Graveyard book audiobook cast


Graveyard book audiobook cast

Fans of Neil Gaiman are all excited with HarperAudio's latest offering ? a full voiceover audio book cast for Gaiman's multi-awarded children's fantasy novel, The Graveyard Book. Neil Gaiman and HarperAudio pull out all the stops here, as the full voiceover cast is headed by no less than Sir Derek Jacobi, OBE as the audio book's narrator. The twotimed Laurence Olivier Award and Tony Award recipient is known for his "forceful and commanding" presence in the stage. More recently, the English theatre actor and director has lent his voice to audio book versions of the Iliad, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis and two abridged versions of I, Claudius by Robert Graves. Another notable cast member is Miriam Margolyes, OBE who voices the characters Mrs. Owens and Miss Lupescu. The Australian character actress and voice artist is best known for her BAFTA Award winning role in The Age of Innocence and as Professor Sprout in the Harry Potter film series. The brooding Silas will be voiced by Julian Rhind-Tutt. The London born actor is best known for his starring role as Dr. "Mac" Macartney in the comedy television series Green Wing and has also done several radio programmes, recently as Lewis Carroll in Alice Through the Looking Glass in 2012. And of course, the lead character, Nobody "Bod" Owens will be voiced by Robert Madge. The 18-year old musical theatre actor is best known for his West End roles for Oliver! as Artful Dodger and in Les Mis?rables as Gavroche. The Graveyard Book is primarily about the orphaned boy Nobody "Bod" Owens who was adopted and raised by ghosts in a graveyard where he crawled to after his parents were murdered. Gaiman fans are in eager anticipation for this deliciously haunting, magical and humorous novel as they get a taste of how the stop-motion movie version may be played out. Watch the cast give you a sneak peek of one of Gaiman's most loved novels. This latest audio book will be on sale from HarperAudio on the 30th of September, 2014. Already a member? Sign In Not a member? Join today and start saving. Sign Up for Free! Neil Gaiman fans, rejoice! There are now TWO wonderful versions of THE GRAVEYARD BOOK to listen to. As narrator, Derek Jacobi does the heavy lifting in this full-cast recording, with other cast members voicing characters' dialogue. It all fits together seamlessly as listeners are swept, entranced and intrigued, into the magical story. Robert Madge sounds perfectly wide-eyed, curious, and boyish voicing Bod, the boy raised in a graveyard by ghosts. Miriam Margolyes's considerable talents shine as Bod's nurturing adoptive mother, Mrs. Owens, and as his teacher, Miss Lupescu. And Julian Rhind-Tutt is deliciously grave as Silas, Bod's mysterious guardian. The cast is uniformly excellent, giving broad or subtle performances as appropriate, and the overall effect is to enhance the sense of the graveyard as a community, and of the dangers lurking outside it. J.M.D. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award, 2015 Audies Winner ? AudioFile 2014, Portland, Maine [Published: OCTOBER 2014] Trade Ed. ? Harper Audio ? 2014 CD ISBN 9780062364463 $27.99 ? Seven CDs DD ISBN 9780062363565 $21.99 Audie Award, Distinguished Achievement in Production, 2015 A full-cast audio edition of a perennial favorite - The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, which has sold over one million copies. Special content in this edition includes the story behind The Graveyard Book, written and performed by Neil Gaiman. The Graveyard Book is the winner of the Newbery Medal and the Carnegie Medal (the only novel to ever win both awards), the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the Locus Award for Young Adult Book, and Audiobook of the Year. This full-cast audio edition is performed by Neil Gaiman, Derek Jacobi, Robert Madge, Clare Corbett, Miriam Margolyes, Andrew Scott, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Emilia Fox, Reece Shearsmith, Lenny Henry, Elizabeth Bennett, Allan Corduner, Sean Baker, Tim Dann, Adjoa Andoh, Jenny Gannon, Dan Weyman, and Daniel Brocklebank. Nobody Owens, known to his friends as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a sprawling graveyard, being raised and educated by ghosts, with a solitary guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor of the dead. There are dangers and adventures in the graveyard for a boy. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, then he will come under attack from the man Jack - who has already killed Bod's family.... Magical, terrifying, and filled with breathtaking adventures, The Graveyard Book by beloved master storyteller Neil Gaiman is sure to enthrall listeners of all ages. The Girl Who Drank the MoonA young girl raised by a witch, a swamp monster, and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon must unlock the dangerous magic buried deep inside her in this epic coming-of-age fairy tale from the highly acclaimed author of The Witch's Boy. Every year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest. They hope this sacrifice will keep her from terrorizing their town. But the witch in the forest, Xan, is kind and gentle. She shares her home with a wise Swamp Monster named Glerk and a Perfectly Tiny Dragon, Fyrian. Xan rescues the abandoned children and delivers them to welcoming families on the other side of the forest, nourishing the babies with starlight on the journey. One year, Xan accidentally feeds a baby moonlight instead of starlight, filling the ordinary child with extraordinary magic. Xan decides she must raise this girl, whom she calls Luna, as her own. When Luna approaches her thirteenth birthday, her magic begins to emerge on schedule--but Xan is far away. Meanwhile, a young man from the Protectorate is determined to free his people by killing the witch. Soon, it is up to Luna to protect those who have protected her--even if it means the end of the loving, safe world she's always known. The acclaimed author of The Witch's Boy has created another epic coming-of-age fairy tale destined to become a modern classic.The Higher Power of LuckyBONUS FEATURE: Exclusive Author Interview Lucky, age ten, can't wait another day. The meanness gland in her heart and the crevices full of questions in her brain make running away from Hard Pan, California (population 43), the rock-bottom only choice she has. It's all Brigitte's fault?for wanting to go back to France. Guardians are supposed to stay put and look after girls in their care! Instead Lucky is sure that she'll be abandoned to some orphanage in Los Angeles where her beloved dog, HMS Beagle, won't be allowed. She'll have to lose her friends Miles, who lives on cookies, and Lincoln, future U.S. president (maybe) and member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers. Just as bad, she'll have to give up eavesdropping on twelve-step anonymous programs where the interesting talk is all about Higher Powers. Lucky needs her own?and quick. But she hadn't planned on a dust storm. Or needing to lug the world's heaviest survival-kit backpack into the desert.The thrilling, wintry Nordic tale by Neil Gaiman, who weaves a magical story of legend and adventure that will enchant readers from beginning to end. Odd, a young Viking boy, is left fatherless following a raid. In his icy, ancient world there is no mercy for an unlucky soul with a crushed foot and no one to protect him. Fleeing to the woods, Odd stumbles upon and releases a trapped bear...and then Odd's destiny begins to change. The eagle, bear, and fox Odd encounters are Norse gods, trapped in animal form by the evil frost giant who has conquered Asgard, the city of the gods. Now our hero must reclaim Thor's hammer, outwit the frost giants and release the gods... Day folk and night folk, take note! This is now available over on A brand-new full cast audio edition of Neil Gaiman's Newbery Award-winning novel, The Graveyard Book (on-sale: 9/30/14 from HarperAudio). Special content in this edition includes the story behind The Graveyard Book, written and read by Neil Gaiman. Cast: Derek Jacobi: Narrator Robert Madge: Nobody Owens Clare Corbett: Scarlett Perkins Miriam Margoles: Mrs. Owens and Miss Lupescu Andrew Scott: That Man Jack and Jay Frost Julian Rhind-Tutt: Silas Emilia Fox: Liza Hempstock Reece Shearsmith: Jack Dandy, the Sleer, and Mr. Kirby Lenny Henry: Honorable Archibald Fitzhugh Neil Gaiman: Reads an essay about the creation of The Graveyard Book and performs the part of Nehemiah Trott Ensemble: Elizabeth Bennett, Allan Corduner, Sean Baker, Tim Dann, Adjoa Andoh, Jenny Gannon, Dan Weyman, and Daniel Brocklebank Featuring music by B?la Fleck Posted by Jesse Willis

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