even a bit of both…this is how your child is feeling:Excited, scared or maybe even a bit of both!Perhaps you even feel the same?Once your child is confident and happy they will be settled and ready to learn. This makes the settling in process key.Remember:Children and adults need time to adjust to new environments, that includes people, places, experiences and routinesWe encourage families to stay for settling in sessionsThese help you and your child get to know your key person and other staff from the nursery If you trust the staff your child will too, this makes separation easier Separation is different for every family, there is no set time, ease or processWe always follow the child’s lead and take things at the child’s paceWe never allow a parent to leave until the child is readyWe encourage children to bring familiar items to help them feel secure A special item from home can help put children at ease in new environments. Try sending in a special photo, toy or blanket (unwashed is best as it has a familiar smell)Follow the advice of your key personNever just disappear, always say goodbyeRemember you can call and check in at any timeWhatever you and your child feel it’s important to remember your feelings are fine, they are normal and we have dealt with them many times before.We are here to help so do not hesitate to ask for municationSeeing and talking to you every day helps us to understand your child and their needs better. Understanding our policy:We will share with you all important information about your child Please share with us any information that may help us understand your child better This means we can provide better care for them when they are at nursery.Remember when dropping off:Always say hello to a member of staff you knowUpdate staff with any important informationAt the start of the session take your child to their classSign them in and put on their badgeHelp them find their peg and hang their coatHelp your child with self-registration Stay and Play (just for a while), help your child find an exciting activity, play with them until they are settledWhen they are settled say goodbye and leave straight awayRemember when picking up:Always say goodbye to a member of staffGive staff time to update you on any important informationSign your child outCheck your letter pocket for any lettersCheck your child’s drawer for clothes and creationsPut your child’s badge backPick up at the right time, interrupting ‘Quality Time’ disrupts children’s learning. Parents who are consistently late will be charged.We will never let children leave with anyone who we do not know or who are under 16For support with drop off and pick up please speak to your key person.Opportunities for information sharingDaily when you drop off or pick up feel free to tell us anything. If you need longer to talk we can arrange a timeSpecial daysThrough the learning journeysParent meetings three times a yearReporting to ParentsHome Visits and Settling-In ReviewWe begin our partnership with parents by home visiting all the children before they start at Nursery. This is your chance to tell us about your child. After 6 weeks, you will be offered the opportunity for a review of your child’s settling in. Learning Journey We keep a record of what your child is learning in a special book that we call a ‘Learning Journey’. Each term you will have an opportunity to share your child’s Learning Journey with your key worker. In this book, we put photos of your child, samples of their work and write observations about their learning. Your child’s key person will show you where your child’s Learning Journey is kept – please look at it and contribute whenever you choose. All children are given their Learning Journey to keep when they leave, as a record of their time with us.Talking and Thinking Photo Books – these reflect groups of children’s interests and can be found around the classrooms – please have a look to see what exciting activities have been going on in nursery.Parent/Staff Consultation Days are 3 times per year. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress with your key person.End of Year Reports are given out to the children who are leaving, at the end of the summer term.Our End of Year Celebration each July is for all families. The children who are leaving us take part in a Graduation Ceremony to mark the end of their time with us and the start of their new journey.Our FamiliesPastures Way is a diverse setting supporting families from the local community through the teaching of British Values. We welcome every family and support all equally.Understanding our policy:Equality is not giving everyone the same, it is giving everyone what they need to succeed…this is what we do at Pastures Way.Remember:Pastures Way Nursery School is a designated provision for a small number of children with severe and complex needs. The school is committed to inclusion. We believe in equality of opportunity for all. Girls and boys are encouraged to join in all activities on offer. We believe that all children have the right to learn and play together.English as an Additional Language:Many children learn their first language at home and begin learning English when they start nursery. Some families speak two or more languages at home. Children with good knowledge of their home language learn English more easily when they start Nursery. We provide access to specific activities and a differentiated curriculum which supports and extends their English language learning. If your child is learning English as an additional language, please help at home: Encourage your child to learn both languagesSpeak to your child in your home languagePlay games, sing songs and tell stories in your home language.Religious Education:Through our curriculum we give children opportunities to talk about their own, and others, significant and special events. We want to strengthen the positive impressions children have of their own cultures and faiths, and those of others, by sharing and celebrating a range of practices and special events. If you prefer not to have your child join in any activity, please let staff know. Behaviour:We have a policy for positive behaviour management for all the children and staff are happy to tell you how this works for your child. Staff do not shout at children except in a real emergency to warn of danger. Children are shown how to care for one another and for the world we share. We use positive language, describing what we want them to do, labelling good behaviour and praising children who are helpful, trying hard and being kind. Please explain to your child that they should always tell an adult if they are ever upset or hurt. Minor arguments are part of growing up and, where possible, we help children to settle things fairly for themselves. Children’s feelings are acknowledged but they are not allowed to hurt others or spoil their fun. Children’s behaviour is supported through a range of activities and through the teaching of our Values and British Values.Healthy LifestylesPastures Way has an onsite kitchen offering a variety of healthy food and snacks. We have gained the Family Food First Award which recognises that we are a healthy eating school. Understanding our policy:We believe it is important for children to learn about healthy food and healthy lifestyles, we teach this through a range of exciting activities. Babies Feeds Please provide all feeds daily (milk powder, jars and sealed tubs), until your child is ready to eat nursery meals and snacks. Feeds are name tagged on arrival and stored in the milk kitchen fridge until needed. You must give written instructions for the preparation / heating of food and sign a ‘lunch’ form.Nursery MealsThe menus for breakfast, lunch and tea are displayed in the entrance hall. Please note:2 – 5 year olds in nursery across the lunchtime period may purchase a lunch or have a free school meal if eligibleBabies in nursery across the lunchtime period will be offered a free mealSorry, no packed lunchesHealthy snacks are provided for all children at no costIf children participate in a cooking activity, the food is usually shared between the children at the snack table.Birthdays at NurseryChildren’s birthdays are celebrated in the classroom with their friends. In line with the Family Food First Award – please do not send in cakes or sweet treatsAlso in line with the Family Food First Award, sweets, biscuits, crisps or fizzy drinks are not to be eaten on the premisesPlease let us know if your child has any special dietary requirements. If your child has an allergy you will be asked to bring us a letter from your doctor – please see your key person for further information.Toileting and Changing NappiesPlease try to teach your child to use the toilet, flush the toilet and to wash and dry their hands before they start nursery. If your child is not yet toilet trained please ensure you send enough nappies, wipes, cream and spare clothes. When your child starts we can offer help and advice on toilet training - please ask your key person. Teaching and Learning in NurseryChildren register on arrival.Morning Quality Time takes place between 9-9.15 am and 11.30 – 11.40 am and in the afternoon between 1.oo -1.15 pm and 3.30 – 3.40 pm. We place high importance on Quality Time. It is an important part of the day where children spend time with their key person, reflecting on their learning and taking part in activities that promote ‘our values’. You will not be able to drop off or collect your child during Quality Time as it disturbs the group.Children are regularly allowed to ‘free flow’ around the nursery for 1 hour 15 minutes. They are free to choose where in the nursery they would like to play and will have access to all areas, including the baby room, Sycamore room and the 3 – 5 rooms.Our Curriculum -3429004635500Background: Children aged 0-5 follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The seven areas of learning and development shape activities and experiences for children in Early Years settings.The curriculum is divided into:3 Prime Areas – these lay the foundations for children’s success in learning and in life:Personal Social and Emotional DevelopmentCommunication and LanguagePhysical Development4 Specific Areas – these provide the range of experiences and opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills:LiteracyMathematicsUnderstanding the WorldExpressive Arts and DesignInformation about the curriculum is displayed around the nursery to help you understand what we do. We observe your children carefully and use what we see to plan exciting activities that will interest them and help them learn, using natural materials whenever possible.Messy PlayPlease understand that messy play and outdoor play are a big part of our curriculum. Be warned your child is likely to get dirty!!Your child may wear any comfortable, easy to wash clothes to school, but if you would like to buy a school sweatshirt, polo shirt or hat, please ask in the office.Please do not send your child to school in new, expensive or ‘designer’ clothes. We all get dirty - even with aprons on.Don’t forget to name all clothes as soon as possible especially coats/hats/gloves and scarves! ‘Reduce, Re-use, recycle’ – please consider donating your child’s school uniform when they leave or grow out of it.Outdoor PlayUnderstanding our Policy: Outdoor play and physical exercise is very important for children’s learning, health and overall development. Even our youngest children regularly spend time outside each day, unless the weather is unusually severe.Remember:Children can choose to be indoors or outdoors in all weather. A wide range of activities are on offer in our under 3s & 3-5s playgrounds and our shared ‘jungle’ garden area. If you do not feel your child is well enough to enjoy outdoor play, please keep them at home until they are well enough to do so. left000Research shows Outdoor Play does not cause colds or ill health, and children who have a cold will not come to harm if they are well clothed and kept warm.The Children’s Play Council has carried out some research which shows that children who have easy, regular access to outdoor, energetic play:Are better at physical tasks e.g. doing up a coat, neat hand writing and so on.Are fitter and are more able to keep up with their friends in the playground at school.Are less likely to become stressed and anxious.Outdoor Play ClothingAll children need clothing that is labelled with their name.In cold weather children outdoors need:Layers of clothing – vest, t-shirt, fleece, hat, socks and/or tightsWaterproof boots or shoesWaterproof, warm coatScarf and glovesIn warm weather children outdoors need:SunhatsSun creamLight clothing that covers shouldersClosed in shoes – not flip flops – to avoid injury to feetNatural ThinkersNatural Thinkers is a programme that supports teachers and practitioners in connecting children with nature, through practical activities that are inspiring and motivating. It aims to promote children’s health and emotional well-being. Throughout the year your child will access natural activities around the nursery and also attend specialised sessions engaging in exciting outdoor learning and community activities. Treasure Baskets & Heuristic Play - For Babies and under 2s Treasure Baskets: Babies learn by actively doing, engaging life with all their senses and limbs. As well as providing space for them to develop their motor abilities, we need to nurture their curiosity. In the Baby Room, we offer Treasure Baskets to our not yet mobile babies. These provide objects of various sensory qualities for the babies to investigate. In the process of enjoying the activity, babies learn about their world. Heuristic Play:Heuristic means to ‘find out’ and ‘discover’. In our Baby and Toddler Rooms, we give our mobile babies and under 2s Heuristic Play Sessions. The children are given many different kinds of household objects and containers with which they play freely without adult intervention. They use them to gather, fill, dump, stack, knock down, select and manipulate in other ways. As every parent knows, these types of objects can occupy a child for surprising stretches of time. When under 2s make an enjoyable discovery – they often repeat the action several times to test the result. Heuristic Play strengthens cognitive development, social development as well as fine muscle control and hand/eye coordination. 046609000Learning AreasBackground: We believe children have opportunities to learn throughout the setting therefore we do not have specific areas for certain areas of the curriculum. For instance, you will find children engaged in mathematical and literacy activities throughout the setting and not just in one set area. Painting, workshop, sand, water, clay and playdough can all be found in Olive ClassWriting Table, Investigation Area, Calm Room and Sensory Room (with bubble tube and fibre optics) can be found in Willow Class Snacks (including a carbohydrate / fruit / milk / water) are available for children to independently access throughout the session. The Home Corner, Small world and role play area can be found in Maple Class ValuesValues Education helps support and develop children’s personal, social and emotional development.? Each term staff and children focus on a value and embed it into the learning happening around the nursery.? The Values include; Love, Companionship and Belief.? Children respond really well to this approach and we really believe it helps develop their sense of right and wrong and their relationships. Safeguarding Proceduresleft62865000Understanding our Policy:We are committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of our children, and follow the child protection procedures in accordance with guidelines from Luton Safeguarding Children Board. Our policy is available from the office on request and on our website.The designated people responsible for safeguarding are Emma Pobjoy and Maria Sage.In the interest of protecting children and staff: - As we have pupils who have life threatening NUT allergies we ask that no open food is brought into our school.Our centre is a mobile-free zone - if you are staying to settle a new child, please turn your phone off. Please do not ask a member of staff to join your social networking site (e.g. Facebook)If with have any concerns around a child one of our staff members will discuss these with youLuton Borough Council will not tolerate verbal or physical aggression towards staff. Staff are expected to be treated with respectHealth and Safety GuidelinesPlease ensure emergency contact numbers are kept up to date. Please telephone us if your child is goingto be absent.If your child is ill please keep them at home and call us to let us know the problem.If a child comes to school with any kind of injury e.g. scratch or a bruiseour staff need to record this so please be prepared to explain what happenedWe are sorry, but parents of children booked in for care are still required to pay fees if their children are ill. Please let us know of any medical conditions your child may have so that we can give the best possible care. If your child uses an inhaler, please ask your doctor for a spare to be left in school. We can only administer medicines prescribed by a doctor, with a pharmacy label which includes the name of your child. Any child who has had sickness or diarrhoea must stay at home for at least 48 hours after the last bout. This is to help stop spreading the infection to other children and staff.It is against the law to smoke anywhere within the school and its grounds.If your child wears earrings, please ensure they only wear sleepers or studs in nursery.AccidentsIf your child has a minor accident in school, you will be given a slip telling you what happened. Many of our staff are First Aid trained, and so are able to give basic treatment. If we are at all concerned, we will contact you immediately.Arriving and LeavingWhen taking your child to and from their class always close the gates behind you.Hold your child’s hand when leaving the building to make sure they do not run ahead and possibly out by the road. When leaving through the front door and front gate, please ensure another child is not following you unaccompanied. Emergency ContactsIt is very important to keep all contact numbers up to date. If you are unable to pick up your child from school during the day, you must arrange for someone to do this for you in an emergency. Please plan for your child’s care - before it happens. Fire EvacuationThe children and staff take part in a Fire Evacuation practice at least once a term. If you are in the building at this time will need to exit and follow staff to an assembly point located either at the front gate or in the jungle garden.Lock DownIf there is another type of emergency for example a terror threat we will go into lock down. If this happens when you are in the building please follow your child to their class ‘quiet room’ where you will await further instructions.ParkingParking is often difficult along Pastures Way. If you live nearby it may be quicker (and certainly healthier) to walk. Do not park on any of the yellow lines or in front of the barrier. This is our only emergency exit and must be kept clear at all times. The police make regular checks along the front of the school and will prosecute drivers parked illegally.School Travel PlanOur focus for the School Travel Plan is the safety of children as passengers in cars arriving and leaving school. We would like to remind parents to:Always use a car seat and seat belt even for short trips.Always open the passenger door nearest the pavement when letting children out.Set a good example when you cross the road. Always find a safe place to cross, then stop and look both ways.Never leave a child unattended in a parked car – even for a minute, even if they are asleep, even if it is snowing!To encourage families to leave the car at home, we have a buggy park at the front of the nursery and a scooter pod to safely park children’s scooters. Locks are available from the officePhotographsWe often use photographs, audio or video tape of children in the Nursery to record their achievements and progress. Photos may also be used for training, promotional materials and on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please read the photograph agreement form and sign to give your consent. When your child leaves the Nursery, you will be given many of the photographs to keep in your child’s Learning Journey. Snow Policy Wherever possible we strive to remain open during severe weather conditions but on rare occasions we may have to close. Information will be put on our website and the Luton Borough Council website so please check in those circumstances.Our Governing BodyThe Governing Body is responsible for monitoring and evaluating our nursery’s performance.It is responsible for all aspects of the nursery’s administration including the appointment of staff, the delivery of the curriculum, the management and control of the budget and the implementation of the Development Plan.The Governors give advice and support to the Headteacher and the nursery staff.The Governing Body is made up of representatives from teachers, support staff, parents, the Local Authority and the community.If you want to tell us anything about your experience at the nursery please contact any of the staff or the parent governors.More information about the governors is displayed on the notice board in the corridor.InspectionOur latest Education Inspection for both care and education was in September 2017.We were proud to be rated ‘a good school’.Please ask in the office if you would like a copy of our most recent Ofsted reports for Education and Childcare both of which were very plaints ProcedureIf you have any concerns or wish to discuss the setting with staff please speak to your key person. If this does not resolve the issue please ask to speak to a member of the Senior leadership Team. Our complaints policy and procedure is available in school and a copy will be given on request to any person wishing to make a complaint. A copy of our complaints policy is available in other languages.A final Note…We are really proud of our school and the children. We are sure your child will have a wonderful time learning with us.Remember we are here to help you and your child, if there is anything else you need just ask and staff will be happy to help. ................

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